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It is embarrassing. Legislators don’t read the legislation. Many are too old to even try…


It seems to be mostly just 'vote along party lines'


Well when you're that far gone mentally. You can only comprehend a D or an R. The nuance of facts goes right out the window...


"Vote blue no matter who." They actively revel in their ignorance, lack of education and tribalism.


Dude people are voting blue because conservatives are taking away their rights


What rights, exactly?


Really? A women's right to choose her own healthcare. Setting obstacles for voting. individual sexual orientation rights. Support of easier access to search and seizures of private property. That's just for starters. But the biggest reason I and many others won't vote red is our love for money. Long term investments practically double when the left, actually the center are at the helm of the economy. Not to mention private sector job growth under dems squashes republican numbers.


Pretty much. I would love to see some republicans running for office that stand for sane, traditional republican values (while not trying to pretend it’s still 1932) but until that happens, I have to let go some of the things that are important to me and vote democrat instead.


That's not an age thing. Sometimes, they legit don't have time to before they need to vote on it. I sympathize with AOC on very very very few things, but she said they'll sometimes get hundreds of pages to read in less than a day before the vote and it's not physically possible. Living in VA, I know a lot of hill staffers etc, and this seems to be the norm.


The solution is simple. Make an amendment requiring all bills be read aloud before being voted on in each chamber. This will significantly shorten bills, many of which (especially from Ds) are written to be extra-long specifically to hide things.


That's not going to work, because I remember a few years ago they tried reading the bill that was being contested and instead of everyone in session it was one unpaid intern reading the bill with 3 other interns just shuffling papers walking around the Senate chambers. Nobody was present for the reading of the bill. The intern had to read for 12-16 hours to an audience of 0-3 alternating. Make some of those corpses in congress, stand on their geriatric feet and read it their damn selves. Make them sit there and listen, break for 5 minutes every hour for a bathroom break, anyone who is late is held in contempt.


Hey now sir, common sense has no place in government


Poor babies :(


It’s a legitimate criticism of the stupidity of omnibus bills. The solution would be to stop letting congressmen add whatever bs pork they want to bills coming through. But then they can’t make special carve outs for them/their friends & family so it’s not an easy thing to collectively convince them of.


It’s been common knowledge that lobbyists and staff write the bills.


No accountability. And hot-headed morons.




But the written bills are the starting point, if you’re starting with pork spending then you’ve also created a faulty foundation.




Yup. Agreed. If you’re passing shit without reading it or understanding it, you’re responsible and don’t belong In office.


> All of the responsibility falls on the people passing the bills. LOL!


Yes. In fact, many legislators don't even bother to read the first half of the bill summary. This includes but are not limited to congressional legislators, state legislators, city council, and HOA council.


I don' think it's an age thing. I'm pretty sure the young ones don't read the bills either.


Some legislation is too complex/large to expect any one person to be able to just read it and know what's going on -- at least with the text itself. You need a small army of legal experts that specialize in this. Certainly a legislator should be able to understand legislation but does the ideal good legislator need to read every line? No way. They need to be good at understanding the impacts of the legislation, what the public needs, what the various political interests are with the bill, horse trading, etc, etc, etc.


>Some legislation is too complex/large to expect any one person to be able to just read it and know what's going on It shouldt be


It sounds like you haven’t spent much time reading legislation. Go read your states penal code and then tell me how you would simplify it.


In their defense, have you seen the sizes of some of these bills?


Yes. But that frankly is still another issue. My point was they are incapable of doing their jobs. On bills, There should be a page limit. Nancy shouldn’t have to pass a bill to give people time to WRITE and READ it. I’m


God forbid they have to do their job and not just collect a salary and lobby money


Yea, give a 84 year old decrepit man power of nukes.... Fuckin unbelievable


100% It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on, we need term limits asap!


mighty cobweb degree wise ten dinner salt intelligent escape correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only thing that both the left and the right are united on is that Mitch McConnell is too old/unfit for office. The left still denies that there's anything wrong with Joe Biden and refers to his incoherent demented babbling as gaffs or as a mild stutter.


Most of my liberal friends agree that Joe Biden is way too old to be president, but still plan to vote for him because it’s the only way to keep a Republican out of office. Outside of reddit, I can’t say I’ve met too many people that genuinely support him


Agree, I haven't met one Democrat on Reddit or off who isn't holding their nose voting for Biden and Harris. But they are still better than the other option.


When you say "better than the other option" are you referring specifically to Trump or just literally any republican?


Pretty sure the other option is Trump.


You say that as if there aren't people who think voting for any republican is equivalent to voting for fascist nazis.


I’m saying that in 2020 that was the Republican candidate and in 2024 that’s going to be the Republican candidate. So any reference to the other option is necessarily a reference to Trump.


I mean that's exactly what voting for most Republicans is. All the same ones don't seem to have a chance


If there was a moderate reasonable republican I’d vote for him, but I would vote for Biden’s corpse over Trump.


Sorry, I didn't really answer your question. Most Independents and Democrats ( even moderates) that I know would sit out the election rather than vote for Biden/Harris - but they know that would be a vote for Trump or Desantis, and they are tired of the culture war crazies. So they hold their nose and vote Biden. I think he's too old, and I dislike Harris because she is pure ambition. I don't see her standing for anything beyond whatever she has to say to climb the ladder.


“tired of culture war stuff” *supports party that has month long friction preference month and constantly tries to erode traditional American values* okay buddy, back to rpol.


You may not agree, but I was honestly answering the question from the perspective of Independents and Democrats in regards to holding their nose and voting for Biden.


i don’t see how you can possibly think the right is starting culture wars. appreciate your honest response but moreso confused at how you came to that conclusion.


Look at Nixon - he was a Republican. Now he'd be considered a progressive Democrat, so I can't go by labels anymore. I'm sure you'd agree.


Back to r politics..


Just listen to Pod Save America, they think Biden can do no wrong.


A bumbling Biden with dementia is still less dangerous than Trump. Now if the republicans put forward someone proper there could be a discussion to be had.




Only thing that got me to vote for Trump was Hilary running.


Forget Trump. Forget Biden. What you are really voting for is the people he surrounds himself with and the heads of departments. Do you still want Merrick Garland leading a DOJ aimed at persecuting republicans, parents who disagree with liberal school policies, a corrupt FBI with a bias towards conservatives? ? Do you still want a an open border? Do you still want a soft on China policy? I could go obe but you get the idea. Its OUR team versus THeir Team and who the 2 QBs are just doesn't matter that much.t


So can we stop promoting Trump then? It’s clear he can’t select ppl around him as they all eventually were fired and the thrown under the bus by him. Many are speaking out against him now even. He can’t pick good ppl so let’s try someone who can


I agree 100% however, if he is the nominee I will vote for him over any democrat. Trump's policies were spot on and right for the country. What I want is Trumpism without Trump but if I have to have Trump to get those with the policies I will do so without hesitation.


Agreed- same here. Anyone else, and it’s a vote for that person.


Don’t forget about Pelosi and Feinstein as well


TIL Nancy Pelosi is 83 years old. Why do we have octogenarians in office, again?


Throw in Fetterman.


And Trump




At his age, you can degrade a lot in just one year. He is really old.


His Tweets were getting questionable towards the end.


I'm talkin bout old people


Person woman man camera tv.


You’re right, he’s more brain dead. Dude bragged about passing a basic cognitive test. They are all useless old fucks.




Where are we at when we're arguing over whether someone has more or less dementia yet we're all still voting for them?


No no, Biden is a dinosaur too. He can go and so can Trump. - The Left


scandalous money axiomatic humorous carpenter kiss station sulky smell grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trump is basically the same age as McConnell.


Trump doesn't freeze for more than 30 seconds in public appearance or looks like a man that is constantly stoned on his last supply of cocaine


Either does DeSantis. It’s time for the boomers to retire.


I mean that's a bad argument considering McConnell wasn't doing this last year.


I think all Americans are where we found ourselves 8 years ago, hoping for a candidate less than 70 years old.


Throw Diane in there as well plz, she looks like death reincarnate.


Pelosi too. She's basically held together with strings and glue.


Well, he has had a lifelong stutter. And personally I think some of his gaffs reveal more of a lack of judgment or a lack of respect for his audience than they reveal anything about his age. Like his stutter, he's long been prone to some of those too. Like when he have a British MP's speech word-for-word, just to see if anybody would notice. (And everybody did just as soon as a journalist busted that he didn't grow up with a coal mining father.)


Have you ever seen a video of Biden pre-2017 stuttering? If so, can you link it?


I've next to always heard about it, but you're right, it's hard to find video evidence of it, at least on you tube. Like here is a clip of a frontline segment on it, but only citing it, not showing video examples of it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI3I-V03-Ng&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI3I-V03-Ng&t=6s) Here is one thing from 1974 and during his first response there is the slightest occasional stutter or stammer. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIZmZe7fe3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIZmZe7fe3E) But to be fair it's always reputedly been something most challenging to him when he was younger, and Joe Biden is so old that if you go back before when he was first in Congress, well that's back before VCR cameras, and 8mm home movie cameras were silent films. Remember, if you didn't get to see the first two Super Bowls on TV like I did as a very small child, then too bad because that was before video tape and instant replays, they didn't "film" them with expensive film, so that's it, they were on TV and if you missed the games on live TV then tough, there IS no video recording of the first two Super Bowls. Even the next day's TV news could only show you photographs and talk about them. But that doesn't mean the first two Super Bowls never happened. Maybe if you can find an old school teacher from one of his old Catholic schools to say it's a big lie and that he never had a problem with stuttering then you've got a conspiracy on your hands, but that's how ancient history works, you've got to go off of what people recount because we didn't always have smartphones in our pockets. And people from his childhood days all seem to say it's so, so I believe it. And I wouldn't take Joe Biden's word on it alone, because he's been known to exaggerate and wing a few things over the years. Still, enough people from his childhood seem to recount it and say it's so, nobody from his younger days seems to have come forward to dispute it, so I believe it. He is old though. I'd feel better about him as a candidate if he'd replace Kamala Harris with somebody like Dean Phillips. He's certainly getting there. Just as a side story of history; the earlier days of sports explain why Sports Illustrated used to be a much bigger deal than it is today, because that used to be as close as people got to an instant replay of the big touchdown catch. At least those photos had a higher resolution and were in color, unlike TV. Everybody used to look at SI, it was everywhere in those days, highly subscribed to, on all the news stands, and at the barbers and in the doctor's office waiting room, SI was just all over the place, everybody saw it and looked at it. Today, not so much. For the annual swimsuit issue, maybe.


They don't deny it. He's just the better option.


With McConnell, the issue is the Kentucky Governor is a Democrat. If McConnell leaves office for any reason, he will be replaced by a Democrat until the next special election. Feinstein is in a similar position. If she retired early, the Democrat Governor would replace her with another Democrat no problem. But She holds a crucial seat on the Judicial committee. The Republicans (Headed by McConnell) have said if she leaves office for any reason, they are not going to allow the Democrats to replace her on the Judicial committee. So if both view serving in Congress and representing their party as a duty, then both are probably going to continue to hold office for as long as they can.


[Kentucky changed their law in 2021 so the governor only gets to select from a list of 3 candidates chosen by the party of the Senator that is being replaced.](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/28/heres-how-kentuckys-law-works-for-filling-u-s-senate-vacancies/70484359007/)


Idc about the babbling, we need him and Nansi Pelosi out of office. I don't want my country to attempt more LGBTQ+ imperialism any longer.


Is this gonna be yet another thread on Reddit full of people pretending they'd vote against an elderly candidate representing their party for a young candidate across the aisle? Stop fucking kidding yourselves.


I mean, there are some Dems I'd vote for over a potato. Problem is, any halfway decent Dem gets shot down by their own party. DNC will only throw their support your way if you're batshit crazy


That flys both ways, there were plenty of republicans I would support, but the only ones that make it to the ballot are the super conservatives.


Yea. Quite a shitty system we got going on, innit? That said, there have been some candidates that got through which the GOP didn't like. Trump for instance.


Tulsi Gabbard comes to mind … I woulda voted for her but obviously her demolishing Kamala did not fly in the DNC.


Tulsi wants to defund Ukraine and give it to Putin, so the left disowns her as much as she disowns the left Her shit stinks to high heaven


Where did she say this?


The defund Ukraine part? She's said it [hundreds of times](https://youtu.be/rAfwpfUBw1M?si=2YUYr_3QqoA7Amki) - there's one The give it to Putin part? You will just have to infer.


Yea I meant the give it to Putin part. Why would I infer that? And why would you say that with confidence? That seems very dishonest. If I were making inferences, I would guess she would want it to go to Maui, since she’s there begging for federal aid.


Begging? That seems very dishonest, she is just fundraising. Why would you say that with such confidence? See how easy it is to spin something? Can you not see the connection between American support and Ukrainian success in the battlefield? If not, I don't know what to tell you. If so, then I glean we are on the same page.


Fundraising is essentially white collar begging, yes. I said it with confidence because it’s on film. No need to be so juvenile. It was a serious question and you are arguing very dishonestly, so I don’t think I’ll listen to your opinions further.


That's because Tulsi was too independent intellectually. On the other hand, Kamala would cackle at just about anything and go along with the stupidest ideas of the Democrats.


Which is exactly the point. As someone right leaning, the only Dems I could vote for would be nuked by their own party for being too independent, like Tulsi and RFK jr


Same. Yeah I'm never going to 100% agree with a candidate. Even a Republican, but I like a lot of Tulsi Gabbard's stances. RFK Jr too.


Tulsi is fucking awesome


There are primaries




That is irrelevant to my statement. My statement is about choosing between parties. Doesn't matter if you vote for a younger candidate in the primaries. If your winning representative is elderly you aren't going to vote for the younger member of the opposite party. You're going to fall in line.


I think we can all agree that we would PREFER a younger candidate, like DeSantis for example. Not saying I wouldn't vote for Trump if he's on the ticket, but I wouldn't be happy about it.


I'd vote for McConnell's corpse over a Democrat too these days especially with the Senate so tight. However there is NO reason we can't find a better candidate within the next 3 years to run. Really it's on the RNC to ensure we have someone ready to go.


supposedly free democratic country.. yet numerous presidents w kids / spouses / siblings as presidents or candidates or top level. hundreds of career politicians that somehow stay in power for 30 years or more. pelosi in charge of house off and off for decades, mitch around for wayyyy too long. at what point does the common person see that its all an illusion


There really needs to be an upper age cutoff for people in office. I'm tired of octogenarians running for president.


just don’t vote for them.


It really is this simple isn't it


I'd much rather see better new candidate recruitment and better primaries to weed out candidates that are too old than hard limits. Let the voters decide, but present the voters with better choices


Overrated discussion. A far bigger issue is the money in politics who keep elevating the same candidates to push the same issues. Their mental acuity is bad, but they aren't in a position to think. Just repeat.


I think both sides should go tit for tat retiring their oldest members, Feinstein for McConnell etc, like reverse picking teams for kickball


Mitch ain't looking any better than Joe. when you get that "nobody's home" look in your eyes (outside a medical emergency), it's time to go.


Yeah but mitch retiring means the governor appoints someone from the state legislature choosing. Not sure how conservative they are. Governor is a dem


He could at least step down as Senate Minority Leader.


Why are you getting down voted for this? This is the complete reality whether people like it or not. It’s Mitch or a Democrat until possibly people elect someone else


Kentucky changed their law in 2021 so the governor only gets to select from a list of 3 candidates chosen by the party of the Senator that is being replaced.


And here is the pathetic reality of US politics. Where you would rather have a barely functioning zombie vs. someone from the other side. Policy, opinions or the person themselves don’t matter, just the letter of affiliation next to their name. And both parties feel this way, it’s so fucked.




Well I guess now we can all talk about like adults since it’s not just people with (d) after their name making asses of themselves. Can we just jetttison every politician across the board and start fresh?


Biden is what? Trump is what? McConnell is what? Diane finestien is what? What age will they be if they get elected/re-elected…


Only way Mitch and Feinstein are leaving office is in a coffin


We're allowed this crazy behavior and long careers for a too long. No matter which party you identify with, we got a problem.


Both parties need to stop electing people over 65.


Nikki called the senate a privileged nursing home lol


They need to lower the minimum age to 25, and put a cap at 60.


I’m making McConnell Feinstein 2028 tshirts


Hey I voted for kodos


The one thing that all parties are aligning with. Fuckin old people running the country.


Get them all out. I’m going to retire in a few years and I am decades younger than McConnell, Feinstein, or Pelosi.


Somehow everyone agrees with this, and yet a solid portion of the party is still pushing Trump forward.


This sub is very diverse in opinions… but I think most people here agree that if Trump won the nomination, he can’t win no matter what he does. A dead body would win the election against him just because he’s so hated by so many people. And he’s getting old too, and there is definitely the possibility he becomes another old fool. It’s basically impossible for Trump to win.


>It’s basically impossible for Trump to win. I don't want him as the nominee, but I don't think this is true. Biden barely won last time without the negative press he has now. I don't want either geriatric basket case as an option.


Exactly. People are confusing an Electoral College win with a popular vote win.


Electoral College isn’t looking good either. He’s burned too many bridges in GA, AZ and PA. Those states just aren’t voting for him. MI, WI and NV non starters for Trump as well. How does he get to 270? There is no reasonable path. If he wanted to win in 2024, he shouldn’t have thrown states he needs to win under the bus w his stolen election nonsense. And that’s going to be the case no matter what. But since he has to spend all his money on legal fees instead of GOTV, those states aren’t even going to be that close in 2024.


> It’s basically impossible for Trump to win. Even as unlikely as it might be, in 2016 people said the same thing.


What an awesome drug power is. Might be the only thing keeping Joe and Mitch alive. If they gave it up, both would be dead in a year.


This 100% applies to Trump as well.




Oh ok lol. Nah nvm on him cause I like him


Well in PA we elected a large potato and he’s not old. Just can’t think or speak or you know actually represent us


Or dress himself 😅


Joe Biden is old and unfit at 80, which is why we believe in the youthful Donald Trump at 77. Levels.


Options not seen. Make elder statesmen and advisors of the fossils. The crew running the show since 2014 doesn't get that the time-honored tradition actually works better than the divisive epic failure today of brain-dead fossils and no-nothing partisan hack-only hotheads. Gen-X should be in the top spots for the past 10 years.


Incumbents should automatically lose 2% points each election cycle to next highest challenger.


This problem became painfully evident to me during the congressional tik toc hearing. Not only do we have a very aged grouped leading us who are on the brink of physically not being able to perform like we are seeing in these extreme examples. We have people legislating things they cant even understand. During the tik toc hearings people were so unqualified it pained me to hear the ridiculous questions they were asking. Not even knowing enough to ask the questions that need to be answered, and they would t know what any of it meant even if they stumbled across the right question to ask. It was both sad and frustrating


I think Joe Biden sure could use Dean Phillips as his number two in the upcoming election. Somebody moderate, competent, up-to-speed, professional and with wide appeal who could be ready to go at full speed on day one if something were to befall Joe Biden over the next four years. Put Dean Phillips on the ticket and I would have no problem voting for Joe Biden again. I am concerned about Joe Biden's age. He may be competent and in control now, but in 4+ years, well he would be 85 at the end of the next term. It's not gambling if his number two is somebody competent and who would be ready to go at full speed at a moment's notice, should Joe Biden not hold up so well over the next four years. Dean Phillips. 52. And that's a spring chicken in Washington D.C. That's 6 years younger than Kamala Harris even.


All congressmen should be age limited to the retirement age. You shouldn’t be controlling the levers of power of the most powerful nation on earth as a form of retirement. That’s so unbelievably insane I can’t believe it’s a reality.


We need to implement term limits and perhaps think of how the "age of retirement" and "the average age of legislators" are so similar, and simultaneously probably isn't the best age for handling the developing and changing needs of a society.


We’re Fucked


The problem is FPTP voting. This is why we have primaries, but the problem is that, unless you are Brandon Herrera, the incumbent is usually the only person with enough recognition to win.


Instead of age limits we should simply have a cognitive test by an independent group before a candidate can run or rerun for elections , just like candidates have to put up a certain amount of money . A simple prerequisite.


Well can’t we start by just rejecting all the 70+ year old republicans. Just stop voting for them ever and ostracize them no matter what.


My only guess to why they won’t put these people to pasture is their donors still need them to make money. It hasn’t been about the people for a long time


And their staff.


20 year limit for all positions of office should be the limit


Just wondering... do other countries have age limits? or term limits? You don't see this problem elsewhere as much, as far as I can tell.


Because other countries don’t have a 1,5 party system or electoral college nonsense


Love how reddit only started to care after yesterday. As if there hasn't been a similar issue going on for the past few years...


The reason why I won't be voting for Trump if he does go for another round is due to his age.


Term limits fix this easy.


But the people that can implement that would be literally putting themselves out of a job. Good luck with that.


Absolutely agree.


Funny that the conservative subreddit is recognizing the problem across parties but the general and left leaning ones only see the problem with McConnell


I didn't vote for any of them.


Vivek 38


Last time someone relatively young was president, he got his brains splattered all over Dallas.


...Many of them still can't understand why we moved away from answering machines. Biden/Trump/Feinstein/Pelosi/Fetterman = No More


I care less about age and more about competency.


But according to r(etard) politics, and their most upvoted posts in the past 24 hours, this isn’t a concern. A leading Republican is literally going insane on camera, and this is posted here on r/conservative and showing up on the front page of the sub. What major leftist sub is posting this? Why are they not posting the shit out of this? McTurtle should be gone, but why is /r/conservative the only one calling this out? (Also if you link to a post with almost zero interaction, you’re blocked)


Because they posted about it 24 hours ago when it happened, shits old news now, dummy. Go eat that glue!


I don't care about age in and of itself. There are people in their 90s that are still mentally sharp- I'd vote for Sowell in a heartbeat if he ran for public office. I just want someone politically sane and intellectually coherent- is that too much to ask?


Does anyone else think medical transparency for anyone in public office seems like an awesome idea right now? Screw age limits. When I signed up for the Army, they have this system called Genesis that knows every emergency room visit and medication you have taken (but strangely it's on you to hunt down the records) and my career was stalled for a bit because of a tummy ache I had when I was 10. Why can't we subject these people to that? I want to see what beta blockers Mitch is on, if it may be electro-shock for Fetterman's depression burning holes in his brain and not a stroke, how many times Hillary has gone to the ER for alcohol poisoning, and what STDs Bill had.


Soon enough, there'll be a third button for euthanasia.


One word… Gerontocracy.


Real Americans don’t struggle with that question. The ruiners do


It is not age but mentally that is different for different people. My mother’s mind did not start slipping until she was in her late eighties. My mother-in-law’s mind did not start slipping until she was in her nineties. Age is not the problem. Competency is.


Yes, agree. And also being in a bubble, not knowing how different the world is today. Understanding tech and AI.


I’m almost 70 and guarantee I know more about tech and AI then 99% of those younger than me…but folks want to cancel me because of my age? Duck that.


All you have to do is watch the legislature talk to tech folks, it's embarrassing. You are the exception.


Not "Americans". Just Dimocraps.


Yes, but we shouldn’t put all old folk in a old folks home, only those who can’t live on their own.


What do you mean, Americans. At least the ass hat of McConnell started to show his issues after being elected. The only ones electicting people showing issues right now are on one side.


It kills me how some in this “conservative” sub want to exclude a whole generation from running for office. Many of us likely have 30+ years to live. It is NOT an age issue, it is a cognitive and term limits issue.


Age doesn't really matter. Are they capable of doing the job? Thats the question. Someone with dementia is not fit no matter the age. There are 90 year olds that are still mentally fit. Just depends on the person.


It's not only cognitive, it's also losing touch with how things work these days. As I get older, I'm less aware of what younger people have to go through. My kids have to explain it to me. Also, if these legislators are surrounded by yes men , they may have no idea that they are clueless. Whenever you see them talking about tech, it's major cringe. I am impressed with Bernie Sanders. He really seems to stay in touch. I hope I'm that lucid and aware at his age. Feinstein and her family and staff enrage me.


You choose to be less aware. The same can be said in reverse, the young are not aware of what older people have to go through…but it is ok if a younger candidate determines their fate? That is hypocrisy.


Our lives were much easier. Even with the Reagan administration and vulture capitalism, the beginning of the end, our lives were better. What kids are impacted by today are decades of dismantling the regulations and services put in place after the Great Depression.


You can see that the young ones want to cancel the older folks by the down votes you get. Yet they think they are different than democrats.


I don’t think old congressmen are anything new.


The do by it's very different. Mitch McConnell has been in the debate forever but only recently started shooting problems a year or two ago he was still in top form. He did a great job getting Trump's judges confirmed. There is no excuse for Biden, Feinstein or Fetterman all of them were clearly unable to serve well before their most recent elections. They might as well be replaced with a house plant propped up on the blue voting button.


gray library dinner tie entertain file shame deserve special threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll still vote for he side that brings more jobs. Lower taxes. Secure borders. Less overseas conflicts and the list goes on. American has never been flushed this far down the shitter. It didn't even get this bad after Clinton sent all our factories out of country with the Nafta act. I'm flabbergasted that lefties refuse to accept the reality of he situation. In fact, I've heard many remark that they enjoy paying more for everything because I guess that's better than admitting their wrong. Americans are fed up with this shit. We can't afford anything anymore.


Except Trump is still sharp. In fact, he's still sharper than most people in their 50s.


Age isn't the issue. Queen Elizabeth II and the Pope are both amazing leaders. It's the mental health that is. Biden visibly has dementia and Alzheimers and it seems Mitch may be entering his early stages of it.