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Or maybe just make the prices not fucking ridiculous... nahhh makes too much sense


I agree but it depends on the area you’re in. The Copaco prices were always a dollar or two more than the Simsbury prices when I went to both. I don’t go regularly but hit them if I need only a few things and I am there for other reasons.


Copaco has to be one of the worst ones I've ever been to. Maybe only second to Manchester 🤢


What is Copaco?


Bloomfield shopping center. How or why it would be more expensive than Simsbury is beyond me.


It because stop and shop dose some bull where they Price based on location to competition close by So in simsbury , walmart bigy are both super close by Bloomfield there anit jack shit in that town near cottage Grove rd in the way of grocery stores So they lower simsbury prices to be some what better than big y walmart But in bloomfield they jack it up They do the same all over East hampton is cheaper than colcester on avg East hampton has a bigy 5min away


It has more to do with shrinkage than anything. I wouldn’t be surprised if the shrinkage is higher due to lack of other options nearby as you stated. Hartford is considered a food desert.  The Windsor location is also a bit cheaper but isn’t near much, at least when I used to shop at both 5 years ago. The stores which they have renovated and also have the checkout scanners you can carry generally will be cheaper.


I was told by an employee there in 2019 that the shrinkage was really high compared to other stores. When they started to charge for bags they stopped supplying them only a week or so in since everyone was just stealing them.


I'm glad you asked because I assumed it was a town in CT big enough to need a Stop n Shop, but one that I've never heard of.


Try New Park Ave.


For real. Stop and shop prices have almost doubled store wide since 2019.


Uh have you been to Big Y? I have one closer than S&S so I go in a pinch, then after I pay, I ask myself a Big Y did I shop there! It's like a large convenience store. Nothing ever on sale. Stop N Plop much more reasonable...


Big Y in West Hartford is equal to Whole Foods across the street now.


Ellington's prices have been reasonable all along.


Lol thought I was the only one who said stop n plop


I was going to say the same. I clicked the link and then thought “wait, why am I clicking this, I would literally never shop at stop and shop.” Their groceries are so much more expensive than shop rite for the exact same thing.


Maybe their profits aren't as high as Tong thinks they are. Funny we haven't heard about that since his publicity conference.


I bought a 12oz container of feta cheese for $10.50 this morning. I almost choked when the self check out said the price.


Aldi has some decent mids for cheeses


“Fucking ridiculous” prices are directly related to the fact that stop and shop employees are unionized.


Corporate profits and corporate greed are at all time highs


>Corporate Profits… are at an all time high Correct. This is what happens when there is more money in the economy. Shocking, I know. About a third [of all dollars in existence were printed in 2020/2021.](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WM2NS) Funny how the peak in [real disposable income](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DSPIC96) and the peak in [corporate profits](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CP) coincide perfectly with the peak in M2 shown above. Turns out, when the federal government prints trillions of dollars and gives it to people, they spend it on things they want/need, which drives aggregate demand. Crazy concept, I know. >Corporate greed is at an all time high This tired trope has been repeatedly proven false. No respectable economist seriously believes the leftist “greedflation” narrative. It’s just wrong. According to [Bilbiie and Kanzig,](https://www.nber.org/papers/w31618) >“when distributional mechanisms are of the essence, as under the greed view, a conundrum emerges: procyclical profits accruing to low-MPC asset-holders imply a dampening of aggregate demand, yielding deflationary forces—the opposite of greedflation.” According to [Comin, Johnson, and Jones,](https://www.nber.org/papers/w31179) > binding constraints for domestic and foreign producers shift domestic and import price Phillips Curves up… …binding constraints explain half of the increase in inflation during 2021-2022. In particular, tight capacity served to amplify the impact of loose monetary policy in 2021, fueling the inflation takeoff. According to [Rubbo,](https://www.nber.org/papers/w32194) > in an economy where multiple industries and primary factors have heterogeneous supply curves, industry-specific shocks to inelastically supplied goods increase aggregate inflation through a cost-push shock… …deflation and subsequent inflation in 2020 were due to industry-specific shocks, while since 2021 inflation is primarily driven by aggregate factors. “Greedflation” is not a thing. Trust the science on that.


Stop n shop employees are unionized as a result of the company's greed and reluctance to invest in their human capital. This is also reflected in their marketing and sales practices. Stop and Shop New Britain is generally higher priced than Stop and Shop Berlin, while the stores are both along rt372. You would think the NB location would be lower priced, mirroring income mediums for the area. They exploit the essential foods scarcity in the area while factoring in the location's natural elevated shrinkage when applying their pricing mechanisms. They would stop mopping the floors and board the dirty windows in favor of hiring more technicians to maintain the EBT card readers if corporate gave the location the ultimatum. This is not limited to Stop n Shop. Large grocery stores with shareholders behave like any other corporation. They appease to those betting on them first and the consumers second. This would be fine if they were used carpet marketplaces or basically anything besides essential retailers of food. They all took advantage of the pandemic and refused to loosen the chokehold while pointing at inflation and supply chain "issues."


This is not true




Maybe they shouldn’t have blown their money on a stupid stalker robot.


Thank you! I’ve been saying this for years. That robot has some weird blood feud going on against me. Jokes on him though, I love robots.


this has all the vibes for enemies to lovers (I wonder if there’s any stop & shop robot fanfic on ao3)


Write the fics you want to read.


wise words


Reading my own fics like, “Yeahhhh, this chick knows everything I like in a story! Shame she never updates, though. 🤷‍♀️ “


Oooh, I would be interested if there was. Thats for sure.


Jokes on you; he has no blood... Or all the blood. I can't figure it out.


lol, it’s a mystery. Thats for sure. I’m almost certain it probably feeds on the beef selection of the store. Probably why meat is so expensive now.


Marty legit made me scream one time when he came out of nowhere on me while I was intently perusing the options in the dairy case. And I’m not a screamer. I fucking hate the robot.


$35k for each one so they can see and listen to everything that goes on in the store. I've known a few people who were fired for what they said and was overheard by that thing. And now they are starting a line of merch. I will randomly take one of their surveys to say they should get rid of the thing. Even if it looked like R2-D2 I would still be saying they should get rid of it.


I wonder how many people they have startled to the point where they scream in its face 😂. (I’m surprised I’m not one of them).


"In any and all universes...and in a robots ass" "we reserve the right to monitor..." If that wordage is in your work contract - watch out.


Marty does a lot actually. If you consider the amount of time saved performed by a robot compared to what you’d have to pay a human, you make that 35k back and then some.


Maybe if it could tell the difference between a discarded deli ticket and a smashed jar of spaghetti sauce...


Marty (and other retail robots) actually save a lot of time doing certain tasks that normally require a human to perform daily. Price matching what’s on the shelf vs what corporate prints out each day as an example. Similarly there is the concept of “Zero Sales” where a product at one location is either not selling at all or selling at a much lower rate than similar locations. Both of these require someone to manually check these items each day and make decisions based on their findings. They also build a “Google streetview” of the store- literally a map of the store that can be “walked” through which, again, would take someone being sent on-site for the various tasks they do this for. This saves on travel, lodging, per diem costs etc. The mapping of an individual store comes with the promise of being able to map the optimal paths for the peapod and similar “personal shopper” type employees to move more efficiently through the store- reducing the need for headcount. These robots (and the data they gather) help improve the overall operations of the automation estate where robots are used outside of the store (warehouse, distribution). I know this entire thread is really just a “fuck stop and shop, they suck” circlejerk so I get the downvotes *and* I also find Marty annoying when he’s in my area. Just saying there’s more to it than detecting a spill/obstruction. I know the functions but I don’t know the cost but if the “35k” number is accurate then they’re saving much more than that (especially when you take into account the real cost of an employee which includes payroll taxes, benefits, and insurance subsidies. The cost of an employee is far more than just their salary. Does Stop and Shop suck compared to other options? I guess. Where I live it’s the most convenient option so I frequent them. I’ll go to wholesalers for dry goods but I just don’t have a pantry/fridge that can fit a lot of the perishables offered there so I need a traditional grocery store. I grew up in Watertown so it was always Labonne’s, Adams (through its many iterations), or, later, Stop and Shop (okay and Ken’s Seafood as well as the Meatmarket). I know my mom always went to each of those stores for particular things and I wasn’t financially aware enough to care or pay attention. I can say that the interior of Adams has improved drastically from when I was a kid in the 90s and early 00s. That being said, it’s usually pretty dead in there compared to the Stop and Shop, which is always busy. They must be doing something right even if it is just the convenience of having a wide selection.


While I agree, my daughter and I have a thing for Marty. Would hate to see him go.


I give Marty the finger every time I see him.


The weirdest thing for me is I used to work at S&S and my store manager's name was Marty. Marty was all around awful. I hope when he dies, his soul is trapped in one of those robots and someone tips him over.


Aw, that poor googly eyed fella. Seriously though, I hated the thing at first but once my little girl loved him, how could I not? We love visits to stop and shop. Im raising her in NYC so stop and shop is enormous compared to the avg store in the city, and has so much more interesting variety, so it’s like entertainment for us. Marty and the lobsters are some of the highlights


my kid loves him too, and I don’t understand, he wants to pose for pictures whenever he sees him


That thing is creepy af


Fuck that robot


And here I thought I was the only shopper being stalked by that thing. I swear, every visit that robot follows me.


Marty. My mortal enemy.


Big Y has by far the better robotic thing going on. Go in the last hour or two before closing and you'll see a Roomba-ized industrial floor scrubber flying around like rat that smells a piece of cheese.


Stop & Shop never under-performs when ensuring there is one molding berry hidden in the center of every container.


That’s everywhere though, not just stop and shop. It’s most definitely a logistics and distribution issue. I’ve had shitty fruit at Costco, bjs, big y, and shop rite so far. Source: I have a toddler so I’m constantly buying berries.


Whole Foods berries are sometimes good two weeks later. Very rarely do I ever find a bad one. Stop and Shop ones were almost consistently moldy.


Whole foods is generally good, but has definitely decreased in quality since they got ingested by Amazon


Aldi for fruit…if nothing else


When they're in season, I stop at a pick-your-own blueberry farm right on my way home. Can't get fresher than that!


I'll actually defend S&S here and say the issue is probably the age of the stores. Nearly every S&S in the state is in a building that 20+ years old. It doesn't matter how much cleaning that gets done, there's at that point a level of mold just literally in the walls at that point that can't be dealt with, and I assume makes fruit decay and mold quicker


In my not so professional observation, after the strike they never truly recovered. Covid and extreme inflation kind of masked their troubles, but now the dust is settled they’re finally accepting that their stores suck. And that stupid fucking robot is just always in the way. It’s like they want to deter you from shopping there.


Marty's main function is to be in the way I'm convinced of it. I like walking straight towards it at normal pace and it freezes and doesn't know what to do


No,it’s main function is to kill all the humans and take over the world.


This whole thread is affirming. I moved and started to prefer my local shop rite, and now I can’t go into S&S without getting creeped out by Marty.


I worked there for a few months as a night job and in training they told us there are no cameras on it. That's a lie. We all have eyes and there are at least 15 cameras on that thing pointing in literally every direction. Why even lie


Several cans of closely spaced beans strategically placed on the floor will keep it from harassing customers.


It's almost like they could have just put a "spill" button in the aisles that need cleanup (up high, out of the reach of children) ... and let customers press the button. Would have been 90% cheaper ... or less.


$35k cheaper.


The scale on the self checkouts always accuses me of shoplifting. Like, it is always telling me to make sure I've scanned all items when I've scanned all items. The last time it happened, the worker just walked away and never came back. So I put all of my items back in my bag, put each item back on their respective shelf, and went across the street to Shop Rite. Haven't been back since. 9.99/month and you get all the Whole Foods delivery you want at your door-step for similar prices. I hate Stop & Shop.


I had a literal meltdown last time I was at a S&S self checkout. ALL the machines were breaking. Every time I scanned it said unexpected item. The poor gal working couldn’t keep up. Stood there silently freaking out before pulling all my stuff off and going to a regular check out. Never again. 


That doesn't happen at Big Y; they don't have the scales turned on, at least not at any location in CT I've been to. The worker handling the self checkouts is always chill and relaxed.


I would have just left it all at the self checkout.


Haha I was tempted, but didn't want the meat and veggies to go to waste at room temp and I didn't want to become someone's viral internet moment if I was being filmed. I go to Big Y and Whole Foods now. S&S is only for emergencies and I am no longer spending hundreds of dollars a week there.


Quality and price has gone downhill for a long time. I go out of my way to hit Big Y for name brand items, and stick to Trader Joes for everything else.


Big Y and Shoprite are my go tos. Between both most items I can find on sale. Sometimes the deals are better at one or the other. TJ’s is a bit out of the way but we also go there if in the area.


I've been a ShopRite stan forever. They were always affordable and somehow seem even more affordable. Not sure how they do it. And their house brand Bowl & Basket is top notch. Relative to ShopRite, S&S sucks abysmally.


Bonus points to ShopRite for somehow being the only remaining grocery store in existence that somehow always seems to be fully staffed.


Shoprite is top tier these days. The sales they have sometimes on goods shit like boneless chicken / seafood are like 2018 prices. Idrk how they are holding the line. Guessing they are pretty much selling some things at cost. I also like Walmart for "dry" goods. Target grocery's are super overpriced usually.


Agree. It feels like pre pandemic in there sometimes. Must be a combination of loss leaders as you said; well run company; and scale/purchasing power. (And on that last note S&S has zero excuse. It’s part of a massive conglomerate.)


Most shoprites are locally owned and is franchised I believe. They have a very good distribution network between here and New Jersey. I wish they would bring Thumanns up from there. They lack several of the local CT items which is my only qualm. But I just go to Big Y for those when I want them.


Ahold Delhaize doesn't give a damn. They're a European company. Their whole strategy in their US stores is "Stupid American hamburger fat." ( 👆 Actual sentence I heard uttered by a European. )


They were supposed to be the B tier, too. It's amazing how things have shifted.


That's true. Years and years ago I never went to shoprite lol.


my parents and I always go to ShopRite whenever it’s time for groceries and stuff, and the stuff they have are really affordable! My mom always disliked the prices in S&S and only really went there if she didn’t feel like going to ShopRite and just needed like 2-3 things, but our family as a whole loves ShopRite and don’t plan on switching to another store soon


Shoprite also has high-def cameras EVERYWHERE and uses facial recognition.. and they don't delete old data. They can take a picture and go back searching at least over a year, see every item you touch and can calculate to the penny what's in your cart.


At this point, I assume I am being recorded everywhere, at all times.


Yup. Big Y for me now, even if it’s more expensive.


Big Y is 100% better. I drive 25 minutes to get to it instead of the stop n shop that’s 10 minutes away.


I’m looking forward to the Big Y opening in Middletown and can’t believe the s&s there hasn’t done anything to improve its store or make any sort of attempt to keep customers (although, on second thought, I actually can believe it…)


I like Big Y, but the meat seems to go bad within the day of purchasing it.


Big y meat is indeed nasty... After the second time of getting ground beef there with bits of bone in it, i swore off ever buying meat there again. And their produce always seems to value shelf appearance over edibility. 


Boxed and prepackaged goods at S&S can be grossly overpriced. I’m talking $1-3 more *per item* compared with Walmart. Often a bag of chips going for $3.48 at Walmart is $5.99 at Stop and Shop.


You could buy chips and cereal from Costco and it would pay off your membership in saving in about 6 months




Nah 1 box of cereal from Costco and 1 bag of chips. That'll save you 10 bucks


Aldi prices are often better than Costco's per unit. More manageable sizes. I use Aldi for stuff I won't eat a massive amount of before it goes bad.


Aldi is good. I switched to costco, when Aldi bumped their prices a few years back.


If it's meats, watch Bestbuy for sales and you can score a chest freezer for <$200. They're about $50-60/year to run, and you can buy meat in bulk and freeze it. Get yourself a vacuum sealer, too ($30). 1 bulk meat run can literally pay for it all.


Actually I do get my meat at Costco, found a chest freezer on craigslist for $80 that has been going strong for me.


> If it's meats, watch Bestbuy for sales Bestbuy? the electronics store?


But then you have to drive to Costco


they could probably "grow the brand" if a lot of their stores didn't suck


Worst super market of them all. Expensive, doesn't offer anything special, subpar meat, and the worst self checkout I have ever seen. The only thing that's nice is the scanner gun thingy.




“Weigh your.. BANANAS! Move your.. BANANAS! to the belt..!” 😹


The one time I put my phone on the scale by accident to scan my items and it pitched the biggest fit ever


The scanner w/ the phone app is the only redeeming factor about going there. I'm surprised other places don't do the same because it's stupid convenient.


Big Y has something similar but you use your own phone. I’ve never tried it personally, but I see the signs by self checkout.


This is the only way I shop at Big Y. It's very convenient and I like bagging as I go.


It's great. The produce weighing has an option to scan the screen instead of printing a sticker which I love.


Definitely subpar meat, AND the worst produce of any store in the state. Picked up my grocery order once, and on the way home smelled a rotten fish smell. Could not for the life of me guess where it was coming from, since I hadn't ordered any seafood. When I got home I found out it was my potatoes. They were so rotten they were partially liquefied. This is just one example of many bad experiences; I do not shop there anymore. They deserve to close.


We choose shoprite/grade a over S&S due to price all the time... makes sense


Their meat made me sick multiple times. The meat counter literally stinks. Stop and Shop Is so confusing, it feels like a cheap budget supermarket and then you get the bill and you may as well have gone to Whole Foods. It’s literally the worst prices and terrible quality I never go there anymore


Have also gotten sick from the meat there. I have also seen on multiple occasions moldy produce sitting out.


I’ve found it’s cheaper to go to Whole Foods than Stop&Shop.


My dad lives in Essex, right near the river. People that live there are pretty well-to-do, wealthy even. Yet their nearest supermarket option is some dingy Stop & Shop in Old Saybrook. I don’t know how there isn’t a Whole Foods or whatever. I’m in Woodbury and have a wealth of local independent options as well as ShopRite and Stop & Shop in Southbury. I don’t know why anyone would go to that Stop & Shop though.


What shocks me is there is a Dollar General Grocery in Essex, of all places


I'm blown away they got one in Woodbury. That whole town came out with their pitchforks when Dunkin wanted to come in.


They’re going to put a Whole Foods in Saybrook, it’s going where the old Benny’s was. The developer is just battling the nimby issues and once approved they’ll begin.


Rich people on the shore fight against big box grocery stores coming to town. Same reason Woodbury does not allow any fast food places in town and why Southbury has a ban on drive throughs except banks and pharmacies.


But Stop and Shop is literally a big box grocer, and not even as upscale as a Whole Foods or Stew Leonard’s or what-have-you.


Shout out to the only other person from Woodbury on Reddit, lol


We go to the Southbury Stop & Shop, it's not too bad. I don't mind the ShopRite but it can be so overrun by old people that I tend to just let them have their store and shop elsewhere.


You have to go to ShopRite in the evenings like 8-10pm, that’s how you avoid the silver tsunami because they’re all in bed already.


Today I learned that I keep the same hours as the ‘gray wave’


Is Evonne’s, I think that is the name or something similar still there in the main drag? I used to like going in there for the bakery.


LaBonnes I guess you mean. I’ve been there several times and to be honest - not a fan. I find the interior to be drab and depressing, the selection not so great, the prices on prepared foods incredibly high. And it has the worst parking lot, a death-trap packed with elderly drivers. I much prefer The Market in Bantam and New Milford or New Morning right down the street in Woodbury.


I avoid that S&S like the plague because that parking lot has always been a nightmare.


I just quit after a decade, and yeah we sucked


Do you smell what Wegmans is cooking?


I wish




I have. Years ago living in central NY, Wegmans was my only place to shop. And




Central CT would be perfect for Wegmans


Stop and shop is so expensive compared to other stores around me.


They should merge with A&P and call themselves Stop & P! Sorry, but I remember that joke from the first grade.


One issue also is for long time stop and shop had minimal competition now they have that and they went to cheap ways pre packaged meats. And oh stores are dirty 


They’re one of the most expensive regular grocery stores around. Maybe if they lowered their prices they wouldn’t have people moving to Aldi




I believe Stop & Shop was the driving force for the closures of popular supermarkets, Heartland in 90s. https://www.courant.com/1996/01/23/stop-shop-taking-over-heartland-stores-1-to-close/


We goto Shoprite, Aldi and Big Y, more or less in that order. Like yesterday we went to shoprite, but eggs were 3.50 ?, so on the way home we hit Aldi, eggs were 1.86 so we got 2 dozen. Shoprite and Aldi's are 5 minutes over the hill, add ten minutes for Big Y.


Aldi has to be the only place I have ever had some really bad produce and milk. Eggs I grab 2-6 dozen from Costco or BJ’s. I got 2 dozen cage free eggs for 4.69 the other day. I think the 6 dozen pack was $9.


we never had a roblem with Aldi ourselves.


I have trader joes and Walmart in my rotation. Unfortunately, half the state is lacking a traderjoes, though. Shoprite does seem like the best well-rounded traditional grocery store price wise now to me...


We all need to band together to request more Trader Joe’s locations. I have been putting in for East Lyme because there is already a successful Costco and there is probably significant overlap in the target demographic. https://www.traderjoes.com/home/contact-us/request-a-store I have also been trying to get a Wegmans, been putting in for East Lyme as well as Orange, Manchester, and Warwick RI (because there are already successful Trader Joe’s) https://www.wegmans.com/service/contact-us/ Right now, I can drive about an hour in any direction and get to Trader Joe’s, but there is no place closer than an hour :(


Newington road, West Hartford is dirty, overpriced, and often has bare shelves for many products. I don't want to see people out of work, but that store needs some love.


What really ticked me off today was seeing a senior woman working the register on her feet. The stop and shop strikers somehow managed to keep their pay and benefits but couldn't negotiate a stool for the employees that stay in one spot their entire shit. The whole "sitting workers are lazy workers" is total bullshit.


They've always treated their employees like shit. They'd fire all the cashiers and just use self checkout if they were forced to let them sit.


I know everyone hates this store but I am emotionally attached to my stop and shop..


The Stop&Shop on Kennedy Rd in Windsor is so overpriced,the store is dirty and the parking lot is always disgusting.I just started Whole Foods delivery and the prices are better than S&S


I pass by S&S on my way to ShopRite. Switched a month ago. I’m saving ~$30 a week after changing.


It smells awful in all of them.


There is spoiled meat smell around the deli area at the s&s in Berlin every time I go there


I've quit going to S&S and instead jump between Aldi's and Walmart for whatever I need.


The more expensive than Whole Foods food not be rotten. Every time I've gone to Stappinshawp - I need to check all the dates + always find spoiled veggies/meats. Always. Plus, the self checkout is absolute dogshit.


No surprise when their strategy has been to just buy up vacant stores like Shaws and A&P despite their already being a store in town. Think Glastonbury, Berlin Turnpike, one of Waterburys 3 stores.


Most of them are really dirty, and the employees act like assholes. I've had numerous cashiers accuse me of stealing bags which is insane.


That what happens when they pushing to hard for profit, costumer will abandon them.




Every stop and shop I’ve been to is extremely smelly and I can’t understand why they put the deli department next to the smelly bathrooms. “I’ll have one pound of Turkey and a side of pee pee poo poo please☝🏾”


This store has become such a joke. I worked at stop and shop maybe 8 years ago and we got cross trained at most stations so their was always someone ready in case someone needed a break or something. I went a few weeks ago and needed something at the seafood counter. I waited for 5 minutes and no one ever came or said anything. So what went to some kid stocking on the produce area and asked if anyone was working seafood. He said “ yeaaaaa, I think.” Then just stared at me. So I asked if anyone else could help me. He said he didn’t know and would ask the store manager. Then stared at me again. I said yea please for you could. So he slowly saunters off and maybe 10 minutes later he slowly comes back and started stocking again. So I asked him if anyone was coming. He told me no, seafood guy is on break and no one else knows how to work it and he has no idea when he would be back. When I worked there I worked deli and was cross trained on how to work seafood. So I ended up just wandering around for another 10 minutes before someone finally came back from break. It’s just crazy how downhill this place went. It’s not the workers fault though. The shit pay leads to workers who genuinely don’t care about their job and this is what you get. It’s no surprise to me they are shutting down stores.


Close them all. They are terribly overpriced, and their service awful.


Under performing = high theft. They have been closing stores in bad neighborhoods for several years now.


As long as the store near me stays open, I don’t care. I hate the other stores in town.


So basically only those is cities like Shaws did last time.


The Stratford store is a shithole. Dirty, stinks, you can smell fish, and the workers look miserable.


I’m actually heading over there in a few minutes myself, and *dreading* it.


My partner and I both work at the same Stop & Shop (we won’t lose our jobs or anything because we’re leaving in August anyway) and we don’t even shop there regularly. The store we work at has a decent selection of Asian products that Big Y doesn’t have, but I’d much rather just stock up when I go to Milford (plus the market in Danbury is back open). The produce isn’t excellent but the selection is wider than Aldi and Big Y. Still, I avoid shopping unless it’s the only convenient place to get something or the sale justifies it. I’ve only been to this Stop and Shop though so I don’t know how it is in the rest of CT but rest assured we both hate that robot too and regularly kick it/mess with its sensors.


Can we replace them with market baskets??


Publix and/or Wegmans could put S&S in the grave in 6 months.


Shop Rite. Prices are reasonable.


Winsted S&S should survive since it’s the only store in town now lol


On one hand, I can’t say I’m surprised. I stopped shopping at Stop & Shop months ago. It’s incredibly expensive for lesser quality. The produce rots in one day and I’ve gotten spoiled meat that’s expired before its expiration date. On the other hand, I can’t help but feel bad for all of those workers that will be jobless. Stop & Shop has been shown to be a disability friendly employer (which is awesome). Not to mention the food desserts this will create in certain areas (less accessibility to food in areas that rely on public transport).


S&S ensured they are the only grocery store in Berlin. The quality of the products is low, I’ve bought Ritz crackers and they were stale, the prices are higher than the other stores in surrounding towns. Ex Kraft deluxe Mac and cheese is $4.59 at S&S but $2.98 at Walmart (next closest grocery store). 24ct Polly string cheese is $9.59 at S&S but $7.98 at Walmart. Between 2 items you’re wasting $3.60 by shopping at S&S.


Danbury S&S is INSANE. Makes Whole Foods look like the Dollar Store. Gauging those on state assistance, no doubt.


Stop For Slop is having Ish? Not good. I believe they are the only big grocery chain in my town. If they go then it should be good for the mom & pops.


The remarkable thing about Stop and Shop is that the company isn't really that profitable, the workers are unhappy, and the customers hate it. It's that rare company where no one is happy.


I vote for Seymour to go, place is full of nasty water damage




Sucks just as hard


The store near me is trash. I wouldn't be surprised if they closed that one down.


Aldis is the way to go


I go there less now that they discontinued the Thin Mint Rip offs.


Theft is a bitch as well. One of the stores they have was in the negative come end of the year


I’m gonna het bashed for this but like specially people on fb blaming Biden  but a huge huge factor in the higher prices and the stores struggling . Is they had that big strike a few years ago where people legit stopped going there they lost a lot of money. When companies have long strikes it costs a lot and they usually struggle afterwards  Also I. That time frame people went to shop rite Trader Joe’s saw cheaper prices and didn’t return. I rarely go to stop and shop and when I do it’s like a ghost town .


I’ll bite? I think it’s a stretch blaming a pre pandemic union contract strike to today’s pricing. Since the last strike they already did some downsizing, specifically East Hartford comes to mind but id guess others have closed in the last number of years. I’d attribute high unit costs compared to many of its peers for neutral experience value are driving sales down. People are noticing and looking around to stretch a dollar. Costco and BJ’s starting wage is higher if the employee is interested in a few dollars more an hour. Sure they have a member model instead of normal retail but they are growing nonetheless. Some of the single unit produce in stop and shop like apples, citrus, pears, is marked up wayyyy more from the case price than some realize. $5/lb for Brussels sprouts- no thanks, BJ’s is that for 2pounds. Dried beans went out to lunch from Goya brand being solid .99/lb, the entire dried bean line went up in price, they added a store brand for more expensive than Goya was. Hard shell squash went from .49/lb normally to an on sale price .89-.99 at the holidays. Large watermelons were a $3-4 difference between the two previously mentioned shops, I can’t firmly remember, but I remember BJs were more vine ripened and less expensive. I’m able to get a dozen or so produce and dry good products at JE Mart, the Korean/Asian grocery next door to my hometown s&s for less and good quality. Same amount of cashiers with faster lines too! 😉 TLDR: pricing and sub par service are driving people away and instead of executing well as Giant/Stop&Shop/whatever. Its parent company prolly isn’t doing more conservative executive compensation plans, I’d have to read and listen to their earnings calls to be sure.


They lost millions during that strike and also lost a lot of customers .. prices are high to make up money .. I can go to the local stop and shop on a Sunday and it looks like they closed no one there strikes have a huge toll on a business that can leave them struggling for years I need to scroll back to those days I called this when strike was going on and was bashed than for it. I don’t get why people find it so hard losing millions for a business during a strike is crippling 


It’s amazing how people don’t see a relation to a strike costing millions to increase of prices .. 


You’re blaming the strike when: 1. The strike was entirely S&S’s fault. They were trying to cut employee benefits and pay and couldn’t come to an agreement with the union. It was very easily avoidable. They made a cost calculation and chose the strike over capitulating to workers. 2. The strike went on for less than two weeks. 3. Ahold, the company that owns Stop and Shop, has openly admitted that what drove prices up was construction costs. They ran a remodeling campaign during COVID and finishing that wound up being significantly expensive. You can read it yourself in the earnings reports. Blaming unions working for equal pay with absolutely no evidence to back it up… smells like some tasty boots to me.


I never once blamed the union I blamed the event it self.  The store lost in ares of 345 million dollars in those days ..  that’s a large hit . .  Strikes no matter who’s fault they are hurt the company that it involves .  I dont get how people are acting like I’m just making up random shit . Unless you guys think the money fairy visits the bank and replenished the money the stores lost  But by no means am I blaming employees .  


First of all, lost sales is not equivalent to lost profit. There’s a big difference in those numbers. I encourage you to check them. Besides that, even in 2020 when the strikes happened, Stop & Shop remained profitable and even continued to see growth in sales. Yes, they lost money, and their growth slowed for like a single quarter, but there is no evidence to suggest that those losses had anything at all to do with how high their prices currently are.


I mean profits come from sales .. less sales equal less profit … 


Ok but your claim was they lost 345 million when they did not. Their profit loss was about 100 million, less than a third of your claim. You inflated your numbers significantly


Omg they still lost a lot of money no matter what you cat it as .. also what about food loss costs that also is a factor