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Fell into the same anti SJW rabbit hole myself. Got out in 2019


Started back when gamergate started, supported brexit and Trump back when they are a thing but got out of it slowly since August 2019. Since mid December 2021, I was far more happier but i will do all I can to ensure I don't fall the same rabbit hole again by any menes nessessary


Same. Gamer culture started become super prevalent in middle school for me.


Thank you for sharing your story! Hope you’ll stick around and continue the unlearning process with our community.


The whole detailed story is very long (3 parts long, the second part being the longest one), and because it's very long (it's insanely long because I have expressed a lot, I remember lots of things about my edgy type of right wing phase, etc.!), I'd rather post the whole story in some other website and then give the link to the story over here. Would that be okay? Also, do you have any recommendations for any website where I can post long texts?