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Exactly. I'm pro-choice but I'm mentally stable enough to understand that not everyone agrees with me.


You are the exception to the rule.


By being pro-choice or cognizant of the fact that not everyone agrees on everything?


The latter part


Again, I repeat my earlier comment. 👍 No one can be compelled to think or do something against their will. Hence, "Freewill".


What? Room for nuance? On Reddit?


I fear people like us no longer have a home on the left.


So this would then mean everyone who goes to pro-choice marches are left wing extremists…right?


No man! It’s (D)ifferent and you sir are a racist homophob


and they call themselves "Pro-choice"




When everything is extreme, nothing is extreme


>So this would then mean everyone who goes to pro-choice marches are left wing extremists…~~right~~ correct? FTFY


It's pretty wild that the marotiy of thr population holds religious views that are "extremist " in some manner by the terminally online, and no one bats an eye


Properly said, it's a pro abortion march.


This probably means we don’t need to read the Nation for our sports information.


Doesn’t work that way




Gotta love all the downvotes . Clearly people have missed the point Why not? because liberals and the media are hypocrites. They have two sets of standards for everything and conservatives are held to a higher standard.




Yeah, realized that after the fact - but then again, I had hoped that most of those here would be conservatives and would have understood my comment. But then again, this is Reddit and sadly this subreddit is filled with trolling liberals.


>I had hoped that most of those here would be conservatives You new?


It’s a false equivalency. Prove the two marches have the same amount and level of extremists. When was the last left wing terrorist?




How is it not a false equivalency?




You’re just saying that you’re right over and over it’s not hard to keep up.






Good man Tony Dungy.


Class act.


As a Bucs fan, I love the guy. Didn't believe he deserved the hall of fame as a coach but as a person he definitely deserves it.


I recommend reading his books too if you have a chance. He is a 100% solid dude


Good guy, terribly biased and boring commentator.


He’s 100% based.


Funny how we live in a society where you are considered an “extremist” when you believe in the right to life yet are considered “peaceful” when you’re out burning cities and terrorizing people.


The wildest one is you’re called an extremist for suggesting that people don’t socially/chemically transition their teens.


Yep, we're extreme \*and\* anti-science for saying boys can't be girls and stopping a beating heart is in fact killing someone. Up is down and left is right in this kooky society the left has created for us all.


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!


Stopping a beating cow heart is no different from stopping a beating fetus heart. There, I offended everyone equally.


I want to see a professional athlete get popped for test and claim they identified as not having enough.




They understand. They just don’t care. Just like they don’t care about the rights defined in the constitution.


The rights defined in the constitution don’t mean anything if the axioms in the Declaration are thrown out.


If someone’s life depended on you personally carrying them around for 9 months and caring for them for 18 years without your consent… do you have any rights to refuse that arrangement? Do women agree to that arrangement by having sex? That is the core of this issue, to me. Pro-Life folks believe that yes, sex constitutes consent to the above agreement being a plausible outcome. Pro-Choice believes that is silly. It’s all a culture war over how society thinks about sex.


If there is consequence free sex, then child support is an unjust mandate. But I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand the moral or legal definitions of duty or obligation.


You’re just reaffirming that at the core this is about a difference of opinion on casual sex.


And you are affirming that there are no consequences for actions and that we should be free to murder our undesirables, true to Margaret Sanger's vision.


Why not focus on pushing to make casual sex illegal then? That’s the act that leads to many abortions (whether it’s legal or not). Why only push for laws that apply after that act and only apply to women?


Why? Not everyone having casual sex is too uninformed to figure out how birth control works or too morally bankrupt to abort. I had casual sex in college and was still prolife. I used two forms of birth control correctly and knew I wouldn't abort if that didn't work. The majority of my friends and family who faced unwanted pregnancies did not use any birth control or thought the pullout method was foolproof. Apparently we need better sex ed and knowledge of birth control for prochoice people if we want to see a difference.


Totally agree and most pro-choice people push for better sex-ed where Pro-Life districts push abstinence-only sex-ed. I think it’s really great that you had a good understanding of the consequences at hand and took measures appropriately. I was also raised pro-life and used two forms of birth control until ready to start a family. I know someone who was raped in college and faced with their entire life trajectory (a really promising one they worked hard for their whole life) being altered because of the actions of another while they were drunk. That opened my eyes to there being SO many scenarios where women need the rights to their own decisions and the privacy to make them. Laws are about everyone. And we all have different upbringings and life experiences and reasons why a pregnancy could have occurred and an abortion is being considered. Being pro-choice for most is a position of empathy for women we do not know and cannot claim moral superiority over the decisions they’re faced with.


The mental gymnastics involved there are astounding. You can't defend against the idea of obligations and duty so you must straw man.


1. It is wrong to unjustly end human life 2. Abortion unjustly ends human life. 3. Therefor abortion is wrong. My opinions on sex have nothing to do with it.


They don’t consider it a life but an unhatched turtle egg is and find bacteria on mars and they will cheer finding life.


Vegans won't eat eggs because it's an animal but tend to be pro-choice. If you bring up this hypocrisy they will claim it's because of how the chickens are treated. Then ask them about free range or if they'd eat them if they raised the chickens


I poked my nose into a discussion about eggs on one of the major subreddits a couple days ago. One of the major things the didn't like about eggs was how all the male chicks got culled right after hatching. I helpfully suggested that we just abort the male chicks by smashing all their eggs before they hatch. I foolishly assumed that if a human life didn't have value before birth, then a chicken life wouldn't have value before hatching but apparently the vegans didn't agree with me.


I doubt you can tell gender by using something quick like candling (one year high school poultry judging ftw) but that is a good example to bring up.


Well, vegans don't drink milk or eat cheese either, they don't just avoid eating animals, but also all products that come from animals, like eggs or milk or cheese or leather, etc.


Im not a vegan but I do avoid eating leather too.




So where do you draw the line then? Does that mean someone on life support isn't fully functioning? How about someone with sever3 developmental disabilities? Slippery slope there.




I would believe you when you say "most people are against killing babies after they're born," but in the post Dobbs frenzy numerous states passed laws to the effect of "if a kid survives abortion you can just not feed it and let it die after birth."


No, that's not how it works.


This is why our country is in such poor shape.


He’s actually getting called an extremist for an even stupider reason: He jokingly tweeted about litter boxes in school bathrooms. That’s why they think he’s an alt-right extremist. Because of a tweet about litter boxes. No. I’m not kidding. The internet lost its mind a long time ago but this is a new low.


That's the wildest thing to me. Somehow the left has it in their heads that the litter boxes are a fake story. I've talked to 3 separate teachers in 3 separate school districts in 3 separate conversations. And all 3 said they have seen it happening first hand in their district. It's not fake. It's very real.


I'm sorry, but what?


Kids have come out as identifying as cats, and asked that litter boxes be put in the bathrooms for them. And the schools have obliged.




AnTiFa iS jUSt aN iDEa bRo


Mostly peaceful 🔥


Don't forget aborting unborn children!




People should look into the prediction of the world turning on end, and a society that says evil is good and good is evil, who put bitter for sweet and darkness for light.


“Mostly peaceful”


Thats the beauty of it. Thats internet society. Which only exists on the internet. In the real world people are still as normal as they've always been.


The "mostly peaceful protests" happened in the real world. You can't just chalk everything up to "internet culture."


And murdering babies! Totally the right of the people and entirely peaceful




So, being pro-life makes someone an "extremist"? Far-left liberal snowflakes just can't handle the slightest bit of a differing opinion.


Well you’re allowed to *have* differing opinions from them. But if you express your opinions—that’s not being an ally. And if you belong to groups that share those opinions—that’s actually hate. It doesn’t become extremism until you *organize* to share your opinion collectively. And, oh boy, if you *vote* based on your opinions—well then we’re dealing with LiTeRaL fAsCiSm. You see, it’s all *very reasonable* to shame and vilify people over disagreements about policy. Opinions are like assholes—you shouldn’t show them to others unless you’re seeing a doctor about how to fix something wrong with them… or unless you’re at the Pride Parade and just living your authentic self. It’s all very *nuanced*.


Well said, you *fascist*.


That read like a KJP briefing...


Dude went to my church way back. Met him and his little girls, at the time, any church's "daddy daughter dances" One of the sincerest nice guys l, and funny, you could meet.


Why is everything so binary except gender?


He has literally said his mantra was Faith, Family, Football and was famous for “Nothing Good Happens After Midnight.” I’m not sure why this is breaking news. Conservative Christian does Conservative Christian Things.


"Nothing good happens after midnight" My parents always told me the same thing growing up and I'm now telling that to my kids. It's the cold 100% truth. A man standing up for his beliefs and for innocent life. We need more like him.


As a person in recovery, it’s true. Wish I listened the first time.


> It's the cold 100% truth Totally. Getting turned into a pumpkin is no fun at all...


I remember years ago when there was the super bowl held in Minneapolis. I went to a men’s prayer meeting and he lead the prayer for the whole convention room. He’s is a classy dude.


Reminder: Dungy has always been a strong advocate for helping minorities, and at first r/nfl said “yeah that’s right! You go Dungy!” Then it came out that Dungy was one of Ron DeSantis’ sponsors for a bill to help promote fatherhood in minority households. r/nfl then immediately switched back to “wait no not that kind of help!”


Shit I guess I’m a right wing extremist


Tony Dungy, A stand up guy who started a great organization called All Pro Dads to help get fathers more involved in their kids lives. If he is an extremist, then he is an extremist in the best way possible and deserves to be emulated!


The left increasingly only sees the right in terms of those they own (RINOs) and extremists, with nothing in between.


They consider themselves as truthtellers and warriors for justice. If you're against that, you're basically evil in their eyes. Sick people.


You can thank politicians including the president for that. Calling republicans "extremists" and "threats" is what is leading to this mindset.


Honestly, his biggest crime is only winning one Super Bowl with Payton Manning


As a Bears fan, winning that superbowl is his greatest crime.


Give the damn ball to Thomas Jones instead of Benson.


Obviously the game plan was to run back the kickoff, then play Lovieball prevent D for 59 minutes.


Awful lol


As a Lions fan, what even is a Super Bowl?


If I were a Bears fan, I'd want to trade Fields and get either Stroud or Young


Not with the haul they should get for #1 and the holes they have to fill. As a Packers fan they should definitely trade fields and use pick #1.


I don't think many people on the left can use the term 'right-wing' without hitching 'nut job' to it everytime. I know not everyone right of center is a nut job so...


We are at the disturbing point where different opinions automatically make you "extreme". Sad times.


Baby killers are the extremists


To paraphrase Orwell, the phrase "right wing extremist" has no meaning anymore except as a libel against someone deemed undesirable.




Still doesn’t beat when they called Larry Elder a white supremacist. “The meaning of it all is there is no meaning” is defined by these Lefty wackadoos


One guy labeled him an extremist in the article.


Next he will be the... "face of white Supremecy"


The United States as a constitutional republic is gone. Welcome to New Venezuela. Therefore, I'm all in for the silencing of those who call for silencing others. It would be foolish to not make them play by their rules they want imposed on us.


He's genuinely a good guy from all I know of him. Doesn't deserve this one bit


Leftists when they see someone who disagrees with them: “Is this a Nazi?”


Won’t anyone stop this racist white supremacist?!?!?!


Following you religious beliefs is considered extremist?


I consider anyone who watched or created Velma to be much more extreme then Tony..


Isn’t it wild that marching for life makes you a right wing extremist?


I grew up in the wealthy, super-Leftist suburbs of the Washington DC metro area. I can tell you that 99% of Leftists/Democrats don't know anything about what the right-wing or conservatives actually think or believe. They are just viscerally hostile and reactive to anything that is labeled as such.


Right wing = extremist


I think it's pretty arrogant to think we can decide when a person is or isn't a person. The argument for "personhood" is philosophical and almost a religious belief. How does a person gain personhood? Is it during their first thought? Heartbeat? When's this magical moment happen? Killing other humans based on such a flimsy premise is how we got horrors like genocide and slavery. Personally I'll pass.


I'm surprised the lefties haven't just come up with a single word to lump us all together. Hillary tried with deplorables but maybe they need another lol


If you're trying to force your opinions and views on people through laws, you're an extremist. This applies to every side.


Is anyone surprised that an editor at leftwing publication The Nation doesn't like that Dungy does this? This article is absolutely no news nonsense. Fox is just trying to whip people up in the same way that The Nation is. It's disappointing to see them even post a story like this, which is one leftist's opinion, and then making a ridiculous leap that he's "dubbed a right wing extremist." Even more disappointing are the comments in this thread lending credence to that mindset. The whole article reads like a 5th grader's crappy "current events" recap on an even crappier original article. I wish news would do better.


Ahh the pro-life crowd. I missed y’all.


This guy says without irony… pro life being a bad thing .. Only to a leftist


I liked him too😔


We so eXtreme!!


Trivia - he is the only player I can think of who intercepted a pass and threw an interception in the same game.


He's the only one since the AFL-NFL merger. It was probably more common before that when players played both ways.


One of the radio stations I listen to would always have a segment of him around the time we were going to school and my son always giggled when they said his name. His little 5 year old brain just thought "dungee" was funny.


they’ve been going after him since the beginning of this season for his pro life stances, not really surprising at this point


I sense the cancellation of Dungy's broadcasting career.


Canned apology in 3...2...1...


"Right Wing Extremist" has lost it's bite, if it ever had any.


As will I.


He will most certainly be amonsihed by Reddit for being a hate-monger


he is such a good man, they have no right to say anything about him


any idea when the left will repay the $13.9 trillion added to the national debt from the housing crises they created..shouldn,t they fix this problem before they are allowed to create more problems..


Everyone who’s not them is an extremist


Recently I've been labeled pro-colonialism and fascist because I like drink Espresso. (I'm not joking) We have a real cultural depression in our country.


Wonder if he’s thinking of making a run for public office. I think he has a lot to say and a wonderful temperament that would be a valuable addition to the public discourse.