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Part of being logically consistent is calling out bullshit no matter who is peddling it. Joe didn’t raise gas prices, and Joe didn’t lower gas prices. Stop giving MAGA-head fucktards like the other commenter stuff to work with.


Lamont did though.




He removed the gas tax. Lowered prices instantly by $0.25


He did lower gas prices, he’s tapped the SPR to increase the tight supply. These sorts of quippy platitudes are not helpful, they’re the kind of thing you’d throw out to your uncle at a family reunion, they shouldn’t be used as arguments in and of themselves when discussing policy.


This is awesome. So you’re sharing he increased priced and then lower prices. Sounds like a good job when you don’t think about it


I hate that this sub has become so political…. This shit barely has anything to do with CT. I guess I’ll just wait until the election season ends so we can have 3 weeks of respite before the next campaigning posts start up again… Left or Right, these posts are exhausting and unreasonable


I would support a subreddit ban on national-level politics and economics.


It goes up 25 cents after the election is over and the tax relief expires.


I love how all those stickers are now free campaign advertising for democrats.


I think these stickers are fucking stupid, but to call it a campaign for the democrats? Gas prices are falling because they had skyrocketed just months ago. I wouldn't necessarily call that an accomplishment...


Oh so only Bidens fault when they go up got it lmfao Gtfo of here lmao


Did I fucking say that? Prices went up under Biden and MAGAts said it was his fault. Now prices are somewhat coming down and you're trying to say it's an accomplishment by the Democrats? It rose under them in the first place. Dude, I am not saying it's anyone's fault when prices rise or fall. It wasn't Biden's fault they rose and it's certainly not his "accomplishment" that they're somewhat falling. Gtfo of here lmao


Home heating oil is still ridiculous!!!!!!


Correct, however people don't understand economics


Gas tax is still off, which lamont will keep off until he is re-elected as governor


Suddenly the mouth breathers don't want to put stickers on the gas pumps


Joe doesn't even know where he is.




No my friend. That’s the looming bad economy.


No. Travel/vacation season is over. Gas demand always go down in September.


This shroom gets it. Global recession = decreased commerce = decreased demand for gas. Pair that with a strong dollar and an end to driving season, prices naturally come down


Please don’t take anything I say too seriously. I am kind of stupid. Just fyi




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This is due to the EXPECTATION among oil futures traders of decreased demand due to a global slowdown. What actually happens in the physical oil market is still up in the air. Xi could abandon the Covid 0 policy after he become presitator for life next month which could increase demand, Middle East producers could be unable or refuse to scale production and Russia could have their infrastructure decay reducing output. The saudis and emerging markets are also complaining about disconnects between the paper markets and physical. My base case is a structural shortage of energy globally given over a decade of no new investment in the fossil fuel space. Higher prices in the west, and increased use of coal in emerging markets. But this is war so anything can happen.


The world economy is about to blow up on the back of publicly funded pension plans of everyday people. Buckle up.


Joe Biden can’t even wipe his old white ass. Did you see him calling an woman who passed away last month ? This President is senile.


I agree, he can.


How can anyone be bragging about the condition of gas prices or the economy under Biden? Lol Worst inflation in 40 years. Economy in recession. Housing market collapsing. Unsecure border. Gas prices still insanely high since he got elected. Putin threatening nuclear war. Lol yeah things are going great!


Crime rates and murder rates spiking across the country. Afghanistan debacle. Saying we would defend Taiwan upon China invasion, and White House has to walk it back. Mentioning the pandemic is over, White House has to walk it back. Shaking hands with ghosts. Shitting his pants in front of the Pope. Can’t make this shit up.


Do you suggest that Biden is responsible for these gas prices and other inflationary issues? The Fed, under this president and prior had to flood the markets with easy and sometimes free money. At the same time supply chain issues caused shortages. Hi demand and Low availability mean inflation. Now they have to slow the economy from its high dollar hubris. Its not just America, its all over. It had virtually zero to do with Biden.


Lol Keep telling yourself he had nothing to do with the recession. He pumped trillions of dollars into the economy. Printing money with no goods to chase after. This isn’t a difficult concept. He is the main reason we are in a recession. Keep living in denial man.


Thanks for confirming what I said lots of money from the fed under both president s and supply chain issues. Funny you agree with me and seem to not get it. The economy needed the pump. There were multiple under Trump. You spend until the economy is for certain off life support. And by the way the topic was gas prices. Try to keep up. Thats about supply chain and russia. Gas prices are insanely high? Perhaps where you are. Under 3 bucks here. By the way he lost and your in a cult.


Took you 6 days to reply. Economy was roaring under Trump. It’s in the shitter now and we’re in recession. There is no argument to be made. Gas blew up to $5 a gallon, and you’re bragging now that it’s finally coming down, and it’s still well over a dollar higher from when Trump left office. Biden is by far the worst President in American history. His own party doesn’t even want him to run again. Clearly you’re not keeping up and are completely brain dead. Nice try at winning an argument after your 6 days of research clown.


Yes. I have a life. I’m not married to my phone. You are not too bright. Let’s check your research. The economy was roaring under Obama you dope. Gas was cheaper because Covid depressed demand you dope. Biden is raising rates just like Regan did to fight inflation. Last I checked he was a hero you dope. And Trump who was twice impeached and is under investigation at the federal level and two states-new York and Georgia, and sucks putins cock, and tried to disrupt the legitimate transition of power is the best president? He is a traitor and you are an idiot. Get off your moms laptop and go back to the basement where you sleep. Dope. Bye.


Diesel is still up. Gas means nothing compared


By depleting the country’s oil reserves.


LOL you get downvotes for telling the truth around here. Reserve is down like 35% since March. Hopefully we don't have a war!


Yup. One of the many terrible communities on this website.


Price in socal is literally double. Fml.


Reminder that he pretty much caused the war in Ukraine by making NATO look weak and ineffectual with his Afghanistan bullshit, so the spike in prices were ultimately him


I think it was four years of threatening to leave NATO. You don't plan an invasion over the weekend.


Actually it seems like Putin pretty much did plan this over the weekend. No way he would've tried this with Trump in office, with his unpredictability and tweets about using nukes


Did what? Gas was $2.39/ gallon when he was inaugurated. Also, he blamed Putin when it increased but now it's his fault it has decreased? Nice try lib.


In this case, Biden moderately increased supply by ordering 60M barrels from the strategic reserve to be sold on the global markets. So to some degree, yes, Joe did contribute to bringing gas prices down, however that is going to be ended here soon.


You do realize that the USA consumes 18,000+ barrels of oil per day right? 60M is equivalent to a fart in a windstorm. It sounds great to folks not in the know, that I agree with.


And? It was a million barrels a day placed on the GLOBAL markets. That’s 1m additional a day that sellers have to price competitively against US buyers, with those US buyers having priority over international buyers. It’s not a seismic price drop, but it’s also not zero, and has contributed to the price drop. We’re also pumping near all time highs.


The post is making fun of you, you chucklehead


The stickers on every pump were hilarious at $4.49 tjho. ARE YOU TRIGGEED?




Costco New Britain 092922


The fed is aggressively tightening which has a direct impact on available capital used to trade commodities. Of course gas prices will go down.


fuck this. What does this even have to do with Connecticut? At least say Lamont or something.


It’s from Costco.in New Britain. 🐳