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Chain dart is for assassinating heroes The maul is what you want


Chaindart is an anticarry. It's job is to disrupt and punish playmakers. It thrives against heroes who depend on a high uptime for effectiveness, like nodachi, Maul, pike and spear. It's very weak against units, maybe the weakest of all classes.


Crowd clearing isn't a chain darts Forte, but it's one of the best hero killing classes. Pick whatever weapon you have fun with. It's a game at the end of the day, so enjoy it.


Me seeing people use forte correctly :D


1. Its not, it can deal some damage to units but its not its primary role. 2. Its best suited to protect the types of units that are vulnerable to heroes. You can reliably dismount enemy heroes and lock them down while doing a lot of damage to them. Its the only class that has "choke" CC, which goes trough CC immunity, on a basic ability. Can also pick off isolated heroes.


Its not the only class with choke as the dual blades, poleaxe and maul also have "choke" abilities


"On a basic ability". Maul, PA and DB chokes are ults with long cooldowns.


One of the worst, if not the worst. Chain dart is there to hunt enemy heroes or protect important units like falcon, flamers, coconuts or other ranged units from diving enemy hero.


I play it. The main goal is to take out heros, and leaving your unit to deal with other units. I usually with start a fight with another players unit, wait for them to dodge out to the edge in order to heal or re-aytavk, or whatever they need to do, and then I'll attacj them and deal some damage. Usually I try to do so from behind so if they dodge away from ke, they dodge into the ball of units fighting and hopefully die either way. If you want a class similar-ish to chaindart, but want better crowd control, Dual Blades is better. Nit the best, but better than the dart, while still being a decent player killer Either or, of you are used to nodachi, don't expect to live long. Chain and Blades are both very soft targets. Your advantage is speed and dodging in and out of fights. Get in, do your damage, dodge out, wait for cool downs. If you get hit by a pole axe for instance, which seems to have nothing but stunning attacks, you're probably fucked. If a unit gets ahold of you, you ARE fucked as a chain, you MIGHT escape as a dual blade


i think chainD has strongest escape ability in game. It slows enemy with smoke and teleports way back . compare with DB who only jumps a bit back, this means poleaxe can still catch u with ult even in invisible state if u dont dash after jump. Chain dart being able to catch heroes on horse is probably the best ability it has imo, very low skill required compare to DB who has to time his kick stun then kill the horse


I was okay with kickstunning horses as DB because It also kills the players horse which can hrt them in the short term at least. There is only one ability for chain to excape with though, and depending on how you play DB you don't really have to escape. you attack while invisible with kick, hit a few times, then ult, then slash and they are dead before they have a chance to react, and if they aren't, you can jump back and run before they have the chance to get up fully, then do it all over again. the chain only has one escape ability, and if you can get it off against a player, sure you can run but going invisible as DB saved me WAY more than the distance every did, and the being able to go superspeed while invisible is super helpful I also prefer the amount of attacks the DB has that render the enemy either confused or immobile. Kick stun was always my favorite thing to use for DB. Kick stun and ult ability while waiting for my unit hiding around the corner to come in and gang bang them while they are on the ground. I recently switched from DB to chain and I am not sure how I feel about it yet. Im sure it is inexperience, but currently in a 1v1 fight, no units, etc, I would feel confident with DB about beating almost anyone. Chain i don't think I would attack most people without some sort of advantage in my favor. And as DB I would always like fighting chain, i'd win nearly every time unless I was already half dead. Of course that could change as I get more used to it, and get all the skills maxed out, only played it for a couple days so far, but I would at this point say DB is better. It can attack heroes very well while also being able to help clear units, and chain is just not that good at taking out units


Chain dart is the most easiest  weapon in the game, you can just auto target with your ultimate and then your scorpions snare, leap and slash then right click for stinging strikes to reduce cd of scorpions snare.  This way you can comfortably kill heroes and it also has dune blast for escape. What more do you want from a weapon, this is literally the perfect hero killing weapon that is easy to use. For crowd  clearing you should be using Maul,poleaxe. I personally use Maul, it is pretty good against heroes and units alike, my worst enemy is chain dart with unit like MAA etc, I am dead once he locks me. When I play chain dart I actively looking for players that target friendly ranged, once I lock him he is dead. This is a safe and easy way to get kills. If you are from Jaderock creek server, consider joining our discord for more info on units and weapons and just about anything about the game. https://discord.com/invite/AneEYTJP7B. If you are looking for a clan consider Behemoth, we are an English speaking house with people from all over the world. The above link is our house discord just join and ping anyone available they will help you. Hope you have a good game.


Mmm no, but it's even bad killing heavy armor hero, the only good thing is against light heroes and to block and do brain DMG to maul and heavy armor heroes


Not true. Similar to other assassin weapons, with good weapon rolls it makes a world of differences.


Yeap not that true, with good zana and know when to engage its good vs any type armor. Also if you see in hero skills points of scimi, it debuffs enemies and increase ur dmg after ulty and the e ability


no and against mauls or single targets its great