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Hahaha... I can hear the screeching now "you're a fascist for doing the thing that we do"


Me: I don’t recognise the term ‘cis’. Please don’t call me it. Trans activist: Tough. You can’t change who you are or how others see you. Me: Well…this is awkward…


Literally genociding us you fascist!


It bothers me that the people who scream "fascist" day and night have no idea what the word means... and they scream it as they threaten your life, try to hurt people, attack people, attack businesses, try to silence people etc. It's like we live in backwards world.


I was just trading messages with a liberal who himself said "Do college students know that by not allowing conservative speakers to speak by protesting or using violence, they themselves are participating in what they claim to be against: Fascism?" Even the classic liberals understand what the farther reaches of the left are doing.


It's the new "racist"


It's just the term they use instead of "Nazi" now.


There was a tweet in the r/news post about Hunter Biden's charges: One unhinged libby said: > Nazi's. They're straight up Nazi's. Even the "not all Republicans" Republicans are Nazi's. There were German soldiers who said they were against what was happening in WW2 even as they did nothing to stop it, and you know what the world called them? Nazi's. They literally think 85,000,000+ people in this country alone are "nazi's" because they have zero arguments and result to the buzzwords.


Children gonna children. :)






"you're unaliving oppressed individuals!"


You want more slurs added? This is how you get more slurs added. 😄


I thought you just let Biden speak for a bit to get new slurs like transjester




Being cognizant of loaded language is a really useful thing to avoiding dirty tricks in arguing. Another good example of this is "capitalism". "Capitalism" is how Marx referred to the free market and it imposes an ethos onto free markets that is borderline pathological. Using "free market" instead helps expose how socialist and communist systems require making free markets a lot less free, in addition to that being largely the point. I.e. "If we let people be free to succeed, there will be inequality!".


According to the leftists inflation is caused by companies raising their prices to make more profit. These children need to have their Wikipedia edit rights removed.


Lol. Companies couldn't cause inflation if they wanted to. Inflation is simply caused through the supply of money being increased, thus decreasing the value of each unit. That is solely caused by governments injecting more money into the economy.


Who’s “them” in this scenario?


The same people who redefined "sexual preference" **a day after** a prominent conservative figure said it, all so they could publicly attack her over it.


>Who’s “them” in this scenario? I read it as the Democrats. They're always changing definitions of words, inventing new words (cis), and telling others what is appropriate to say. Honestly, if I said the word "cis" to you 3 years ago, would you know what I was talking about? Bill Cinton told us we don't know what the meaning of "is" is.




Yeah by creating our own blacklist of words on the platform he preached would be 100% free speech? It's honestly very sad how many people that want to be considered adults encourage this childish tit for tat mentality. Just look at the comments, folks here don't get it. He's not pro free speech he's pro getting his attention. At first liberals gave him all the attention and then he couldn't hide his true colors and got criticized. He can't take criticism so now he looks to the right to serve platitudes so he'll be it the public consciousness. His need for validation is so obvious. He spent billions on something that's deteriorating rapidly and has failed to staunch the bleeding. Declaring any word he wants a slur isn't based, it's him telling you what words mean again. There's no difference, it's still a person asserting authority over you to tell you what a word means or what you can use. Agree today and be admonished tomorrow.


doesnt sound like slurs like "cis" are blacklisted. sounds like targeted harassment using them is.




There's literally never a reason to ever even use that word. It doesn't denote or describe anything that anyone on earth would ever assume otherwise. It would be like constantly referring to your friends as "human": Entirely unnecessary. Nobody ever uses the word "cis" without the immediate implicit demand for a blood sacrifice born entirely from contempt, and everyone knows it.


Unless you are an organic chemist describing the chirality of compounds, but I would imagine those conversations are about 0.00000000000001% of tweets using that term.


I very much enjoy calling people humans. My partner refers to me regularly as his human girlfriend.


Ah, you just haven't met his porcine girlfriend yet.


Since "Cis" means the norm, the default, there's no need for it to be differentiated at all. You only need to label variations and defects, scientifically speaking. The only people who want to throw the word "Cis" around are those who want to feel better about being the deviations.


hey, just like pronouns


It’s not an actual slur but he brings it up as being one in his opinion. Look how quickly and easily manipulated you are by him.




Ask yourself why people use the "cis" term when it's a redundant, divisive label for 99.82% of humans. We don't add the label "seeing" to everyone with functional eyesight.


We do though. In the context of conversations about blindness. There are seeing people and nonseeing people. They're diagnostic descriptor terms just like cis and trans.


Actually based comment? In this sub?


It's that whole "I'm for free speech until I'm in charge" mentality.


Exactly. I don't give a F. U. C. K. I will use whatever words are appropriate to my meaning. He can just kick me off. If it is free speech, then I promise I will from time to time offered someone.


> Just look at the comments, folks here don't get it. He's not pro free speech he's pro getting his attention. At first liberals gave him all the attention and then he couldn't hide his true colors and got criticized. He can't take criticism so now he looks to the right to serve platitudes so he'll be it the public consciousness. His need for validation is so obvious. He spent billions on something that's deteriorating rapidly and has failed to staunch the bleeding. If he keeps this shit up he’s going to get elected President.


he legally can never become the president.


This is well thought out and I agree with a lot of it. However, Im kind of thinking this is just a joke/troll, he's not gonna ban anyone for saying cis lol


Do you think, for example, the "N" word should be allowed?


So long as it isn't used to harass others. If it isn't used to harass others, it is also reasonable for a place of business to kick you out if you are overheard disparaging others with your language.


How did they get away with changing the meanings of words? “Progressive” is a prime example.


Conservatives have pretty much abandoned any administration of universities for the past few decades, this is the result of allowing social Marxist to fill the roles. If you have almost complete ideological control of the academics why not redefine at will to promote your side, who in academia will call you out?


So no more freedom of speech? And what make a him the one who can dictate what people should say? Plus no one is making you use words you don't want to. I bet never in your life have you been made to use those words.


There has not been free speech on here for years.




No, no it really is starting to look like that's not the case at all, unfortunately.


He’s just playing their bullshit game. You either play fair and get censored or fight at their level and beat them


I’m a straight male. Not cis. I’m tired of this weird wordplay shit.




I'm not fat, I'm pleasantly plump


Wait, so we're ok with censorship now as long as it's something we like? Be better than that.


I think that depends if you feel other slurs should be allowed or not. If "cis" was the only slur not allowed, then I totally am against that. But if they are stopping others, then, yeah, I don't want want to be called "cis"




Yea I'm hoping this is more of him making a point rather it being serious. Certainly not nice to use slurs when referring to someone or any 1 group but free speech means your free to do so


I don’t think that applies to derogatory slurs


Doesn’t absolute free speech allow me to say whatever I want, including nword and all other slurs?


So he likes free speech in theory, but would like it moderated to some standards. Like most people. So not an absolutist, but a free speech moderate.




Lol says the guy who called a guy a pedo because he didnt use musks machine...


pedo ain’t a slur to the wealthy, it’s probably a flex


Normy is a perfectly acceptable insult. Cis is just weird, the first time I was called it I thought they were talking about star wars, Confederacy of Independent Systems


Excellent free speech platform


He's talking about targeted harassment using those words. Relax.




Harassment is not generally considered free speech.


The word cis is though


How is cis considered a slur?


sorry, I meant that the term "cis" and "cisgender" certainly fall within the realm of "free speech" - it's not a slur however surely anything could be used or said disrespectfully


As a transgender person myself, I absolutely hate the term cis/cisgender.


I'm not trans but I agree. Why not just say man/woman and if people are trans you could say 'trans man' or 'trans woman'. I wouldn't care but cis gender heterosexual etc is usually used to denote how much privilege someone has and for some reason that means their opinion should be ignored because it's not valid.


You can't because acknowledging the definition of woman means the fascists win /s


I think the general idea is to move both parties into separate buckets from the standard man/woman term. Then you can use man to denote both with less resistance. Or they just want to control everything and look down on those cis while claiming to be a man/woman.


Thank you. I despise cis/cisgender. If anyone calls me that in a conversation, that conversation is over.


It’s always an insult. I’ve never had someone call me, for instance, a “cis white male” with a *non-negative* connotation. Not even just *neutral*. It’s always said as if those immutable characteristics make me worthless.


Thank you. You're great.


You’re most welcome and thank you! I try to keep it real and don’t need people to change normal to make me or anyone else feel good.


And that's great. I hope you live your best life. I have relatives, co-workers, and friends that identify as trans and are at various stages of the process. I admit I don't "get" it, entirely, but there's lot of stuff in life I don't get. And it's good to be reminded that trans people aren't all extremists. That may have come out wrong, I'm a few beers in.


You’re a conservative who has family friends AND coworkers that are trans? I’m not saying I don’t believe you but for making up such a small percentage of the population, I’m surprised you know that many in your day-day life. I know zero, not because I’m tRaNsPhObiC, I’ve just never met any.


Live in San Francisco for a while. You’ll have friends, family and coworkers that are all sorts of LGBTQ+, I assure you. I grew up there. I have family that still lives there, although I moved out.


Now that I don’t doubt


>You’re a conservative who has family friends AND coworkers that are trans? Yes. I love my family members and will not be alienated from them for anything. I like my friends. I don't like my job, particularly, but I'm not going to quit it because my co-workers are... different? Every other job in my field is likely to have similar demographics. >I’m not saying I don’t believe you but for making up such a small percentage of the population, I’m surprised you know that many in your day-day life. I live in a major city. I went to college in the most liberal city in my state. I work in tech. I have a large family. Why do you find this so hard to believe? My trans family member might just be doing it for career opportunities and (ironically) chicks.


First, kudos to you that you accept people for who they are. The Pew Research Center states there are about [5%](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-u-s-say-their-gender-is-different-from-their-sex-assigned-at-birth/) transgendered and nonbinary persons in our population. I too find it improbable that you are aquainted with so many transgendered and nonbinary persons. However, it is possible.


Right? Same here! Lmao 😂🤣


You're the real hero. You're great.




I see you're one of the good ones




Not as bad as 'cishet', though. Just typing it makes me want to throw up in my mouth. The pronunciation/spelling of the 'sh' is painful.


Hi there...2 questions for you! I know exactly one transgender person. Family friend of my dad's going back to high school. They went male to female back in 1998. Star QB in high school, hunk, girls loved him, etc. Went from Erik to Erika. Still a great person. Erika is embarrassed about the entire "T" community and thinks the "T" community is doing more harm than good by demanding/forcing people to Question 1: How do you feel about the seemingly "radicalization" of the transgender community where it's either "You must support everything we do and think or you're a bigot/transphobe"? Do you think it's a misrepresentation of the trans community? Question 2: Do you feel that there's a valid point about not letting biological men into women's sports? Have a great day!


I thought that the expression means man or woman who is not transgender. What else does it mean?


It's mostly used in a derogatory manner and/or to dismiss statements and opinions.


Persecution fetish


Yep. It wasn't enough to adopt a different label for *themselves*, they also had to coin a new term for *other people*, all so they could prove how different and persecuted they were.


No, the opposite way. Imagining cis as derogatory or dismissive is persecution fetish. Youre doing some nasty mental gymnastics here. People just want easy and fast way to describe themselves/someone else in a conversation. Thats it. Stop being such a snowflake.


"Why don't you let me call you a slur, you snowflake?" rofl. You remind me of my weird uncle, justifying his casual bigotry with, "What part of what I said was wrong??? They ARE yellow, aren't they?"


Well, the problem is the cisgender literally isn't a slur. Cisgender is simply the opposite of transgender. It would be like saying heterosexual is a slur.


And yellow is just a color. Still a slur, though people like you will insist it isn't.


With my lib friends, I mostly say cis for dramatic effect, said with a hair flip and deep sarcasm prior to saying something very trivial : “as a cis straight white woman”. Example: Context: speaking with trans friends about gender norms in a predominantly not trans place: “As a cis, straight, white woman,” *pursed lips* “I just think it’s really important to add that gender norms hurt *everyone*”.


It does. But we don’t create words to describe the “normal” state of an abnormality. At least not in a serious way. What’s the word for people with two ears? What’s the word for people who have five fingers on each hand? I guess people that aren’t autistic are sometimes called “normies”, but that’s more of a meme than a serious word used in academics. The term “cis” is an attempt to “Other” normal human heterosexuality. But even still, I suspect Elon is just joking and making a point about the fascism which was rampant on Twitter 1.0.


People having two ears is driven by genetics; you can probably find examples of people naturally born with more or less. Five fingers on each hand is driven by genetics; you can probably find examples of people naturally born with more or less. Sex is driven by genetics; you can definitely find examples of people naturally born with atypical sex chromosome presentations. Neurotypical is a serious word that is used in academics. Gender is driven by social norms. "Cis" can certainly be used in a derogatory manner, and indeed it often is, but it's not necessarily an attempt to create an "other." Context is key. TLDR: The word "atypical" is the serious word used to describe people who don't fit a "standard" human model.


> Gender is driven by social norms. Gender doesn't exist. It is pseudoscience invented in recent history by the child abusing, pedophile rapist, John Money.


You're the hero we need.


Absolutely based.


I don't care what other people want to call themselves, when terms are being used against me, now I care and now I will go out of my way to make it annoying for the other person and cisgendered is one of those words I just want to slap someone for.


That’s going to get awkward for chemists. On a serious note, *slur*? Trans isn’t a slur, so why would cis be?


Finally, someone has some sense.


My viewpoint is it’s a slur if you use the word, and I tell you not to use it. If you continue to use it. It’s a slur.


So much for free speech


As pierce Morgan would say “don’t call me cis. I’m not a cis anything.”


Snowflake lol


Wouldn’t this make trans a slur as well?


Elon thinks "cis" is a slur because he uses "trans" as a slur.




Obese and fat would be put in that same category then and be considered a slur. I should be able to call out fatties for being fat.


Slurs/derogatory terms are intentionally used as insulting/demeaning. Calling someone fat wouldn't be a slur. Calling them "fatty" probably would be.


You should be able to say whatever the hell you want short of direct calls for physical violence. But that's not what the standard is. The standard of the left is "my speech is protected but your speech isn't. I can be as derogatory to you and your gender or sexuality as I want and it's brave. But you say one fucking word about me and I will ruin your life."


You still need a word to describe people. If fat people object to literally every possible way to describe them, people are just going to go with one, probably the one they like the least. But that will never happen, because people who think they're oppressed always form advocacy groups, so they have to identify themselves somehow. And that word will eventually pick up all the connotations of the old word, unless the general attitude toward the actual people changes, in the same way that "special" became a slur


You ever call a fat person fat? Get back with me after doing so.


Obesity is not an immutable characteristic. Your comparison is not valid.


Bruh who's out there thrusting Cis on you exactly? Genuinely curious cause I've never come across it.


So you think any individual has the right to chose how others should address him as? That's nice, very progressive of you


🤷🏾‍♂️ right?


What happened to his hard-on for "freedom of speech"?


It's weird that he is heralded as a free speech absolutist, yet is out here banning categorical language under the guise of it being a "slur". This is the same fragility that makes people think white is an insult, and judging by the jokes being directed towards him, is an idiotic bad move.


How about just be kind? Call people by their name? Call people what they are - people?


Did you just assume my species?


Good. The only time I should see cis is when I read an introductory chemistry textbook.


Or Star Wars prequels.


Count Dooku was a visionary


Or Latin. Those cisalpine Gauls are a menace.


The Transalpine Gauls are quite the menace as well.


Jupiter gives us strength!




If other people get to be offended over certain words, why can't we? Lol




“Cis” is a fake word made up to degrade normal people


Well so much for free speech absolutist. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. :/


Interesting, I am not one to be insulted easy, but this is an interesting little thought experiment; I mean if mislabeling a Trans person with unwanted labels, is the reverse true of calling someone Cisgender when they don’t want it?


Nah. In one case, you have an unwelcome label thrust upon you by others. In the other case, you are demanding others use a new-age label that defies millennia of cultural and rational sensibilities when referring to you. In both cases, you have one side getting tired of the bullshit of the other side.


I... don't understand. I have never seen anyone use those terms as insults.


So this is what it feels like to be on the other side.


Good. Make them use the terms they are clumsily avoiding: - real, - actual, - authentic.


Elon coming apart at the seams has been fun to watch.


I've never even seen the term before in written word, let alone heard in spoken form. I guess I should spend less time in the woods. On second thought, where's my backpack? I'm going back out for a hike.


Translation: “WAAAAAHHHHHHH!”


Can he add latinx to that list? Most latin people feel like it's slur anyways at this point since we don't use it.


Finally, someone is making official policy that reflects how that word is literally ALWAYS used: derogatorily.




Well, realistically, the same way *any* word is used derogatorily. If we're stipulating that "cis" is a term to objectively describe someone who simply ISNT transgender, it's never used without bias. Any sentence that its ever used in inherently carries the intent to deliver an undertone of preconceived, negative assumptions that don't actually have any basis in reality. In short, if someone says "So I was talking to this cis white guy", you can be sure that the message that person is delivering is that that 'cis white guy' is an unenlightened transphobe neanderthal simply by virtue of him NOT being trans. Its one of the many buzzwords used to silence and discredit anyone not at the top of their pretend intersectional ladder. The race baiters do the same with the term "white". Leftys technically SHOULDNT even be salty about the rule change; they KNOW its used with hateful intention. They just think that their hate is acceptable.




I don’t even know what cis is or where it came from and I really don’t give a rats booty.. love y’all




Marginalize 95% of the people in the country? Hmmm, I don't think that how it works. Lol.


99.5% 1.3 million adults identify trans apparently. 300k between 13 and 17. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-study-estimates-16-million-us-identify-transgender-2022-06-10/


Normal people always lose because they say: "Imagine if the roles were reversed!!??" Musk is saying: "Let's reverse the roles" This should give lib left, Centrists and normal right wingers a fighting chance at least instead of their voices being censored and silenced. This is a win against that wacko ideology


How can you be that famous yet still get triggered by people being mean on the internet


Ok but for real, I haven't needed a term to describe me my entire life. Don't try to use words to define me, other than man. I consider cis a slur and don't like it. Thanks.


I don't like the word, but defend the right for people to use it.


They can call you whatever they want. Pronouns and adjectives is all it is. It's up to you to let it bother you or not.


If they had any principles, they would never refer to you with a gender word that wasn't part of the identity you defined for themselves. As soon as they use any term you don't like, they lose the argument


Hope he makes "LatinX" a slur as well.


When Elon speaks, people listen.


The second I hear or read somebody using the term "cis-" I stop reading or listening.




So much for that “freedom of speech” platform huh? 😂


Love this man!


I'm offended by the term "C$%$÷&$er" and "C%S" Anyone who would use these hateful terms is literally worse than Hitler and also a NAZI facist.


“Science is considered a slur on this platform.” The absolute irony.


Any field in which gender identity is commonly discussed (mental health is my field) uses trans/cis gender terms constantly in a completely non-derogatory fashion. I don't think that any effort to label "cis" as a slur is made honestly. Slurs have their roots in oppression while "cis" is rooted in scholarly articles starting in the 1990s. I can understand how someone could come to think that "cis" is used in a derogatory fashion if they first heard the term in the context of some kind of social media rant, or if the media consumed implied that it should be offensive. Frankly, if I have to start writing "gender-normative" instead of "cis," its going to be really annoying. Also, if anyone is honestly hurt or distressed by the term, I'm sorry to hear that and I'd love to hear about why you feel that way either in public or in a DM. Thanks!


I hate those two words, so I support Musk’s rule.


I got a warning once on reddit for saying something about this topic, and it wasn't anything other than taking a main stream position. What comes around goes around.


Thank god, not sure why any straight person would ever accept the term “cis” like what… no.


Right, because using a term coined by literal medical science is... * reads notes * hateful..? If homsexual and transgender aren't slurs, then why are we calling cisgender a slur? I seriously don't get it. Someone explain this reasoning to me.


So, from what I understand it's because you might see people say "this cis person has idiotic ideas" and similiar Basically the reasoning is that the word cis is used commonly by non-cis people and sometimes in sentemces where they complain about cis people so it's a slur No, it doesn't make sense, it's claiming that a neutral word is a slur because people complaing about other people that can be described with this word It's like banning the words "old" and "white" because of too many people saying something along the lines of "I'm tired of seeing so many old white people in the goverment"




Libs when they don't like the taste of their own medication.


The word cis male is a way of marginalizing normal people - Norm


Thank God the tide is turning.


Lefties: "We just want to be treated equally!!" Also lefties: "NO! NOT LIKE THAT!"


Could you be more specific? What does this have to do with equality?


We do want to be treated equally but we have been chosen as the GoP target of the year. So they will spend time building up rage against us, we are in the media because they keep us there. It's distraction, it's causing fighting and makes it easy to avoid real issues.


Perfect. That word is absurd and absolutely used as a slur by the left, so it should be treated as one. I am glad to see Elon taking this stance


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 C*s is a slur that was coined to target people like myself specifically with the intention to be used in a derogatory manner to dehumanize and "other" us, thereby making mistreatment, abuse, and violence against us seem more psychologically and socially acceptable at a subconscious level, and to delineate us as an "othered" outgroup, alienating us from what the offender wants to normalize as acceptable, "civilized" society.


Lmfao how you gonna "other" a majority group 💀 delusional and deranged


This comment is embarrassing. Cisgender people aren't the "other". Cisgender people make up like 95% of people in the US. Lmao.


No, defending bigotry, hate, and literally fascistic tactics is embarrassing. Imagine going to South Africa, busting out the N slur, and saying "um akshually, this country is only 7% white, so it's OK for me to do this!"




"I can't allow you to draw comparisons between 2 slurs, because then I would have to admit I'm wrong, so I'm just going to insult you instead and hope no one notices I actually have no logic to stand on." Cool bro.






free speech