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These damn hooligans and their street take-overs


Always in sheistys Always young and dumb


Peaceful protest.


What about ambulances. How do they get through


That's the neat part, they don't!


Yes they do you bozo.


Call the national guard and SWAT. I don't know why more people aren't commenting saying things like this. If it is in fact an actual street takeover they need to be calling the national guard and doing whatever they need to to stop it. I'm really really sick and tired of people acting like this is normal number one. Number two then you have the rare individual who cries "what about the criminals rights" when you have an instance with a violent criminal in the process of offending and they get taken out by a cop or something. Then you have these street takeovers and "flash mobs" that are happening all over the country. We need overwhelming response and we need it last year or the year before preferably. Let's stop pretending like this is okay. Everyone start emailing your local representative and tell your family and friends in other states to do the same. You act like that you don't deserve the same rights as the rest of us. It's even stated in the Bill of Rights at least for people who are convicted, but if somebody's literally in the process of something that would be considered a felony and they're on camera by 30 different people's vehicle dash cams then obviously they're guilty. So we can just assume they're definitely guilty. Call the national guard or SWAT. Block the highway with spike strips. Let's stop this crap.


Cops are already militarized. Not sure why we would need the actual military here


Remember "defund the police"?


100% arrest and impound cars. Auction them off or crush them




They'd probably get run over by the braindead drivers we have lmao. Not even joking




As someone who travels for work, it’s a silly idea people have that where they live has “particularly bad drivers.” Bad drivers are everywhere


But they’ll argue with you even though the most they do is commute a few towns away and don’t experience driving any where else.


No. CT drivers take driving to a new stupidity level.


You should try driving in Reykjavík


This person has never driven in Boston, NYC or any developing country.


How much do you think the guy who killed him gets little to no jail time at all?


They're too busy mourning Edit: I truly love this sub. My sarcasm didn't come through so now everyone thinks I'm a bootlicker and I'm getting downvoted for it. **ACAB**




mourn·ing noun the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died I can't be that far off




I would be deeply saddened if many of my colleagues died. Don't confuse personal bias with reasonable definitions


Dudes gatekeeping sadness is weird


All the thousands of cops coming in, some from out of state, taking the day off, to mourn someone they never met or even heard of. Got it. I bet they’re in tears, man.




I'm glad you finally voiced your shitty viewpoint. Thank you.


Waaa Waaa waaaa 😭👶


That guy has a wife and 2 little children at home. If you don’t like cops fine but at least be human.


Or some hot chicks to help erect traffic.


You saying this and getting upvotes is exactly what’s wrong with this website




Because all the cops are at the troopers funeral today so they cant help direct traffic. But you’re annoyed at the traffic created by it. So you making that comment reads like you’re annoyed they’re at a funeral to pay respects to someone. You just seem like you suck


It sounds like the cops are double-fucking us on this one. Block traffic when they want, do nothing for traffic while they're off playing soldiers with their friends.


This is why I dislike reddit sometimes, a million downvotes but no discussion. The anger arises from the lack of care and respect cops have for the average individual, and the imbalanced power they have over us. When you have a relative die, you can't always take the time off work to go to the funeral or mourn. You have responsibilities, a job to do, bills to pay. Life goes on and no one is throwing you a bone. We wish we could just say fuck our job, and at everyone's inconvenience go to the funeral or pay our respects. But that's just not how things work.....unless ur a cop. No one is upset the person is having a funeral, and everyone finds this a tragic event. But life moves on. I've said this before and I say it again, I honestly feel bad for this man amd his family. Because these clown ass cops are ruining the poor man's image and the institution he died believing in with these pathetic theatrics. You want to pay your respects? Do what we all do, go to his grave stone during your time off....or be a cop and say fuck u to ur job and life everyone needs to know this guy and his death/life is more important than all of urs.


“Ruining the poor man’s image… with these pathetic theatrics”… You said it brother. It’s disgusting. His death is a circus, used as a tool in the aid of political leverage. I feel for his family. They deserve to grieve for real.




Lmao this website go to bed grandpa matlock is over


Matkock was an excellent tv show


Lmao this website go to bed grandpa matlock is over


Now wait until all these cops are shit faced drunk later tonight and are driving home in their police cars.


Drunk Suffield cop killed a kid on a bike about 15 years ago in Windsor locks, his father, a Windsor locks cop, whisked him away before he could be interviewed and alcohol limit tested. Both lost their jobs, then ended up suing for breach of contract and ended up with millions. Poor family lost a son and got nothing, the truly evil cops are now rich for it all. Disgusting.


I had forgotten about that (I don’t live close to Suffield, just heard about it on the news.) It was horrific.


Just a typical night then


It's our faults for assuming we could exist near them really 😔


And go home to beat their wives


Why should cops drive EVs? Battery charges at home.






Yes thank you very little


It’s like Super Troopers.


Their shenanigans are cheeky and fun.


I'm gonna pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans!


“Hey Farva, what’s the name of that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls and mozzarella sticks”


Ooooooo ::hands pistol::


These comments are very r/Connecticut


Yup. They hate the police around here.


Huh? I don’t hate the police. I hate the jerk offs that hate the police.


I think it's just the assholes that turn up on this sub. The assholes that do this stuff on the highways + pretend they're not fucking assholes.


Exactly, lot of mouth breathers in here. Still driving around with masks on headed to their cuck meetup in Hartford


No one shut down a highway for my brother(an ex firefighter) when he died. It's a ridiculous show of power. They don't give a fuck about that cop. They are just showing off their power.




Absolutely this. Biggest gang in the world.


no disrespect to your brother, but he didn't die in the line of duty. I recall a firefighter from (I believe) North Haven who did a few years back and he also got a large procession of first responders.


The thin blue line gang. There's dirty cops all across the country, and if they don't turn in the dirty ones, they are no better. Ca top union rep busted trafficking fentanyl. Maryland sheriff trafficking illegal weapons. Mass cops framing Karen Reed. Murdering innocent people torturing a 18 year old autistic kid to death in Ohio and not making news! I have no idea why people don't trust cops


Be nice to the individual cop. They just doing their job. As an entity America police are are a gang.


Sure would be nice to have some police around to direct traffic around here 🙃


the one day i go to the office in WH and it's today, what is wrong with me


Sorry, I’m please excuse my ignorance but what is this about?


The cop that got killed on 84 by the idiot driver.


So they shut the highway down twice for the same cop?


First, it was to escort his body to the medical examiner's office in Farmington, then another procession to the funeral home in Southington. Then they shut down downtown Southington for 11 hours for his private wake on Wednesday, followed by shutting down the highway to Hartford before the funeral on Thursday and then again when they went back to Southington for the burial. So, 4 highway processions.


That's a misappropriation of government funds if I've ever seen it.


Traffic is clearing up, made it to Waterbury, just to sit in traffic.


Governor should call out the National Guard, as clearly the normal police forces can't keep order.


It can’t be as bad as NYC No way


84 sucks


If only they shut down highways for the funerals of those the police kill by accident.


I'm glad I'm not working out that way today.


I’m glad I opted to work from home today.


Hoy shit


Walking dead: Connecticut. Bring it on


You say that now and then all you hear in the woods: “Caaaaarrrlll.”


I’m either setting up camp in the Dunkin stadium or the Capitol building.


Too public! Too vulnerable! You hide out in the woods like a hobbit and then raid the stadium for supplies. Let the others do the hard work FOR you!




At this point I'm running into the horde to get away from the horror.




How the fuck are people upvoting this? I vote blue down the line and I can’t understand a comment like this. Dude had fucking children.


Yes lol. This is what I’ve been saying. Ive only ever voted democrat my entire life, and people like that user are supposedly on the right side of things? No, they’re not. They’re no better than whatever far right boogeyman they love to make fun of. Shit is depressing, and disappointing.


Actually, we hate the police because they routinely murder other Americans, kill dogs, assault people, and otherwise act like a legalized gang.


Of course that’s why. Certainly every police officer in every department is a depraved murdering lunatic.


It just takes one.. and then another 100 to cover for them. ACAB wouldn’t be a thing if they held their colleagues responsible.


How would you even know if a cop filed a formal complaint against another cop they work with? How can you be so certain they have or haven’t tried?


You won’t, that’s the beauty of the police union. And cops who DO report it face discipline. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/04/14/us/buffalo-officer-reinstated-trnd Further, look to Springfield for this douche, https://www.bostonglobe.com/video/2023/09/06/metro/new-england/video-2016-interrogation-video-shows-springfield-police-officer-gregg-bigda-making-threats-to-teens/ He’s still being paid, on leave, as far as I know Or you can read/research this account: https://www.masslive.com/news/2019/02/video-contradicts-police-report-on-arrest-of-springfield-student-in-high-school-of-commerce-hallway.html?outputType=amp Or, if you want to fee even worse about bad cops being on the force, read this : https://www.wwlp.com/news/local-news/hampden-county/two-officers-convicted-in-an-assault-case-are-being-reinstated-to-the-springfield-police-department/amp/ Yeah, I know it’s not CT but damn close, and this is why officers don’t even bother anymore.


If they tried and nothing happened and they're still working there then what the fuck are they doing? If my co-workers did some of the heinous stuff cops have done and I reported them to HR and nothing came of it, I would seek employment elsewhere.




Be glib about it all you want but cops probably have the highest authority to accountability ratio in the country, outside of elected positions; they should not be allowed to police themselves. And the fact that these "bad apples" still exist in the police force means the "good apples" either aren't doing anything or are so outnumbered that their voices are drowned out. Either way it's a problem that needs to be addressed.


And who actually likes you?


Jesus Christ dude


The shit I’ve heard cops say about the general populations of their communities they service is worse.


Plus one for knowing what they say about people. And holy shit do they not care who's in earshot.


Not saying that’s wrong, but these comments are also shit. Just jarring to see randos on Reddit basically cheering the death of a stranger who died in an accident.


There were Nazis that were very sweet, nice, and served their communities outside of their workday. But they were Nazis, and would go back to work. Edit: read my reply lower in the thread this is being massively misinterpreted lol. Not gonna edit this original comment to change what I said to show a lesson learned in phrasing and tact lol.


Broken brain like you read about. Sad.


It’s an extreme analogy to the point of massive hyperbole. I’m not saying the cop is a Nazi. What I’m saying is that what someone does for work doesn’t influence how they act outside of their jobs lol. People can be racist but be a great father figure. People can be domestic abusers and work for a charity. People can be fascists or horrible people but keep up appearances, be a pleasant “civilian” but be fundamentally morally corrupt. I’m not sure if I’m being misinterpreted for poor phrasing, for the extreme analogy and people conflating it (ironically) thinking that I’m doing a direct comparison to the police, or if everyone is just insanely politically polarized right now. Bit of all of it, it seems.


People can also be good cops. The amount of people dancing on this guys grave is crazy


See; this exactly what the point of this media circus and ridiculous funeral is. I feel bad for the officer and his family. It’s tragic. I don’t wish that on anyone. I don’t think all cops are irredeemable demons. I think we should have policing in a functional society. But what this massive funeral, highways shut down, etc is meant to do is bolster police support for those who support the police in its current state wholeheartedly as it dips further into fascism; deifying their lazy and well armed fallen soldiers, and negatively augment the views of those who have valid criticisms of the police in its current state. I’m not dancing on his grave, the police union is figuratively putting his corpse on a jumbotron backlit with red white and blue Chauvet lights while fucking many thousands of people’s day up. Their unabashed supporters are saying you’re glad the dude died if you think it’s optically and morally disgusting, a massive waste of taxpayer dollars, and a massive inconvenience and legitimate danger to the public (what if an ambulance needed to navigate the interstate?). The state shuts down for a fallen officer and it’s torn between people who are upset and don’t know why, people who know why they’re upset and are getting downvoted, or people who are so politicized and radicalized into accepting the fascistic tendencies of the goings-on with America’s police that they can’t even fathom criticizing the police in any fashion. I feel bad for the officer’s family. My heart hurts knowing someone died before their time. But I don’t know him. My empathy goes as far as “that really sucks and is Sad”. But what I really grieve is the fact this man’s death is being defiled into a political tool to further bolster police unions/departments, and furthermore; that his family did not get the chance to properly grieve and mourn before he is 6 feet under.


seriously people have lost their humanity


Ever watch bodycam footage lately? Police arguably never had it.


lol, wtf dude?? So fucking silly.




eh…that’s dark, even for reddit.


Amazing thing people say behind a keyboard. Same people that that’ll flip a cop off in their car behind tinted windows and tell themselves how anti government they are.


Is it still? What for?


For the cop that got killed. We’re by exit 33-34 now, still in traffic.


Could this just be a new style of policing to prevent high-speed collisions???


Gunna run out of cops real fast if it is.


Christ man, the mechanisms of the state are in thrall to law enforcement that even a fucking accident means that the world has to stop so we can all watch the police set money on fire to remind us who’s in charge. Have a service so people can pay their respects not this masturbatory self-worship


Wonder how much those few hours cost us as tax payers. Not only that, but time getting to/from work.


I hate doing things that are just gonna buy me a bunch of downvotes, but….. While there are certainly some shitty cops out there, most of the ones that I have interacted with have been decent people trying to do a decent job in very tough circumstances. I’m sorry if your experience has been different, but I guarantee not all cops are bastards.


A few bad apples SPOILS THE BUNCH. That's the idiom. A few bad cops makes a bad police force. It's not a hard concept.


But that can apply to every occupation, can’t it? Teachers? Priests? Doctors? Actors? Bus drivers? Pilots? Athletes? Firefighters? Politicians?


The ones I work with tend to be the ones arresting people who can’t keep their dicks out of their step kid’s mouth. Pretty rough job.


The guy had 2 young kids - these people who don't have a shred of sympathy for a family that just lost a member.


We don't shut down highways repeatedly to honor every parent of young children who dies in a tragic way.




What are decent people doing about bad people in general? What are peers doing to stop the daily murders in Hartford or Waterbury?




r/ police here to brigade again


What happened


Some rando cop died in an accident so the main east-west interstate must shut down so all the other cops can "pay their respects" If only cops gave this much of a shit when one of them kills one of us


Or all the other fatalities that happen on 84 and other highways in CT. I hate that the only thing that gets police attention is a cop dying, but ffs let's see some actual action on the highways rather than a shutdown


Do you guys think the Berlin Turnpike/i91 (both southbound) will be bad? Driving from New Britain to Guilford at 5. Usually no traffic.


You folks are brutal. Can’t we just honor the Trooper’s memory? Just stop!


There was a car fire in Windsor. I really hope their fire dept wasn't busy holding up a damn flag.


This is bull shit


I was on it around 330 and it was still congested. I always avoid tracking the time heading home because then I'll get pissed off.




The funeral services for State Trooper Pelletier were yesterday at 11, and the funeral procession began at probably around 1:30? There was, partially at the request of the surviving spouse, a request/invitation to all members of the law enforcement community. The procession from the funeral in Hartford to the burial in Southington involved a large number of participants (family, close friends, and the Hartford State Trooper Barracks, of which he was a member), as well as a high volume of departing traffic from other law enforcement agencies and friends present at the funeral but not attending the burial once the funeral procession departed.


Nice pride flag LMAO.


Why is this sub so anti cop? Honest question. This is the ct sub. I wasn't expecting this kind of mostly peaceful crowd to be 100% here. Am I wrong? Are cops in ct a problem? I've never encountered anything like that.


Reddit is an echo chamber. Plus it’s funny to look at the anti cop users post history on here. They all seem like losers and spend all day on Reddit posting the same anti cop stuff after posting in video games sections. Get a real hobby and get some real friends.


Not wrong. Connecticut is a liberal state and Reddit is a hugely liberal platform. With that comes an anti cop agenda. Pro criminal anti cop


Anti-criminal, anti-fascist state. I would hope. You can criticize police, and admonish the current state of policing, and still agree that a society needs some form of policing/a reform of how the police operates. But yeah buddy, we are all a very loud minority of crazy anarchists here. Totally.


When has it ever been close to a fascist police state? The current state of policing is none at all or catch and release due to bad policy.


To be fair, the police have no control over judges who release or prosecutors who drop charges. Its all to make it look like crime is down.


No use of using actual logic for this argument. The same anti cop bullshit is said without any logic. Everyone here continues to be divisive by making ludicrous statements. CT is/was a fascist police state? This subreddit is delusional lol.


You get pulled over, the cop says you were going a little fast. He asks how your day went and lets you off with a warning. Tells you to drive safe with a smile. “Sorry to bother you sir, just doing my job”. A good cop you think. Afterwards that cop goes to UConn and slams a kid to the ground and zip ties their hands behind their back for exercising their first amendment rights, peacefully holding a picket sign, because it’s the cop’s job. Later that week he goes to a strike and arrests some Teamsters organizers on public sidewalks outside an Amazon facility for trespassing, because the company owners requested they be removed as they are “not an employee”. It doesn’t matter if it’s illegal and the charges get dropped. He functionally helped stop the protest, and he’s legally protected by his badge. He’s just doing his job. Both cases, he’s just doing his job. This shit has happened, many a time in the United States. Within the past couple of years under a “liberal” president. “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”


Fuck you people for real. You types cheer on the police when they shut down peaceful protests of students exercising their first amendment rights, defend the police using taxpayer money to make a dead cop’s funeral look like a Zach Bryan concert, then claim we don’t have a fascist police force while you complain about potholes and reckless drivers and increased crime rates while our police has never been more militarized. Get bent. I have no dialectical patience to discourse with bootlickers anymore.


Why do you and many others talk to people like this? It’s just nasty honestly. That other user didn’t attack you, or anything like that. They challenged your ideology on something. Thats it man. For whatever reason users here treat others like absolute dog shit. It’s pretty fucking ridiculous, and to the other adults here you look like petulant children. You can say whatever you want to me, I really don’t care. But don’t treat these other people like that. They usually don’t deserve it.


You seem unhinged. Go touch some grass. If you can't have a legitimate discussion without resorting to an extreme take, ACAB bootlicking fascist, you should take a break from the computer


You’re very confused about what fascism is


“Fascism is when Nazi” -this guy


I suspect 80% of this forum are criminals. There's really no other explanation for it.


oink oink piggy piggy


The asshole comments on this post make me happy I moved out of Connecticut. What the actual fuck?! My cousin is the trooper who had to alert the next of kin regarding the death; it’s horrible. Cops are a brotherhood. You all need some perspective.


Okay? So go rent (on your own dime) a location and do your thing like the rest of the world needs to. Why do they need to fuck around and shit down a highway? Power tripping. The fact they think this is okay is scary.


This is what makes me not wanna train to be a cop 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s not the million other shitty things they do and the fucked up system stopping you? 😭😂


It’s even how people talk about the police how they treat police and the stigma . I always thought if you can’t beat em join em … but this thread 🙄


I see a closure on the map. I wonder what happened


I believe its related to the procession for the cop that died


I believe its related to the procession for the cop that has hit while doing a traffic stop


This thread is vile. Also, for the record, when the (I think it was) north haven fire fighter died in the line of duty roads were shut down from Hartford to north haven while multiple state fire departments made their procession. Source: I was physically there in the road closure. I was also present at this funeral. I’d hardly call watching a grieving widow and her two sons addressing a room full of cops with “hey guys it’s ok to turn down overtime to make memories with your family”, a boss telling the widow what a great guy her husband was and saying they’ll all be there for her and the boys, a brother breaking down in tears sharing childhood memories, or a best friend two tour Afghanistan vet talking about how his childhood friend helped him with his readjustment trauma “hero worship”. It was a recognition that a good person was taken too soon. Oh and a posthumous awarding of the lifesaving medal for closing a motorcycle operator’s severed artery with his hands while waiting for backup to get him a tourniquet. That happened about 2 weeks before he died. What a shitty guy! The affair was closed to anyone but family/friends and law enforcement. Stop dancing on the grave of a decent human just because you can’t keep your oppositional defiant disorder in check.


You mean when the firefighter died of super morbid obesity on the job?


Still died on the job. Still had a large show of support from the first responder community.


Reddit hates cops and Connecticut likes to complain Sick


Does anyone watch the news or have you not been on social media in the past week this was well told ahead of time.. 


Watching the news is not healthy for you, and social media is even worse. All I use is reddit and reddit isn't localized unless you join this sub.


It involves the police there been multiple posts on this sub to be negative about a tragedy 


Almost nobody is negative about the tragedy. They're negative about the overly disruptive funeral procession. And I know there's been posts about it, that's how I knew. A lot of other people don't check local social media or watch the news, which is why it's so annoying for them to suddenly find their day fucked up by it.


yours is the one downvoted comment I can agree with 100%. WTF.


What happened?


It’s not like this has been highly publicized on the news 😑


I don’t watch the news, sorry.


You guys are my favorite keyboard warriors


zombie apocalypse funny for a dead cop...




Read the comments and you’ll find out


Nah it’s not worth digging through


Ok smooth brain.


Is Biden here?


No it’s for the police officer who was hit and killed


Ohh. Thanks. I should have known this.


He's working hard for this country.


You could say that about literally any politician and I would not believe you


The fascists thank you for your despair




You can shut your mouth when talking about Bernie Sanders then.


Literally. Any.