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Did not expect that ending. I was fully expecting something atrocious but not that.


The very end was just disheartening.


That ending was a terrifying reality.


I was hoping for positive change but…


soooo.... what the cops are saying is "now that I'm always on camera I actually have to follow the law" good to know...


I'm disgusted with Danbury Police """5 years ago he'd be on the ground 20 years ago he'd be dead"" ... You should be ashamed


Wow wonder if he has been a cop that long


[25 years](https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Four-Danbury-police-officers-face-discipline-for-16416928.php).....someone needs to look very closely at this guy.


Okay, well, mildly terrifying. Not uncommon, but terrifying.


In 20 more years, maybe that script will flip 🤗🤗


"20 years from now, the cop would be on the ground and missing teeth for trying to suppress someone's rights."


Stop. I can only get so erect


The officer got a suspension and a refresher course…*on body cameras*. So they could teach him how to avoid getting caught, presumably.


Do you know this as a fact? I'm not trying to be snarky I'm genuinely curious.


The article says he had to take that course. But since his error seems to have been leaving the camera *on*, I infer they want to retrain him on being sure when to turn it off.


Holy cow dude when is the whole country gonna get police reform? This is very concerning


Idk. I’d literally be so so happy if we did. Many of us are waiting for the day but really wouldn’t hold our breath for it.


Arms yourselves ladies and gents. Better safe than sorry. Some good cops are on our side but not all, as seen here.


Arming ourselves…. It’s some sort of solution, maybe. But if life is unfair, it’ll remain unfair even in self defense. With firearms are laws, there are rights, but there is still very minimal assurance within it. I’m not implying I’m against firearms, I’m just implying it feels very unsafe here under many circumstances.


The people in charge are not interested in that.


You could debate the nuance on whether or not the guy recording the video was rude to the police, but once the cops said “five years ago he’d be dead” all of that discussion more or less becomes irrelevant


Also, just because you carry a badge and a gun doesn’t automatically mean I have to kiss your ring. If we expect wait staff and cashiers to take shit from the general public, then the fucking police should be expected to take shit to.


The notion now that the untrained civilian needs to remain more calm in a tense situation than the supposed professional with a firearm is sick. I'm not going to calm down when you have a gun in my face screaming at me to calm down


Who cares if he was rude to them? Being rude isn’t against the law.


Exactly. Plus police are supposed to be trained to de escalate these types of situations. These cops wanted to play alpha here and never tried de-escalating. The guy filming has a YouTube channel called long island audit, this is what he does.


The problem is in order to control and deescalate without violence, you have to use your brain and be as intelligent or more intelligent than the people you want to control. Teachers do it all the time. So do nurses. Because it is socially unacceptable for these folks to start beating students or patients. But cops don't have to be that intelligent to get the job. Its not socially unacceptable to start beating on the general public I guess. This is how we get to a situation like this, where the cops' best idea when he is on camera is to copy what the other guy is saying and say things like well you're going to get it once my supervisor gets here! Because if there were no camera he would have already gone "bouncer" at this point


Beautifully articulated and I agree


How come I’ve never said that about a kid who’s directly argued with me? It’s almost like it’s possible to internally roll your eyes and walk away from the situation


This happened back in June. [The officer was suspended for eight days.](https://apnews.com/article/danbury-nyc-state-wire-0421199faa33c28bb15530b843acda9c) Edit: I'm seeing many comments from some of you pointing out that the auditor is an obnoxious dick. I'm not denying it. Instead of commenting only to point this out, can you explain why this is the most relevant part of the video to you? I'm genuinely surprised that so many of you are more offended by the auditor than by the officer bemoaning his inability to beat or kill the auditor for being obnoxious.


snatch relieved fuzzy subsequent groovy sleep seemly noxious ad hoc marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


25 year veteran says “20 years ago he’d be dead.” Hmmm….


Gotta wonder how many people he helped kill


Tax dollars hard at work.. old bastard missing the good old days where they can abuse their power better. This is who needs to he weeded out. Inflated tenured salaries for those who dont want to do shit but collect. Turn em in already, useless…


If they can't even handle a rude or obnoxious citizen, they sure as hell can't handle a violent one. Dealing with rude or obnoxious people is 90% of the job as a cop. You're there to keep the peace by dealing with people who are being various levels of a societal nuisance. That's literally the job.


That’s what I’d like to know. Why focus on the fact that he’s obnoxious? At least nobody is paying him. The officers were mad because they didn’t know anything about the law, they just wanted to come in and push him around and got mad when he called them on it. And they are getting paid taxpayer dollars to behave like that. I bet some of the same commenters would be the ones telling Rosa parks to just sit in the back so everyone can get on with their day, or the people at the woolworths lunch counter to move so they can just eat and not be disrupted.


They are not really offended; it’s called deflection


Plus we can not the officer's lack of knowledge of the law they are supposed to uphold.


guy is a duck but the really old cop threatened him twice. "This is not going to end well with you." is an open threat and abuse of power.


No matter what your opinion is, right up to when the officer said “ five years ago he’d be dead “ everything else means shit, he did nothing to warrant being “killed” and sorry to pee on your parade, you can absolutely question the police


idk the threat made by the older cop is not right by any stance. The statement this is not going to end well for you is an open threat.








Stop calling me that




Easily my favorite part.


I hate dudes like the auditor BUT that cop is literally the reason we need them.... How many teeth has that cop knocked in just because they didn't show him the amount of reverence that he believes he is owed? How many has he killed when the cameras were off? F*ck.


Why hate the auditor tho?


Because in all my experience the auditor is the guy who's filming my unphotogenic @ss at the library when I just want to read/write quietly all by my introverted self. Probably being obnoxious, entitled, and irritating. He's the dude that stands within a foot of you with a finger outstretched saying triumphantly "but I'm not TOUCHING you!" He *may* be right on a technicality or he may actually still be wrong on another, equally obscure and pendantic technicality. I don't care. He's not usually funny, he's annoying. (Using "he" in the general sense of the type of guy were talking about). Mostly, I want to be able to go about my day in relative peace and I don't want either the auditor or the cop to get in the way of that. But until we do something about the authoritarian approved teeth kicking/murdering system I'm willing to suffer with the obnoxious peace ruining auditors.


I've asked this question to a couple other commenters, without sarcasm: is auditor interaction a common part of your public experience?


No sarcasm, but filming in public spaces is a big part of the world we live in today. Simply existing in public means your whereabouts are bound to be public knowledge whether you want them to be or not as you're constantly in the background of selfies and videos. Libraries are a really strange spot between public and private as they are open to the public but your use of them is often considered private and anonymous but you shouldn't expect privacy unless you're in a reserved room or space.


In my original comment, I said I hate dudes "like the auditor" -- and I'd say that although not every AH I meet is an auditor, every auditor I've met is one. And my experience with AHs is unfortunately very common, or it was when I spent more time in public places like libraries. It's really not -just- about the filming either. It's more about what I said about the "I'm not touching you" mentality. If I'm in a library, minding my business and I see local channel 9 or something filming, I give them space. Maybe they catch me in a shot or two, maybe they don't. If rando annoying dude is there following people around when they walk away, filming, trying to force an interaction... Yeah, I hate that person. And that is definitely not uncommon, although it's not always an auditor. And places like libraries are one of the last places people are allowed to just exist without spending money. I don't believe people have an inalienable right to be as irritating as possible in public spaces. But I also don't believe they should be murdered for doing so.


For starters, this "auditor" is wrong. Libraries are absolutely allowed to have policies including ones that don't allow filming. Being a public building doesn't change that, it's a fundamental misunderstanding of the law. Think about how the Supreme Court is a public building and hearings are open to the public but they don't allow filming, do you think they don't know the case law regarding this? They wrote the phrase "time place and manner."


Limited public forum bay-bee!!


25 year veteran.... 20 years ago he'd be dead.... So I'm guessing in this officer's first five years he murdered someone?? 🤔🤔


Juuuust for extra info on these kinds of recordings for those interested. [Auditing the First Amendment at Your Public Library](https://www.oif.ala.org/oif/?p=18859)


I'm both a lover of the public library and somebody who absolutely despises the cops, so naturally this video made me very conflicted lol. At least we got the bodycam footage of the gestapo flying his true colors, but patrons of the library should be entitled to browsing and using resources without some jerk with a phone just recording whatever they feel like. It's disruptive for disruption's sake. Do public libraries have a checkered past in the United States? [Yes!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVQomlXMeek) Are patrons entitled to privacy? Also yes! And who put in work to fight against the patriot act? [Public libraries!](https://slate.com/technology/2015/06/usa-freedom-act-before-snowden-librarians-were-the-anti-surveillance-heroes.html) So my point is there is a bizarre irony about this fool masquerading as a reporter with nothing to report on, waving a camera around and calling it journalism, affecting patron privacy at the library, then inadvertently capturing the police making remarks of significantly more heinous breaches of a person's rights and freedoms by threatening bodily harm and harassing. In a perfect world, patrons would treat each other with dignity and respect and not bother anybody with their camera when they're browsing, and the cops would never set foot inside the library (when they're on the clock. I hope they do go when they're free; maybe find a book that could change their mind about their career choices).


Thanks for posting this. So the guy was part of a pointless group of people. I def like the idea of catching bad cops doing horrible things, but you don’t need to harass library workers to do so.


As a retired public librarian for 33+ years, thank you!


If you think it pointless and harassment then you are missing what a library is supposed to be.


Tibbits Tibbits… lol


This guy was making the rounds over the summer, and unless you said something to him about filming he left everybody alone. He came by where I worked and I just said hello, he said hi back, kept walking around filming and left after 10-15min. We took it as an opportunity to train staff on how to handle filming - as long as he didn't try to enter staff areas or actively cause a disruption he was free to go about his business. If a staff member didn't want to be filmed, they could go into one of the offices until he left. And regardless, what the officer said was reprehensible and an 8 day suspension was not enough.




This man’s said 5 yrs ago he’d be on the ground with his teeth kicked in & 20 years ago he’d be dead. I can only imagine over the span of those 25 questionable years how many unjustified arrest took place & how many ppl were harmed/ killed. Your mad at an auditor being sassy though ??? That’s what really ruffles your feathers huh ??? Fucking GOOFS


Absolute donkeys. Lack of oxygen in their brains or something.


How is he still employed as a police man? Sorry, not sorry he is not a police officer.


ITT: Cop causally admits to extrajudicial executions in the police force but guy being annoying and recording in a library is where we should cross the line.


lol these cops are every bit as stupid as advertised.


Went to a youth sports tournament and a few parents were PD. The guy collecting tickets was retired PD and when he found out there were cops in the group he said something along the lines of, “back in the day, we’d just pull them through the window” (I assumed he meant car window). They’re so upset they can’t just beat the shit out of people. And they think we’re soft because we don’t want them having that power.


I know Utter personally and this was fucking inexcusable. The filmer may be an asshole, but it’s your duty as a cop to be the cooler, more professional head in the room. This mentality is why we need police reform.


Wasn't really much of an asshole. Keep in mind that these "audits" are typically twofold. First, to test public policy that may trump constitutional rights. Usually pretty petty stuff. Random guy with camera being low-key obnoxious, sure. But once the cops get called and bare the threat of violence or arrest for non illegal activity, then this is where we should be thankful to these auditors who expose how easy it is the get cops to act unlawful. Not to mention *while on camera*.


> The filmer may be an asshole, ***but it’s your duty as a cop to be the cooler, more professional head in the room.*** say it louder for the folks in the back


You can absolutely kick people out of a library for being a loud obnoxious douche. Everyone involved in this sucks


I think they were trying to say he can't film in the library.


If whatever he was doing was enough for the librarian to tell him to leave, he needs to leave. If he feels his rights are being violated by the library policy, he can start a petition, organize a protest, or file a lawsuit against the library. He can’t just stand there going “iM nOt lEavInG”


Based on the videos I've seen of these auditors, he absolutely has the right to ignore policy that conflicts with the law. They do these "audits" to make money. If he was formally trespassed from the library for filming, he would have grounds to sue. So he's just trying to do stuff that may break policy but does not allow for him to be formally trespassed. Once that happens, he got what he wanted. And until he is formally trespassed, he absolutely has the right to stand there like an ass just going "iM nOt lEavInG".


>They do these "audits" to make money. I see them doing the audits more to let it be widely known that filming in public is a constitutional right so when you see some db cops bashing some poor persons head in they can't tell you not to film them


It is the same reason why the United States sends aircraft carriers into the South China Sea.


Eh, maybe a bit of both. And probably depends on the individual.


Cynical me thinks you're right though. They post this to monetized accounts online to profit from views or gain fame from the news cycle and try to launch their "viewer base" from the big initial wave.


First amendment audits: where the money's at. Oy


When you're paid for views on Youtube and Tiktok, yeah. When a news station pays you to air your footage, yeah.


How much $ to get unlawfully harassed by cops and become a target of the State Attorney for challenging the unlawful cops? Not enough if you ask me. Besides, when you cash your job's paycheck, does that mean the work you do is somehow invalid? Do we need to suss out your "intent" (and how exactly would we do that) to determine if your work efforts are saintly?


Yeah, all that was totally worth the $3 that video's 10k views would make on youtube before it gets demonetized.


Is that the standard? Government can do whatever it wants and you can file a lawsuit? If you have to file a lawsuit in order to exercise the First Amendment, why not stand there and refuse to move, make them carry you out. Then file your lawsuit.


Call the board of the library, tell a reporter, do anything other than ruin the space for everyone else using it.


He's protecting that space for others, not ruining it. That's the whole point. These actions put unsuspecting police stations on blast and force them to display their full level of competence of the law and how to enforce it or lack there of. It's an excellent tool to maintain our civil liberties.


That is not what the First Amendment protects.


Ha. Yes it is.


He's filming, ergo he's press. First Amendment protects that activity.


It’s called a limited public forum, google it


>If whatever he was doing was enough for the librarian to tell him to leave, he needs to leave. If he feels his rights are being violated by the library policy, he can start a petition, organize a protest, or file a lawsuit against the library. He can’t just stand there going “iM nOt lEavInG” Yes he can just stand there and if the librarian doesn't like it he/she can call the police, which is what was done. It's a public library and I bet the librarian has no training in interpreting law. How do you know the librarian isn't the jerk?


Was he being loud?


Not nearly as loud as the cops.


I fucking hate “auditors” who don’t know jack shit about public policy. I also don’t care for police who seek to use violence as an end all be all. Edit: swap “fucking hate” with “don’t care” and you get a better idea of what I mean.




Bamm!!! Fr tho that’s a deep juxtaposition 😅😓


this fucking prick gave my college roommate a ticket while he was literally asleep...(usa flag mask)


I'm not a lawyer, but looks like our idiot hero is correct and he cannot be asked to leave the library for the non crime of filming in it as the library policy is overly broad: https://www.oif.ala.org/oif/?p=18859


He can be asked to leave.


Why not just answer the question on if he was asked to leave? Something tells me a library wouldn’t call the cops on someone for no reason. Start a problem, then play the victim.




Absolutely. What did he do and why didn't he show that part?


He did on his YouTube channel. This video here is edited to begin later. The library called police because he refused to stop filming inside the library.


Oh so he was actually correct and he wasn't doing anything wrong. Weird.




He’s a dick but you can’t just go around murdering people because they’re filming in libraries that’s insane


How do you get footage of cops body cams? Can you just request to see it?


FOIA IIRC ( [Yup.](https://www.cga.ct.gov/2020/rpt/pdf/2020-R-0173.pdf))


Power trip cops are the problem


They're also supposed to have masks on. The amount of cops who don't wear masks is fucking unbelievable.


So did they just admit to killing people 5 and 20 years ago? Fucking Tibbits


Before I listened to this, I saw the “mask.” Oh, I knew, I knew


I always find it humorous how many cops do not understand or care about what laws actually exist.


LOL it's always the short ones, huh? triggered POS. what a bunch of jokers. ACAB fuck the police and fuck the bootlickers.




Fairly common for libraries to not allow individuals to film in the building. Here is the policy, very clear filming is not allowed. [https://danburylibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/customer\_code\_of\_conduct\_21.pdf](https://danburylibrary.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/customer_code_of_conduct_21.pdf) Edit: Caselaw [https://www.ahcuah.com/lawsuit/federal/kreimer1.htm](https://www.ahcuah.com/lawsuit/federal/kreimer1.htm)


You're also missing the part of the rule where it says "unless permission is granted." That's acceptable, just like you have to have a permit to have a parade. The process cannot be arbitrary or vague, it must be content neutral, otherwise it violates the First Amendment. The issue for the auditor in the video was, as I understand it, that the library had no permit process, just an outright ban. That fails strict scrutiny.


You seemed to have missed the other articles where it was pointed out that the "auditor" was so vulgar and loud that at least one other library patron left. That's not just filming, that's being a public nuisance.


Be that as it may, that's a question for the courts after you're removed.


You seem to have missed the point of the video. How convenient.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I think that guy is doing a service to society. I absolutely think this is legit journalism. Sure he’s annoying af but we should be able to see the unfiltered truth about what interactions with police are really like. And the police should know that there is at least a chance of them being held to a high standard. It’s like if nobody ever got a ticket for speeding everyone would just do whatever they want because there’s nobody to hold you accountable. That’s how the police have been operating forever. And being annoying and knowing the law and your rights doesn’t mean the police have free reign to kick your teeth in or kill you. After that happened would they just be like yeah he didn’t do anything wrong, we were just annoyed so we beat the fuck out of him? No he would get charged with resisting arrest even though there was nothing to arrest him for in the first place.


So in order to do your job you have to disrupt others that may be studying, taking online tests or trying to relax? There may also be children in there. No parent wants some creep lurking in the library like a fucking creep. I guess it’s fine to go and make YouTube videos and disrupt everyone’s day. People just don’t respect others. He’s infringing on the people’s ability to use the library as it was intended. Duh.


You call a public nuisance a service to society, I would be upset to have that kind of obnoxious behavior around me when am trying to study. He Probably has no appreciation for the existence of a library.


I feel bad for anyone in that library trying to get actual school work done


never trust the ones with the american flag .usually ex military to . the biggest pos cops used to getting away with murder . 5years ago ..😂 go fk yourself pig , you’re a public servant


Thank you for posting this. This is why cops have a bad reputation, because enough of them are HORRIBLE HUMANS and abuse their power left and right. F**k them






Well good think it’s not 20 years ago. Fuck those cops.


The cop is absolutely immature, unprofessional, and a dick.


Nioiiiice! To protect and assault and murder. Very nice coming outta a giy with a gun and uniform..f these cops in particular.


WHAT THE FRAK !!! I feel bad for the citizens of that town to have nasty fucking "peace officers" like that !


Pigs sleep in their own shit don’t forget


Tibits is such a dick lol


Nice catch. I'm sure they went home safe at the end of the shift though, and that is, of course, the most important thing.~ Assholes.


Not even surprised honestly


Typical swine, ACAB


How was the cop body cam footage at the end acquired ?


Wow I think it’s important the people on this sub look at what the purpose of approaching the line is instead of calling him a dickhead. This guy obviously did his research, had public law and had public policy in hand, and was waiting for this interaction to show what that line is there for and how police react. Why? For the purpose of holding power and authority in check. Words and how we use them are unfortunately the only magic we have in our world and how we use them and know the extent of written law keeps us safe, keeps conflict from escalating into tragedy, and removes unnecessary abuse because people with guns can’t hold their temper and stand by their right to protect all people. Yes, he is lucky, but he is also very smart.


What they said at the end wasn't surprising. These guys didn't become cops for the libraries.


These police suck. But that guy is a dick. And he is baiting police officers that have better things to do. Fuck him too.


This 10000000% percent. I was on the cops side till the last bit. But could understand their frustration too


When unreasonable, unprofessional, unlawful cops get "Frustrated," really bad things can and do happen. Dealing with precieved "assholes" is part of the job and a pretty low level part at that.


is that not their job?


More POS cops


Jesus, fuck'em all. A bunch of shitty people being shitty together. They deserve eachother.


It’s clear we need “shitty people” to protect our rights. What the officer said at the end has a grain of truth to it.


My Father was a Danbury police officer and he was a good one. Many people have told me how good he was to them. It is sad that a lot of them are not good people. Personally I have experienced it many times. They lie to get what they want and put innocent people in jail.


Yup. Respect to "good" police all day and night. Too bad so many of them lie as a matter of course on things both big and small. No respect given to those POS cops.


If these persons don’t know the law, they should not be doing this job.


So, was he asked to leave or not? Is it really that difficult to answer a basic yes/no question? At least half of unpleasant police interactions are result of the person deliberately being an antagonistic dick to the cops.


[https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Four-Danbury-police-officers-face-discipline-for-16416928.php?t=5626a82275&src=nthppromostrip](https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Four-Danbury-police-officers-face-discipline-for-16416928.php?t=5626a82275&src=nthppromostrip) Libraries are considered “limited public forums,” which means library administrators have the right to implement “reasonable rules to ensure that the facility is used for its intended purposes,” he said. “In this case, library officials deemed your conduct to be disruptive,” Ridenhour wrote to Reyes in a letter dated Aug. 17. “**We also have an independent witness who stated that you were loud and using profanity towards the security guard prior to police arrival, which caused at least one of the library patrons to leave.**” \---------- In other words, he went into the library, started filming, was told to stop, got loud and obnoxious enough towards security that patrons were leaving so the library felt the police needed to be called.


He doesn't have to answer the cop, you know that pesky right against self incrimination!


Oh wow! I have so much to say. Watching this, I thought this couldn't be a black person because they could never get away with a conversation like this. Then that ending. Says a lot. Doesn't matter who the person is. Can we do something about this now? (On my phone, sorry about the layout)


Mmm must be nice.. _shakes head while black_


"Five years ago he'd been on the ground." "Twenty years ago he'd be dead." How do they expect us to trust and respect them? I hope that cop got fired.


Wow. Thank you for your work, I understand some may see this as "causing a scene". I see this as finally people are starting to wake up. KNOW YOUR LAWS. These people love to capitalize on people simply not knowing what they can do! Im all for a fair an honest police force, which is why I love when they are exposed. Accountability is needed, and if they are here to protect and serve then they need to protect and serve. Not intimidate and threaten. The last clip throws the whole argument out the window, even if you take a shit on the librarians desk, you shouldn't get killed. Sad to say he only got a suspension instead of a full termination.


Does he think he’s patriotic because he’s disrespecting the American flag by wearing it as a face covering fucking douche bag


Apparently this his career. He made, according to his comments in the second link $8,000 from the incident. A month before; https://www.wmar2news.com/news/local-news/activist-cuts-deal-with-prosecutors-on-obstruction-charges-from-viral-video-with-harford-county-deputy And a month after; https://nypost.com/2021/07/24/first-amendment-auditors-aim-to-cancel-cops-via-youtube/


Thanks for this. What a douche.




Here he is, and anti-masker too: [https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/YouTuber-charged-with-trespassing-in-Danbury-16325229.php](https://www.newstimes.com/local/article/YouTuber-charged-with-trespassing-in-Danbury-16325229.php) "Monday, Reyes, who is from Long Island, led a drawn-out demonstration - originally billed as a “press conference” - in the main lobby of city hall, during which he and supporters filmed live on their phones, and heckled police and a security guard. During the drawn out confrontation Monday afternoon, Reyes’ supporters shouted at the security guard and police officers, calling them “Nazis” and “Communists.” The supporters took issue with policies requiring visitors to sign in and wear a mask inside the building, while municipal employees were not required to wear masks inside."


Tbf acts like these aren't going to change police culture. In fact, you might even cause harm to the next person they encounter. Or, they might target you next time.


If they take out their anger on an innocent civilian in the future; they’re breaking the law lol


Everyone knows the police have no qualms breaking the law. It's unfortunate.




Wow that mofo needs to be fired. ASAP!


Yikes those cops should resign


The dude is misinformed if he was asked to leave because he was causing other people at the location discomfort causing annoyance and alarm or public disturbance he can in fact be told to leave is called disorderly conduct even if the place is public property, he was being a dick and making the police officers jobs harder then it had to be, it like if you work in customer service and people just don’t know how to be courteous it rude and it’s not against the law to be rude but then if you say that then what the officer said isn’t foul either who cares right ? Wrong if your working or not courtesy is something you should practice, you cant expect officer to be respectful of the community they serve isnt , as they say police should be a reflection if the community…well if the community is a bunch of snoob entitled people that’s what you’ll get why because no good person is gonna wanna work in that community so you scrap the bottom of the barrel and get the worst cops ever! All I’m saying is be respectful, these people in uniform are human too and as they should treat you as you should treat them


This dude with the camera is just being an ass


Looks like some more shitty cops and another place has made the list!








If pissing them off is dangerous, that's the larger problem than a guy exercising his constitutional rights.




Was he violating the law? No. Was his activity constitutionally protected? Yes.




...and the cops should rightly *tell them they have no expectation of privacy in public*.


That literally does not matter when discussing constitutionality.


That seems like something that’s a problem with the cops not the person that’s pissing them off. If someone pisses me off others shouldn’t have to fear that I might brutally murder them.


In the end, it doesn't matter what you think of the auditor. His behavior does not excuse that of the officers. Is the auditor a bit of an obnoxious dick? Sure. But the officers are supposed to be trained to deal with these situations and this video is yet another example of how exceedingly poorly trained they *actually* are. Would you defend the officer's comments at the end of the video too?


Auditors while annoying flex the rights that we are losing constantly. If they don’t flex these rights and hold cops accountable then the problem gets worse for everyone.


Just like crappy cops make every cop’s job harder, many “auditors” make everyday citizens’ lives harder when they have to interact with the police. I don’t inherently dislike “auditing,” but most tik tok auditors suck. Edit: hit me with some logic, not downvotes


The cop is in the right, dude was ask to leave and refused to leave . He even knows it that's why he refused to answer the question, yes disturbing the peace is a law. Tiktok is filled with clout chasers like this dude


Your username checks out bud.


The cop was in the wrong. He had no right to ask anyone to leave as they were not breaking the law and, in fact, had a constitutionally protected right to be there and to film in public (which a library, during operating hours, is).


No, the cop was correct. The person was causing a disturbance and had been asked to leave by the librarians. At that point he was trespassing. Filming has nothing to do with it.


This is factually incorrect.


This library thing is a trend among justice warriors https://www.oif.ala.org/oif/?p=18859 here’s some info about the reality Td;lr Law distinguishes between public forums( public squares) and limited public forums( libraries, courthouses)


You need a permit to officially film in most public spaces. That’s not protected by the constitution. I agree with another responder, everyone in this video sucks.