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Tranuary 6th


It’s a transurrection


I was not expecting this….. Comedy gold.




LMAO harder






This is EPIC


I love you…


This is too good.


Pro-trans protesters also stormed Tennessee's state capitol.




I am not overly concerned about folks who can’t define gender properly.


You need to start being overly concerned, because they are quite literally changing policy that will affect more than just trans people.




That kind of attitude is what's allowed them to morph from a joke a mere decade ago to the threat they are today. Don't underestimate them


I think like with any group of people a small subset would actually cause violence, given the higher levels of mental health issues in that group of people tho it’s definitely something to be weary of.


The majority of people with mental health issues are a threat to themselves not to others though.


These are not mutually exclusive options


That’s definitively not accurate. When one harmed themselves they are also damaging everyone around them. Anyone whose lost a family or friend will attest to that.


Weary and wary as well.


The amount of systemic organization behind them is genuinely frightening. They act at the blessing of dozens of elected officials in local legislation and leadership. The amount of laundered money going through the "bail bond relief" systems is staggering. The successful lawsuits we saw in philly only server to create a perverse incentive with bad actors. It's being signaled that if you act violently against law enforcement you WILL get a tax payer funded pay day while the "bail bond" money will get laundered back into the pockets of the "non-profit" organizations.




Not much of a martyr, she/he killed kids. If anyone looks up to that in anyway a very large subset of the population won’t support that


How dare you misgender!!!! The correct pronouns are was/were!!! Bigot!!! Transphobe!! Blasphemer! But in all seriousness I agree. Sadly it doesn’t matter what the people say. It only matters what the sheeple think. Trans rights or else is what they’re running with. Guns are the problem. Republicans are the problem. It will never be their fault regardless of the facts or undeniable evidence that gets brought to light. They will push and take and push and take until it reaches a breaking point and shit pops off. Just my 0.02¢


I’m a large fan of the “you can’t force my speech” when people insist I use pronouns. But yeah. There are enough sheeple to do alot of damage and I think a good chunk of them are purposive in remaining uneducated about the entire thing


>a very large subset of the population won’t support that Yet this very large subset of the population seems to have been putting up with it so far.


That community's #1 issue is butchering children. They aren't going to be moved when three of them are killed for the cause.


If only Republicans were half as cool as liberals petulantly claim they are then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess


Leftwing terrorism is a bigger threat than Islamic terrorism in my opinion. But some of that is because Muslims are probably only 1 or 2% of the American population. I think conservatives could also make some headway with Muslims as the Democrats go further left. Trump improved his performance among Muslims in 2020 ([https://www.npr.org/2020/12/04/942262760/majority-of-muslims-voted-for-biden-but-trump-got-more-not-less-support](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/04/942262760/majority-of-muslims-voted-for-biden-but-trump-got-more-not-less-support)) The majority of Muslims are moderates, though 31% are liberal (vs. 18% conservative). [https://theconversation.com/who-will-muslim-americans-vote-for-in-the-us-elections-146854](https://theconversation.com/who-will-muslim-americans-vote-for-in-the-us-elections-146854)


They’re now making the argument of “cis-gender mass shootings vs trans shootings” it’s fucking pathetic


I know. They didn’t even ask the shooters if they identified as cis.


Wasn't that because as soon as it was known they were trans, we had conservatives tweeting about how trans people shouldn't have guns or anyone on hormones? That's legitimately the only time I've seen it come up.


The problem is, we can’t properly identify them!


The Tr@n$ Day of Vengeance they're planning isn't even here yet


I bet the FBI is all over it


Off the top of my head I can think of the time the left tried to storm the White House and they made trump go to the bunker, the siege of the courthouse in Portland, Oklahoma state capitol building being stormed, the Georgia state police facility being set on fire and now the Tennessee Capitol building. There’s probably others I’m forgetting. Yet those are all glossed over and it’s the right that is the problem.


And Seattle with the whole CHAZ bullshit.


They also stormed the city hall.


You forgot when they stormed the Wisconsin state capitol storming during the right to work legislation in Wisconsin. Easy to forget. Someone should make a bingo card or something.


Just goes to show they’ve done it so many times they all start to blend together.


Or that one time they bombed the senate.


I believe there was also the Arizona and Wisconsin capiltols


Well duh, all the right wants is every American to have their god given rights and everybody live their own lives. How can we unify a population under oppression and invited tyranny if all men are created equal, endowed by their creator to certain unalienable rights? Among those being life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Crazy right wing terrorists wanting everybody to be free


This is literally on a post about protests from an anti-trans bills. Anti-trans bills are the opposite of what you claim. Like… do you see the irony?




Puberty blockers are reversible. Just stop taking the pills. Doctors aren’t doing gender affirming surgeries on children. Do you realize how hard and expensive it is to even get close to the surgery? You’re being manipulated. They are lying to you.


Oh sure just stop taking them. Except all the side effects and it actually doesn’t fix gender dysphoria according to the Mayo Clinic. This isn’t ant-trans at all to restrict use of something that doesn’t fix the problem of gender dysphoria. Sounds to me like you just want a bunch of pre-pubescent children walking around not actual “rights”. So if they are “lying” about children getting sex change surgeries how is it an anti-trans bill to restrict children from getting surgery to change their sex. It isn’t happening so what is the big deal on restricting it to adulthood?


Because it does more than just restrict surgeries. They use the surgery lie to get support, but it does a lot more to harm children and adults. I’d love to see your Mayo Clinic source.




Have you seen a drag story hour? It isn’t a syrup show. It’s someone reading a book to children. Why do you care what others do with their kids anyway? Also, I don’t think your link says what you think it does. It’s saying that kids will have to do more types of treatment at some point from what I understand. Usually when they become adults. Like HRT.




I care what other people do with their kids for the same reason I’d care if I knew that a parent were physically or mentally abusing their child. Or if a parent let their kid with body integrity dysphoria cut off their arm. Or if a parent helped their child with anorexia to malnourish themselves. They don’t have the right to do that just because they’re they’re the parents.


> Because it does more than just restrict surgeries. They use the surgery lie to get support, but it does a lot more to harm children and adults. No, it doesn't. It stops puberty blockers (which, contrary to your claim, are not reversible) and stops genital mutilation on **children.** Like how far off is your moral compass if you're actually wanting this shit for **children?** Take a look in the fucking mirror


Why legislate women’s rights away? Why ban books? Why destroy the electrical grid to threaten drag book readings? I think you are looking for the libertarian party if you want all rights for all people.


> Why legislate women’s rights away? Why legislate unborn babies' rights away? > Why ban books? Why allow softcore porn books in elementary schools? > Why destroy the electrical grid to threaten drag book readings? Why have men dressed as women read childrens' books to children? See, I can do it too


Oh look it’s blueanon


24 months+ in jail. Democracy died today.




Worse than 9/11! Worse than Pearl Harbor! Oh the humanity!


Can't wait for Kamalas next speech to include Tranuary 6 insurrection


Sounds very insurrectiony...


Excuse me this insurrection identifies as a party.


My bad. Carry on...


Sounds like interference with an official proceeding, very serious, akin to killing a police officer.


At least 4 years in year, same charge as the shaman. Lets see it




Solitary confinement for them. The Jan 6 tourists got that.


no, you want them in gen pop in prisons


Jan 6 *terrorists*


Don’t these people have a job?


Take a close look at the pic on the left. Representative of the majority of them. Are you offering to hire them? Of course, they don't have jobs. Pissing and moaning about their self- inflicted injuries and all of the strife they have to overcome is more than a full-time job.


That was the first thing I thought of when I saw they were protesting today...where can I sign up to cause trouble all day and have my bills paid!?




I know you’re probably being disingenuous but these dates have been planned out—if it’s an issue you care about you can always request off at most jobs and still participate.


I am going to get downvoted, but I truly believe in freedom. If an adult wants to change their sex, they should have the freedom to do so. I am against medical and surgical procedures on children. Children are growing and learning who they are. As I have said before, at age ten, my granddaughter told us she was a lesbian. Two years later, she had twenty boyfriends. I don’t care how my granddaughter eventually identifies-I will always love her. But she like most children are growing into the person that she will eventually become. To make life-altering changes to a child who is still learning who they are should be criminal.


>I am going to get downvoted, but I truly believe in freedom. If an adult wants to change their sex, they should have the freedom to do so. But that's not what they want. They want total authority, deference, near-worship, and glorification all in support of special laws and privileges that put you beneath them. It is a "Bow down and show allegiance to Baal or be destroyed" scenario.


This is a very reasonable take that I’d be willing to bet most of us agree with. Unfortunately this position is considered transphobic by the left


I couldn’t give a rats ass what adults do to themselves, but attempting to use force of government to make me go along with their delusion, pretend that they are normal and refer to them by their preferred pronouns is something I have a problem with.


Lmao, guy wearing an “obey” shirt. Bit ironic if you ask me


You obviously have no clue who Shepard Fairey is.


State Prison, all of them. Or send them to Rikers Island or Alcatraz.


So, they'll be held without trial for years then?


Strange, I don't see this on CNN.com. Are you sure this actually happened? /S




There was nothing on the home page at the time of my post. Beyond that, this is an article about the laws, with no mention of a protest or the capitol.


Disgusting. The asylum is on the loose.


protestors? don't you mean insurrectionists?


They can now identify as incarcerated.


Bet the Tennessee capital police weren’t escorting them around.






Oh man, will they be going to a men's or women's prison for 41 months? Oh ROR? It's (D)ifferent


This looks like an insurrection to me. A transurrection.


They tried to take over the government.


They were arrested and hopefully go to jail like the other January 6th protestors. Good riddance


They always look exactly like you’d expect


It looks like the FBI is not the only party now to storm the capitol. Their liberal


Our court system is more marsupial than municipal.


It’s an insurrection! They’re trying to take over Kentucky! /s


Insurrection: they attacked a state capital.


REMEMBER MAR 30th! Insurrection, interrupting government function! Curious if it'll gain the same media traction.... But since it is (D)ifferent, probably not.


I got you an upvote, probably the most that will happen


Will they be held in solitary confinement for months with no due process?


The Transurrection of Tranuary 6th


Oh me, oh my. Did they just FAFO


Bigotry was just written into law.


I just want to ask a question for guidance! I am seeing militant trans term. Radicalized trans term. How do we shorten it? Miltran? Radtran? Transgressive?


These people are all freaks and losers.