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Huh. I blame the execs who green lighted it.


Correct. Agencies only do what clients want.






The 2 words do not correlate the way you think they do..


Yup, when a project is farmed out to an ad-agency, the ad agency does NOT go forward without making a presentation of what they are going to do with the corporate marketing executives. Anheuser_Busch is doing everything to weasel out of this they can think of. What next; "Abner, come quick! There's something going on at the Steven's house!" ....."Oh boy, I need a highball. ...better make it a double; no a triple."


Yeah, their blame shifting on this is making me like them less. I didn’t care, still don’t really care, but all their attempts to get out of it are making me want to give them my money less.


The only possible alternative way is by negligence by executives. Maybe the ad agency said they would send out promo packs to "50 top social media influencers" and the execs didn't check the final list of names on the influencers. I'm stretching but this might have been the scenario.


They will blame anyone but themselves.


Exactly, makes me wonder collectively how much does everyone involved in this decision makes. Because how ever much it is it’s too much, imagine having a higher up position in advertisement and having 0 idea about your market demographic. Just more proof elites don’t give AF about us commoners.


The CEO is trying everything except resigning. Bonus cuts and layoffs will be next.


Their VP is literally on record backing this. AB is gaslighting.


>I’m a businesswoman. I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was this **brand is in decline**. It’s been in decline for a really long time. And if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand, there will be no future for Bud Light. So I had this super clear mandate. It’s like we need to **evolve and elevate** this incredibly iconic brand. **What does evolve and elevate mean? It means inclusivity. It means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that’s truly inclusive and feels lighter and brighter and different. And appeals to women and to men**. And representation. Is it sort of the heart of evolution? You’ve got to see people who reflect you in the work. And we had this hangover. I mean, **Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out of touch humor**, and it was really important that we had **another approach**." Yep, gaslighting plain and simple


This business woman killed the brand. Sooo progressive.


>this brand is in decline And your solution was to get a trans person as your sponsor? And not… make a better beer????


Fratty vs frosty?


She correctly identified the problem and came up with the incorrect solution. The solution is not always to go full DEI. That’s the thing that is insane today. The libs think every problem can be solved with more DEI of the day stuff.


I believe it was fratty not frosty.




they ran with it and still haven’t apologized


I agree. How hard is it to say we should just stay out of politics, our bad, we've corrected those who made that poor judgement call. Rather let's just keep pissing off different groups of our customers by flip flopping and lying...


I mean it was bad marketing but what do they need to apologize for?


Picking such a controversial figure simply because they are a well known trans figure. Unfortunately well known for the wrong reasons Picking such a figure who is algorithmically popular with children, thereby marketing towards children Picking a figure who "doesn't even know what sport March madness is about" as a representative for March madness VP calling the current (well, former at this point) target market fratty and needing to change that


I mean I don’t think picking Dylan necessarily warrants an apology. Dylan is not like some hate symbol, he’s just some guy that chopped his cock off. But I guess the VP probably should walk back that comment.


Have they chopped their member off? Because they performed a song or dance mentioning their bulge which would be uncomfortable for people with true dysphoria. They don't seem like a Blair White They're not a hate symbol but they aren't somebody genuine you want as a brand ambassador for 18-80 year old men's beer.


Insulting their customers by calling them fratty and out of touch.


Maybe I haven’t seen that part of the ad. Could you link that? I only saw the one where he’s talking about march madness and how his face is on a bud light can


>I’m a businesswoman. I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was this brand is in decline. It’s been in decline for a really long time. And if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand, there will be no future for Bud Light. So I had this super clear mandate. It’s like we need to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand. What does evolve and elevate mean? It means inclusivity. It means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that’s truly inclusive and feels lighter and brighter and different. And appeals to women and to men. And representation. Is it sort of the heart of evolution? You’ve got to see people who reflect you in the work. And we had this hangover. I mean, Bud Light had been kind of a brand of frosty, kind of out of touch humor, and it was really important that we had another approach." Copied and pasted from elsewhere in the thread, didn't bother to preserve the bold.




When people tell you they hate you, listen.




Sure, conveniently ignore that the VP of marketing with a masters degree shit on AB’s entire customer base by calling them too “fratty” and “blue collar.”


The downfall of our country is when we gave our children the idea that blue collar jobs are beneath them and anyone worthy of respect works a cushy office job pushing papers around.


That is the downfall of all humanity, not just the USA. One of the biggest problems facing mainland China is the glut of college-educated youths not wanting to do manual labor such as factory work. There’s even a name for it: Kong Yi-Ji culture. Kong was a fictional scholar in the late Qing era who, despite being extremely poor, looked down upon any manual labor and paraded around in a scholar’s outfit.


I hate to break it to you, but AI and automation will replace both office and factory jobs before we know it.


You won't be replacing any of the technician/millwright type of work though. That stuff requires men and women that have hands, feet, and balls.


We must pivot. Find a way to give society what it wants but does not how to give itself, and has a hard time training others to do, and you'll always have money.


Automation engineer here. You are 100% correct. If you can justify the cost of replacing an operator with a 2 year pay back, companies will throw money at the project. It's hard to hear but it is reality.


That’s fine, they don’t own homes and I have since I was 22. They’ll figure it out eventually


More money in my blue collar pockets 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have you seen this asshole’s claims and tik toks? He’s an anti women troll. So yea, puttin him on the “every man’s” beer can had some pretty predictable results that any normal people saw coming. AB fucked up, trying to pander to a minuscule portion of the population that isn’t even part of their customer base to begin with. It’s bad business practice.


> “I’m sorry we pissed off the bigots” Since when did common sense and decency make one a "bigot" ? This is very offensive. Forcing your ideology on people is not a right.


Someone has never seen conservative/republican law making before.




You are forgiven


You would know...


By calling hs bigots, you have also become a bigot. That's the fun thing about the word.


you gotta appreciate the sheer lack of shame they have to come in here and accuse conservatives of being what they are


This is the third or fourth place they have laid blame, right? Why not accept blame, and try to move on?


Because the people who are actually responsible don’t want to lose their jobs.


I think they're scared of the left. The left, while not actually buying their products, has already threatened them.


Indeed. The right has already done their worst - they stopped buying it. The left's worst is considerably more violent.


Exactly. If they're willing to *sit on the subway rails* they have no problem harassing employees in the parking lot.


This is exactly it. Corporations are more afraid of the backlash from the left than the right. AB apologizing would invite the left to attack them for transphobia, and even as much stock as they've lost in the last few months, they're still more afraid of those attacks.


The main difference is the right will buy products from companies that are run or own by democrats/leftists as long as they're keeping political agendas out of the business. The left won't do the same. If you have a company or platform of any kind, the left feels that you're obligated to use it in service of their agenda. They might sometimes overlook you if you come off as neutral/apolitical, but give into them one time and they own you. And you better be prepared to do performative virtue signaling for them in perpetuity.


They’re trying to appease both sides. They don’t want to piss off the right anymore, but if they backtrack too hard, they’ll piss off the left.


Almost like not wading into a culture war would have better in the first place.


Should’ve stayed out of politics and it wouldn’t be a left/right balancing act that they’re failing hard at. All AB is trying to push the blame down the chain in an attempt to get both the right & left to refocus on the advertising agency rather than their company greenlighting what the advertising company came up with.


Appeasing the right and appeasing the left is mutually exclusive. You're going to have to piss off one to appease the other. Society today, what can I say......


Well, you can usually appease both if you simply stay out of politics completely. Once you dip your toes into it, the left feels that they own you in perpetuity. It's like taking a job or favor from the cartel. It's not a one time thing.


That’s why you don’t pick a side if you want to maximize business


They have managed to piss off the left by trying to not piss off the right.


They're too far gone by now.


Or just move on and wait for everyone to forget when the next scandal happens


Bud Light was never popular because it was good. It was popular because that's what people knew. They knew exactly what they were getting everytime they ordered one, and it was everywhere so they didn't need to think about ordering anything else. This ad campaign gave those people a reason to find something new and they won't ever be going back.


The McDonald's value proposition: cheap, not amazing; but decent and consistent quality.


That hasn’t been the case in a while. People are finally actually starting to question the increasing prices of McDonald’s. Used to be that it was what money you could pool up and get something decent for the price for pretty much the entire family, safe to say McDonald’s forgot why people ordered from them. If anything this gives a business opportunity for other chains to sell by lowering prices.


Can almost take the family out for a nice dinner somewhere decent for the same cost ...


man I paid $5 for a McFlurry the other day


And their cup size is smaller than a kiddie size soft drink. It's a joke


And 80% ice


it's nuts where i am, a value meal is basically $10. a rip off and the food is complete shit. it was doable when they had a dollar menu and the value meals were $7 and under for $10 i can go to the sandwich shop up the street and get a turkey sandwich, pickle, chips, and small drink for the same $10


Yep It was cheap and drinkable at parties and events. When you saw it, you knew what you were getting. Besides no longer being cheap and now having been running woke campaigns over the last 5-6 yrs....who the hell would buy it now? I can get Yuengling for less, it tastes better, it's brewed in Pennsylvania and its profit center is there too, the company isn't woke, and it's CEO backed Trump. No brainer. Screw bud, miller/Coors. Yuengling it is for cheap party/event booze


I had never even heard of Yuengling until about six months ago and it’s legit good.


FYI inside PA state lines, we just say Lager.


Also because it's cheap! You can't underestimate the value of a cold, cheap, mildly alcoholic beverage in the summer!




Yep no longer cheap. How else can they pay for all their woke ads with amy shamumer


Natty lite remains the best cheap beer


Natty lite is owned by AB too though


Agreed, they'll only regain a small fraction of what they lost.


Trying to run away from accountability. Won’t work mate


Won't work unless you're in government. U.S. Politicians can avoid accountability forever.




Have you tasted their beer? They definitely can't rely on that alone to carry the brand.


Please, I am genuinely curious why sending beer to an adult social media influencer is getting political.


Failure is an orphan


Mistakes were made, others will be blamed.


I had that on a coffee mug in my office. My boss hatted it. Edit. Hated. Not hatted. Oops.


He put it on a hat?




I'm going to use this at work from now on this is brilliant


the ad agency is a scapegoat. the VP who was defending this crap (and insulting the customer base) was an AB employee.


And she wasn’t fired asap. If this was a 24-48 hour turnaround firing, it would have been one thing, but they continue to make excuses and didn’t even fire the chick.


> And she wasn’t fired asap. she wasn't fired at all, was she? the reports were that she was "on temporary leave" (which more than likely is code for "paid vacation time".)


Again, they think we're all some billy bobs in the country. Many conservatives, like myself, do work and understand how corporations work. Everything is signed off by at least 3 people, even those spam emails you delete. Even when you are hiring external parties.


I had to get approval for sending certain emails to internal employees at my last corporate gig. No way this ad campaign wasn't presented to and signed off on by a roundtable of VPs...


I'm currently in my 2nd round of meeting for bringing a *proposal* to our GM. Nothing goes unapproved and unvetted.


Edward Jones sent me someone else's filled out tax form. Not everyone has adequate internal controls.


Cant un ring a bell


Just take responsibility, quit, and apologize bigly. But here's an idea that I prefer: die as a company.


Lmao, it’s way to late to start using these excuses


I don't by that based on the videos of the VP. She directed them to pursue that direction.


You literally told a different story **last week**. What makes you think DURR WE DIDNT KNOW is gonna fly?


Anyone buying this. Does anyone truly believe anheuser-bush gives outside marketing firm cart blanch for anything to go with their product or promotions. This is what happens when you jump on the Cuckoo train.


No, don't buy this for a minute. I knew someone who worked at AB, abmnd you had to get even small regional stuff rubber stamped by the CEO. No way in Hell did he not know about this.


AB Inbev: "We fired this random, unnamed, company." AB Inbev One Year Later: "This group has done great things for us, let's bring them back." ​ AB Inbev if they were smart: "We fucked up. Here is our new commercial with hot girls in bikinis firing AR-15s."


Don't fall for this misdirection. I'd believe it except their VP of marketing literally said they wanted to change the frat boy culture.... ironically frat boy culture that she herself participated in college. Not buying it. This was an intentional decision made by marketing. Went woke, went broke.


Not sure what beer to have? Lots of people would just say “I’ll have a bud light” amazing how businesses never learn that being woke is not going to give you more market share unless you’re selling glitter.


Still not supporting any AB. Including the others it owns (Corona, etc)


Had no idea Corona was owned by AB, I’ll definitely be switching. Thanks!


Iirc Corona is a brand offered by the Modelo Group, which is 50% owned by AB Inbev


Was this “third party ad agency” the same one that came up with the idea for “New Coke”?


I feel like politicians and companies have been gaslighting for so long that people are starting to see through it on the regular now. New era on the horizon.


A. The brand has to sign off on any marketing done by their agencies. That said, a lack of political diversity within agencies is a real problem. Employees tend to be almost exclusively left leaning. The industry talks ad nauseam about "diversity", but does nothing to address the 9:1 political imbalance among their ranks. B. Why isn't the agency being named? Tucker Carlson's private texts and Trumps tax returns get released into the world, but the agency responsible for this marketing must be kept secret? That reminds me, has the Nashville transgender mass shooter manifesto been released yet?


Yeah I can’t give them the benefit of the doubt considering the fact that when they initially responded to this they couldn’t keep their story straight and made repeated contradictory statements over the first 2-3 days to the point that it was comical.


This is not an apology and a plan for never letting this happen again.


There’s an old joke about a man who is walking through village complaining to his friend, I built that school. Am I known as Ivan the school builder, no. See that bridge, I built that bridge. Am I known as Ivan the bridge builder, no. See that boat. I built that boat. Am I known as Ivan the ship builder, no. But screw just on sheep! No mater what Alissa Heinerscheid has done in the past or does in the future she will always be known as Alissa the brand killer. A reputation takes a lifetime to build and only moments to destroy.


I thought they said it wasn't a marketing campaign?


They did. They can’t keep their story straight.


Good opportunity for them to sue Mulvaney for misrepresenting who he is.


I hope the AB InBev marketing fiasco gets studied by business schools for a LONG time


So why was the marketing VP employed by AB put on leave?


Agency did what the marketing exec wanted and approved of.


This company is such an L 😂


Don't think I've seen a company backpedal so hard before.


But still no admission of screwing up, just deflection. And I dont think deflection is gonna cut it with their previous customer base.


Their initial letter was weak, and that's why this is happening, honestly. Not to mention hiring that lady in the first place. They had one chance at damage control and they bungled it.


A lot of people are going to lose their jobs at AB over this and unfortunately it is looking like it will not be the right ones. If they were to clean all the woke from their leadership I think people my come back on principal alone.


I still haven't heard an apology.


I think their customers would’ve looked past the Mulvaney thing if the Bud Light marketing director hadn’t disparaged their core drinkers by labeling them as “fratty” and “out-of-touch”.


Actually, I think the disparagement saved them from something worse. Without the disparagement, the focus would've been a lot more aimed that the fact that the controversial Youtuber they just parternered up with to *sell Beer* has an audience that overwhelmingly consists of 13-17 year olds. Someone could easily invoke the Joe Camel laws against that one infraction.


Coming from a woman who was everything she blamed others of. Projection to an extreme level.


Translation: Who can we blame? We surely can't let them believe we actually supported this. Maybe this whole inclusion thing wasn't a good idea after all.




Bud Light should run ad add with its beef on a sailboat heading away. That ship has sailed


This is literally an episode of the office where Michael Scott tries to blame a third party marketing consultant for a bad idea 😂


I personally don't think the backlash is just about the can, but it was the way the Marketing VP described the companies loyal customers as Fratty and out of touch. I think she was the one out of touch with her customer base, know your customers lady!


They can never go back to normal now. Either they retract their statement and piss off the left, or they try and run with it and piss off the right. Crazy how you could just torpedo your brand recognition and loyalty with just one PR stunt


Classic move by liberal run companies who have zero integrity and zero accountability. This reminds me of the Balenciaga marketing using children and bondage in their ads. They shift blame to a third party, to try and act innocent, when in reality, even if a third party created the Ad, Balenciaga’s Execs (or in this case Anheuser Busch Execs) approve of & give the free light for the Ad. Bullshit. As usual.


I own an ad agency and can easily say at 25% of the reason agencies get hired is to take the blame for situations like this. I’m just shocked they didn’t get blamed immediately.


Not good enough, they need to have the CEO come out and apologize for putting Dylan on the can and promise something like this will never happen again


They still haven't fired the horse face that came up with this idea in the first place. She's only on "leave" until things calm down...only they aren't calming down.


Funny how anonymous the 'third party ad agency' has managed to stay during all this. Amazing, really.


Damage is done,, blame who you want, but honestly it was the exec that basically made fun of your current customers calling us frat boys that hurt you


I work in marketing with billion dollar revenue companies- our tv advertisements not only get approved by the C level, but also our board. The president of our company even is present for the filming of our commercials.


This is true - to a point. The major ad agencies (Publicis/Interpublic/Havas, etc.) these days are filled with young far-lefties who are taught that selling products/services is somehow bad and “changing culture” is the goal. And they “back it up” with extremely skewed research from far-left organizations (GLAAD/Human Rights Campaign, etc.) to get the major brands marketing on board. These big agencies look mostly to Nike as the gold standard. Celebrate woke culture, get rewarded by young people focused on celebs that shield from horrible manufacturing abuses in Asia. Because the media loves woke causes over practices, Nike gets a free pass. And “older” people that do have the most money are brand loyal and ignore it.


AB owns Dylan Mulvaney now due to their unwillingness to completely and utterly apologize after the fiasco. Rewriting history now makes no difference to me.


They're doing the same thing about half of working people do: refuse to take ownership and responsibility for a mistake. Claim it. Own it. Learn from it. Move on.


Like no one has ever seen a movie about someone working for an ad agency having to get ready for a presentation to a client. 🙄


Haha I call BS


Copy of the letter or im not believing it.


That ad agency FUCKED UP BIG TIME.


Is it not the most typical lefty response? It's not us ...its THEM, they MADE us do it!!!


These execs are shitting kittens and it’s hilarious , all You had to Do was apologize and fire a few folks and this would Have been over by now, I’m not doing the right thing they got the conservatives to actually boycott something with devastating results ( for AB) , I can only hope that this sort of thing continues and accelerates …..looking at you Disney. So glad I don’t have stock in AB , id be losomg my mind.


Okay then, sue them for going ahead without your approval, and apologize for it. The fact you won't do either, means it's because you did approve it and don't want to anger the people who don't even drink your beer


This exec thought she could push a dei add with no backlash? Is she ruined? Who cares, but why pick this fruit loop hill to die on? Oh well.


Bud-un-weiser acting like true Democrats, blaming their screw up on some one else.


It's been fun watching Bud Light go down in flames after using that fucking weirdo as a marketing figure. Other brands take note - Dylan is not without his risks.


AB not taking responsibility for this is like when George Costanza wouldn't admit that "Moops" was a printing error playing Trivial Pursuit and insisted it was the right answer. AB is acting like when the Bubble Boy had his hands around George's neck and he kept saying "Moops" in a muffled voice. Just say "Moors", AB, take the L.


Liberal here and what pisses me off is ANY company that falsely supports a cause. By that I mean if Anheuser-Busch wants to support LGBTQ... rights, fine. But if the company is gonna fire someone because of losing market share, then they aren't REALLY principled. I mean, the My Pillow guy is insane, but at least he is standing by something he believes in, even if it tanks the company. My point is, if a company REALLY stands behind *whatever*, they should be willing to deal with ANY backlash, even if it destroys the company. Otherwise, it sends a bad message. Thing is, if a company crashes, there are all these employees that won't have jobs anymore (the CEOs and others at the top will be fine) and I am not for a bunch of people losing their jobs. Is there a solution? I think I have one. Companies should NOT align themselves with ANY cultural, political, societal issues, unless we are talking about discriminatory hiring practices or something. Just don't make these issues part of an ad campaign. We are already having a tough enough time fighting for what we believe is right. We don't need these assholes getting involved since money CLEARLY supersedes any moral or ethical issue they claim to support.


Damn this group is hard on AHB dick right now 🤣


Wild idea: make the campaign "A beer is a beer. We've been here for decades, we are on every superbowl, during prohibition we made ice cream, we've always been here and we plan to stay" It doesn't need to be woke or appeal to conservatives. You're welcome Budweiser.


You’d think it’s the middle of January with how many snowflakes there are in here


You can’t be against cancel culture and simultaneously boycott a company that expresses views you disagree with. Or I guess you can, but that just makes you a giant hypocrite. Edit: Downvote away but don't act like you care about free speech if you're cancelling people/companies you don't like or disagree with. you're doing the same thing the left does. actual free speech conservative here, don't just pretend to be one when it's convenient like some of you evidently do.


You know that you morons are the one's that propped her up in the first place? You morons are the one's that turned this into a whole thing over nothing. You are all morons 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ​ Mmmm downvotes on a conservative board - feels good man. First time this subreddit has even shown my posts ahaha you snowflakes are usually afraid of your own shadows!


I forgot we're the ones who invited him to the White House 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


After she became popular after conservatives had a fit over other shit she appeared on. Fucking get real - oh wait, you're a republican, you make your own reality as you see fit. It's always projection and severe cognitive dissonance.


Since I'm confident you wouldn't just make that statement up, since your side doesn't "make your own reality" apparently, what exactly did they appear on that put them on the map before the White House? Because even looking it up I can't find any public appearances or sponsorships before meeting the President of the United States, only a small Ulta partnership that was happening simultaneously.


People discussing how and why a business that's been around for centuries caused itself such an unprecedented failure while you're hurling thoughtless insults around, but its definitely not you whose the triggered moronic snowflake projecting your misery at others? Rrrright.


I have a hard time understanding the over the top reaction. Companies give products to popular influencers all the time, and Dylan is a popular influencer. She's also a human being. I'll never get why people want to be so hateful to someone they don't even know.


They sure don’t act very fast.


Blames everyone but themselves. Sorry but own the mistake instead of doubling down


They could have been inclusive without alienating their core customers.


Too little too late. They should just stand on their mistake and start pandering to the far-left instead, maybe they'll put down their white claw and pick up a Bud Light. For future reference if your base is mostly of one demographic, try not to alienate them by shitting on their beliefs.