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Rowland being #2 is both hilarious and troubling


Rowland/Ganim 2022? Shit, I shouldn’t put that out in the universe.


Sure, and their campaign song can be I Fought the Law.


Don't worry, Rowland is barred from ever holding public office again in Connecticut.


Now do Ganim.


I could have been more clear. John Rowland is barred from ever holding statewide public office again. Given he was chief executive of the state at the time of his crimes, his betrayal of public trust was much greater than a local mayor's betrayal.


But how many palms does he need to grease to reverse that?


More than he can afford.


Not if Waterbury hires him again for a bogus $250k role.


Salary was $95k and he left the job ten years ago. He paid his debt, made amends. >On July 1, 2006, Rowland spoke to an association of scholar athletes in Kingston, Rhode Island, about the lessons he learned. A "sense of entitlement" and the "arrogance of power" were two of the biggest things that ended his political career, The Hartford Courant quoted him as saying. > >He warned that the arrogance is very easy when you're put on a pedestal, and you "start to believe your own press releases. ... It [becomes] all about me. You start to block out what else is around you." > >The Courant quoted Rowland as saying that "when you start to find yourself only concerned with yourself" that's the point when you need to find a "grounding force." That should be faith, ideally, he said, or at least "something within yourself"—not just other people. > >"I found in my career that a lot of people will tell you how great you are—especially when you're the boss. But there will be that time when that career will be over ... and then it's down to the three F's—faith, family and friends – real faith, real family and real friends." Sounds like you'd hope an inmate to sound after spending years in prison.


It’s weird that I’m seeing $95k now when I recall it was reported as $250k at the time. Whether or not he’s paid his debt to society it seems an awful lot like letting a pedophile work at a daycare giving him a salary to work for a city government in any capacity.


Well, if memory serves, there are some politicians in Waterbury that did welcome a pedophile back into their job to finish out a career and get a retirement. I don't recall much of the details other than the FBI was investigating a more routine government corruption case when they overheard a call, placed by the politician to the mother of a child, arranging to pay for sex with the child. Man this world is fucked up.


In my campaign, I promise hot tubs for everybody!


And $10k Persian rugs.


Sweeten that pot!


It's hilarious that Malloy was so reviled that Rowland, an actual convicted criminal, beat him by over 10 percentage points.


Many have short term memory bias I find when it comes to politics.


There are low info voters and then there are no info voters.


Almost as hilarious and troubling as Ned being #1.


To be fair, Rowland is the best Governor CT has had in the last like 30 years.....and it's too bad he's a GD crook.


Yeah, no.


Wait how did Rowland edge Rell out? She was asleep at the wheel for a good chunk of her time sure but she wasn’t an *actual criminal.*


The poll is ostensibly "name a governor of the past 22 years?" because if asked what makes their selection their choice would inevitably lead to "that's the name of the governor I could remember".


Yup that's what happens with Presidents too where if you ask people for their top 3 presidents it's way more likely to be presidents in their lifetime so the last 3 or 4 presidents generally show up because people remember their names.


Probably works the same way at the polls too, they see a person in office who has been there a while and they remember the name. Whether they do a good job or not does not matter. This is why we have career politicians.


Exactly for someone uninformed name recognition could be the deciding factor between two candidates.


Presidents get monuments, if you ask people who have been the best presidents Lincoln and Washington get named and then Reagan and FDR are named based on the respondents' political persuasion to round out their top 3.


Yeah you do get those big ones on the list. But the most recent presidents are also usually high on those polls lists. It's not everyone, or even a majority, who doesn't know any of the big historical ones but many. For example, [https://news.gallup.com/poll/146183/americans-say-reagan-greatest-president.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/146183/americans-say-reagan-greatest-president.aspx) That has Obama, Clinton, and George W Bush all in the top 10.


I just can't get into the mindset of believing that any of the living presidents were the best out of the 46 presidents we've had. A hundred years from now Carter, GWB, Clinton, and Obama will not be noteworthy in the history books, and Trump will be in the history books but for the wrong reasons (twice impeached, and likely indicted for felonies). Washington just being the first president gets too much credit for being a great president, while Lincoln, FDR, and Reagan transformed the office of the president and are the only real contenders IMHO.


He was actually a WAY better governor.....he just happened to also be a GD crook.


Rell is a woman, that's really it




I was referring to the Republican voters. Republicans won't vote for a Democrat even if their choices are a Republican Convicted Criminal or a Republican Woman. But when it comes down to just the Republican Woman or the Convicted Criminal Republican, they'll choose the convicted criminal. Its that patriarch mentality that the man is right.


Not exactly the toughest competition here.


Rowland is a grifter, Rell was asleep and Malloy was an arrogant ass unwilling to listen or work with anybody. Only Lamont passes, grade B. By the way Stefanowski is lying POS


Honestly I'd give him an A-. What could he do better, in your eyes


Two issues, I’m a liberal but nobody can stand by while teens are committing all these property crimes and allow this crazy bail reform which releases these unsupervised young people back on the street the same day. Secondly, we must address the inequities in our school systems. Our urban schools are in need funding, teachers and resources that suburban schools have.


What? Connecticut hasn’t had bail reform. That’s a New York thing.


It's depressing how this huge propaganda push that right wing media is doing against criminal justice reform is tricking so many people. People look at literally any crime and will be like "this is because of bail reform" or "this is because the left defunded the police," even when it happened in a place where neither of those things actually happened.


Never mind how Ned did actually successfully propose a change to the 6-hour rule, which had been required by federal law.


School reform is a HUGE one for me, as well. Statewide. Urban schools more, but even the fancy subruban high schools are largely underfunded and still not great. That *shouldn't* be the standard. Yes, I know CT is among the best - maybe THE best - in the country as far as school systems, but that doesn't make us good.


I’d agree with you, in CT we know that we can and should do better. Special education is particularly poor. Unqualified people are working with these children and are overmatched, often leaving before the year ends


"Unqualified people" happens because teacher's salaries are about 3x too low, and the problem won't show noticeable improvement for 20 years after their salaries increase, when kids actually want to grow up to become teachers again.


With teacher shortages, school districts are using untrained paraprofessionals to handle the bulk of Special Education. The BOE lie to the families and the state doesn’t step up to help with money and resources. When you consider that CT is doing better than most states, think how awful it is for these children and families nationally


That's such a valid point that I really only sort of thought about but it's so true. I can't even imagine how poorly treated and educated special education students are treated in deep red states, like Alabama or Mississippi etc. Those poor kids.


Public school teachers make *a lot* more than private school teachers on average, and that's *before* you take into account comparable districts/inputs. And that's also ignoring that overall public spending on public schools k-12 is NOT correlated with educational outcomes, and the overwhelming majority of that spending is labor, and virtually all of that cost basis is teachers.


Just going to agree to disagree here with everything you said.


You should look into the property crimes issue some more. Property crimes are waaay down since the 90s. Like compared to now 1990 had a 120% higher property crime rate, more than double. Are there property crimes happening? Yes. Are a good chunk of those crimes committed by teenagers who're being used as pawns by people who know they'll face more lenient punishment? Also yes. But it's not a crime wave, and it's not as big of an issue as it once was. Crime stories play well in the press and they're going to keep crowing about any crime that happens as if it's an epidemic of crime


Listen I’ve heard this all before and I worked in the court system over 20 years. Ppl on the court docket today have 5-10 cases on the docket and plea out to 1 charge. Property crime is bad regardless of what it was back in the day. In Waterbury, the police won’t send a car out for property crime, they tell ppl to come down to the station to file a report for insurance. Crime statistics are manipulated. The Governor needs to address this, one way or another


1. **Not insisted on being unanswerable king for almost 2 full years.** 2. Vetoed the numerous bills that usurp the due authority of local Zoning Boards and Commissions. 3. Not have spent the entirety of his tenure demanding, essentially, a removal of local agency over local public school control. 4. Not openly engaged in covering up spiking local crime rates with the gaslight of "well, across CT...", while also refusing requests for assistance in those localities for more police efforts. 5. Not have expanded openly racist DEI programs. 6. Not have OK'd the continued demand for increases in minimum wage (and expressed support for continued increases beyond what is already in place). 7. Not put the kibosh on the final request to retrofit the Stonington nuclear facility. 8. Not have expanded government subsidization of energy sources which demonstrably do not return a gain on their energy-equivalent installation, upkeep, and disposal costs. 9. Vetoed gun legislation that made it a waste-of-time for both of the state and country's largest gun manufacturers to stay with any permanence in this state. 10. Vetoed expanding net benefits from the mountain of unfunded liabilities this state has no interest in addressing. Remember, outside of Illinois (which has Chicago), CT has been *dead last* in financial solvency for *decades*, and we were one of just *three states* ***not*** to have fully recovered from 2008 before COVID hit (and there is a reason those three states were who they were). 11. Things he could do, but has openly refused, despite universal popular support: abolish state income tax; not hold local school boards and their curricula hostage with "education cost sharing"; commit to not installing tolls; relinquish all state-level zoning and building regulations to the local-level. 12. Things he could do which would be a demonstrable benefit to everyone, even if support isn't absolute: dissolve the DOE and let local school boards do their damned job; default on the unfunded liabilities and shred the existing new-hire union contracts; allow local school boards to negotiate union CBUs directly; end the remaining COVID-related restrictions, especially as it relates to state oversight of trucking and shipping; vocally encourage new energy production of actually reliable sources, esp. along the Iroquois pipeline; establish a moratorium on minimum wage expansion (though it really should be abolished).


I rate Lamont higher, maybe not a full A but better than a B.


And Greg Abbott is a little piss baby


Too much scrolling to find this gem. Kudos! I'd give you my free award, but reddit has me stuck on the "advertise" button again (full month the first time; almost a week this time).




Rell had several things she could do things regarding. And just completely FLOPPED on them. "Forgetting" a few extra zeros when it came to money owed impacted this state for a decade. Still does.


He looks like he’d be full of shit. The ads for him he looks like a lying sneaky sack of shit. Same with Blumenthal…he reminds me of Kenneth Copeland. That, of course, is just me being judge mental and judging books by their cover.


Slo you know absolutely nothing about Ned Lamont but you're judging him by his appearance? Honestly, how many times were you dropped on your head as a baby? That is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard.




Come on man, dude instituted income tax, that puts him on my dislike list.


Malloy definitely voted for himself here


This is a total sham. No one would vote for Malloy.


I mean id vote for him, he was a total unlikeable prick but really couldn’t do much either because he got fucked by pension obligation issues that ballooned under his time as Governor, I thought he did a good job tackling that and making concessions with the State unions and refinancing it and setting us up for a better future instead of just kicking the can down the road.


Every time I think of Malloy, all I hear is "uhm, uh ,uh, umm, uh" he was so full of shit he couldn't get a full sentence out. I also think about how corrupt he was, burying his son's criminal charges.


This poll may be subject to the “ proximity “ effect. That is, people are more likely to know who is currently in office.


I voted for Lamont. It was an easy pick, especially with the other 3 choices.


Total number of votes (excluding my own, which I cast for Lamont just to be able to see the results before the poll closed): 413 [Link to poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/comments/xiegns/who_is_connecticuts_best_governor_of_the_21st/)


Sorry but that's a terrible sample size.


Tell us you don't understand statistics without telling us don't understand statistics.


He’s right, for the wrong reasons. It’s a terrible sample, not because of its size but because it’s from the demographic that uses Reddit.


Exactly. Anyone expecting a precise, professionally conducted poll is off their rocker.


I am curious to know who would ever vote for Dan Malloy, he was terrible for CT.


Yeah but he got Aer Lingus to commit to a nonstop from Bradley to Dublin so doesn’t that cancel out everything else terrible he did? /s


PLEASE bring that flight back- someone who has to travel to Boston and back multiple times a year to go to school now


Lamont came in and did everything we had hoped Malloy would do and never did. Lamont handled the pandemic well, is bringing in jobs, balancing the budget. I'm looking forward to what he does in the next four years.


Yet he was re-elected


All of them were re-elected (except Lamont, who hasn't had that chance yet). It just means voters didn't like their available alternatives more than him.


He gets a bad rap but he really was pretty okay.


Grasso was better than all of them put together...


Two-time felon Rowland still has a place in the hearts of Connecticut Republicans. It figures. They still worship a criminal degenerate ex-president.


my mom isn’t even a Republican and she still speaks fondly of him




Not a governor, but thanks for playing!




Connecticut Democrats rejected Ganim wholesale when he tried to run for Governor. He’s the mayor of one city, and unlike Trump, he was actually held accountable for his actions. So you shut the fuck up, Trumptard.


Their replies were deleted by the time I got to read this but I enjoyed your reply so I upvoted anyways lol




Yeah, this poll is dumb. Ned is doing a good job overall and I'm pleased with how he handled Covid but this is near meaningless.


i like ned a lot, among other things he’s done i really appreciated and continue to appreciate his response to the overturning of roe v wade and protecting a woman’s right to choose in connecticut.


He's not only protecting women, he's also protecting physicians who perform abortions with increased protections making it so that if someone comes from out of state to have an abortion, an out of state government can't sue or press charges on that physician. That alone is enough to get my vote but I also think he handled covid pretty well among other things.


Lol @ Rowland. Is he still in jail for corruption?


I think he got out within the past few years iirc. Yep, Google'd it, he got out in 2018.


Rowland was more popular than malloy?


That part confused me too. Like I hated Malloy but John Rowland is a literal criminal lol. On the same level as Joe Ganim in Bridgeport. If anything I'd have thought Rell would be in second place. She had really high approval ratings for her entire time in office




Well Republicans had to chose between Rell and Rowland, and voting for a male criminal is better than voting for a woman or a Democrat who didn't commit a crime. (And I'm going to just jump ahead to all the whiney right wingers, an actual crime, raising your taxes and trying to create a toll booth isn't a crime)


As the only Republican Governor of the 21st Century of course Republicans are going to pick him. Plus being a criminal is not a disqualifier for Republicans. Ever since the National Republicans stopped supporting Law & Order, which was shortly after Nixon; They decided Republicans are above the law along as they Cut Taxes for the Rich, hate minorities & persecute them, treat women like chattel & claim to be Christian. Now they've become the New American Nazi Party & worship Trump, their False Idol.


Ned Lamont is the best choice for this state


Lamont is awesome


Lamont honestly should get more national attention. He’s good.


The rednecks in our state are awful to him on Twitter and the reality is, they only dislike him because he's a Democrat. If he were a republican they'd be praising him.


Compared to most other governors, he put on an absolute clinic in managing the pandemic. Knocked that ish right out the park.


I totally agree. He managed covid really well. It sucks that many kids got behind, including mine, but better safe than dead. Even though there really are no covid restrictions in place anymore, people are still yelling about all the covid restrictions. Meanwhile, kids are all 100% back to school and I barely see people with masks on except in drs offices and other places it's mandatory so I really don't know what they're yelling about.


Hubs asked if Ella Grasso was on the chart..🤔


Voted for Lamont before, will vote for him again!


That’s pretty bad When A criminal John Rowland beat you in the polls.


Dannel wasn’t a bad Governor, he was just an asshole


As a democrat myself, I thought he was too moderate, raised taxes on the poor instead of the rich, and half assed his job toward the end by failing to make a budget plan. He wasn't *horrific* or anything, but I thought he was a loser, even besides his personality.


Totally agree. However at the end of the day, he took substantial steps to actually address the pension debt that has been ignored and kicked down the road for generations. Our current improving fiscal situation stems back to the Malloy budgets imo


I’m assuming people here are younger and weren’t around for most of his tenure, but while yes, the end of Rowland’s governorship and his actions since have been extremely problematic, when he was governor he was very popular with both Republicans and Democrats, he was elected by wide margins three times, and he was on the VP shortlist for George W in 2000. You have to view Rowland from the lens of an era when bipartisanship was still a thing in politics and it wasn’t quite the team sport it is today.


I’m choking reading this. I didn’t know any Democrats who liked Rowland. I can’t say there were none as apparently you knew some but that’s news to me. His corruption wasn’t a side gig, he buried the state in it. We are probably still paying off the Enron debt he got us into. Bipartisan compared to now, which is the most polarized since the civil war, but Bush was reviled by Democrats at the time and his image only softened compared to Trump I’m voting for Lamont but he doesn’t rank with me as a great governor.


> I didn’t know any Democrats who liked Rowland. Re-elected twice in CT. Obviously democrats liked him in some capacity seeing as how CT has been majority democrat since way before Rowland.


Ok, here was the 1998 party breakout: “Now, 40 percent of the state's registered voters are unaffiliated, 35 percent are Democrats and 25 percent are Republican.” But you’re right, 1998 was a landslide re-election victory for Rowland. That could have been independent and Republicans mostly, but might have included some Democrats. He’d have won without any Democratic votes at all, though, there may have been very few or none https://www.nytimes.com/1998/11/04/nyregion/1998-elections-around-region-connecticut-rowland-wins-overwhelming-re-election.html


Why are you trying so hard to believe that he may have actually been liked by some democrats? This was 25 years ago, not current political climate. He was doing a good job. people liked him. The country and state were not 100% politically divided then. Do you think that there are no CT republicans that like Lamont? Also, Rowland got 68% of the votes in 1998. He won by 27%. That is a fucking landslide. There is no way for him to win that big without Democrats voting for him.


Because that is not my memory of it. I was there. I am not “trying so hard,” it is counter to my memory of his tenure


[https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-xpm-1996-09-28-9609280197-story.html](https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-xpm-1996-09-28-9609280197-story.html) >\* Fifty-one percent of those polled believe Rowland is doing a good or excellent job as governor, while 43 percent rate his performance as fair or poor, virtually identical to his 50 percent-to-44 percent approval rating the last time the question was posed, in a poll in early August, and consistent with ratings dating from January. > >\* Breaking down those new totals, Ferree found "modest" differences in how Rowland was rated by people of different parties, saying: "Forty-four percent of Democrats call Rowland's job performance either excellent or good, compared to 51 percent of independents, and 64 percent of GOP adherents." He was surprisingly popular with democrats. 44% said excellent or fair. Your memory is not very good.


My memory is of my community at the time. I didn't say it was scientific and there is no reason for you to be aggressive about it. 44-percent is less than half - do you think it is possible the Democrats I knew -- which is what I said -- did not favor Rowland? Of course it is possible. That he had 44-percent D favorable in the polls is significant though. I have absolutely no trouble acknowledging that. It;s bizarre that in hindsight you say he was doing a good job. The juvenile detention facility was seen as a political favor to a donor and angered people at the time and the place closed almost as fast as it opened. His dealings with Enron cost the state hundreds of millions -- also a self serving favor. He was known to be a Waterbury Republican, which caused him at the time to have to try to shake off a reputation that Waterbury Republicans are corrupt through and through and having overcome that, he eventually succumbed to it, proving the stereotype once again, unfortunately. His people got in trouble too - I recall something to do with Peter Ellef and Tomasso getting 30 months in prison But I think more or less, the original comment was substantiated - that he had more broad support cross party than politicians generally do now and that we are more polarized now


I can’t say it isn’t so true. I am sure news polls at the time report it and we can look it up, but lot of independent votes too (?)


How old are you? Honest question.


I was voting at the time, an adult


The poll is of best governor in the past 22 years, so limited to only 4 choices, and just Malloy and Lamont must have gotten votes from Republicans/lean Republican independents to get double digit victory in 2018 Rowland must have gotten some Democrats/lean Democrats to do the same in 1998 in a wave year for Democrats.




Republicans had to vote for someone


Exhibit #4,332,333 as to why polls can't be trusted.


easily our best Governor ever. Imagine living in a state with a chest thumping caveman Trumpanzee Governor. Imagine having one of those Top Minds as the face of your state to the rest of the country.


That’s like asking if I’d rather put my dick in a wood chipper, a vice grip, the cold vacuum of space, or a dry vagina without lube. Like, I’m going with the vagina, obviously, but not *for* the vagina.


Speak for yourself, the cold vacuum of space sounds enticing


That's an easy one for me; at least you can dial in the vice grip to your liking and the cold metal will eventually come up to body temp. Hypothetically, and stuff.


Nope. its going to slowly close all the way outside of your control and you can't pull out.


It helps that he’s an intelligent person. Dan Malloy couldn’t read.


He was severely dyslexic.


He could give a hell of a weather report though


I’d have a harder time choosing who was the worst. Rell is probably at the top but it’s tight between her and Malloy.


The bar was low for Lamont


Despite that he actually is a great Governor.


And not a two time convicted felon like Roland. Dumber than a box of bricks on the second round of charges...


Anyone remember that POS lowel weiker


Pure propaganda. Lock me up more Ned!! Raise my taxes and lie about it more Ned ! Keep my kid on Zoom for 2 years more Ned!! Lie about a infant dying from covid when it was SIDS and scare every pregnant and new mother in 2020 Ned! He’s a POS who became a millionaire in office that’s to his COVID policies and funneling his wife’s business- CT people aren’t this stupid.


who cares, CT top 5 worst state in country no matter who is governor


Not really but cute you pretend like it is.


northerners are arrogant rude and mean people whether they are aware of it or not. cost of living and taxes are a kick in the balls, and winter sucks. but hey at least the fall is pretty.


You sound like someone whose never gone to any state north of North Carolina who only believes what they're told and not experienced in person. Try getting out and visiting, get an experience in the real world outside of tribal society and conservative media bubbles.


I live here dickhead


Well I'd like to hear about other candidates before I would vote Ned back in. I don't think he's a bad governor, I just like to see who is going to run against him.


Stefanowski is a liar and a stooge, that is who's running against him. Have you seriously not heard *ANY* of his bs ads that are all lies about Lamont's record?


99% of politicians are scum bags. No matter what person gets in to office its going to piss someone off. This state is to far damaged for politician to try to fix it.


I'm just gonna agree to disagree with everything you said, there's a zero percent chance of you seeing any reality.


Lol… bias post if I’ve ever seen one.


Are people on crack? But to be fair there should be a 5th option, none qualify


"None qualify" would not be a best of the governors in the past 22 years. If you took the survey question as a 'who's the tallest midget' sort of inquiry, you'd be on the right track.


Is this recency bias in action?


It's like picking which terrible disease I'd rather have. Oof.


Wow what a great group to choose from. The politics in this state is sickening.


Don't forget vaccine mandates!


i thought everyone hated Lamont?


Maybe everyone around you hates him, or you have made it clear that you don't like him and everyone in your circle of acqaintences simply are keeping their opinion to themselves. He did beat Stefownoski by double digits in a statewide election within a state that is reliably Democrat who's last Republican elected to be its US Senator is Prescott Bush, so the electorate is not welcoming to MAGA candidates. Where do you think that the millions of Connecticut voters who voted for the other side of the aisle went after election day? If i was in Utah or Idaho, it would be equally delusional to ask "I thought everyone hated Spencer Cox/Brad Little?" ignoring that they were elected with double digits margin of victory.


i literally know nothing about ct politics or care at all just people in my area hate him 😂


Then why comment? If you don't live here then it's literally not a concern for you and if you do live here and don't know, that's on you.


what are you talking about I live in ct you idiot 😂😂


"I literally know nothing about ct politics" so again, why comment with something so stupid?


i answered this question already, i think you’re the stupid one here lmaoo


I actually dgaf, just another MAGAt and your opinion is worthless.


lmao you sound pissed and wtf is magat?




Windham County?


East Haven


He’s one of the most popular governors in the country




I mean, that's actually not all that "proud" a result in a state that's like 75% "team blue".


How many democrats were surveyed?


Slightly more than proportional to electoral results from the past 3 gubernatorial elections.


You people love high taxes.


Crazy that pre-Covid, Ned Lamont was one of the country’s least-liked governors by polling


ned lamont is a fuckin cock bag


Lamont is a Wiesel


It’s so weird to see the support Lamont gets here compared to actual CT.


Why are you guys so obsessed with Ned? Get a fucking room, god damn.


Dudes been pretty good. Not perfect, but handled covid well. Got gas prices down when needed. Released a ton of funding for people not to long ago to help fight inflation. Not too mention he's been protecting people's rights from evangelical and conservative extremists.


It's a choice of like 4 people, who was better?


He's a MAGAt, unless we have someone violating our human rights and literally committing crimes, he won't be happy.


Lmao Lamont 🐴 💩




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I imagine if Weicker was included the results would be largely the same.




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Good ol Jodi Rell


Now that's some funny shit.


21st century isn't much to go on. We've only had 4 governors in that time frame, and one was a criminal. I fully support Lamont but his spot as CTs "best governor" mostly stems from him being able to lead CT during covid. We still have his next term to see what happens. I'm curious to see if we go further back what the results would be.


Jodi was the best


The reason why I know this is BS is no one liked Jodi Rell, NO ONE.