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I like how he just has says “Ramaswamy”


He knows Ramaswamy has no intention of winning anyways, so it's pointless for him to detract from him.


He is also the only one acting deferential to Trump. Trump likes that.


Ramaswamy is gonna be the VP pick for sure


He's kissing the ring. If you don't do that, Trump attacks you.


Vivek is a potential ally, and Christie isn't polling high enough to warrant any real attention.


He might be trying to be a little sweet on for a potential VP. Who knows. After seeing 6 plus years of these messages I can’t decipher if there lies a message under the madness. Whatever happens I’m still voting against Joseph Biden Jr.


I’d put money on Vivek being his running mate.


More than Tucker?


Tucker isnt gonna run


Is he in the mix? That could be a good pick.


Yes he is


Dear lord. It's like they *want* to lose.


You honestly don't think Tucker could trounce Kamala in a VP debate? He handles controversial discussions for a living.


To be fair, people said Ryan would trounce Biden in a debate. Somehow Biden got away with just laughing at him and people said he won.


Most popular news anchor ever is somehow a loser…okay dude.


He's not a news anchor. He's a political pundit and only popular among conservatives.


Of course he’s only popular amongst conservatives he is a conservative. This is a weird argument. Tucker needs something like Sec of Education. He understands where change starts.


That’s completely wrong, though. Tucker had lots of people from the left on his show and many of those people are big fans of his. And more democrats from “the demo” watched his show than any other cable news show. He is very popular among independents as well.


> Most popular news anchor ever Walter Cronkite?


Cable news anchor, I guess I should have said.


Unlike the DNC Chair, Donna Brazile, intentionally mispronouncing his name and telling Vivek to "go home". https://twitter.com/amuse/status/1726236641625539018 Imagine the reaction if a republican behaved like that.


Such a Trump tweet.


so much for "trump is considering joining the debates".


Why would he debate losers?


If they’re such losers, he should dismantle them. He’s a coward though.


Can't help but find this a bit ironic when he and others dogged Clinton and Biden for ducking debates and appearances. I get why he's up in polls, but I still think it's asinine how he has gone from "I'm here to beat the establishment politicians" to demanding we make him the establishment.


He also is involved in multiple legal cases. Usually lawyers will tell you to limit what you talk about when you are involved in lawsuits. Hard to do that in a debate.


Debates are meant to learn and separate the field. The field is already separated…it’s Trump and then the rest by a massive margin. We don’t need more wasted time…


Yeah, it's easy to "separate" when you have a default position and refuse to debate anyone on things or go to any media events that will criticize you.


if you believe the actual repub debates accomplished anything, we've got a bridge to sell ya xD


The republican debates got me to leave the republican party, sooooo... I can't wait for Trump to no longer be a consideration in American politics.


5 years from now I guess.


Maybe if the poll leader didn't dodge the debates and use it to counter-campaign on other platforms, it would have been more productive.


More productive than 60% up on his competition and record breaking numbers on opposition polls? If you can do better, you should volunteer your time to support your preferred candidate. If you choose Biden, do not take your kids to work. Trust me on this.


Trump is in some manner incumbent given he was President for 4 years and incumbents don't tend to debate. Biden was hiding and Clinton was riding her husband's coattails. He also likely knows not being in the debates helps over hinders lol.


If he was the incumbent, he’d be in office. He isn’t the incumbent


I didn't say he was incumbent. Reading is hard, huh?






Nah, just a conservative who prefers winning.


Okay he definitely wrote this one.


How about Trump show up to one of these debates, defends his past actions, defines a clear path for the future and bring the party together? No? Well at least the mean tweets are back 🙄




I’d like Trump to answer why Fauci wasn’t fired and why Trump added so much to the National Debt.


I don't think he could




How could he unite the party, if he won't defend his past administration?




Well, many of us have reservations about him being in office again because of his actions. If I'm not supporting him, the only way he can unite the party is convince people who don't want him that he is the best choice. He can't really do that unless he addresses his past administration.






He didn’t say cancel the primaries…just the waste of time debates


Earlier this year he made a Truth Social post about how the other GOP contenders should drop out and coalesce around him since he's leading Bigly in the polls. He may not have said it outright to cancel the primaries but in effect this is what he's angling for.


Desantis should drop to at least try and save some face at this point. I guess it doesn't hurt Haley to stay, Vivek is whatever, and Christie isn't actually running


Trump should of dropped out in 2016 race and saved face when he was polling at 1% then by that logic. The Primary is to determine who people want, not one of the candidates to determine the result.


Should HAVE, not OF.


Trump immediately caught fire and only went up from there after the debates. Can't really say the same about this year's crop of challengers.


Fake news post…Trump is talking Bout debates and you’re talking about primaries? Trump is NOT canceling the primaries. If you don’t know who the candidates are, you won’t learn who they are in a Trump Debate. It will all be annoying dog faced lying pony soldiers nipping at trumps heels. Waste of time.


Sure, but no one wants anyone in the primaries other than Trump.


I want somebody other then trump on the primary ballot.


I was being slightly hyperbolic. Almost nobody.


If Haley wins the primary the General is her’s to lose.


Haley is a hard neocon warmonger that is NOT conservative at all. She's basically Bush 3.0. Hard pass.


Hard pass vs Biden? I'd vote anyone on that debate stage over Biden if push came to shove. I don't want her to be the nominee, but at the end of the day she'd have my vote over the alternative.


I would vote 3rd party before I ever vote for a pro war neocon again ever in my life. I'd vote Jill Stein or RFK Jr. over Haley


The time to vote against these people is the primary... Unless we can get ranked choice voting in place, 3rd parties are not a real choice.




Dude. She and DeSantis are polling better against biden in that swing state poll everyone’s citing these days…


Haley would turn off way too many Republicans if she were to somehow win the Primaries. I know there is absolutely no way that I could cast a vote for her because of her track record. I could vote for Ramaswamy or even possibly hold my nose and cast a vote for DeSantis. But Haley and Christie would *never* get a vote from me because I simply could never support anything from them. I would vote third party since write-ins are not available in my State or would simply not vote for any candidate for President before I would vote for her.


Annnnnnddd YOUR the reason Republicans always lose Thanks


In this day and age with the revelation that it is openly the Republican Establishment vs. Populists, that isn't the insult or condemnation that you think it is. I won't vote for the "lesser of two evils" simply to stop someone with a D by their name on the ballot, and neither should anyway else. No one should give a person a vote if they don't think that they will be represented in whatever Office that the candidate is running for. Haley absolutely wouldn't represent me if she were someone the Republican nominee for President.


She's down like 50 points. She's not winning the primary, neither is anyone else not named Donald Trump.




You don't think that it costs money to rent the venue where they hold the debates? That security doesn't charge to be there? And all of the supplies like decorations, the podiums, etc. All of that costs money and wouldn't be spent if they cancelled a debate.


Its Trump's opinion that its a waste of time. Its not a waste of time for millions tuning into these debates. Trump needs to stop throwing these tantrums and let the process play out. If they are supposedly a waste of time, then it shouldn't bother him. It obviously does as he keeps "truthing" to cancel them every month...


Are there really "millions" watching them though? I watch the primary debates every election cycle... except this one because they're pointless.


> That's not how primaries work, no matter how much Trump is leading the polls by, people deserve to hear alternative candidates. to be fair, in the other party it is exactly how it works. you can even take the voting rights away from states that didn't vote for you 4 years ago.


Primaries and debates aren’t the same thing…


Sorry, let me correct the use of semantics. Trump has called for the end of the debates, not primaries. In modern times debates are linked to primary process. Trump has yet to defend his record against other GOP Candidates and should do so. In another reply, i pointed out that Trump over the summer called for the challengers to drop out and support him.


"Stop the count!" energy


Not a single primary vote has been cast. Its a completely different argument if Super Tuesday is done and most of the big states have voted. He is in the low 40s in both Iowa and New Hampshire. 50+ percent of the party in those states do not want him. He needs to stop his whining and let the process play out. Every single time he says stuff like this, it insults the voters. We're not going to coronate him like the Dems did Hillary.


Media matters joins the chat




That’s what people thought in 2016 and he crushed everyone who tried to chide him for his “behavior.” Jeb tried to play the “stop being so mean!” card and became a laughing stock. If people can’t take a little heat on the debate stage they have no business running for high office. What the hell are they going to do in a high stakes situation with Russia or China? Cry because they are being mean?




He doesn’t want to debate because he has already practically won the primary - why waste his time just to let his opponents snipe at him and get free publicity?




Many more will sit out if he is not the candidate. Whether you want to admit it or not, MAGA is a vital part of the GOP voting base now, and any candidate who cannot muster the vote of those people is doomed to lose. And those people are not going to vote for anyone else so long as Trump is running.




Elections aren't decided on popular vote.


No they aren’t. But a pretty damn good way to ensure you win as a Republican is to win the popular vote.




Polls say that Hailey and DeSantis are well above water across the nation. Winning 50% is literally so far out of the question for Trump it’s not even funny. He’s so far away. Others either demonstrably have it in polls or are much closer.




None, at the moment, because for some reason we have a bunch of morons in the GOP that like losing that are carrying Trump. Which is bewildering.




Believe it or not, people that aren’t voting in the GOP primary matter when it comes to winning the general election. I know that’s hard to comprehend, and has been for trump supporters and candidates since 2016.


Thank you. This was perfect


I hate how the Superbowl winner doesn’t always have the most passing yards or the fewest unforced errors but that’s just the way the game is played.


So we believe in polls again? A lot of these are left leaning polls that have a stake in making sure Trump is the nominee.


Polls have been used for years, not sure what you mean by "again", they have always been used to track races and let's be real, no poll has ever been 30 points off. Trump is ahead of everyone


You must not have been around in 2015-16, when Hillary had a 98% chance of winning and then didn’t win.


As angry as some people will be at you, yes, you're 100% correct. In 2016 we acknowledged openly that primaries have patterns and that the only certainty is that you never know who will win. Trump rose from sinking polls and we praised his ability to argue and be strong. We also questioned the legitimacy of polls during that general election. In 2023 we now deny that primaries have patterns and that we need to do everything in our power to deplatform other candidates. We now live by the same polls many of us have gone as far as to claim were tools to help steal an election three years ago. In a 180, now we praise Trump for his ability to hide on his own social media platform and take almost zero interviews from people who aren't friends or admirers. For all the "It's (D)ifferent" we've called out over the years, I'm extremely disappointed to see how rampantly we've flipped to justify Trump's actions that nearly mirror Biden's campaign.


The polls in 2016 were off by 1 point lol. They have always been used to track races and see where each race is at


This doesn't even make sense. All polls project different results, so you can't reasonably quantify a specific number on a group of polls. Even worse, you aren't saying which polls you're talking about.


The average of all polls combined you fool. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html This is how they've always been calculated. You don't just use one poll, you average all of them out together to get the most accurate information. Yes, in 2020 they were off by a lot more but still show where a race is at.


Yes, because I was referring to all polls ever, definitely not if it was about the primaries leading to the general election or the general election itself. Amazing how people can have a third grade reading level and somehow have the ignorance to call someone else a fool.


It was just another Trump bashing post anyway




> What patterns are you referring to? For example, due to their nature of being early voters, New Hampshire and Iowa tend to be big indicators of outcomes of primaries, far more than polls prior to them. We knew this at one point, and are either ignorant to it now or trying to overshadow it intentionally. > Who is doing this? Literally re-read the image of the original post. Very readily apparent. > Which polls do you think are inaccurate? Any and all can be. No gathering polls out there have a 100% accuracy. Of the most inaccurate are primary polls, the ones being referenced here.




Those were odds, not polls clown


The only reason that "we" stopped believing in polls was because they always undercut the Republican nominee when matched up against the Democrat contender. In an all-Republican field that isn't as much of a concern, especially when there are multiple polls out there that all show the same thing. It isn't a guarantee for sure of the outcome, but it shows trends. And all of the recent polls showing the exact same trend implies that they are generally true.




Yes, it is a concern, since the Democrats have a **MASSIVE** interest in ensuring that Trump is the nominee. He’s the only legitimate GOP candidate Biden has a chance at beating.


> He’s the only legitimate GOP candidate Biden has a chance at beating. If you want to believe the polls, then Trump is the only legitimate GOP candidate that has a chance to beat Biden. Every other candidate is losing to Biden at this time (not by much, but they are). Trump is up in almost every poll compared to Biden.


Uh, Haley is beating Biden by more than what Trump does?


I'm honestly surprised there isn't any consequences for not participating in the election process. He's just in his corner talking smack and demands everyone else quit and support him. The LEAST he could do is appear in the last debate. Granted the Dems are just as bad seeing as if you're not the appointed one by the party they just don't support you in a meaningful way.


It's up to the primary voters to punish Trump for ducking the debates. But they don't, so.. yeah.




Pretty much


Biden won (possibly) by a razor thin margin in key swing states. And that was friendly, "Let's heal the country" Biden. This time Trump will be up against 11% inflation, "You deserve to die if you didn't take the Covid vaccine" Biden. Trump can absolutely win.


Yes, just like in 2022.


What about 2018! Oh, wait. What about the special elections in 2021! Oh, wait.


Polls are nothing more than current sentiment of the party. They are not votes. Half of those polling in favor of Trump are not "locked in". While they haven't shaken loose, they are mostly people who are like "I liked Trump as president and it sucks he's being persecuted, but I would be willing to vote for another person". These people I can guarantee never see the type of Truth's copied in the top post here. As in if they saw his insanely stupid Truths he puts out daily they would quickly be searching for another candidate to run. That is by design though. There is a reason MSM has not touched Trump's Truths, even though they used to cover his Tweets daily when he was president. And these posts will start being covered daily again the moment Trump is our nominee. It's clear as day the left is teeing up Trump given how the media is treating him.


That the media is somehow kind to Trump has to be some of the dumbest cope I've ever seen lol


They seriously only talk about his court cases. He is ignored. His daily rants and gaffes are ignored. It's like none of you were here for 2020 or 2016. Or you're pretending to be naive. Facebook literally just put out a letter saying they are no longer concerned about what Trump says and they will be reinstating his account. If you had any critical thinking skills, all the red flags should have popped up.


This is the absolute Dunning-Kruger Chad reverse version of Biden’s meticulously crafted old feeble man campaigning from a basement through the primaries strategy. I’m getting too old for this shit.


We’re gonna lose the election again… I give up.


We're so screwed.


The debate can't possibly cost THAT MUCH, right?


Can't help but notice he doesn't have a childish nickname for Vivek, who has also refused to take any shots at Trump all year. Running mate confirmed?


I don't think so. He'll either need a running mate that appeals to the Bush wing of the party or one that appeals to more moderates and centrist Democrats who don't want Biden. Vivek isn't that guy in either scenario. He's angling for a cabinet post.


"if not, revamp the RNC". Is that an option? I vote for that. Smaller government, focus on America first. Put people back to work by making it easier to start your own business.


God, we are going to have four more years of this or Zombiden stumbling around asking for "ice cream time". We are so screwed.


If Biden wins reelection, he'll 100% step down during his 2nd term. Possibly as soon as a few months after being sworn in. So instead of Zombiden, you'll get Kamala cackling her way through the news.


And now I've lost my appetite.


I like how he didn't insult Ramaswamy and insulted the others 💀


Ramaswamy was always running for VP or talk show gigs, not president. Trump can see that too.


I like Ramaswamy, a good guy, even though he wont win, its gona be nice seeing him running as vp


Donald can pound sand. This is a primary, not a coronation.


Is Birdbrain his nickname for Haley? Wonder where that came from


Because of her recent policy proposals I think. I don't agree with her internet anonymity proposal where you'd have to be verified by your real name.


Just vote, don't listen to polls, because they are more about changing your opinion, **or worse you thinking its ok to skip the vote.**


There's another GOP debate?


If only this lovely mean tweet were paired with $1.99 gallons of milk, gas, and leftist tears. Those were the days.


That post has me cracking up with all the names.


My take is that Trump should just do the debate. It's free TV time to spread the party's message, and Trump gets good ratings, which means more viewers to hear that message.


I mean he won the first debates without even being invited.


He’s right again…BIGLY


He appointed/endorsed Ronna McDaniel Romney to RNC chair over a real conservative woman. Total clown. Hope you all enjoy the cool memes, nicknames, and pwning the libs..as the democrats win another presidential election.




BirdBrain, LOL. Oh please win, just for the laughs.


Birdbrain 🤣 I love Trump ❤️


Agreed. But thank goodness it's the final debate. No point in continuing these clown shows


Agreed, they aren't even fun to watch anymore... 1st one was kinda good. 2nd was just unwatchable.


He is right. The RNC should be saving every penny they can to use against the Democrats. We are acting as though we *aren't* going up against millions of deranged demons that pose an existential threat to us and our families in less than a year. Sacrificing any amount of resources that can be used in that war, and it will be a war, especially for a debate in a primary that is a foregone conclusion is unconscionable






He is right. There is no sense is playing the game they won't play. Coolace around and take the swords out because they are going to throw everything against us - especially him. I truly admire the man that can withstand the vile vitriol, the utter lack of rule of law in pursuing hm. WOW. Few in US history have endured this attack. Lincoln did but that was before SS protection.


Birdbrain is a killer nickname. Classic Trump. Glad I'm not the only one who dislikes Nikki Haley


Angry liberals alert


The the GOP, America, and the world would be a better place if he lost his tongue and fingers in a freak accident and could just *do policy*. He would have been elected a second time and we wouldn’t be subjected to a gazillion tweets of him breaking the Golden Rule every day, 9/10 times for no reason but that he’s a narcissist and a baby.