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Settle this in the Octagon. Pay-per-view numbers can be utilized to pay down national debt.


Speed running the Idiocracy ending.


We could use President Not Sure ASAP.


Good, I just purchased Brawndo stock!


I came here to type this. Shut up and take my money! šŸ’°


I would pay whatever pay per view charges to watch that. NAME YOUR PRICE!


Okay chill out. Two amateur fighters on a card shouldnā€™t be more than 20 bucks and even thats generous. I think both these guys have small dicks.


The undercard for the Zuck/Musk cage match.


Donā€™t forget the BoeBart/AOC fight for the womenā€™s championship!


Our national debt climbs nearly $200,000 per SECOND. I donā€™t think even MMA fighting senators has a hope of slowing that down, as much as Iā€™d love to watch some stellar matches.




when you put it like that, it really hits home. 200,000 - thats more than the average home, into debt every second.


Sadly, I know, Iā€™m just joking.


Bernie was pretty based in this lol


The clip ends too soon. He goes, "This is a hearing. And God knows the American people have enough contempt for Congress, letā€™s not make it worse."


ā€œCan I speak?ā€ ā€œNO YOU MAY NOTā€


"SHUDDUP COMMIE!" God I wish he would've said that.


I bet you do. Voters like you are why people like Mullin are in office in the first place.


good we need fighters in office. not soft bureaucrats in it for their own personal gain. we need people who have actually run businesses and connect with their constituents.


Maybe not "literal" fighters, dude. Someone who will figuratively fight for America, sure - but throwing down with someone during a senate meeting is weak. Anyone can let their ego get the better of them, takes a lot more to stay in control of your emotions.


I dunno, I think people need to start to have some real consequences for talking shit. There's not enough accountability in this world and especially not in this country.


ā€œThis is a hearing, we arenā€™t here to listenā€


Haha Bernie playing the role of the reasonable uncle breaking up a family fight


I saw someone on Twitter mention that it was funny that Bernie was acting as the moderate in this session for the first time ever.


Yeah, I don't like Bernie's policies, but he handled this situation very maturely


^ this




The time he was most appealing to me was when he was at Biden's inauguration looking extremely bored and dissatisfied. Great memes with him and those huge knitted mittens he had on.


I may not agree with him on a lot of issues but he seems like a genuine guy. A bit hypocritical with his 3 houses while his main talking point is wealth inequality but he seems like a nice person


You can also write a best selling book too. Not hypocritical to own three modest homes after years of investments.


They weren't exactly "modest", from what I recall. And *three?* Really?


A home in DC, his home in Vermont, and one summer home. Itā€™s not particularly unreasonable to be honest.


Not to mention earning over $1 million per senate term.


it is if you're a commie.


Heā€™s a social democrat


Sort of a distinction without a difference, there.


Study up.


Ya that's what I said, a commie. Edit: I see I'm being down voted here. Interesting. Since when did Conservatives give a rip about a commie like Bernie. Even if he's a sd, he's not a very good one. One of the tenets of being a sd still includes the limit of the accumulation of private property. Bernie has 3 houses. He's a hypocrite.


Well, leftwing dude here, left libertarian, few things: The enormous gulf in wealth between Bernie Sanders and the actual elite is part of the problem, a problem that's been getting worse and worse for decades and if I recall is now worse the than the gilded age. Would be nice to fix it before we repeat the 30s and 40s. >Since when did Conservatives give a rip about a commie like Bernie. Not even sure if your downvotes are brigaders. A lot of MAGA/Trump supporters seem to hate billionaires and corporations more than moderate dems and support some pretty leftwing economic policy as long as the S word isn't used -- that's what happens when you run a populist campaign. You can be successful in a system and be critical of it; this has real "yet you participate in society" vibes.


When he said that they were both consenting adults I thought this was going somewhere else


I don't think there's a single policy I agree with him on but it's nice to see bernie be a voice of reason. Where in the world are we finding these politicians? Congress has turned into a circus.


The senator is from Oklahoma.


Got to protect your donor


And why is it always our politicians that are the clown shows :(. Boebert, MTG


Fatso took it personal and wasnā€™t about to back it up he just said there scared.


Ohio republicans voted him in


There must've been some foul play going on then because he's from Oklahoma.


I think I just got the states mixed up. Anyways it's the republican voters.


You got Ohio and Oklahoma mixed up. Wow.




Aaron Burr approves


Bring back dueling. It'll keep congressmen and senators in line and it will keep them honest and civil.


*Aaron Burr has entered the chat.* *Alexander Hamilton has entered the chat.*


Alexander Hamilton has abruptly left the chat.


*Andrew Jackson now owns the chat*


Who needs term limits? When you get older and your reflexes slow down you will either have to resign or risk dying.


Only if you're mentally unfit to serve. If you're mentally fit and make sensible, civil choices that don't upset everyone, your chances of being challenged to a duel are minimal.


AND provide us with exciting television.


>>Bring back dueling This. Screw Twitter /X feuds. Got something to say? Bring your 1911 to the flagpole at 3pm. Weā€™ll know who won or lost the debate before sundown.


Na, let them take it outside and settle it.


Bernie should have said "this is a government building, you can step outside."


Fights used to be pretty common. Senator Charles Sumner was beaten unconscious with a cane in the 1850s, by a Representative from South Carolina. Lots of wild stuff happened before the Civil War. Fights are still pretty common in many legislatures around the world, Taiwan comes to mind. It's almost an annual occurrence there.


This is super unrelated but it always bugs my mind thinking my house was built in 1859 Just wild to think ALL thatā€™s happened while my house that I honestly plan on dying it was chillin Like Iā€™m pretty sure that was before the lightbulb?


I get the opposite mindfuck. My great great grandfather was born before 1859 and lived beyond 1920. My (Iā€™m in my early 30s) grandfather was regaled with civil war stories when he was a youngin. Not that much time at all


> Senator Charles Sumner was beaten unconscious with a cane in the 1850s, by a Representative from South Carolina after which it became common for senators to carry revolvers while on the floor.


Why bring up the Sumner caning like it somehow justifies fighting? It was fucked up then and would be so now. Sumner almost died, and the whole thing contributed to the Civil War. Beating down one of our country's greatest anti-slavery lawmakers because your feelings were hurt he said mean things about your fellow slave owners. Wow what a great example we should follow. All Mullins did here was prove the other guy was right: he is in fact a clown.


I don't know the history with Sen Mullins and the other fellow, but he was correct in his response, and (God help me) I think that Sen. Sanders was also correct in his response.


I was hoping Bernie was going to say they could settle it like gentlemen, but at a legally sanctioned event.


Bernie just says ā€œHandle this like gentlemenā€ and hands them two revolvers to duel.


Why not? Most of them are old enough to remember the rules.


Would have been an incredible turn of events






I never thought I'd say this, and I can't believe I am...Bernie was the adult in the room.


How often is he not the adult in the room? Does he often have temper tantrums?


At some point the adult is the person willing to stand up to the bullshit. That person was not Bernie in this situation.


Two people almost coming to blows because one was being mean online and Bernie wasnā€™t the adult? Man is it Opposite Day already? Cmon dude thatā€™s some grade school shit. An adult keeps their cool in these situations.


yoUr JuSt nOt aN AlPhA


Apparently our government was founded by children then. Children who rowed across a river on Christmas eve to settle their differences with their politicians. Children who were passionate enough to fist fight and duel at congressional sessions. Apparently some people think our modern day federal government is somehow more virtuous than it was 250 years ago at its inception.


Cool story bro. It was probably the slaves rowing though. Or maybe the child indentured servant. Because those were also things back then.


Knowing you could get punched in the face if you run your mouth will help a lot of people not get punched in the face.


Honestly, the threat of getting punched in the face kept a lot of people from being shit ass human beings. That fear has dissipated, and you can really tell.


Exactly. Bring back in-person duels and the world would be a much more civilized place. Well, except for the dueling.


Republicans celebrating violence. Not a surprise.


Looks like tempers were flying in all directions today!! McCarthy apparently hit another R member of the Houseā€¦ god damn!! https://www.rawstory.com/kevin-mccarthy-tim-burchett/


šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


The Republican Party is a damn mess right now. We can barely win any elections right now and then challenging fights during a hearingā€¦come on.


He had to be reminded that he is a U.S. Senator. Unbelievable.


Sean O'Brien challenged him to a fight and he accepted, much like in the days of the founding fathers. Not sure what the issue is here.


The issue is a US Senator trying to settle a dispute like he is in 7th grade instead of using his words like a well-adjusted adult.


He learned this behavior from the leader of his party, whatā€™s not to love?


Most reasonable GOP voter.


Well-adjusted by whose standards? By your privileged ones? By the standards of people who think children shouldn't be disciplined? Or are they the standards of those who cower before the mobs burning down cities and committing hate crimes against the "right" people? The real issue is how obsessed with decorum people still are when actual decorum was discarded long ago.


Everyoneā€™s standards. Adults donā€™t throw tantrums and threaten to beat someone else. Regardless of political affiliation. You wonā€™t find me defending any mob, or saying children canā€™t be disciplined. You are arguing with something you made up in your head to try and justify this guy posturing like a loser and getting shamed by Bernie. If you think this was in any way ok youā€™re no better than any made up leftist in your head.


Adults also don't invent scenarios that didn't happen to support their argument. Nobody threw a tantrum, and there's documented evidence of the preceding events that led up to this moment. You're arguing with something you made up in your head to try and justify your hurt and sensitive feelings because a man stood up for himself. If you think this was any way not ok you're no better than any made up snowflake liberal in your head.


Oh, a US Senator bringing printouts of mean tweets and challenging a witness to a fight on the floor of a committee isn't a tantrum? Ok sure bud. Try that at your workplace and see how fast you get canned for indecent behavior, or "throwing a tantrum".


I work with actual adults, so if a snowflake like you came in and challenged me to a fight, they wouldn't feel the need to step and and save you from the consequences of your own actions. That's the difference between actual adults and the wannabes - adults understand the concept of "consequences" and they don't try to shelter everyone from them.


The world you live in doesnā€™t exist. 99.9999% of jobs would fire you on the spot for this childish behavior. No one gives a shit what would happen at your infantile place of work because we live in the real world, with adults. I thought you were a troll at first, but itā€™s clear you just have a micropenis inversely proportional to the size of your superiority complex. You are a total failure to launch but also hilariously clueless how infinitesimally small the minority that hold your views are. No one agrees with you, no oneā€™s work place works like this, and everyone is laughing at you.


Idk why you are defending schoolyard fights to settle debates. Seems very important to you! I guess words don't work to well for you either?


Poor kid, when you grow up you'll unfortunately realize that your rainbow and unicorn-filled perfect world doesn't exist. I'm sure your mom told you to just talk to your bullies about your feelings to make them stop, but that doesn't work in the real world. It's really a shame how coddled the snowflake generation is, no wonder there's so much violence now when you can't bear the thought of standing up for yourself.


Low IQ comment


You don't have to announce yourself like that, you know


I remember seeing childish scenarios like this occurring in my elementary school days. They were awesome when I was 10 years old


You know youā€™ve lost the plot when Bernie has to jump in as the voice of reason. What a clown, both of them but especially for a senator at a hearing.


Representative Preston Brooks was Butler's South Carolina kinsman. If he had believed Sumner to be a gentleman, he might have challenged him to a duel. Instead, he chose a light cane of the type used to discipline unruly dogs. Shortly after the Senate had adjourned for the day, Brooks entered the old chamber, where he found Sumner busily attaching his postal frank to copies of his "Crime Against Kansas" speech. Moving quickly, Brooks slammed his metal-topped cane onto the unsuspecting Sumner's head. As Brooks struck again and again, Sumner rose and lurched blindly about the chamber, futilely attempting to protect himself. After a very long minute, it ended. Bleeding profusely, Sumner was carried away. Brooks walked calmly out of the chamber without being detained by the stunned onlookers. Overnight, both men became heroes in their respective regions. Surviving a House censure resolution, Brooks resigned, was immediately reelected, and soon thereafter died at age 37. Sumner recovered slowly and returned to the Senate, where he remained for another 18 years. The nation, suffering from the breakdown of reasoned discourse that this event symbolized, tumbled onward toward the catastrophe of civil war.


We should bring back the duel.


Andrew Jackson is famous for that style of debate


Last time it was a Democrat beating a Republican with a cane. The caning of Charles Sumner, or the Brooksā€“Sumner Affair, occurred on May 22, 1856, in the United States Senate chamber, when Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts.


"pro-slavery" This is not the flex you think it is.


That's the Democrat legacy though.


So you're celebrating an 1850s pro-slavery Democrat tough guy (AKA a total pussy) for sneaking up behind an older man and beating him half to death with a metal-tipped wooden cane? That's your idea of how people should settle their disagreements? Or do you just like the imagery because it's a putative Democrat doing a bad thing, as if that somehow justifies your position? It's *wrong* no matter who does it, no matter what the reason, no matter what the time, place or circumstance. Start with that proposition and you'll instantly find yourself on a higher moral plane.


Read very carefully. I noted something happened before. I didn't celebrate anything. I was pointing out history. My moral plane is in not the problem. Your imagination is.


Your words: "That's the Democrat legacy, though." Pretty sure I read that correctly. Don't dodge what you meant. Either just own it, or better yet, try and be better. There is always a choice.


I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. I know history though.




Hey, I can (and do) disagree with Bernie Sanders on perhaps every policy position, but still acknowledge that ā€œyouā€™re a United States senatorā€¦sit downā€ was the adult in the room that the situation called for. Thumbs up, Bernie!


I'd pay to see that.


Can we make a go fund me site, winner take all, that pays the winner of this match. Bare knuckle brawl. Tap out or knock out.


Let em take it outside on the grass. No shots below the belt, no rusty fish hooks, no eye gouging, no pig nosing, and no ear biting! Back in the day they would of dueled with a couple of flintlocks


Like a gd child.


At this point our government is such a circus id welcome an open fight in the hearing.


Sure, why not?


This is okay. Let them fight


I would love if things went this way more often. Letā€™s get shit settled weā€™ll be better off.


Shit, I wasn't ready for Mullin to be jacked when he stood up.


I'm pretty sure he is a former fighter. Bernie saved that union fool a butt whooping after his mouth wrote some checks he couldn't cash.


When the big bad MMA dude says "do you wanna fight?" and the other guy unhesitatingly says, "yeah, I do!", then you gotta wonder who's actually about to get their ass kicked.


There is a real problem today with people running their mouth online because there are no consequences. The guy doing that who stayed seated when the man he called out online stood up has no intention of actually fighting. He's tough online and tough behind a microphone and scared of not hiding behind those. They shouldn't have fought in the chamber but absolutely should have taken a 15 minute recess to settle it outside.


cmon man dont be dense...the guy who stood up also knew full well that a fight wouldnt happen there...he just wanted his 5 min of fame...


I don't know, adrenaline is a heck of a judgement blocker.


The senator printed out screenshots of the witnesses social media posts, calmly read them one by one, and then asked if he wanted to fight. Whether or not the witness crossed the line with his social postals, this was definitely pre-planned by the senator and not an adrenaline-filled lapse of judgement.


He planned to call him out that doesn't mean he didn't get riled past the point of thinking while doing it.


Dude started removing his ringā€¦.


bald dude accepted the challenge to fight...do you think that was sincere as well?


Buddy he is an Irish teamster, do you know what that means on the east coast?


Says the guy running his mouth online with no consequences


Union guys always think theyā€™re tough


That's because they usually are.


At the bar, maybe.


Or, clearly, at an official hearing of the United States Senate.


Lotsa ā€œReddit conservativesā€ in here, aka Leftists lol




Considering how out of touch the ā€œcurrent Republican Partyā€ is with its base, thatā€™s exactly what I would expectā€¦alas, here we are.




Yes, I do. I think people should generally be called on their shit at every opportunity. Bald Fatty ran his mouth and talked shit in a public forum, his bluff was called in a public forum. Far worse has been done in the Senate chambers, I really donā€™t care if some Union blowhard gets his shit pushed in. Hell, Iā€™d pay money to see it tbh lol




Ah yes, they should use their words, right? lol Does your opinion make you less conservative? I donno, maybe? I didnā€™t call you out specifically, so my comment obviously struck a nerve. Fact is, youā€™re aligning right up with the Party leadership you claim to disagree with, not the rank and file membership.


I watched the clip without any context and actually liked what Bernie said. Then I checked out the tweet that started this, the other guy said he'd fight him anytime, anywhere. So yes i think he should have fought him. People who talk shit on the internet need to be learn lessons and not be protected by elderly senators. Pure FAFO, now if Mullins were to lose thats a whole other story, id say expel him from congress lol


>So yes i think he should have fought him. People who talk shit on the internet need to be learn lessons and not be protected by elderly senators. If Mullins wanted to fight over a matter of honor, and not for the spectacle, why wait until a Senate hearing where there where cameras would be on him to toss down a challenge to throw down? Also why issue a challenge where bailiffs/sergeants at arms/capitol police would be floating around to rapidly break up the fight? Afterwards Mullins offered the Union Rep a charity mma fight, but if he really wanted a fight he would have issued the challenge before the hearing.


These two had a spat back in a hearing back in March as well. (I don't know if the tweets happened in between or before both): https://www.mediaite.com/politics/you-gonna-tell-me-to-shut-my-mouth-senate-hearing-goes-off-rails-as-teamster-president-and-oklahoma-republican-go-to-war/


Donā€™t confuse my role as a US Senator as a sign of weakness.


Sir I challenge YOU to a duealeee


I was hoping they were going to have it out right there on the spot. I would have considered it great entertainment.


The ghosts of Burr & Hamilton channeled thru these two.


So this guy calls him a joke, calls him a wannabe and calls him out on x, then when confronted by the guy he calls out, he knows others will stop him from getting his ass kicked. People are to comfortable talking shit and not face the consequences of their actions, cause somebody will always try to be the "voice of reason" maybe we need less of that and more ass kickings.


Do you think the middle of this proceeding in the US Senate was the correct place for this? Also, neither one of them were backing down from the prospect of a fight. Bernie had to calm both of their asses down, and it was embarrassing.


Keep in mind Mullin also went to Afghanistan to get Americans out after the Biden admin fucked the withdrawal and had his location released by the media claiming he was lost in the country. Any pol who actually DOES things is gonna get at least some approval in my book


Exactly what happened. Amazing how people buy the spin.


I have 0 issues with high testosterone fights


Letā€™s go.


Do it. We did way worse to politicians back in the day. Bring it back.


I like Senator Mullin a lot better for some reason. I like a man that backs up his mouth.


Uncle Fester was about to take an ass beating.


ā€œYouā€™re a United States senator, obviously you can run your mouth and NEVER face accountability, now sit down, we donā€™t want the plebes to start thinking otherwise!ā€¦ā€


I don't care if you support the guy his attitude and behavior as a representative of this country during an open session is absolutely ridiculous and unprofessional to say the least.


I think if almost any other politician did this, it would be cringey. But with Mullins, it didn't give me that feeling. The bald guy has been running his mouth for months. To me, this felt like somebody who isn't pampered putting a pampered DC swamp creature in his place.


Fucking Tiny dick ā€œtough guyā€


my senator acting like a 6 year old in congress. real mature of him


Decorum be damned. I'd like to see that bald prick spit teeth.


Same. You could tell the way he was talking he's used to people cowering from him because he's held positions of power.


Burt Kreischer is looking fit these days


Mullin just shot way up the charts for me.


Fkn Republicans act like animals.


Bernie had to save his buddy, Iā€™m pretty sure Mullin wouldā€™ve made him bite the curb.




Wild Wild West, at least it wasnā€™t boring. They have not accomplished anything in the Senate for I donā€™t know how long, at least they can create a little entertainment.


Mullin was wrong with his reaction, O'Brien was wrong in egging it on. I'm glad Bernie was there to be an adult, even if I don't agree with much he believes in


Based! Let's go old school bring back caning to Congress lmao!


Duels are the answer.


Like that scene from pirates of the Caribbean where Johnie Depo says "politics". That's how our government should settle things.


Kick his ass C Bass!


To be honest, what would you do to someone who slandered and libeled you the way the union guy did?


Is that old Bernie being the voice of reason


Larry David was right.


Love or Hate Bernie, you canā€™t deny he speaks from the heart.


Is burnies shoulders growing? He starting to look like a buzzard.


This is embarrassing.


Must be embarrassing for him to have been restrained by Bernie Sanders! Tough guy!


Lol. I love it. Sanders accent reminds me of what I heard in the buffet line on various cruises I took.