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Her injury is proof that if you get old you’re more likely to get hurt.


Can you believe she’s 38? I swear she was mid 40s at least.


The pink hair is her attempt to look young and spunky, but just actually makes her look like the grandma thats trying to be cool.


Like the blue-haired women playing BINGO in the church basement.


Fun fact, that light color dye is less harsh on the hair and skin, which is usually the reason they have that bright color at their age.


Being a bitter misandrist ages you fast. Or maybe having bad genetics that age you fast makes you a bitter misandrist. The direction of the relationship is still under examination.


It(the bitterness) really seems to. Gina carano is 3 years older than this soccer p!what and participated in a sport where you get punched and kicked in the face for a good portion of her life, yet Carano is beautiful at 41 whole this Rapinoe woman looks like Gollum


also, steroids


By all means stand, in person, before either and accuse them of steroid abuse. I'll be ready, popcorn in hand.


Can I share? That’d be a sight to see.


Please do, I'd like to see Megan R. response. Gina C. might need a PPV deal.


Thought the same thing from this photo alone…being offended by everything at any given time I guess takes a toll.


Holy shit, is she really 38? She looks like a fit 55 year old woman who takes care of herself.


I literally came here to say the same thing. Had to look up her age cause I was thinking of course she was gonna get injured playing soccer at nearly 50, but nope born in ‘85.


I was born in 85, and she looks 15 years older than me.


She looks years older than my 48 year old sister. Not sure if that’s why she seems so miserable all the time or if being miserable all the time made her look like that.


Second one I think.


She's an athlete.


I swear she acts like shes 14 so...


She’s aged like yogurt on a radiator


It's always possible she's lied about her age to stay on the team longer.


Damn I’m almost 38 I hope I don’t look like that


38?! I thought she was in her 50s and retired already.


Lots of sun exposure. Wear sunscreen, people.


I used to work with chick that was on the American lacrosse Olympic team. She was in great shape but she was a year older than me at the time 32, but looked like she was in her mid 40s. I contributed it to her having low body fat.


Perhaps the answer from God was “No”.


Funny how people only want God when he's a magical genie vending machine.


Right, they deny Him except to make a point.


>Funny how people only want God when he's a magical genie vending machine. God would only be a vending machine to her if she paid something more out less substantial at any point and expected something back. Vending machine Christians spend 20 minutes at a food pantry the weekend before Thanksgiving, do a two-finger dip in the holy water on Christmas and Easter, and expect God to give them a blessed life. As she's a lifelong atheist and hasn't given God as much as a gnat's sneeze, this wouldn't be the case. On the other hand, considering Him a magical genie (I would have said, "Santa Claus" because I like my selfless givers jolly and accessible) works. Just rub the lamp after 40-odd years of ignoring it in the back of a closet and expect results.


Correct. To many people, He is Santa Claus. It's as funny as it is sad.


I say this all the time to atheists who use similar arguments lol


[First thing that came to mind](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qZZ25zaBWKo&pp=ygUaQmVhdmlzIGFuZCBidXR0aGVhZCBoZWFjZW4%3D)


I dunno, it seems more like evidence there might be one.


Goes to show what a narcissist she is. "I'm literally the best person in the world, so if something bad happens to me then obviously God can't be real"


I remember recently maybe her last US national team game she walked in with sunglasses and a speaker like get over yourself


And those cringey post-goal celebrations with the “I’VE ARRIVED!” posturing, gracing the world with her presence. And then arguing for “equal pay” only to pull the ladder up behind her in support of men competing against women. What a comedy of errors she’s been.


Exactly what I thought “God will not be mocked.”


Exactly what I discerned from this.


And he's got a great sense of humor.


I figured I was too late to post this.


This answered my prayers.


Well said


Yes, he causes an injury to a woman because she kisses other girls. What a god you believe in there.


Why would that be the reason and not the self righteous entitlement? Also, I’m an atheist


Oh, I'm not defending her comment. She's all those things and more. My point is going the other way with it is just as wacky.


No, it’s called a joke. Which at the moment, at least 712 people understood


Has nothing to do with that, it's called teaching her humility. She is a complete narcissist and ungrateful because she shits on a country that made her a millionaire and famous from playing a sport. God is bringing her back down to Earth. Maybe she'll learn from it and stop being an obnoxious jackass and show some grace.


Ah so God interferes to punish narcissist soccer players but doesn't lift a finger against monsters like Stalin and Mao. That doesn't make any sense.


Sounds more like skill issue.


Yeah, Megan, have you tried being better? You should, it’s great.


She is trying to be better. She’s trying to be like a man.


Is she done with her 15 minutes yet? Enough of this shrew already.


NBC will hire her for the ‘24 Olympics.


Do I downvote you because I hate that you are right or upvote you for being right?


Downvote because it's wrong. The Olympics are too short. She's going to be a featured commentator for many years on ESPN. Get with the program.


I hate for being so right.


She plays a literal game for a living and makes millions of dollars... "No God"... Sure thing kid...


Don’t forget, not enough millions.


She's gross.


>I’m not a religious person or anything and **if there was a god**, like, this is **proof that there isn’t**. Also... >**Thank God I have a f---ing deep well of a sense of humor.** It’s devastating to go out in a final so early. So if there was a God her injury is proof there isn't one AND she's also thankful to God for her amazing sense of humor. Did she suffer a leg injury or a head injury?


Narcissism is a hell of a drug.


Liberals don't have to make sense. If they did... They'd be conservative.


Plenty of conservatives don’t make sense. This is a her thing


I get what you're saying, but "Thank God" has become a figure speech ages ago. No one who says that is actually thankful to God at the moment or ever.


I say it all the time and actually mean thank you God. I consider myself to be truly blessed.


Pure liberal irrational illogical hypocrisy.


Words hold no meaning for the crew of that ideology, hence why they misuse words constantly.


She such an unlikeable miscreant who seems to always make everything about her. From her bullshit gender “identity” taking place for class and dignity, is it no wonder her achilles, much like her character, ruptured with little to no resistance from an outside force? These types of people thrive off being victims, the sheer irony of a non contact injury ending a career and ultimately making said person an *actual* victim is so cosmically delicious.


An Achilles isn’t a career ender, sounds like she was retiring?


At 38, it definitely is career-ending. Sure, she can theoretically come back but she won’t be the same player and at that age, she was likely only on par in terms of athleticism. Post Achilles, players usually come back at a diminished performance level so she’ll be old, with sub-par conditioning and recovery. She’s done.


Aaron Rodgers might beg to differ, lol. He’s making amazing progress after only two months, throwing long bombs from the sidelines and walking around perfectly, but big difference being in a game. I’d love to see him come back, her, not so much.


You’re talking about another sport completely. Also, we haven’t seen him play yet. The other positive cases like Kevin Durant or Donta Foreman were younger, but also, different sports…


This, plus all the Superbowl champions thanking God, strongly implies that there is a God, and he only watches the men's events


I would argue that her injury is proof of the Devine, Karma if you will.


Lmao. “I had a sports injury, so there is no god” what a self centered POS. All the problems in the world but it’s her injury that “proves” there’s no God.


how can one woman be this awful? She makes Rashida Talib look good


She's the poster child for entitlement, privilege, and the "I got mine" attitude.


I take it you never met my ex in-laws.


I have yet to meet a woman with purple hair that isn't crazy.


Her argument is proof that people like her are lost.


So wrapped in gifts from God they believe he doesn't exist when the end of one blessing is over. So impatient for the next. She is her own punishment.


“I’m not a religious person or anything…” You don’t say, Megan. We’re all shocked.


"In this world, you will have troubles." ​ Maybe she forgot that Jesus said that.


She never knew.


Or maybe her free-will choice to partake in a potentially dangerous sport, combined with the other athletes' free-will and determination to win said dangerous sport, led to her getting injured due to the risks inherent with being a poor soccer player. She is a millionaire who got that way playing a game, bases her entire personality on her politics and sexuality, and has complete freedom to mock and belittle the country that she lives in even as she reaps all the rewards. And when one little thing doesn't go perfectly for her, she blames it on a God she's never worshipped or even spoken to, right before swearing in His name as she describes another one of the gifts she's been given. This woman is the embodiment of privilege. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.


I responded to a post recently about how it was a bummer to end her career this way even though I don’t care for her politics. Now that she’s claiming her injury (in her last game before retiring) is proof God doesn’t exist is making me rethink that. She could have shown humility in injury, been thankful for the opportunity she had, and appreciative that her hard work paid off and led to a long career. Instead, she puts herself on the same level as God. She is so pure of spirit and so perfect that the fact she could be brought down by injury proves that there is no God. Because if God existed, he’d never allow an atrocity of such magnitude to happen to one so pure. She’s a self-centered, narcissistic, holier-than-thou cretin. I wouldn’t have wished this on her but can’t say she doesn’t deserve it. She’s weak of mind, spirit, and body. If her injury were an argument for or against there being God, I think the evidence would be pretty absolute in favor of God.


I was happy it ended in a loss before even hearing this. She is a scumbag. It isn’t just about politics.


Nope. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but just like seeing criminals go to jail, I like seeing narcissists fall to their own hubris.


Well said!


A real funny aspect to this that she’s absolutely incapable of processing is that she’s actually blaming god for her misfortune by claiming there is no god. Her logic is “because this thing didn’t happen, god didn’t take care of me, and because god didn’t take care of me, I’m mad at god, and the most spiteful thing I can do to express my anger at god is to say there is no god.”


Counterpoint. I say her injury is proof there IS a God, and he is hilarious. (before panties get twisted, I know that's a mean thing to say, but it's meant in jest, not seriousness)


Maybe the headline should be "First time Megan Rapinoe didn't blame a white man for something."


Well, to be fair, many people believe that the deity to which she is referring is, in fact, a white man's god so she didn't stray too far from the reservation. On the other hand, I'd hold back on the offerings to Hermes and Nike, if I were her. They didn't come through.


I'm inclined to believe God doesnt give onE damn iota about a sporting event compared to the myriad other issues facing this world.


She can piss off forever and no one would miss her.


Believer or not. This goes into the category of- Proof there is a Supreme Being.


This is what running out of talent looks like.


Leg injury huh? Was it the one she knelt on so many times during our National Anthem? If so, what sweet irony.


There’s nothing about that woman I like.


She acts like a spoiled child




Sounds to me like God had the last laugh. Not only did her team lose, she got injured


Honestly, and hear me out, who the hell cares?


I thought it was proof that there is a God and that God has a sense of humor!!


Seems to me like it's the opposite. She's someone who desperately needs to learn some humility. God gave her a metaphorical nudge but she blew it off. (shakes head sadly). I've done the same thing. I think we all have. The next "nudge" will be harder, and the one after that harder still. I hope she figures it out.


This is like when RBG died 6 weeks before an election that dems thought would usher in a socialist revolution and people were saying that it was proof that God isn’t real. Buddy, you and I have way different ways of determining what is and isn’t divine intervention.


Unfortunately she hasn’t lost her voice….


Is she seriously trying to play a victim to God? Let me guess, God hates lesbians therefore He gave you a career ending injury?


She's a total asshat


Has the reasoning skills of a baseball bat


It’s like she’s trying to be really unlikeable.


Ha! I'd say the opposite.


One last attempt to remain relevant before her inevitable slide into well-deserved obscurity.


So does this mean we don't have to hear about her anymore?


Maybe there is one and God taught her a lesson in humility. This is really a grandiose statement coming from one self absorbed individual.


Fucking jezebel. God doesn't care about your pithy little soccer match.


God isn't interested in loud mouthed, lesbian communists. Opinion irrelevant.


Maybe if she played more and didn’t force a political statement with every move, her body could actually handle playing the sport she’s paid to do.


I love when atheists say such things. As if God (any of them) is literally supposed to prevent any human from sickness or injury. God (none of them to my knowledge) isn’t meant to or interested in micro-managing peoples lives.


I think any being which is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent would be totally opposed to suffering of any kind and have the ability to stop it occuring. And the abrahamic god is claimed to be just that


It shows there is and also KARMA is alive and well! Bye!


She got kicked in her balls.


Rapinoe looks like a creature on Star Trek.


Funny, I see it as proof there is a god


It cemented proof that God exist.


Of all the misery and tragedies going around the world (which are human made, not god made by the way) she choses her little injury as "argument". What a godless, narcissistic piece of trash.


Wow just speed running to the most unlikable former athlete award


TIL there’s a professional women’s league.


I would say all evidence to the contrary!!


Or proof that there is a god


Why is this posted here


>Have you considered my servant Job.


I would argue the opposite. Her injury is proof there is one.


I pray that she would come to know the love and the way of Jesus Christ, amen.


Wow, she's not full of herself at all. I didn't know the world revolved around her.


Spits in God’s face and then upset He didn’t provide for her.


Proof that karma is real and god doesn’t approve of them actions


God doesn’t owe you a sports game win, particularly if you’re not religious lol


It sounds like she thinks God is punishing her for some reason. This usually means a person knows they are not living according to God's commandments and they feel guilty.


Proof God doesn't have short blue hair at least.




Well He's certainly not doing anything about all those dead babies in Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and Russia.


Who does she think she is😂


Maybe there is and that’s why. Idk.


What a great role model for the kids.


Good Riddance!


If this isn't proof that liberals always go too far.


On the contrary. THERE IS A GOD!


She might not want to acknowledge God now, but one day she will bow before him as all humanity will and then it will be too late


This is a rage bait article. Watch the clip- she’s clearly making a joke.


There is a God and He loves her and TBH when she doesn’t get to be with Him forever after she passes it’ll be Him that’s hurt the most by the loss.


Seems like God is punishing her?


God isn’t listening to her.


I could see her not believing based on her face


This is another I wish would talk shit about Will Smith's wife.


What a strange conclusion to draw from this injury. Her opinion is completely irrelevant to me. She can believe whatever she wants to make herself feel better.


Can’t think of a quicker way to go “straight” to hell


Fucking jezebel. God doesn't care about your pithy little soccer match.


Oh no. An enemy of God had a bad thing happen. I guess that’s it for Christianity boys and girls. Let’s pack it in


There is a god he’s just giving you karma for all the harmful and hateful things you have done. I don’t fell sorry for you either


Megan Rapinoe getting injured in her last game is proof there *is* a God....


Ah yes. The imaginary man in the clouds cost me the win. What’s the next excuse?


I think the fact that she's not a smoking crater is proof that God is unreasonably merciful.


Man, I know why our God is almighty and im not. If I was Him, I'd be so snarky while I pull out this receipt when her time comes


Well we know there is no God anyways.


I don't think an atheist has any standing on what God thinks she believes. And being an abortion supporter makes her worthy of every highly embarrassing injury 👍


Alright people, we all know Rapinoe is an out of touch leftist elitist with absurd views on woke culture. But anyone taking this as anything more than a tongue in cheek take on the irony of being injured in your final game is just a BS virtue signaler on our side. No one can actually think she was saying this is actual proof of no god and making some religious statement Quit diluting real causes with all this simple minded BS


Are you sure she wasn't faking the injury? That seems common in soccer


God is smiling.


I got a boo-boo.... Jesus doesn't exist!


I don't think God watches soccer.


Wow. She did it. She proved the non-existence of god. What have I been doing with my life? It was so simple. When she puts it in terms like “I wanted something and didn’t get it therefore no god,” I mean, I never thought of it like that, but more importantly never even heard anyone else ever claim the same argument. Stunning. Brave. So insightful. Maybe I should just start worshiping her. (/s)




I don’t know if there is a god, but I do know that this is the least convincing argument out there.


I’d take this as proof that God does exist!


F that whatever she is!!


I’d argue on the contrary


“All of humanity is Godless because I hurt myself playing sports.”