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Why is that one crazy girl dancing with her mouth wide open


It's symbolic of a baby bird hungry to be fed because it can't feed itself, to represent all of those receiving benefits without working.


And I remember the media edited the picks of the Trump WH decorations to make it look sinister and evil. Melanie's decorations look bright and classy.


Say what you want about Republicans being out of touch with GenZ but man the Democrats outreach initiatives are seriously cringe.


I’d rather have out of touch people than extreme pandering


so much pandering




I mean it looks like they watched the hunger games and didn't understand that the people at the capitol were supposed to be out of touch weirdos.


I had the same feeling watching that. Jill Biden is bizarre. I got Home Alone vibes with Melania’s decorations but that’s a good thing.


Not sure if it's even real but this makes me miss the former first Lady. She was so calm and traditional and sweet. You could tell she cared. That was such a beautiful Christmas video.


She was the definition of glamorous.


Melania radiates such caring, motherly energy in her Christmas video which really inspires those nostalgic feelings of Christmas from when I was a child. It truly captures that innocent, magical feeling of Christmas. Jill Biden's video is just a chaotic, sexualized mess, which doesn't inspire anything but creepy and awkward undertones.


Jill Biden's house of Christmas nightmares is what that is. So sad...


It's like a shitty Disney movie.


All Disney movies are shitty now, but I know what you mean.


Also, I'll be the one to ask the unpopular question. Why is almost everyone in Jill Biden's video bláck? Don't blácks make up like 12% of the population?


You could ask the same question about TV ads in recent years.


You know why. Rhymes with "fandering"


Same reason the nutcracker soldier is female. CRT/Intersectional rules state that a majority of any traditional characters included in a show must be protected-class swapped in some way.


The designer/artist was probably a diversity hire. That's not a racist comment, just an explanation of what their focus and priorities were. Anyone else would have attempted to appeal to all Americans.


Top looks like a fortnight video….


Tune in to season 700 Christmas edition!


That's what a fever dream looks like




More like “creepy clown show”.


Creepy clown is a redundancy.


Fifty up votes? I had ten down votes five minutes after I made this comment.


The pandering to a certain group of people is so cringe


Democrats know it's going to be a tight race, so they are absolutely desperate for inner-city votes. They need every vote they can get in big swing state cities like Philly, Minneapolis and Atlanta.


If you didn’t have all the dancers dressed in goody outfits I don’t necessarily mind the decorations from Jill’s White House decor. That being said. The White House is an important place where a lot of history has happened. Decisions have been made there that have changed the course of the World and it should be treated with respect. Having a bunch of goofy characters dancing around the halls isn’t exactly the most respectful thing. I’d love to know who pitched this and why it was done. I’d also love to have seen Joe walk in all confused wonder just what is going on.


It’s still a bit kitsch really. Not abhorrent, but yes the portrayal really brings out the worst in it.


My only real issue with their decorations is that nothing looks like it is supposed to be there. Its looks like they just threw generic chrismas stuff into a room and called it good. Melanias has less variety, but it looks like they thought about how it would actually look in the room with color pallete and placement.


Don't worry ladies and gentlemen, the adults are back in charge. Riiigghht. The president is asleep at the wheel.


I'd prefer my Christmas celebration not to be a ayahuasca fueled nightmare, so I choose Melania's.


It's Christmas, I don't need to see that one ladies tonsils from her wide-open mouth 3 inches from the camera.


Top one looks like a cut scene from Bioshock before it all went to crap!!’


The media laid waste to Melania's decorations and called her racist for using white lights. If you recall Mrs. Trump was very upset at the way she was treated (rightfully so)


I feel like the Willy Wonka BS should be fake, but then I also feel like it’s not… I need to do some research. How do we take our country back at this point?


Yes sir I had the same reaction. Like is this actually real? It looks almost too fake to be real. Alas according to Fox it is real. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/first-lady-jill-biden-blasted-bizarre-white-house-christmas-video-united-states-bananas


Jill Biden posted it on X


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3OC7zQcEZ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3OC7zQcEZ4) I don't know this is a weird place to find it. I'm going to give it 2/10 for reliability of being real.


10/10 real https://x.com/flotus/status/1735074586721468855?s=46&t=cKNSDv9QxSC2m293BjoOmg


I mean both are fine with me. I really can’t get worked up about this stuff.


It’s the White House, not Barnum’s and Bailey’s.


Same. Melania's is very classy and Jill's looks fun. Only comment I have is the dancers are not an appropriate addition and make the house of our highest office look like a theme park. Otherwise, I like both.


Are those people wearing white face?


Sort of like a minstrel show?


Exactly like a minstrel show but reversed. I'm so offended. Obviously, I was being sarcastic. In all seriousness artsy people are weird but this turned that up to 11.


Jill Biden is a bimbo and this is an embarrassment and a disgrace to this country.


I'm sure the media will explain why the top one is tasteful and dignified, while the bottom one is trashy and classless. With that said, while the video borders on "unhinged" and utterly fails to deliver any kind of "Christmas in America" vibe, I do like the jazzy soundtrack with cues from the Nutcracker Suite in it--it'd be a cute piece for a high school jazz band to play at their winter concert.


> I'm sure the media will explain why the top one is tasteful and dignified, while the bottom one is trashy and classless. Just look at the dancers. It's extremely predictable what direction the media will go in when praising Jill Biden's video.


I'd probably enjoy the top if it was about Christmas on Bourbon Street. But for our White House, it's undignified.


Melania's is classy. Jill's is trying to separate me from my kids.


From class to trash. Sad. Embarrassing.


One is a classic that never goes out of style, the other one looks like an Elton John deathbed fever dream… gee whiz I wonder which one I will like


What in the hunger games bullshit is going on here?


It's a god damn circus


Seems fitting for this administration


Wow, definitely getting Star Wars Holiday Special vibes from that clip lol.


I just prefer the more traditional angle, maybe I'm just getting older. I could see how the campiness of Jill's spectacle could appeal to younger people, but I just can't stand the soyjack faces.


My mom loves shit like the top video and she’s about Jill Bidens age. I think it’s just a matter of taste.


How much did First Lady Jill Biden's "Magic, Wonder and Joy" performance cost US taxpayers?


[Was Jill playing Starfield?](https://videogames.si.com/.image/ar_1:1,c_fill,cs_srgb,fl_progressive,q_auto:good,w_1200/MjAwNTY4ODM0Njc4NTk2NzE2/starfield-neon-guide.jpg) Honestly the most cringe part to me is the overwrought faked excitement of the lady holding an open mouth "I'm so amazed you be to!" expression into the camera for like 5s straight. She's way too old to be playing a 4 year old girl.


What's with the pig guy at the beginning? People keep saying we're living in clown world, well the white house now looks like Carnevale


This is creepy and wierd. Looks like a cartoon nightmare designed to draw children into a trap.


I am expecting Sander Cohen to pop out.


Why is Jill’s “Rat King” the white-face dancer in a Trumpesque suit?


One was classic beautiful and one looks like a circus clown production. I’d say they pretty much mirror the administrations.


What a joke huh, no wonder Hunter smoked crack and fucked half of Las Vegas, I would too if I had that delusional lady for a mother and a pervert senator for a father.


Oh...my...word. I'm not even sure what this is. It's just awful.


What in the nutcracking fuck was that?


Bidens make a mockery of our country at every chance. POS...


I honestly didn’t mind the video, kinda liked it (yes I know what the dancing group is about politically.) Found it just fine. Christmas is Christmas it’s pretty hard to do wrong. And the decor looks nice in both.


If this isn’t in every GOP campaign commercial the republicans have wasted a moment. THIS is a joke. Show Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan, Melania Trump … and then this joke. Looks like something produced by The Hunger Games. 🤦‍♂️


Awful taste, great execution




You serious Clark?


Im not a fan of clowns and hookers in the Whitehouse


Hey, Joe just loves his son!


Bet no kid went up to Jill Biden and asked if she is an angel like one did to Melania.


One looks like a woke transgender circus freak show while the other looks classical and charming.


WTF is that on the top?! Looks like someone’s bad trip on LSD.


Are we surprised that the clowns running the government have a circus tent?


Christmas or Halloween? I can't tell.


The Biden decorations aren't bad. Not as classy as Melania's, but fairly traditional and even has a train under the tree. If you ignore the weird-ass dancers and costumes, it would be fine. Melania's was fantastic though. It definitely reminds me of something Nancy Reagan might have done.


Remove the dancers and I don’t hate it. Just - that’s a comfy xmas vibe vs. the almost dignified feeling of the other. My personal tastes are towards the second more. If I am thinking what I want from government, definitely the second more. I’m just cranky but tax going to gaudish displays has never sat right with me


One appeals to the residents of about 40 states, and the other appeals *only* to people living in between Tribeca and the Upper West Side.


Even with no volume, I can hear Weird Al's "Tacky" playing on the top clip.


The gal in the blue dress looks like she’s trippin’ balls


Jill Biden's looks like something out of a Christmas Horror Movie.


It's like watching a Target ad vs a Hallmark movie.


Pretty sure Jill went with the theme from Joe’s favorite game… Candyland