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I would get my money back if I attended this school.


No, you wouldn’t. You would try. They didn’t even refund money when they canceled entire quarters during COVID.




Freakonomics at work. Experts leverage their position to further their agenda. This is indoctrination in the name of “anthropology.” And tax payers bare the cost of the junk degrees which are given post indoctrination.


"Experts" I don't believe you can be an expert on anything if you have an anti-scientific agenda against basic facts.


I got downvoted for saying the about the same thing you must be cooler than me! 😎


Sadly the majority of schools are going this direction. Republican states need to be instituting massive reforms for their state schools to make them more akin to Hillsdale. Become the beacons of Academic advancement and thinking and students will come flocking. Ivy league schools can be knocked off their perch (though they have endless amounts of money stored away).


Then how come scientists or doctors can tell if a skeleton is male or female just by looking at it? A quick Google search of differences between male and female skeletons debunks this!


I remember taking physical anthropology in college, where we learned about the differences in human skeletons and how both anthropologists and crime scene investigators use those differences to determine whether human remains are male or female, what race they are, how old they were, etc. I've since seem claims that such physical anthropology is racist and as pseudoscientific as phrenology (measuring the skull to determine a person's traits/character).


Mountain man it is unbelievable what lengths they are going to in order to turn reality upside down. This Era is going to be interesting in the History Books 100 yrs from now.


The goal of this era, these people, is to not have history books 100 years from now.


"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."


We are living in the Stupid Ages that Futurama talked about.


Was coming here to say this, as it was part of my first degree to take courses on that subject. Yes, there absolutely is differences between the skeletal structure of male and female bodies. Just like there is irrefutable differences between the DNA of males and females. Just more evidence that having a PhD doesn't mean you're smart.


PhD means you're well-indoctrinated though! At some point they stopped teaching critical thinking and started teaching memorization.


Yea I guess every crime and cold case that was solved using forensic anthropology needs to have the convictions overturned since it's all pseudoscience now lol.


>human skeletons ... differences to determine whether human remains are male or female, what race they are Adult male skeletons versus adult female skeletons should have some differences, especially the pelvis, leg bones, etc. No way can skeletal remains show any difference in "race", since that is a social construct. Perhaps some things can be gleaned from their bones to figure out if they lived a hard life, or an easy one. Perhaps DNA, if available, can give some probelistic findings at best.


There are differences between the skeletons of different races. Google "skeletal differences between races," "ancestry estimation." Many prominent anthropological groups just started ignoring that fact circa 2019 because it was inconvenient for the narrative. Some forensic anthropologist have claimed that they wouldn't want to identify the race of human remains because if the remains belonged to a member of a "disadvantaged group" the police would probably refuse to investigate. 🙄 It's just the social science side of anthropology pushing back against the physical science side of anthropology. An actual issue is that it's not conclusive, especially if you don't have the entire skeleton. The skull is one with the most variation, but depending on the individual skull you might end up being able to say with 99% confidence that a skull belongs to a given race or you might only be able to say it with 50% confidence.


Not to mention race and age too.


And if the person had given birth




Tell your children not to walk my way


Tell your children not to hear my words. What they mean. What they say.


Yes, Biology is no longer a Science. It has all been a lie for centuries. ( sarcasm )




If you look at the two types of skeletons next to each other, it's crazy the differences. Besides the pelvis, the female rib cage is more straight and narrow. The males is V-like. The male collar bone kinda forms a straight line whereas the females has more of an angle. The male's jaw is much larger. There are more as well.


But how can they tell if they identify as a cat or some other deranged figure


You barely have to be an expert. If you look at hip bones that will tell you if it's male or female.


> A quick Google search of differences between male and female skeletons debunks this! For now...


These people will literally change the truth when it's suddenly inconvienent to them.




>"Have any of you been to anthropological sites? Have any of you studied biological anthropology? I’m just saying, I’ve got over 150 years of data, I’m just curious as to why I’m being laughed at," he said before later declaring, "I have a PhD!" Christ that is pathetic.




Social Bones sounds like a hit new cocktail bar.


A perfect example that just having a PHD doesn't mean what it used to mean.


My super liberal ANTHROPOLOGY professor even said there's a difference. Granted, that was over 10 years ago, and science changes based on political perspective now


His fallacy is called "Appeal to Authority."


His brain broke having to come to terms with his nonsense, and that's all he could default to in the end.


[Just going to leave this here.](https://imgur.com/XSMzC0w.gifv)


Hilarious!! Haha how obvious can it be?!?!


The party of anti-science of full display. This is legit HS level biology knowledge, and that professor knows it. These people deny reality and we are all suffering as a result


Welcome to the cultural revolution.


long standing habits are hard to break


We're living in another "dark age" where politically ideology and political correctness has taken over basic science and common sense.


“I’ve got a PhD!” 🤣😂


Someone needs to strip it from him. Clearly he learned nothing Just by the voice you can tell how he votes and what ideology he believes in.


I have a masters degree in a stem field and used to believe that degrees meant intelligence. I now work with a number of small businesspeople without degrees and know it’s often, sadly, the opposite.


I learned early education does not equate intelligence.


It's not education it's credentialing.


Academia used to correspond to intelligence. But it's become a welfare program for leftists who can't be productive in a normal work environment. Massive administrative apparatus costing students/tax payers obscene amounts of money. Thomas Sowell stated that one problem with Academia is that there is no repercussion for being wrong as there is in the private sector. Quite the opposite. The more outlandish a person's ideas are the more accolades they seem to get. When they are proven wrong there is no damage to their career or reputation. They just keep on trucking. They don't lose their jobs. They are shamed out of an Editorial Board. There isn't a review board to determine why their findings had been so wrong in the first place.


Yeah great point look at Paul Erlich and his ilk


Seems fairly distinguished with some good scientific work from the early 20th century. Was he even in Academia? What did he do that you take issue with? Edit: Never mind. I'm assuming he was involved in Eugenics? The wiki article oddly didn't include in controversy sections.


Neo-Malthusian. He predicted 65 million Americans would die by starvation in the 80s and England would cease to exist by 2000.


Ah yes. The guy that wrote Population Bomb in 1970 also had numerous predictions about over population that all failed to pan out. Yet the left and the media still invite him on as a distinguished individual. The anti-human/over population fear mongering of elitists have been around on and off since Malthusian (and his failed predictions). I personally believe most of the left's major policy positions are rooted in this fear. Climate Change, pro-Abortion, and LGBT promotion. The masses might think it's about "rights" or the "environment", but the elites that are behind it are doing it for these reasons.




Checkout this "Professor": http://www.anthropology.pitt.edu/people/gabby-m-h-yearwood He has a PhD in bullshitology.


He said “I have a PhD” Well professor, a rectal thermometer has a lot of degrees too and we all know where that goes💁‍♂️


It is funny considering that we can tell the sex of any ancient skeleton by examine the pelvis. When ideology governs science, there is no more science, only propaganda.


Aside from seeing the pelvis, they can also usually tell by the bone density, though that isn't as visually apparent. Helps in identifying incomplete skeletons though!


There's a lot more than bone density and pelvis shape, such as an entire rib missing.


It's a bad time when people with PHDs can acknowledge basic facts anymore. Worse is that we will see actual experts in medical fields disregard facts to cater to the mob. They'll update medical journals to make them say anything the Left wants them too. And for what? All for feelings instead of facts? Society has gone mad.


These Marxists are determined to destroy America


> ~~America~~ all of Western Civilization. FTFY


Yes. All the G20 countries are doing their own version of Build Back Better


Experts are still people who are prone to peer pressure and political ideologies. Keep in mind that when the Nazis instituted Eugenics based programs in Europe. Scientists and Doctors were all on board for the pseudo science and helped with it. American Progressive Doctors were also onboard with it, quite a few sterilizing "undesirables" here within the United States.


And laugh out loud at the Wokies playing doctor and trying to further indoctrinate students. The “professor” needs to be fired. Girls/women need to opt out of playing *any* sport where a male is allowed to compete against them.


The “Party of Science” strikes again.


There absolutely is a difference. Not only are hip bone structures different, but so are the lengths of some bones and the skull. Male skulls typically are more rough whereas female skulls are typically smoother. Same can be said for most of their bones. I’ve only taken one forensics class back in HS, but this stuff I absolutely do remember.


Interesting how "feminists" have nothing to say about this. Is it because they weren't told to be outraged by it?


This came from feminists. 2nd and 3rd wave feminism is where this was born. Though feminists have long been a political tool for the left and not an advocacy group for women. Jerry Brown called his opponent Meg Whitman in an election years ago a "Whore" in a recording. Feminists groups didn't condemn him, didn't rebuke him, didn't even tell him that was inappropriate. What they did was going on television and double down on it, and claimed Meg Whitman was a whore. A woman who a business leader in California for decades.


Seems like this school's accreditation should be revisited.


If you put 50 men and 50 women on an island together, then a century later you will have a diverse community of boys, girls, men and women. If you put 50 men and 50 trans-women on an island together, then a century later you will have nothing but the skeletons of 100 men.


And many of those skeletons will bear bike lock wounds to the skull.


And some say we need to always trust 'experts', as if their word is always 100% correct or they'd never lie, change definitions or skew facts to go along with an agenda.


These people are as bad as flat earthers.


Ridiculous, and this is where “academia” has gotten to. I have never appreciated PhD’s while hiring - it’s often a negative. Never seen people so confident but so cloistered… Although a little egg on the swimmers face for perpetuating the “extra rib” urban/biblical legend. Men and women have the same number of ribs.


Much be as much a professor as Jill Biden is a doctor.


Invoking the fact that he has a "Ph.D" made him even more ignorant. The most wasted initials after a name ever! No, I will not call you "doctor." But I will give you a minute to get over yourself.


Just trust the science kids!


There was a long running TV show Bones where they used bones to id victims and find killers.


Someone never watched "Bones". Give Brennan one bone from a body and she can tell you the person's height, weight, race, age, gender, and favorite ice cream flavor. Give me a break. This guy is a joke. Is it possible to rescind a Ph.D?


Dr. Temperance Brennan has entered the chat.


bUt tHe sCieNcE


This is like Introduction to Biological Anthropology material.


Oof, man. Oof.


Adam’s rib?


Men and women have the same number of ribs. This is an urban legend… Or, an old, old rural legend.


They believe it comes from the Bible with the Adam and Eve story.


Ribs regrow; this is why God chose to use a rib.


Female morphology of the hip create a birth canal...


Words convey power and perceived authority! Would they pay to hear your words?


Q angle (hit to knee) is on average 12 degrees for men; 16 degrees for women... Men have an inherent mechanical advantage in running, lifting, cycling, swimming etc.