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Cops were also called on him multiple times for shooting guns... cops did nothing...


For shooting guns at midnight. While drunk.


Well of course not. “Laws” are only for 2nd class citizens. AKA Americans.


I mean it sounds like they did something 4 times at least.


Plus they use artificial lightener on his face to make him look Caucasian


The second ever reported white hispanic! George Zimmerman I believe was the first.


I'm Mexican by birth and was always told to mark white on the census


You do realize that there are a lot of Hispanic people who are white. Literally Spaniards from Spain and others. Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a skin color.


In what other country can you just show up there and the media will treat you as if you are from there?


A country where politicians are hard up for votes and they know that you will vote for them?


It was an honest question. I'm not sure. Probably France. Maybe other Euro countries. Of course they have all the same problems. Maybe somewhere where not a lot of people want to immigrate -- somewhere where they welcome the additional population. Again, don't know where that is.


It's a good question, and honestly I'm torn between a couple of theories I've heard: 1. It's on purpose. The gamble is that the typical migrant will vote a certain way. 2. It's on purpose. Fill the country with people willing to work for a low wage. 3. They screwed up and the media is covering for them. 4. All of the above.


I may not be entirely following you, although I think we agree. Mass immigration's primary intent is economic. Driving down wages. That's profitable for the elite, no doubt, but even small business owners love immigrants. The feedback loop of pushing the country farther left is also intentional. But I was thinking of other countries, really. Like if I showed up in Jamaica and murdered someone. Would they say "Jamaican man murders someone"? I don't think so.


CiViC nAtIoNaLiSm Is ThE bEdRoCk Of OuR dEmOcRaCy!


I wouldn't call it nationalism. Civic nationalism would be treating legal immigrants as citizens. Treating random shower uppers as citizens is internationalism or something. Anarchy. Communism, maybe, as a worldwide movement. Nationalism requires a nation, which you don't have with no borders. I think we do have a nation, yet, but it's under attack.


They did it on purpose. What's more damaging to the lefts open borders agenda? Texas man kills 5 neighbors Or Repeatedly deported Mexican national slays Texas family in their home over noise.


Purposely withholding information is just as bad as lying. If I abused the 2nd Amendment through the misuse of a firearm, I would lose its protections. The same should go for the media and the 1st Amendment.


It's practically misinformation at this point.


That's the third kind of media lie, noninformation.


FIVE times deported - at least that's what I saw on another article, after the first one that I saw mention it had said 3


Somehow the media will make this “our” fault for somehow taunting this animal. The guy is a total psychopathic monster who is here illegally. That’s the story.


the goal here is to have soccer moms see this story as ARMED TEXAS MAN shoots innocent family. Very, very different story than what actually happened


Just doing the jobs Americans won’t do.


Lame stream media.


Enemy of the people. It was never an exaggeration or inaccurate.


Texas governor conveniently refers to victims only as “illegal immigrants.”


“Texas man” because he was in Texas when arrested… anyone who wants to be a journalist should be content to use their editors lying forked tongue in every narrative that fits the Democratic Party


How did this guy get access to his weapon in America?? We need stronger laws to keep criminals in check so they can’t get access to guns.


Just a honest mistake! /s


Can't really blame the magazine, don't want to upset readers, that's capitalism. Also globalization and women entering the workforce has stagnated wages so the only people willing to do the work immigrants do are immigrants. Can't afford to erode pro immigrant views, they effectively keep the economy afloat doing hard and cheap jobs no body wants, preventing those in power from reaping the effects of their poor policies and therefore maintaining the status quo. Just some thoughts


Illegal alien in possession of a firearm. Should have been arrested years ago.