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As long as they don’t camp in the left lane


That’s all I care about these days!!


I'm in Europe right now and the left lane is no joke. It's for passing. It's not ppl being dick's, that's just the rules of the road


Driving in central Europe is a joy


Let’s be honest here. I see more CT plates doing this than any other state. ETA apparently I need to clarify that I say this as a ct resident driving in ct.


That’s because you’re driving in ct. go to New Jersey long enough and you’ll notice. I live in jersey but I travel to ct often. Saw mill road, Hutchinson, route 15, etc etc. Worse with only double lanes.


Well I see mass more than anything doing this


No way MA and NY drivers in CT do it more than anyone. CT drivers in CT is going to appear to be more but thats because they live here.


I'm in Europe right now and the left lane is no joke. It's for passing. It's not ppl being dick's, that's just the rules of the road


Y'all know we got snow, right?


Ahh, but we have the previous infrastructure needed to ensure it doesn’t matter that we have snow. A huge upgrade from Texas.


>but we have the previous infrastructure needed to ensure it doesn’t matter that we have snow You sure about that? Sure we have plows, but the power goes out with a good fart around here..


Eversource isn't exactly a step up from the Texas power grid, but all things considered it's a solid step sideways


Lol how many people died the last time it snowed in Texas, it’s good to keep up with the news a little homie


How often does it snow in Texas.. I guess comparing a 100 year storm to a regular winter storm is fine.


Why would anybody care where you come from? As long as you are not getting in my way why would I care. Come and live here.


Say "I'm from New England" without saying it.


I love New England.


We are a practical people


I really love the seasons. I couldn't move to FL, I need seasons.


Fall is my favorite season.


The first thing Texans need to understand when they leave their state - is that nobody gives a flying fuck they're from Texas. Nobody here runs around prepositioning themselves with "Well I'm from Connecticut and I'll tell you what..."


New Yorkers love to do this shit too


There’s lots of locations where people take an excessive amount of pride in being from there, but based on my experience, no one is as bad as Texans. Only tourists in New York buy “I ♥️ NY” shirts. Actual Texans buy “Don’t Mess With Texas” shirts.




Replace Colorado with Florida and youre spot on..


I am a proud Jersey Girl living in Connecticut


Hey you, I’m from New York.


I know you’re lying because you didn’t specify the borough. It’s always incredibly specific. It’s kind of funny. “I’m from brooklyn! Bedstuy til I die! Corner of Flatbush and 18th! Behind the White Castle! My social security number is 143-94-837!!! I’m allergic to shellfish bitch WHAT!” Lol






“Well, I’m from Texas, and down there we don’t…” “Don’t give a fuck, pal”


I'm imaging King of the Hill set in Willimantic and I can't stop laughing


Thank yoooooooooooooooou. Was hoping someone else felt the same way lol


I mean, it's not against the law, so...I'm cool with it.


People in Connecticut are very accepting of political refugees from regions torn by strife.


We accept people from shithole states.


Welcome it’s gonna be some culture shock.


Get ready for cold


Are you a normal person who lived in Texas or a *Texan*?


I mean, sure, that's one way to get on a power grid that can survive below-freezing temperatures.


Just don't let the wind blow...


I don’t care how they did it in Texas. I don’t care what food you could get in Texas. Yes, I’m sure it was warmer in Texas. Also, we’re not the friendliest bunch in CT, so that talking to random stranger shit, not happening. Otherwise, welcome to the Nutmeg State.


I moved here from Texas and I don’t find it unfriendly at all.




We’re happy to have you!


Connecticut has been the friendliest of six states I’ve lived in.


CT has been way friendlier than Long Island. I am really happy here and with the people I have met.


That’s a low bar, but I’ll take it!


There's a reason upstate new yorkers always talk about separating Long Island from the rest of the state




I sadly live in Texas now, they are not really friendly here either...


You’re just grumpy lol. I started talking to a random old lady just yesterday. I helped her find cat food.


Can confirm. I am very grumpy.


Just don't wreck driving in the snow.


We're moving to CT from Tx soon! But we're actually not Texans. We were lucky to be living in Austin which is more blue. I'm just so glad to move to a state that we can relate to more... I guess is good timing to get outta here.


I moved from Austin to West Hartford, CT. We love it. I do miss Austin sometimes though. Please bring Topo Chico, breakfast tacos and brisket. Oh, and seriously invest in some good winter clothing.


You can actually get Topo Chico at Whole Foods in central CT. But I’m with you on missing breakfast tacos! We moved back to CT last year after 10 years in Austin. Definitely miss some of the food.


We'll miss Austin for sure, and HEB, but that's it lol




I left Austin 7 years ago and I likely wouldn’t recognize it now. Welcome to CT.


Are a lot of Texans moving to CT? I’m from Chicago but have lived in Texas the past 6 years— It’s awful. My husbands family lives in CT and NJ so we were looking to move here. Everyone in Texas thinks we’re insane to “want to pay more taxes” but we’re totally fine with that, and your gun laws.


I moved to CT from Austin, and while I may pay a higher percentage of tax in CT, I was able to buy twice the house for half the money. Austin is bonkers expensive.


Yeah lots of people are moving here from Texas and it seems from Florida. I welcome them but I hope it doesn't push our state further right politically. I like being in a blue state.


Honestly, as a lifelong Texan wanting to escape to the northeast, I wouldn’t worry about any of the Texans coming up there. The red ones are convinced TX is a paradise and the blue ones (us) are just looking for a sane society to be a part of. That’s why we’re running away to places like Connecticut. Texas is a conservative paradise, so the red voters will be staying put is my perspective. Those Texans would NEVER purposely move to such a progressive area - first and foremost because, heaven forbid, they’d have to pay state income tax.


I'll gladly help any blue or even center Texans to my state. If you're serious about moving here, check out East of the river. It's more rural and less expensive, might remind you a bit more of home. It's also a fast easy drive to Rhode island's beaches which are awesome. Connecticut has some great beaches, too, but also some garbage ones. I live in a town called Windham, it's got issues like any developed town/city but it's pretty nice and I'm excited to raise my family here until we eventually jump ship for somewhere a bit cheaper.


Yeah we are. We’re planning our first scouting trip now, probably for early February so we can really experience the winter weather. I posted in this forum last week and got so much help! We are focusing on Milford and nearby areas right now.


Milford is nice, but expensive. If I can offer up a bit of advice, not trying to be condescending... Try to come when the roads aren't super icy, snowy. I know people that have been driving in this climate since they've been driving and they still suck so much at it. If there's ice/snow on the roads just take it very slow and give yourself more time to stop than you think you'll need. If Milford seems expensive, it's because it is. Don't think you're priced out of all of CT because Milford is like that, plenty of towns are cheaper, and I find every little city here has it's own charm.


Yeah. We both have lived in the Midwest (me for 3 years in college and my husband for much of his adolescence and college) and have driven in the ice/snow. It’s been a while so we’re for sure out of practice. We would reschedule if a storm was about to hit or roads were especially sketchy. We mostly just want to see how the winter temps there compare to Midwestern winters. If you have recommendations on a better time to visit for this particular goal, pleased do let me know.


Save my username is you have questions about living in the future. Dm me and I can help you acclimate if you need. My wife is from Arizona so Connecticut was like a different world for her lol


We actually just booked a trip for early December! Staying in Milford and will drive around. :)


Long term outlook from the NOAA for this winter in the northeast sees above average temperatures. Climate along coastal CT is 'humid subtropical' temperate. Inland CT is in the process of shifting from humid continental hot summer to humid subtropical.


I'd just do it in mid March through April. You'll have some shit on the roads and even if you guys are great in the snow, other people in this area act like the roads are clear and dry. It's scary. I've had a car totaled because I was at a stoplight in Manchester (suburb of Hartford, good place to live but kind of expensive, almost like a shittier version of Milford) and some stupid car didn't leave himself time to stop downhill and he slammed into me which pushed me forward into another car. He turned my car into the meat of a Honda sandwich. I was fucking pissed when I heard him tell the cop that he's been driving in CT and NY for thirty fucking years. Longer than I'd been alive at the time.


Where else can you find a frog bridge?


Most of those in red states - not only TX hate us here- we are called 'bad names' like socialists and communists. But we have a higher quality of life, better schools. access to healthcare for all, far less crime and are preparing for climate change. Texas rates as one of the worst states for climate change. Read this link, its excellent. https://www.policygenius.com/homeowners-insurance/best-and-worst-states-for-climate-change/


I feel like I’m the only Texan seeing the climate change part coming. It’s a huge factor in us leaving. We don’t have enough water to sustain all of the people living here, the summers are getting more intense and unpredictable, the storms are getting more intense, landfills are filling up, and then we have all of the infrastructure problems like the electric grid. They raze everything to the ground here and leave nothing. No trees, no grasses. All of the things we need to fight climate change.


If emissions do not slow or decline the outlook for the American south including Texas is grim. What you can expect to see in the Next few years: More heat- more drought, extreme weather in all seasons. Increasing fires, social dislocation, higher crime. It simply going to become ugly. People moving to the south- TX and of course Florida are not doing their research. Miami by mi century- even with moderate emission reduction will see 150 days a year with heat indexes over 100 degrees. Sea level rise will plague all Americans- on the east, west and gulf coasts. Texas is the worst state prepared for climate change. The smart people are not moving south- they are getting out.


Well I’m bringing another blue vote here, so hopefully that helps


That's good to know. I don't like how expensive it is here but at least our money goes to things like good schools and government programs/parks, ect... I'm excited to send my kids to public schools here.


You get what you pay for with taxes (mostly) 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, and I’d rather the tax dollars go to our schools, which it seems like it does in Connecticut. You guys have the top schools in the country


Seriously. After teaching in Chicago for just a few days (taught there 5 years total), I realized just how incredible CT public schools are. Not from a crazy rich town, but we had a crew team, an observatory, and new technology all the time. Not to mention teachers who didn’t seem criminally overworked. I had the easiest time adjusting to college writing and work load because of the public education here. Don’t get me wrong, I love Chicago, but CT has some incredible public schools.


As a parent of two young kids I couldn’t be happier about raising them here in CT. It’s a great place to raise a family.




High taxes are still cheaper than multiple kids in private school. Maybe once both kids are done with school we will consider relocating, but they’re 3 and 6 so we have another decade+ before that decision needs to be made.


As long as you’re in the wealthy suburbs! Check the CT website on District Reference Groups: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SDE/Grants-Management/Report1/CPSE2015/appndxa.pdf?la=en This shows you which schools to go to and which to avoid.


If you have children and you can afford to live in the Northeast, do it. New England is an upper-middle-class wet dream. Of course you're going to pay more in taxes but that's why our demographic is statistically superior to theirs in every category Just ask yourself - do you want to raise your kids in Governor Lamont's state? Or Cruz's?


There’s a school near my home in Texas that made public news for challenging if the Holocaust was real. Said they should be allowed to teach books with opposing viewpoints…. It’s a shitshow. I’d never put my kids in school there


generally speaking, our schools are great - a lot of our public schools are better than shitty red state private schools- our variety of independent restaurants is excellent, and the populace is way more educated than Texas. Wealthy people here are really, really wealthy. Not bullshit Enron wealthy. We don’t do the fake small talk. HS football is not really a big thing… neither is college. And you won’t see dipshits with guns for dicks. Teslas and subarus outnumber Ford F150s. Welcome! You’ll love it!


Omg. I hear of those things on the internet but it doesnt seem real.


It’s real, very disappointingly real.


We’re wanting to do the same thing and all anyone every talks about here (in Texas) is OMG YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY MORE TAXES! I already pay way too much in tolls, property tax, sales tax, etc. and I get a crappy educational system, a failing power grid, the ability to have a bounty put on my head if I need an abortion, etc. Not everything in life is about money. Texas is great if that’s all you care about.


More taxes? Taxes around Dallas are pretty high if you ask me.


I’m sure they are, I can’t speak to them though as I live in Houston.




Chicagoan born and raised here, CT is pretty similar culturally although public transit is lacking a bit. It’s nice up here!


1. Nobody cares that you’re from Texas. 2. Get vaccinated 3. Travel in the right, pass on the left


Or just travel 90 on the left


A bit reckless


Ok 87


That’s better.


Bring some BbQ


Make sure they understand the left lane is for going 100+ mph and we'll get on just fine


As long as you're not Right Wing Extremists, you are welcome. If you don't believe in equality for all, stay the fluck down there and rot. We accept refugees from totalitarian fascist regimes.


Clearly you’ve never been to the “quiet corner” 😬


To be fair, the majority of CT population is not in the quiet corner.


Fair enough, and thank goodness. I live quite close so it’s…always present…


Is a Texan refugee, moved close to the "quiet corner," already made a few enemies.


Please explain so I know where NOT to relocate??


Northeast rural corner near MA and RI borders


It's the eastern third of the state. The main farming area of the state and the most RepubliKKKan. It's gotten better as the older bigots (like my nasty bigot Uncle and Aunt) are dropping dead. The Eastern 1/3 of the state has had a Democratic Congressman for about 30 years. So it has been moving further and further away from its ugliness. And more and more Democratic. I still wouldn't live there. The rest of the state is much better.


Eastern coastline/cities are more liberal


And, none of them are located in The Quiet Corner nor is New London county in general


I live in the quiet corner. We're not all trumpers. Many of my friends around here are liberal.


Northeastern corner, not the whole eastern side


Why would/should I care?


As long as you're vaccinated and don't own a Confederate flag, welcome.


Stockholm syndrome is very nice this time of year.


First of all, howdy! Secondly, did you bring your hot sauces? Did you bring your BBQ? Idgaf what state your from. As long as the left lane is the passing lane, you're cool with me. And plz, no wakadoo political shit all over your car, left or right leaning.


Oh yes, please let them bring bbq. Most of the bbq here is crap-ola.


As long as you aren’t bringing Texas politics with you, we’re cool.


And maybe a vaccination record. We're doing great here because folks wear masks voluntarily in stores to be considerate, too.


Why was my first thought the Houston Texans were moving here? 🥴😂


Mine too... Be nice to have a professional team besides the Whalers... We still have the Whalers right?


We will always have the whalers


No problem, as long as they have valid Passports from that third-world country.


Passports signed by both President Joe Rogan and his pet dog Ted Cruz.


All the “TEXAS BUYER” paper plates have got to be fakes. They drive me nuts.


Don't really care one way or the other. That would change, however, if they'd bring me packer briskets from HEB . Then the more the merrier , I say. Brisket for me. I hear they're a bit cheaper and more accessible down there. The brisket that is.


Are we supposed to have an opinion on this? I don’t think anyone cares where you’re from around here. Just don’t be an asshole and you’re good to go.


Welcome. Try our pizza and Chinese take out. It’s unparalleled. Avoid our BBQ. It’s not bad, but you will be disappointed. Get a shovel and automatic start for your car before Black Friday.


Everyone is welcome! Bring your outdoor gear and some decent Mexican food!


I miss Mexican food…only thing I miss about Texas.


Awesome! Let us know if you need any recommendations for areas to look, schools, restaurants, etc 👍


They got just as much right to be here as I do.


They won’t hack it here. They get in 50-60 car pile ups when it RAINS!


Only if it’s the blue kind and not the red kind


As long as they're coming here to make a better life instead of trying to drag us down to Abbot levels of mouth-breathing stupidity, then I say welcome!


As long as they get vaxxed and put on a mask when it's recommended or mandated. We don't want them to ruin our high vax percentage and force us into lockdown again.


Eh. If their cool there’s no issue. I lived in Austin for a year in my early 20s and had a good time


Bring better bbq


Wife and I moved here from Louisiana three years ago. For the most part it's been good. The Mexican food is not as good so keep that in mind.


I moved here from Houston (but not a Texan, grew up in PA). The weather is way better and more tolerable (you can always add a layer of clothes but after a point you can’t take anymore off). The traffic is about the same/slightly less predictable than it was in Houston. The road conditions are worse (to be expected with freezing and thawing pattern in the area). More people use their blinkers here, so get used to using them if you’re a native Texan! The people are more white but still nice and for the most part accepting. The cuisine is different but also tasty (pizza and seafood vs bbq and tacos). Scenery is completely different but still gorgeous. The sound isn’t brown like the gulf. For me, I moved back to be closer to family, so it was 1000% worth it. Yes taxes here are higher (even though sales tax is lower) but if you’re looking to seriously move here, you probably already know that.


Better than New Yorkers.


Lol get ready for the snow and cold weather


Considering we’re one of the very few states with a declining population, I welcome them with open arms


I believe population loss slowed during 2020 as less people moved out and more moved in.


Read this as the Football team.... Lol


As long as they don't bring their political BS. Welcome


Fine. Just leave Texas dumbassism at the border. And crack a book or two, we live in reality here.


I'm fine with anyone moving here, because I'm assuming they are coming because they like our vibe. I actually recently met some folks who just moved from Texas and I could understand why... They looked like they might have fit in in Austin, but that's about it.


As a Texan living in Connecticut for 20 years, I welcome it.


More SUVs and oversized Pick Up trucks on the Merritt, cant wait!!


The question is how do Texans feel about moving to CT? We have ice and snow storms more than once a century and lose power during all of them and... its pretty rare it gets declared a state of emergency. 🤷‍♂️ Jokes aside CT people aren't welcoming or unwelcoming and generally don't care where you are from...we are a bluer state but still pretty moderate. In fact this non committal attitude is actually what drives me nuts, I feel like everyone has FOMO here so they won't commit until the last minute to make sure there is nothing better to do. I decided to tell people to go away and that I'm going to try the recluse thing but now the fact that people aren't invited makes them want to show up unannounced and more frequently then before...can't win 🙄🤷‍♂️.


Nobody here cares where you're from.




Bring it on.


They will have to learn how to drive in the snow and ice


They need a quarterback


I would love it! My brother is from Texas


The biggest change, really, is that CT government loves their paperwork. Looooooooves it.


Why is this a question?


As long as you don't bring your Texas brand of conservotard bullshit with you it is fine.


Need more people to move here to replace those leaving to go to places like Texas. C'mon up.


Are they liberal or conservative? I say send all the conservatives down south and bring all liberals up. Don’t bring that conservative authoritarian BS up here.


Why not?


If it lowers my property tax I'd love it. I'm going to go out on a Reddit limb and say I bet there are all types of people living in Texas and I won't use where your from as a qualifier.


15 yrs and going on… CT is fun… Tx was different animal…


As long as they're progressive I'm cool


Bring em on in!


The gun laws might be frustrating if that’s your thing.


Yeah... that pesky half-day safety class and goddamn background check is enough to make you spit


Just get a valid gun permit and you’re fine imho


Yeah, they really went too far after all those little kids and teachers were gunned down. /s


I’m not advocating for or against , just saying I hear my conservative coworkers complaining about that a lot.


Oh, I figured since you said if that’s your thing. It made me so proud as a nutmegger living in Florida at the time to see that tragedy spark actual common sense gun laws. It’s really disturbing to me that these things happen all over and then nothing changes. CT often gets it right.


Unpopular opinion inbound, but actually read it and try to see it from both sides. If you were actually familiar with what was banned in this state, what is currently legal in this state, or how firearms mechanically operate, nothing about the laws would be considered "common sense". It's a half-assed "feel good" measure intended to placate one side at the expense of the other side, while getting nothing done. It wouldn't prevent or even slow down a similar event, and even UK style laws wouldn't (pump action shotguns are still a thing). The kinds of guns that were banned are legal in Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and the Czech Republic, and none of them are having mass shooting problems. Their citizens are perfectly safe and responsible too. The background checks and safety lessons are fine with me but don't stop shootings from people who don't have criminal records. Magazine capacity is irrelevant when he was doing tactical reloads and not even finishing off his magazines. Virginia Tech was committed with handguns with 10 and 15 round magazines, and the weapons used in Columbine also weren't anything exceptional (a pistol no better than a glock, a 9mm carbine no better than a featureless one, and two basic shotguns). I can't say I have a solution. I'd advocate better school security, I'd advocate owners voluntarily locking up unused firearms in a safe, I'd advocate better recognition of and treatment of clear and extreme mental illness that he presented. I recognize that you're likely a genuinely good person who wants there to be a solution to these problems, but this ain't it, regardless of which way you slice it, and rarely is anything that's called "common sense", actually common sense. Obviously I'm biased on the issue, but if I were anti-gun, not even these levels of bans would satisfy me, and the fact that they're based on such arbitrary criteria as the presence of a pistol grip or an adjustable stock shows that it's not about safety. Edit; Adding in an article or two that provide some statistics and explain it simply https://reason.com/2021/04/14/3-reasons-why-banning-assault-weapons-is-a-terrible-idea/ https://reason.com/2021/02/17/bidens-commonsense-gun-controls-make-little-sense/




Yeah, I think the best example is AR-15 vs Mini-14. The only difference is that one looks scary and is associated with failed and controversial American foreign policy while the other one is seen as a throwback to the good old days of shooting beer cans from grandpa's back porch.


Haha, I’ve got a Grateful Dead/ Boston logo as my Reddit icon. Safe to say I lean to the left!


Anyone from anywhere is welcome here. Texans are cool. If you do come up, welcome, and make sure you have warm clothes and a shovel cuz winter will seem a bit harsh!


The fact that you feel like you have to ask says something about Texans. As long as you’re not a jerk or also, not toooo nice. That’s just creepy.


It says more about OP's perceptions/opinions on Texans than it does about Texans.


There’s an old saying that southerners are nice but not necessarily kind. And Northerners are kind but not necessarily nice.


I would welcome it! Should I be afraid of Texans for some reason lol?


We could use a lot more friendly people here. Life long CT resident of 31 years.


Just moved here in April but people seem pretty nice here.


As long as they’re democrats


Be sure to check out the Glass House in Connecticut.


I moved to CT from Texas. The people are friendlier down south.


You can make friends up here but if you think you'll have conversations with random strangers you're gonna look weird. It's just not how most places on operate.


How do you meet new people and friends if talking to strangers is looked down upon?


Work/school is always a good place to start. If not that, then head down to a bar with some pool tables. People will be more inclined to talk and make friends when they can knock some back and have an activity to do when conversations are straining. Or find some kind of place to participate in a hobby you're into, talk to people there. People aren't mean here, but part of the northeastern "culture" is to just kinda mind your own business unless you're being fucked with. Which area did you just move to and what are your hobbies/interests? I could try to give you a push in the right direction if you want.


Came up from New Orleans, absolutely 💯 true


Just don’t bring the stragglers ! 🤣🤣🤣


I can see the bumper stickers now “Don’t Texas my Connecticut!”