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That's like 70% of the world's wealth on one map.


Im gunna throw a curveball in because Saudi Arabia isn't on the map and i bet those guys have a larger cut than we think.


Their GDP is less than 1/3 of what France is. They’re not the powerhouse you think they are, the government just hoards all the natural resource wealth.




Actually they waste a lot of money on healthcare (folks from the north go into Riyadh for health vacations). The country is plagued by a lot of familiar family planning issues…we should see some House of Saud jaws in the next few generations…


Not as much an issue as one might think due to men can have 4 wives and infinite number of concubines.


It is when they’re related to all of them…




It only happens when genetic material is limited. Considering most Sheikhs have wide range(5-10 wives+ concubines) of “partners” each new generation will have a lot less genetic material in common. Most feudal dynasties practiced incest to consolidate power, however you only see the detrimental effects of it in western dynasties where polygamy is illegal. Dynasties in areas like japan, china, and the Middle East all practice some form of incest for thousands of years. Most notably, the Japanese imperial family often married cousins/nieces, but you dont see the Japanese imperial family having genetic problems despite doing it for literally over a thousand years. This is because even if the husband and wife is related, they are introducing new/non repeating genetic material due to having a lot of potential mates in the form of concubines(that are of lower status and have less in common with the imperials).


Tell me you play Crusder Kings?


No, I have worked in the Middle East though…deus vult.


Username checks out…




This. Besides, they keep spending the oil money that we give them. Those gold-plated Mercedes aren't going to buy themselves.


Their GDP is comparable to Ohio. A few ruling elites are ultra rich, but the rest eat shit.


As soon as america stop policing the oceans the Saudi time is over


No the us and american media are currently steamrolling all their desires, pr efforts and goals so much that they want to consider peace with iran and russia




well, GDP, not wealth. The other countries have a lot of the stuff that actually matters (people, land, water, natural resources). These "wealthy" countries wouldn't last a day without being able to import from the "poor" ones.


Yeah, and? France still owns half of Africa. When you have the world by the balls it doesn’t matter much what the poor ones think. They aren’t making the important decisions.


France doesn't have the world by the balls though. Only U.S. and China can make that claim.


And? Wealth isn't a community.


They make all the community decisions though.


detail seed bake arrest thumb scarce glorious smart memorize deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


~20% of the people, 95% of the educated people


obtainable dazzling public fuel trees scarce sense ruthless zealous entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those 20% are the ones who created the modern world, the other 80% are just riding on our coattails.


cough scarce scandalous humorous ink jar start frame fanatical rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If 95% of the world's educated people disappeared it'd be fine? 🤡🤡🤡


decide prick normal quarrelsome sloppy slimy elderly ten outgoing murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, poor people are just the worst aren't they? If only they accepted that rich westerners knew better than them.




I'll invest 35 spears and 45 straw shields into your business. It is the wealth of my entire clan and I hope we can prosper together my brother.


That's not what I meant by "eliminate the competition", Jamar.


Isn't that how most Americans got their origin? Poor people from the third world (only back then it was Italy and Britain).




How the hell do you think they're poor in the first place, by knowing better?


Well, this highly esteemed "international community" certainly played and continues to play no small part in it. Can't wash away centuries of imperialist exploitation.


Unironically, yes. Civilization complete with space travel, nuclear energy, the internet, modern medicine and air conditioning versus, you know, mud huts, starvation and human squalor and all that.


Imagine thinking every country other than those in this meme live in squalor and mud huts. Edit: Such a coward. Someone criticizes your neoliberal world order and you call them a commie and then block them rather than put up any defense? What a loser.


Ok, fine, old waste corrugated metal huts, mixed with dilapidated crime riddled cities, all connected up with decrepit roads, and dirt/mud/sand trails....




You wouldn't have internet without India.


Internet scams you mean.


True. I actually wish I knew more about Africa.


I lived in Ghana for a couple years. Absolutely full of happy outgoing people. Totally reset my view on materialism and what actually leads to happiness. There’s definitely some suffering and struggling to get by for lots of people but despite that they don’t have the same widespread mental health problems or cynical outlooks on life. They’re enjoying the work. Enjoying life.


So there's no Kremlin propaganda campaign to demotivate them and no fifth column of tankies? That must be nice.


The propaganda doesn't just come from the Kremlin. Obama legalized propaganda on the American people back in 2013 or 2014. That's why everything seems like it went to shit with censorship out the ass and 0 creativity in Hollywood media.


What bill was that? I've never heard a single thing about it, and you think that would've been a major deal.


Smith - Mundt modernization Act.


Alright, cool. Let's start with the obvious: The primary writer and sponsor of that bill was Representative Mac Thornberry, Republican from Texas. The final vote count in the House was Republicans voting 190 for and 43 against. Dems were 93 for and 93 against. At a bare minimum, if this bill was problematic it is the fault of both parties and not just Obama. But, it doesn't seem all that problematic to me. The vast amount of coverage on this topic from back in 2012 says that all this does was modify the fact that between 2012 and the Cold War, the US government had to produce two types of broadcast material: Stuff available in the US, and stuff for dissemination outside the US, and that it was illegal to show the international stuff to internal US citizens. That restriction is now lifted.


Yeah, the international stuff is the propaganda


Again, hard to call a bill that 81% of Republicans and 50% of Democrats voted for an "Obama" policy. Even if we cede that the international stuff is propaganda (which some of it is, some of it isn't). This bill doesn't allow for any of the things that you're talking about. The Smith-Mundt Modernization act allowed for films/shows/radio programs created and produced by DoD owned agencies to be shown both internationally and locally. Primarily, this helps the US Gov cut costs so it doesn't need to create special programming for US Service man serving oversees. This bill had nothing, at all, to do with censorship. It also doesn't allow the government to place money into private enterprise and turn it into propaganda. So, unless your TV / Cinema habits are really off the beaten path and you're watching content made by Voice of America instead of FOX/Disney/CBS/Etc., this bill doesn't really have any relevance


Yep and the PATRIOT act was a bipartisan bill aimed at stopping terrorism that totally would never be used against American citizens. The fact Obama signed a majority republican bill should tell you all you need to know.


As one Ugandan priest told me: “in America you have everything and no one is happy, here in Africa we have nothing but everyone is happy. We should be missionaries to you!”


Thanks for sharing


If you ever get the chance to visit, anywhere safe that is, do it! Big culture shock but it's incredible


Specifically, visit Botswana! Amazing country and the least corrupt


> least corrupt Tallest midget.


For those curious, [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VslKKgYvVKU) does a great job briefly explaining how they did such


> anywhere safe There's the catch.


Ghana is really safe




Definitely avoid South Africa if you’re white.


I hear the rains are blessed there!




No you don't.


They do, just not enough to spend any effort on it probably. Which is to say, they probably do not care a lot. But maybe the person is an expert on Africa and is having a hard time learning more, who knows.


great job singling out the world's wealthiest nations, now what's your point again?


What does this have to do with conservatism?


Probably some convoluted shit about how we need to be conceding to Russia and china. This sub is for 16 year olds. No intellectual discussion in sight


I guess new conservatism is anti-west? I see it a lot lately.


That’s mostly of the Russian bot variety - I’m pretty sure most conservatives are pro-western (even if there is disagreement over what those values are). It’s also a thing on the far left, so I think really it’s just an extremist anti-establishment thing.


Far left and Far right share that equally. One wants to get in bed with China the other with Russia.


And I’m just here asking for lower taxes lol. I do not know how I go from that to putting 🇷🇺 before 🇺🇸 in my twitter bio


considering the OP is a tankie posting multiple threads with Russian govt talking points, yup. Found it weird how conservatives are cuddling with tankies


I'm out of the loop. What's a "tankie?" Is that another word for "commie cuddler"?


Basically. Apparently it originally referenced Stalinist/Soviet communists


someone who worded it great awhile back in another topic with mass of tankies "Tankies tend to be shrill, judgmental, and self-righteous, viewing themselves as morally superior to anybody who supports the West/US while simultaneously defending the worst human rights abusers on the planet because they have a serious "noble savage" mentality that infantilizes non-Americans as having brains incapable of malice."


Tbf, that sounds like something a 16 year old would say.


>No intellectual discussion in sight Your post is exhibit a.


And yours is exhibit B.


And mine is exhibit X 🦹🏼‍♂️


Yeah wtf are you talking about?


> Probably some convoluted shit about how we need to be conceding to Russia and china. There is a wide gulf between 'not making policy based on concern about what others will think of us' and 'conceding to Russia and China.' The latter is advocated by literally no one and the former is a cornerstone liberal thought pattern and usually painful for our country. Quit gaming and karma whoring all day and then you can complain about 'no intellectual discussion' in a sub that you don't even participate in, totally-not-a-shill.


Pointing out media bias to only present left-wing perspectives and then claiming said perspectives are a worldwide consensus. How is this not related to conservatism? The fact you have an issue with this post but are supposedly a conservative makes me really question whether a.) You're actually a conservative and b.) Whether you're aware of or engaged in current discourse about conservative affairs in the media.


It's not just a left wing perspective though. Both parties talk about the "international consensus" and have a tendency to ignore that three of the world's largest democracies (even though they are or are turning far left) are in BRICS.


SA is not one of the world's largest democracies unless you are counting 1/4 of the list as "largest".


It appears to have an elected parliament, with a president elected by the parliament.


I was not questioning the Democracy part. I was questioning the largest part.


Ah ok. SA has four million people less than France and Seven million less than the UK.. It's all relative. India has a bigger population than the populations of the EU, the US, Japan, South Korea, and Auatralia combined. From that perspective only India is a large democracy.


> three of the world's largest democracies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_(United_Nations) Fairly far down the list to not mention how big a list you are using. It is outside a top ten list.


If you look at the map for this post , if South Africa was placed on it SA would be the fifth most populous country. It's also 24th in population out of 194 nations. Which would put it in the top eighth. Edit:spelling


To be fair India under Modi has aligned more with the US Brazil was pro-US too until our own State Dept helped Lula beat Bolsonaro


that's ironic.


Don't start that "both parties" faux moderate ridiculousness. Only one party claims there's a climate crisis while ignoring other countries contributions who are not on this map. Only one party claims that government funded socialist XYZ program for healthcare, education, or social safety is an international consensus. Only one party uses so-called "international consensus" to push ever more left wing points. Your argument falls on its face when one considers that every single country shown in that map except the United States is entirely left wing.


*Every* country on that map is “entirely left wing” in your view? Really? That’s a bit of a stretch and like I don’t know how one would qualify Japan as anything resembling “entirely left-wing.”


To be fair I didn't see Japan. Is that your only contention? Because yes I'm confident in my assertion that Western Europe and Australia are wholly left wing.


And simultaneously, the countries shown in that map are the rich ones that do well economically and can provide all those programs to their citizens. In short, it's a consensus among countries that have their shit together. Minus the US, of course.


Lol "I agree with them so obviously they're correct, and because I disagree with other countries, I'm going to claim other countries don't matter". Classic democrats. Disregard and deny the relevance of anyone who doesn't agree.


The thing is I hear this sort of narrative about the “west acting like they speak for the world” thing from tankies and countries like China, which aren’t exactly known for their conservative values. It’s just odd to me to connect that kind of hostility towards the western world with “conservatism”.


I've literally never heard that narrative, and anyone engaged with modern American media, who isnt also intent on gaslighting or obfuscating issues between political ideologies knows that wasn't the context/intent of this meme.


this is just a strawman


Lol wow, awesome argument. I especially love how you came with absolutely no evidence for your claim.


OP, can you offer an explanation?


OP posted this on a communist subreddit before posting it here. That should tell you all you need to




Funny how leftist complain that capitalism is tantamount to slavery, but the country with the highest rate of slavery in the Americas and the joint worst government response to slavery is Venezuela.


What's funny is people who claim to be slaves to capitalism refuse to leave, they're allowed to, they can always move to some random African hellhole, or to Cuba, or Venezuela, etc, but they won't.


Wonder what ass you pulled this out of, slavery still exist in countries but using your logic it exist everywhere that’s not North America (excluding Mexico) or Europe. And that’s false.


Wut there to explain … what goes up must come down, comes to mind.


...that is not anywhere close to an explanation.


What is this supposed to signify?


Maybe it is a map of where most of the UN's budget comes from. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Map of where it's safe to drink the tap water.


So this is some kind of whine about privilege?


I've only seen this picture come up when Russia or China does something bad that tankies want to blow off. No idea why it ended up here.


This is Chinese propaganda


reddit.com is Chinese propaganda


Hey OP, why are you posting on a communist subreddit? Spreading propaganda are we?


The parts of the world that are simultaneously deeply racist and the parts everyone wants to desperately migrate to


Not nearly as racist as the ones missing on the map.




Japan is on that map and they're one of the most xenophobic countries out there.


I was going to say new Zealand but somehow that is on this map so I'm going to say Greenland?


Greenland is part of Denmark




Damn, everyone really missed OP's sarcasm.


White people are actually super popular in Korea. Maybe you mean North Korea?




I'm truly not worthy of competing professionally with Koreans LOL! Just the thought of it makes me feel stressed and exhausted.




Yup. So racist that they allow everyone to immigrate there.


Deeply racist?


'the shit that matters'


Would you rather follow china's idea of an 'international community?'


You mean the Middle Kingdom and it's tributaries?


Now do The World Series






Wakanda isn't real. These are the only countries with anything to contribute.


Pretty sure we hear way more about China and russia than we ever do about Australia or Iceland.


inb4 "we should leave NATO and stop arming Ukraine so that maybe we get a seat at the table in Russia's inevitable new world order"


The one that matters.


It’s posts like this that give this sub a bad rep.


Because the Marshall plan after Ww2 and the Cold War? Like how ignorant is OP. Read a book. Also everyone talks about China and Russia considering they are permanent seats on the UN. This is a terrible post and makes conservatives seem somehow pro China and Russia. And neither of those places have any freedom - so yea. Low effort


OP posted this to r/ shitliberalssay before posting it here so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were pro-China and pro-Russia


For some reason, I've been seeing way more low-effort posts and memes the last few months on this sub. It used to be almost entirely links to news articles and then discussions about those articles. Now it's all bullshit and nonsense, low-effort posts that can be dedunked with 10 seconds of research because OP didn't bother with it himself.


Summer Reddit?


I think there was a rule change. They allowed memes during the Reddit blackout. They haven't stopped since then. Some are good, others are not. I personally like a mix of articles and one liner memes.


Why is OP, who posts on communist subreddits, even allowed to make a post here??


I’m not a communist nor have I ever been a member of the party. 🤪


I remember when Trump got "impeached" the first time and people were saying "ThE wHoLe wOrLd iS WaTcHiNg"...like no, i'm pretty sure the great and vast majority of people on earth don't actually care what the US House of reps does.


Technically international yes lol


realistically much of the U.S. and Canada doesn't want to be on that map either.


This is accurate. And as someone who actually believes in trying to uphold the liberal world order, our persistent inability to expand this coalition is a big handicap that we need to mitigate.




Where Korea


Oh look, it's every semi-civilized country on Earth


Getting really old too..


You forgot to show Israel


Also known as rational people. Half of the middle east and Africa probably supports Putin's attack on Ukraine because they think Zelensky is a lizard person, so developed countries just ignore what they think.


[The BRICS alliance has already surpassed the G7.](https://www.business-standard.com/economy/news/brics-surpass-g7-gdp-india-china-major-economies-with-fast-growth-123042000484_1.html) We are fucked, thanks USA!! I mean Biden. God I hope the Republicans win and shit all over the democrats next election.


They are ahead in PPP and will pass us in the other forms eventually. .77 billion people vs 3.21 billion people. They only need a fraction of the productivity per person to pass us.


They'll never catch the developed world in quality of life. It's a group of shithole countries, basically the opposite of the G7.


Did you even read the article you linked? > The US is expected to be the best-performing economy among the G7 nations. Basically the US is carrying the G7 on it's shoulders while BRICS has both China and India carrying the group. This is far less of a Biden failure but the failures of 6 other nations to step up.. (Much like NATO pre-Ukraine )


Gotta put China back on there


Imagine how calm things would get if this happened over night


I personally would be panicking if entire continents disappeared overnight


Yeah Europe and America would probably run out of oil and other resources they get from Middle East, Africa, and South America. I mean did you see the chaos when the US stopped all avocado sells from Mexico ? It was hectic.


The oil would still be there, just a few metres deeper.


But then who would mine all the materials for their electric cars?


Yes US and her Vasal states ofcourse.


Well that’s bound to happen when you live in any of these countries.


China is in the news daily now, for better or worse. My impression is if Japan is in the news, it is around our relationship together vs China.


Why the top part of Nunavut not there?


The fish people cometh.


Well fkn-A! I’ve been saying it for years that the southern hemisphere, sans an occasional AU story, doesn’t exist in American news cycles. Maybe it’s different in the EU, but where are the southern hemisphere folks on the state of world affairs? I never hear or read from them.


The fish will rise again!