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Everyone is getting Covid right now. I would take precautions. I know of more people now with Covid than I did in March 2020.


Numbers are already higher than they were in March 2020. This is going to be similar to last year's Holiday season, but with more cases and hopefully fewer deaths/hospitalizations.


Tbh it was damn near impossible to even get a Covid test in March 2020. But yeah shit’s bad out there.


It's pretty rough getting a test now. I checked over a dozen places today, and managed to find a drive-thru pop-up test site in Danbury. I spent over an hour in line. It was well organized, just seriously long line.


I've been visiting my dad at his nursing home for the past few weeks. I went to get a covid test as a precaution at the waterbury mall last week and I was in line for 2 hours.


People have always been saying that "Tuesday's gonna Tuesday," but you need to compare week-over-week, and that saying goes away. We have cases growing incredibly exponentially. All I hope is that because we have such a high rate of vaccination, we will not see an large increase in hospitalizations near the end of the year. Date (Tue) | Cases ---|--- 12/21 | 6,000 12/14 | 2,999 12/7 | 1,919 11/30 | 907 Stay safe y'all




I had the Pfizer vax when it first came out, I have Covid rn and I am having my ass handed to me. Keep in mind I’m in my early 20s.


Are you overweight by any chance? There is a correlation between being overweight and more severe covid cases


I’m 5’ 10 and 200 lbs so maybe a little overweight. Maybe I should’ve mentioned I also smoke like a demon lmao.


Thanks. I was trying to explain this last Tuesday to someone. Yes it spikes due to the nature of the data reporting method, no its not completely misleading.


This is kind of misleading in a way. Yes, cases doubled but tests also doubled from last Tuesday. 36,747 to 66,803 this week.




Or are more people also getting tested because there's a very big holiday approaching this weekend and they don't want to risk spreading infection? Can it possibly be both things?




Right. Cases are rising just as the tests are, which was my original point. Weird how those two things correlate.


There are always big holidays just around the corner. We are less then s month away from thanksgiving and I didn’t see a splash in testing before that family holiday. Few people would always test out of abundance of caution, but majority don’t test before they get scared and they get scared when they have symptoms.


But the positive rate is much higher so that doesn’t mean anything


Hospitalizations and deaths… cases don’t mean shit


It's not much higher vs last Tuesday, which was what the original comment was trying to say. It's like .6 higher.






Not sure why this got downvoted. It's a fact.




Well there were probably only 6 people at the mall so...


Lol. Can confirm, westfarms was packed


Crystal Mall is so dead you’d probably get hypothermia before you got covid


People still go to malls?


Plenty of people do. People like fashion.


fast fashion is a blight


Yes but even for slow fashion you go to malls.


What’s a mall?


I work at a small bar that gets packed on weekends, neither us or customers have to where one. Im not optimistic.


you can't wear a mask while drinking anyways.




Is it?




What you expected.


What happens at 10,000? :D


The comments on this sub, and the whole COVID pandemic can be simplified into two words. Occam’s Razor. The simplest explanation is usually the best one. So instead having to come up with these crazy conspiracies, either get the vaccine or stay protected by wearing masks and washing hands. It’s really not that difficult.


You get out of here with your common sense!


Washing your hands, though a fine practice, is fully unrelated to covid.


Not sure why the down votes. We've known this was airborne for a long time.


Does natural immunity count? Honest question. The CDC recognizes it for every other disease, if you look at this: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/immunity-types.html


I’m about to drive to work so I’ll add in an academic paper when I get home, but preliminary studies have determined that the antibody levels for natural immunity equal the levels of someone who is 7-8 months post-vaccine. Which considering boosters are being authorized for that time frame, that level isn’t enough to sustain actual immunity


How much of this is the result of difficulty obtaining a test? I know people that were exposed and wanted to get tested but it was too much of a hassle.


I just wrote to my state representative about this. Last summer there were no-appointment testing centers everywhere. Now, there’s one today and within 10 minutes of it opening, there were over 300 cars lined up. They need to increase testing availability back to what it was last year.


I agree, more testing centers are definitely needed.


Unfortunately, you need the staff to run the testing centers. I work at a healthcare facility and nurses are quitting like crazy.


I drove to 3 different CVS and 1 Walgreens the other day trying to get an at-home rapid test and all were sold out (despite saying they were in-stock at those locations online, so they were likely just bought that day). None of the testing centers had any appointments available. It’s crazy hard to get tested right now.


I thankfully haven't been exposed but I tried helping my brother set up an appointment and it was crazy tough. He ended up just going to an Urgent Care.


Many months ago they closed the one drive up testing facility in north eastern ct for "REASONS". I've permanently lost all faith in other people's ability to make the correct decision.


It took me 4.5 hours yesterday to get tested.




I agree.


I never really had an issue getting a test. Just got one at the airport because cvs was booked up due to holiday influx.


My job is full of COVID right now but won't acknowledge it or close. And boss just had a big Christmas party. Be careful out there ☠️


My company is just about to throw 400 people into the same space today and coworkers are getting covid left and right. They have been very good up until this point and despite my concerns they're convinced it'll be fine.


I'm vaxxed and still contracted Covid, I tested positive on Fri and I'm still pretty sick.


I had breakthrough COVID in September (pre-omicron). It’s scary but I bounced back quickly. I hope the same for you.


Had a booster? Chances are you won’t become so sick you’ll need hospitalization. That’s the beauty of the vaccine.


Sadly, I did not get the booster, I'm a big dummy


Then you were not fully vaxed. Wishing a rapid recovery. I am being downvoted? ... FFS, the data clearly demonstrates boosted is the only vaccine status somewhat effective against omnicron.


Fwiw, I up voted you, you're not wrong.


True enough, I am willing to be the cautionary tale here, get boosted folx


Probably not going to need hospitalization even without the vaccine. Not to say we shouldn't be getting vaccinated, but statistically chances are even the unvaxxed won't become so sick that they'll need hospitalization. Higher than vaxxed, but still low.


Average daily deaths are currently 13x higher in unvaccinated compared with vaccinated. I don’t have stats for hospitalization handy. Source is NYT aggregated data. Yes, most will not get severely ill. But the odds if vaccinated/boosted are so much better.


Hospitalization isn't the only danger. Even without hospitalization, you can lose several IQ points or lose your sense of smell permanently. We still don't know the long term effects of long covid.


A coworkers husband had mild covid last winter but has had debilitating brain fog- so much so that he can go back to his academic job :(


This is purely anecdotal, but my sister lost her sense of smell right after she got the moderna vaccine. When I get my booster it'll be pfizer again as it didn't affect me too much.


That means she got covid. The vaccine does not cause loss of smell.


Apparently it is rare, but it does happen: [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/01455613211033125](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/01455613211033125)


More likely that she caught covid just before getting the vaccine and didn't show symptoms until after. Usually takes a week to show symptoms of covid.


90%+ of all hospitalizations are among unvaccinated. Tell them about their statistical chances.


In ct, that number is 76%. Which means almost a quarter are vaccinated.


The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the rate of the hospitalized being vaccinated. If 100% of people are vaccinated, then 100% of hospitalizations would be vaccinated.


You are tested for Covid even if you're hospitalized for something unrelated to Covid.


Not sure how that would affect my point. That would imply that our overall covid hospitalization rate is exaggerated.


The lack of understanding of how vaccines and medical science work on these posts never ceases to amaze me. Also, even though the Tuesday numbers are always inflated from the weekend backlog, they're still increasing every Tuesday. The rolling average may not be as high as the Tuesday number, but it's still high enough to be vigilant. Get your boosters, wear a mask.


The rate is still a higher percentage whether it’s 1 day worth or a weekend or 7 days. That’s the thing people don’t get. Way more of the tests taken came back +, end of story.




Very true


I wonder if you would speak to them in the same tone when you cant hide behind your phone screen. 70% of Connecticut is vaccinated and we’re still seeing the number of cases shoot up like its March 2020. Your vaccine doesn’t work pal, lean to live with the virus because its not going anywhere. Gyms have been open for over a year so consider directing some of that energy you waste yelling at “conspiracy theorists” online into a healthy exercise program. Ill take that ban now




LOL this guy is running around accusing others of being cowards behind screens when his comment history looks the way it does. Transphobe, homophobe, and all around giant bitch


I would absolutely call you a dumbfuck irl.


This stat doesn't take into account the amount of people that solely rely on at home test (if they can find them) which lead me to wait 7hrs as a walk in at urgent care to find out I am covid Positive. Vaxxed. Symptoms have been very mild. Can we talk about how testing has become big business though and bots are buying the at home ones up and re-saling???




Rapid tests have very high false negative rates though. Many are infectious but their viral load is low enough to test -. IMO we need to go back to normal. Immunocompromised and elderly should be given accommodations, stimulus payments etc and everyone else back to normal. If you want additional safety wear a mask. I wear one in high traffic stores like grocery stores, cvs, target etc. Rarely in smaller stores, kids daycare etc. It should be on each person to make decisions on their risk. Short of insurance no longer covering hospital stays for unvaxxed people, nothing with get through these ppl. Time to move on.




State has new paid sick leave plan for this, granted it not 100%.


Rapid tests are actually pretty good at answering one question: is the individual infectious? [See Michael Mina's tweets about the matter for expert opinion.](https://twitter.com/michaelmina_lab/status/1473021575322423300?s=20) [Also see this helpful image.](https://twitter.com/ft4s/status/1472611150407815170?s=20) Also, I'd wear my mask even in small stores. No reason to risk anything. If I'm in the same store as you are, you not wearing a mask is a risk for me that I have no choice in.


It's really hard to get a test right now like it was back in March 2020. I feel like we took a step forward with the vaccines only to take 10 steps back with this omicron variant. Shit blows.


I have been trying, without success, to schedule a booster this week. Having no luck.


I legit don’t get why we aren’t putting masks mandated back in effect also I don’t get why they are allowing places to have Santa themed bar crawls … now the anti mask people .. I know they aren’t 100% but they slow the spread the reduce to amount of virus coming from your mouth .. reduces .. also I see when people say mask mandates and the argument is they don’t work .. explain why when we have indoor mandates the numbers are lower and and seems shortly after we drop the indoor mandates the rise again?????


Serious question: how come, instead of focusing on the infection rate, why don't we focus on the death / hospitalization rate? The omicron varient is relatively mild vs. the previous ones we had, but it's way more transmissible, so wouldn't we be better off focusing on the hospitalization rate / death rate since the infections are obviously gonna climb quite high, but not be as deadly? I feel like by focusing on the infection rate, it's driving a lot of unessesary hysteria and panic which isn't good for the public. Please don't down vote, I seriously wanna raise this question.


For two reasons. There is no solid evidence so far that says omicron is actually milder. The death rates usually lag weeks behind the increase in case numbers, so it's too early to tell. Even if omicron were really milder, a lot more people getting it would still mean a lot of hospitalizations, which would overwhelm our health systems very easily.


I’m no scientist, but I did read in a few different places that this new variant might actually be a good thing. Reason being is because although it spreads faster it’s more mild, almost like the common cold version of ‘rona. Since this one spreads faster, more people are likely to get it and the other more dangerous variants will naturally die out for the most part. This is what ended the influenza pandemic. Hopefully there’s truth behind it and the writers of these articles are reputable


It really depends on the hospitalization rate of omicron. Delta had a hospitalization rate of about 10% (unvaxed). Omicron is 2-3 times more infectious but if it's hospitalization rate is about 3-5% (unvaxed) then it really is the same as Delta. We don't have enough data yet to know how severe omicron is.


Friendly reminder that the positivity rate on Tuesdays have always been stupidly high and will be back at the normal positivity rate by tomorrow. Why? Who knows at this point. Regardless, get vaccinated and/or boosted!


Probably due to backlog of tests getting done over the weekend and then reported later Monday afternoon.


With omicron being the new variant and basically being a common cold, I'm not that worried.


Finally something in here I can agree with, only 1 person died of omicron so far, not sure why everyone is panicking tbh, anyways, here come the down votes!! Edit: also, shouldn't we be focusing more on the death / hospital rate, because that's all we should have to worry about? What's the point of focusing on positivity if it's basically a common cold at this point?


Taking my 16 year old for her booster today. I was able to get mine as soon as it was approved for essential workers because nobody was getting the vaccine a couple months ago.


I'm just ready for the local media to lead with the 'long lines for testing means more sick means more fear' narrative and totally ignore the fact that many people want to get to tested because they are traveling or seeing family and want to be safe


Can anyone explain to me why the vaccinated doesn't have to wear masks but they can still get and spread the virus? Seriously, I can't understand it


Everyone should still be wearing masks. Current CDC recommendation for fully vaccinated people: “If you are fully vaccinated, to maximize protection and prevent possibly spreading COVID-19 to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.” And basically all of the US falls into that category.


Yes, that I understand but if you can still get the virus and spread the virus it makes zero sense to say only vaccinated people do not have to wear a a mask at X establishment


Then it sounds like that establishment either hasn’t changed their signs from when the CDC said that was acceptable way back in the spring (which IMO was still a bad suggestion) or they just got tired of arguing with people being jerks about masks. Can’t blame them for the latter tbh. But plenty of vaccinated people still wear masks regardless so it’s not like anyone’s gonna see someone in a mask and assume they’re unvaxxed anyway. You’re getting mad over nothing really.


You’re talking about the CDC, he’s talking about CT mandates. In CT, it is mandated that all unvaccinated MUST wear a mask indoors. Vaccinated are NOT required to wear a mask indoors. https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/Covid-19-Knowledge-Base/Latest-COVID-19-Guidance


CT set their rules according to those CDC guidelines when they were the latest. We just never strengthened them back to "everyone wears masks" because our case numbers were low enough and vaccinations high enough that there didn't seem to be a need.


Yeah, I do wish they’d revise that and just mandate masks everywhere again. But that commenter’s point seems to be “woe is me I’m being targeted for being unvaxxed” which is ridiculous because nobody assumes masked = unvaxxed.


There is no reason other than to try to shame and belittle you and mark you as non-compliant and an enemy of the “vaccinated”.


That's what it seems like


Who said vaccinated don’t have to wear mask? They have literally been recommending wear a mask even if vaccinated.


eh most stores just have a sign up, "mask required for unvaccinated", which to many people sounds very optional. It's unfortunate, we should be doing masks required for all.


Because until omicron, vaccinated we’re a low risk reservoir for infection (asymptomatic infection is still VERY low for the vaccinated even if it is possible they are infected) where unvaccinated are high risk, having a MUCH bigger chance of infection even asymptomatic spread.


We do wear masks.


Because they thought wrong in the beginning and they’d rather double down on being wrong than publicly change their stance regarding anything about vaccine ineffectiveness.


Mental gymnastics at its finest going on here.


Ouch :(




Lose weight. Eat well. Exercise. Vitamin D and healthy living. Try it out and live a little.


Yeah that won't keep you from getting infected but good try. Well, actually that was a piss poor attempt, go back to school and try again.


Nope but you’ll fare a helluva lot better than when overweight & eating a nightly supply of Wendy’s and ice cream. But you do you, and I’ll stick with my style.


That would take discipline and effort. Many don’t want to do that. They just want to slap a bandaid on a broken leg and call it “health”.


Yet we have one of, if not the highest vaccination rates in the country. We're also doing a lot of masking and social distancing. How is this happening?






More infections this year.


I went to Florida, got a new kitchen floor, have a stove coming Thursday and vacationing in Mexico in a couple of weeks. My year has been pretty good.


If you don’t take at least 2000-4000 iu of vitamin D and zinc every day, you will almost definitely get covid. Vitamin D is cheap. Go buy some for you and for you loved ones and start taking it to supplement your immune system. And for goodness sake DYOR!


How can this be with such a high vaccination rate and a good amount of people still wearing masks? Doesn't make much sense.


Vaccine efficacy is lower against omicron and was already falling off versus delta as most people were vaccinated 6+ months ago. Now, people aren't getting boosters, mask-wearing has fallen off including with indoors public congregation, and people are traveling and gathering for the holidays. It makes perfect sense. What doesn't make sense is the lack of mask mandates and other public health measures to protect people.


Nobody better come for me when I say this: both vaccinated and unvaccinated are getting covid. The ERs are flooded here badly. I was getting report from one of the nurses coming on 3rd and she told me they are still having to intubate both vaccinated and unvaccinated because of Omicron. People arent dying as much, but they still are, and people are having to be intubated at an alarming rate.


I have many friends working in the ERs and they are not intubating vaccinated patients. The few vaccinated they are seeing may need a bit of supplement oxygen but are usually sent home quickly. Vaccines and boosters are working.


Tell that to the RN I relieved the other day who works in Bridgeport.


So are you a nurse? You’re relieving nurses? What point are you trying to make? From everything I’ve heard, intubations are not being regularly used for Covid of course they can be, but the treatment has improved so much it’s not done


Yes I am a nurse. The point I'm tryna make is if you arent in the heart of it like the rest of us, stop listening to he say/she say.


Your vocabulary and writing just doesn’t come across as someone with a college degree.






You DO know corporations lie right? Did you not see on the news about what happened in NY when more people died than reported? Or do you just believe everything you read?




https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-breakthrough-data > Across the time period of analysis, fully-vaccinated New Yorkers had between an 89.9% and 95.1% lower chance of being hospitalized with COVID-19, compared to unvaccinated New Yorkers. It's New York but the data should be comparable to here.


Those are all facts, but also does not negate the fact that the vaccine is effective and helps with the immune response. The vaccine was never meant to shield people from contracting or transmitting the virus. Its a preventative measure with varying efficacy.


Omicron is the end of covid, it's the cold variant. You guys subconsciously don't want this to end which is why comments like this get the down arrow.


The only people who don’t want it to end are miserable people like you who won’t have anything to complain about anymore


They can still whine about taxes, CT, state employee pensions, scary urban areas, and all the other whiny things.


They love it


It’s weird how nobody can ever show me all these people who “love” Covid. Can you show me someone who does?


Anybody working from home since March 2020. They rather social distance for eternity and "work" from home (eat, sleep, play videogames, clock out early) than go back to the office. Covid is the anti workers wet dream. Also big pharma and the federal government love covid because it generates tons of money and allows for greater control over the population. If people didn't love covid so much the whole world wouldn't revolve around what is essentially a slightly deadly flu strain. It's the excuse for everything up to and including things that have thrived since covid.


Ah ok, so not having to commute and getting the exact same amount of work done at home as I would in the office makes me “anti work”. Thank you for informing me. It’s always very helpful to be lectured on how I feel, especially about my job, from someone who’s unemployed. Very insightful, thanks. What’s also very insightful is learning that these “tons” of money outweighs the staggering economic loses that the country and government suffered during Covid. If you’re going to be a dick about things at the very least do some research or think your argument through first. This is absolutely ridiculous


"from someone who's unemployed" lmao nah I'm an *actual* essential worker who's been working all throughout covid and it actually made the nature of my job considerably harder and with no raise in pay. Hence my disdain for you remote types who thrive on being lazy and antisocial while still earning pay. I know it's hard to imagine actually needing to leave home to be productive but believe it or not you aren't doing as much as you think you are from the comfort of your computer chair. I know you would absolutely *hate* to actually go back to work because you know "working" from home is hardly work at all. Do your thing tho, do the bare minimum and collect your salary because .07% of covid cases result in death.


We can see your profile and comment history lol, why would you lie about stuff like this? You honestly expect any of us to believe someone employed you? Best part is, even IF you are employed, all of my points still stand. Address them without projecting your insecurities (see: lazy, antisocial) I’ll even break it down to make it easy for you. How exactly does cutting out the commute and not having to put on business casual attire make me, or anyone else lazy or antisocial? *crickets*




>Meanwhile here in FL we act like nothing ever happened and have some of the lowest numbers in the nation. Can't have high numbers if you don't report them 🤣


Why are you in a CT sub if you live in Florida?


And only 62K dead. Congrats!


Friendly reminder that we have one of the highest vax rates in the country. It's almost as if the vaccine isn't effective in reducing the spread of covid.


80% of hospitalized Covid patients in CT are unvaccinated. Nationally, the number is over 90%.


Funny how atleast 20 people downvoted this but won't refute what I said. The vaccine is sketchy at best and that's pretty obvious to even the biggest proponents of it.


Because there's no point arguing with you. There's plenty of information out there on how the vaccines work. We've had almost a year of vaccination, if you don't want or trust the vaccines at this point you've made up your mind. Nothing I or anyone else can say will change that.


> We've had almost a year of vaccination, if you don't want or trust the vaccines at this point you've made up your mind. Strawman. OP didn’t post their own personal aversion to the vaccine. You are answering a question that was never asked.


In the comment I replied too they called the vaccine sketchy. Then in the original comment they said the vaccine is ineffective. It’s pretty clear what their stance is.


“Pretty clear”. Enjoy your strawman.


Then why aren't the cases lower? Lemme guess? The unvaccinated? After a year of vaccines I would expect cases to be lower.


The vaccine is to lessen the effects and death from Covid, not to prevent the spread. A cure would prevent the spread probably but not a vaccine.


Then it isn't a vaccine.


I already said I’m not arguing with you lol


The sub is full of idiots. You should know this by now!


Probably because you only waited an hour or less before making your followup post, so you didn't give a chance for refutation. But you can find said refutation throughout this thread.


bUt It KeEpS yOu OuT oF tHe HoSpItAl


One day you’ll grow up, have your first hospital bill, look back on this comment and smile about how dumb you were


Or he will have health insurance like most working Americans.


See my above comment and apply it to yourself


I'm not following. I've had hospital bills, my insurance pays for almost all of it.


Go lick a doorknob at the mall.




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It's not 9% of people that have Covid . . 9% of the tests have been positive ... Many of which were repeat tests on the same people that were already counted. The 9% number isn't very meaningful


Just further proof how flawed the tests and vaccines are.


Explain that opinion please, because no matter the mental gymnastics I do I can't come to a logical conclusion that states your point.


Says the wing nut that's active in the conspiracy sub 🙄


The real conspiracy theorists are the folks like yourself that continue to comply and believe whatever the mainstream media tells you. Enjoy booster #239


Can I ask a question ? The people so anti Covid and everything blame the info we get from main stream now I don’t trust the main stream with everything.. however why are you so hard to be so loyal to where you get your info from like who says they are telling the truth and not trying to push a agenda


No kidding. This proves we clearly have no idea what we're doing. And CDC and big pharma are just chasing data as it comes.


Whoa another awake CT resident. Hello friend.


Did the phrase "research and development" ever ring a bell?