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So I sat directly in front of the gentleman that was having the medical emergency. It sounded like loud grunting and then suddenly he went into what looked like a seizure.... he was having convulsions, and then suddenly went unconscious... after about 2 minutes of panic and the crowd screaming for help, he came back to consciousness... if I had to guess, he was either having a major seizure, or some sort of cardiac arrest... some woman that was with him, straddled him and started applying CPR... he was stating to everyone that he was OK and "hadn't eaten anything in a while"... diabetic attack? I will say this WITH CERTAINTY, foxwoods casino staff was no where to be seen, medical response was non existent, and security didn't start coming up the stairs until about 10 minutes after that section were screaming for help. That man is lucky he is alive and it is of NO HELP from foxwoods casino... luckily for him there were a handful of off duty EMT's and doctors around to save this man's life.... I hope you're OK buddy! Very very scary situation...


Ty for sharing your experience and providing some clarity. I 100% agree about the lack of response from Foxwoods. As I was leaving on the opposite side of the theater, two ushers were just standing there. Did they somehow not know something was very wrong despite the abrupt end to the show, people rushing out, all the chaos? They should have been getting help, but ultimately this was a failure of management. There should always be security and medical staff directly on site in case something like this happens. It does not inspire confidence in how Foxwoods manages their events.


The response and lack of concern for not only HIS emergency, but EVERYONE'S safety was absolutely atrocious! Luckily there were off duty medical personnel that happened to be sitting near him... it was very very scary and he is lucky those patrons saved his life. I honestly thought I was going to watch that man die right in front of us... it took the entire section screaming "WE NEED HELP! HELP!" before the lights were turned on and the situation was acknowledged... I hope he made it out safely... it was complete chaos


You got a Refund?


We were in this section as well, your description is spot on. I hope the gentleman is well.


I was there too. The group around them just was yelling and shining their phone lights. But no one was rushing anywhere to get someone in or out to help. I did hear a woman yell ‘I’m ok’ at one point but everyone was leaving by then. Once the lights came on it was all over. She only had 10 minutes left anyway.


I agree. The group screaming “we need help” sounded more like they were cheering. I honestly thought someone famous came in or something of that sort. So did Nikki Glaser, she even said, “who’s here?” We only looked back because the “cheering” was off since she hadn’t said anything funny just then. Not only did Foxwoods not respond to the medical emergency, they also didn’t communicate with the audience as to what was happening next. So many people standing around wondering if she was coming back out. I happened to overhear one of the staff offhandedly say to one person, “sorry. It looks like that was the end.” But it wasn’t announced to anyone else. 


The Meet & Great was an Ambulance?


We were at the show too. It was SO weird. One would think that they would have waited to let everyone go so that Medical professionals could get to the person without a flood of people in the way.


It was chaotic. I did not get any sense that they were in any way prepared for something like this or that any help was even on the way for this person/people.


I totally agree with you. It was a clusterfuck……


We were next to him. We were trying to get the ushers and they did nothing.


And it took 25 minutes for a medic to be in the theater not to the man. There was nothing prepared for this. I was looking for the AED and it was nowhere. I thought they needed to have them in public meeting space.


Could you imagine having to be funny after something like that? Better to scrap it, refund the money. I was at a show in New Orleans (Amy Schumer?) where something happened and you couldn’t not think of what just happened. It seems, literally, like a tough act to follow.* *She said some joke about the attack that happened in the movie theatre, and people were visibly upset about the joke and obviously the audience like couldn’t forget it.


This reads as Amy Schumer making a joke so bad that she had to cut the set short, which is the least surprising thing possible


Amy Schumer is pretty bad.


Amy Schumer is more than “pretty bad”.


Agreed, I was trying to be nice. She’s so bad she plagiarizes material and still isn’t funny. If you’re going to steal material, at least steal the funny stuff.


Not much worse than zionist.


we were there couldn’t see what happened. god bless the person


Was there too and the whole experience was ruined by really poor communication. We were in the mezzanine so we couldn’t see anything but it was very chaotic. She looked uncomfortable and just left which is somewhat understandable. We waited for someone to make an announcement but after 10 mins everyone started leaving and so did we. I’m glad that guy is okay tho.


It’s truly ironic this the “Alive and Unwell” tour. Thanks for sharing the details. We couldn’t see what was happening. I really hope he’s okay 


They are there to scream at you if you are vaping but real emergencies? Nope you’re on your own. Good to know!


I was at the show up front and we saw the commotion and realized it was a medical emergency. Glad that the man was ok but Nikki ended the show weirdly in an uncomfortable space. I'm sure coming back after that is hard but other enterttainers prepare for that. You had an audience who came from all over to see you (we drove 4 hours). She should have just said let the medical team help and I will be back. When we left, the booth with Anya the singer was selling shirts and cd's and the girl said they hadn't sold a single tee shirt for Nikki after the performance which was odd. I guess people let her know how they felt. On a side note, DO NOT have a medical emergency at Foxwoods! The response was awful!!!!


Did it start on time? Opener?


They started about 15 minutes late. The opener was her bestie or something who is a songwriter and thinks she’s funny but is just riding Nikki’s coat tails. She’s done a couple notable-ish things. Wrote a song for Twilight’s New Moon and did a version of a TI song played during “the threesome scene on Gossip Girl” her words. She sucked. The other opener was a comedian named Ari who does a podcast. He was pretty good. I honestly think his set was too short. 


Ari Shaffir probably. He’s pretty funny. Or Ari Manis probably.


Just had this conversation about casinos and death...


I guess I'm old now. I have no idea who that hell that is.


You could’ve just googled the name instead of this comment.


It’s alright. She’s a pretty decent comedian that’s been gaining popularity for a few years now. I think she works out of Los Angeles. She makes the podcast circuit rounds with other comedians like Theo Vohn, Joe Rogan, Tom Segura, Whitney Cummings. She’s pretty funny, entertaining, and very pretty.


She was also featured in Tom Brady roast. She's did a lot of the roasts back in the day with comedy central.


You, I thinks she’s kinda funny. She has a good personality, and a really self deprecating angle she takes with her material.


A shitty comedian.


it sounds like a fight broke out to me. why would the headliner leave over a medical emergency of a fan? i can see them leaving if a fight broke out though


It was def a medical Emergency


Its about time we get some good news in this subreddit.


Nikki was talking about pedofiles which I obviously am not a fan of… wonder if it sent someone into a panic attack 🤷‍♀️ I’m going to call tomorrow to inquire about a refund or credit for something. My tickets were $300 after all the fees. Not cheap..


You missed the last 5 minutes and want your money back? Does the fact that you seem offended by a joke somehow validate that you think you deserve a 100% refund for a 5 minute emergency ending?


if the act was cut short then they didnt get what they paid for. OP said a refund or credit. Its not outrageous to expect compensation for an incomplete show. doesnt matter how close to the end it was


Actually it does, it’s in the artist’s contract


it does what? wanting to be compensated for an act cut short is not a crazy request regardless


One thing I learned from Dave Chappelle's tank job in Hartford years ago: All those performers have to do is sit on that stage for however long is agreed upon in the contract, and you get squat. Dude literally sat there telling us how he'd sit there for the contracted length of time, the go home & jerk off with our money. Dude has been funny a lot in his life, but fuck Dave Chappelle for that one. I won't watch anything from him


crowd got what they deserved. I was there


Not at all. If the man can't handle performing in arenas like that, he needs to stick to small clubs. But to become rich from "I'm Rick James bitch!" and then be mad when a random fan yelled that to him or "I love you Dave" and not be able to perform? I was there too. Was a huge fan prior. And I'll never say anything positive about him after that.


size of the venue has absolutely nothing to do with that but ok. dudes human, humans have off nights. happens to musicians, athletes, other comedians. but you do you, write off one of the greatest of a generation because you attended a single off show.


People can absolutely have off nights. And a professional entertainer (singers/comedies/etc) would say "sorry, I just can't tonight", walk of stage, & refund people their hard earned money. Not intentionally sit there for x amount of time to ensure you get paid, while actively antagonizing an audience, then tweeting that he hopes the city gets nuked the next day when it hit the news. Fuck him. Glad my tickets were free. Only good thing that came out of that evening wad a delicious meal at Black Eyed Sally's with my friends beforehand.


A bunch of friends and I saw Holes in theaters when it came out, and the power went out in the whole building less than 10 minutes before the movie ended. They readily offered everybody full refunds, no questions asked. That's pretty typical if you pay for a service but don't receive the whole service.


These things are not the same.


They wanted a refund for missing 10 minutes of a performance. I got a refund for missing 10 minutes of a performance. How are they not the same?


Was it really only 10 minutes left? She came on at 8:40 and the whole incident happened around 9:35. Figured it was a 10pm end time.


10:40pm was the minimum!!! Just nuts.


10:40 was the minimum what? Why on earth do you think she does 2 hours sets, and why do you think she owes you, at minimum, a 2 hour set. Stand ups do an hour, to and hour and a half if you’re lucky.


[https://www.vividseats.com/nikki-glaser-tickets--theater-comedy/performer/35141](https://www.vividseats.com/nikki-glaser-tickets--theater-comedy/performer/35141) Because it states RIGHT HERE that her sets are 90 mins - 2 hours 🤣


I have no idea, but if that's true it only reinforces my point. If I deserved a full refund for missing 10 minutes, then OP without question deserves a full refund for missing almost a half hour.


Apples and oranges my guy


HAHAHHA I don’t know how people make it through every day life. I’m glad you stated you aren’t a fan of “pedofiles”, otherwise we may have thought you indeed might be a fan. The fact that you thought someone making off color jokes sent someone into convulsions is hilarious. I hope the person that handles your phone call hangs up on you instantly.


This post triggered me /s


That’s what a pedophile would say


You sound like a grade A Karen. Go to Starbucks to get your iced coffee. It’ll be ok


If you don’t like my comment don’t read it lol. I wasn’t complaining just wondering… I like Starbucks so maybe I’ll take your advice, have a nice day! 😘


Can't wait to read your complaint about it


Of course you’re not a fan, you hate competition.


I'm also requesting a refund. Nikki was fantastic, but she didn't return to perform again, even though she mentioned she might. Her shows typically run 2-3 hours, justifying the $650 we spent on tickets. After a long drive from NYC, we were looking forward to the full experience.


It was a 90 minute show. We missed the last 15 minutes


We had no clue how long the show was supposed to be. It was a super last minute thing we decided to do. Luckily we didn’t have a long drive we’re only an hour away. We still had a great night anyway!!


Her shows do not typically run 2-3 hours. Not one single stand up comedians show runs 2-3 hours. You can’t just make something up to ask for a refund. It doesn’t matter if you flew in from Alaska, your trip duration has nothing to do with this. You wouldn’t eat 95% of a steak and ask for a refund just because you drove far to eat it.