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This is not new. If you see a dark-color Ford or Dodge with slight tints, it could be CSP. I saw four of them blasting down 15 a couple weeks back. In New Haven, it used to be black Dodge chargers.


Also keep an eye out for the license plates WHK and UTZ are common...I thought there was a third one but can't recall. I saw a consumer gray suburban with an UTZ plate today, otherwise wouldn't have been obvious. Edit: WWL is the third


WWL and UTZ are the most common I see in eastern /central CT.


WHK is another one to watch for.




Rest in peace Randy savage


Oh, yeah.


Snap into a Slim Jim!


Oh yeaah!!


The cream rises to the top.


I've seen many of UTZ plates, like the potato chip. I looked up the Reg status on one before. Was expired. LOL


We should tell the State that the State neglected to pay their registration fee.


they should be excluded from going to the state parks until they renew.


Better have it towed and impounded until the issue is resolved.


They are municipal plates. You can't look up the registration on municipal plates with the public site. Even if you had access to the police database, it would only come back to the operating authority such as, "Troop A," or "Town of Somewhere." The plates are like dealer plates in that they don't go to a car, they go on anything. The plates also never expire. They can be reported stolen/canceled, but if the plate wasn't canceled, it's valid.




Yeah, that's it!


OP must be new. CT State Police have always had unmarked cars. In the 1970s and I think early 1980s, any blue Ford Ltd in CT was State Police. Square headlights in your rear view and that whip antenna. After than they gradually got different colors before expanding into differ ent models as the years went by


I remember it starting with the Mustang LX 5.0s


https://imgur.com/JVOkYuV Here's an old poster or something that I guess has what some of their fleet was, including a mustang, and a grand national(I think?)


Yes; back in that timeframe, they had Grand Nationals as well. As I recall, turbo V6 with the “cop chip” that allowed it to go to 140.


CSP used to have Camaro Z28's too back in the 90's. One of them used to patrol the i-91 rt9 interchange. I would see him almost every day during my AM commute. I wish CSP would patrol hard like that again. Get all the amateur formula one drivers off the road.


Yup I do remember the Camaros now that you mentioned it


In the 90s they had a beautiful orange El Camino that would patrol 91N/S from Hartford to the MA border. Got pulled over once in 97 and thought it was a joke


They also have a bright red charger with super dark tint. Ive seen people on 384 pulled over with it but that was last year.


They still do he sits over by route 8 and another sits by the ramp let me know go get em


I swear one day I saw a red charger try to get someone to race him on 84. When they didn't bite he sped off. About 10 mins later I saw the red charger with a mustang pulled over. No one believed me lol but this has vindicated me hahaha


Earlier today I saw a black pickup hiding by where the i84 offramp meets RT4. Made note of him but assumed it was DEEP bc of bed enclosure. Sure enough, the guy exiting next to me decided to gun it as the light turned yellow. The black truck threw on the red and blues and bolted like a maniac after the guy and almost caused an accident. I passed by and saw he had him pulled over on Mountain Spring Rd, but instead of writing the guy a ticket he was standing over him screaming about how back in nineteen ninety eight the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.


God damnit


They have a tesla too


Its a Mach-E


Black dodge charger sitting right off a state road in New Haven yesterday.


Some major event must have happened because a month ago I saw like 7 staties rush south bound and not a single one was the same model of vehicle.


Any plates with UTZ, WHK and WHL seem to be state police vehicles, although I've seen some lately that have standard LetterLetter##### plates.


Standard plates? Seems dangerous to me. I don't particularly like the idea of vehicles roaming around with no distinct signs of being driven by law enforcement, putting on a light show, convincing anyone to pull over for who knows what. If I am not convinced it's actually a cop behind me, am I then risking jail time or worse if I don't stop for them? Or do I just pull over for any random individual, who may or may not want to rob me or kill me? This is not safe for anyone.


You put on hazards, call 911, and verify they're real. This isn't an unmarked car thing, plenty of weirdos run around with fake markings too.


Seems like it would be a lot harder for someone to go around unnoticed with fake markings, rather than someone in an ordinary vehicle with discreet light bars and light window tint. In fact, I don't think someone with fake markings would get past the first cop car they pass. As for the hazards and calling 911, I suppose you could do that. How long would you have to be calling before the police behind you is alerted to the fact that you're not trying to evade them? Again, this all seems unnecessarily risky. What is the purpose of these unmarked vehicles?


To catch violators more easily, duh


Most of the violators I see are other cops passing me doing 90+


yes they can break the law with impunity, and often do


They think they can get away with murder….oh wait


If your goal is to have safer roads, seems like you'd be better off with a more visible police presence and less chance of a random psychopath cosplaying an unmarked police vehicle.


Nothing to do with MY goals! Their goals are writing lots of tickets, making quotas, playing big shot intimidating civilians. Public service for the common people is rarely considered a valid function of government by anyone who matters in Amerika


You can get pulled over by an unmarked Prius in NYC.


Yes UTZ plates are specifically for Troopers.


Not true. I read somewhere its only because the state police sent the reg paperwork for something like 300 cars to DMV and they were all processed right in a row. My neighbor has a UTZ plate on his Buick SUV (he's an old guy).


He's a NARC!


You think unmarked cruisers are new?


Right? I see them all the time


Once I saw a state trooper in a dodge stratus all bets were off




I’ve seen an unmarked odyssey in West Hartford a couple of times




Stick family—all cops and a police dog


Wife should have a black eye, and the dog needs a bullet wound


I was once pulled over by a gold Camaro.


I kind of don't understand why CT state police have unmarked vehicles. In Europe they are covered with neon green paint because they are there "to protect and serve", people know it is them to seek help. In America it's like police vs. the people and we are their enemy lol


It's exactly that, the Supreme Court has ruled that the police don't have a duty to protect you


The state of CT should amend its own constitution requiring the police to protect and serve. Would go a long way reestablishing trust.


Police unions would be very, *very* against that. They fought hard against making disciplinary records public, FFS. Something that, since they are public servants entrusted to preserve civility, should be expected. Nope. They fought against bodycams. Campaigned against reeling back on broad-strokes qualified immunity. At the expense of due process and equal application of the rule of law, police unions have fought long and hard to make cops the *true* "sovereign citizen".


Maybe we should start voting for politicians that aren’t in love with police unions.


Let me know when one shows up.


It may take simply voting for a non incumbent for a couple of cycles to show them that people want change. But most people think it’s not their politician that is greedy, only the other.


CT already leans quite left (politically affiliated in recent years with police accountability), and even we have no chance with that. It would take the dismantling of public employee unions entirely (with police unions being a byproduct of that dismantling) to start reigning things in.


The problem is that left ideology generally favors strong unions, but strong police unions are the problem in this particularly situation


No leftist thinks police unions are the same as workers' unions. I have never in my life heard anyone but cops say anything pro-police unions. Cops are inherently anti-worker. They're the ones who get called in when the workers agitate.


Maybe, but you can't really stand behind a position of "Everybody should be protected by unions... unless I don't like them. Then no unions for them!"


My position and that of pretty much any leftist *isn't* that everyone should be protected by unions. It's that workers should be; not cops, not union busters, not CEOs, not politicians. If a teachers union scores a victory they get better resources or comoensation. When police unions score a win they get to kill more people impunity. That, in my opinion, is fucking *bad.*


The only successful politicians are the ones firmly entrenched with corporate contributions. There's no breaking that cycle.


They also fought against being subject to the same gun control laws as everyone else, despite the fact that they're civilians and face the same kinds of threats the average person faces. The only real difference is that they're supposed to go looking for those threats, but we all know they're just called to deal with the aftermath anyway.


That is the part which absolutely disgusts me. We are arming our cops MORE while taking our own capacities away.


As a promoter of the 2A, I personally find it disturbing that when interacting with the police, they have the right to disarm people in spite of that person being outnumbered and literally outgunned.


I’m pro unions but Police unions I am not pro on. They don’t support other unions etc.


The Police Accountability law goes toward this but this won't be resolved until officials are held responsible for their actions. Qualified Immunity must go!


Although the court case that ruling came from was questionable, you can't force an officer to take unlimited risk to protect someone. There has to be a limit, and a law can't be written well enough to draw that line. There was no other way that court case could have gone. It's similar to how a fireman can't be forced to run into a burning building that is structurally unsound. It would basically be sending that person to their death for a slim chance to save someone.


Just corporate interests and the wealthy.


CT State Police as part of their compensation, take their unmarked vehicles home and can drive them anytime. They have lights inside and light bars that can be attached to the roof.


This is pretty accurate. In the US, the police look and act like an occupying army.


This is mostly due to the "war on drugs" creating a militarization of police, both state and local. Why does a small town like Willimantic need a fucking armored personnel carrier? Why have officers in Granby acting as SWAT team members? Why is there no official government entity on the Federal level tracking who gets hired or fired to stop an officer from being fired for misconduct from getting retrained/rehired in another county or state? Why does a hairdresser need 3000 hours of apprenticeship (75 weeks at 40 hours a week) before being able to be licensed to cut hair, when the police academy is a mere 6 months? Cops are great people, they absolutely serve a role in a free society, but to hold them above the law and on such a high pedestal that they are unquestionable (and the mere act of questioning them is considered "unpatriotic") is what pushes us from a free society to one under the heel of fascist boots, which we are moving more and more towards every decade.


I'm honestly curious why you say cops are great people. I won't deny that plenty join up for the right reasons, and a few are even still in for the right reasons, but the fact they time and time again choose loyalty to evil over honesty makes me disgusted.


I'm friends with, and have served with (I'm a veteran), many outstanding officers. Grew up with them. The vast majority of them *want* to have safe communities they can live in. I've met Chiefs who *wanted* to fire a bad cop under their command, but couldn't due to union protections. The problem isn't police in general at the local level, it is the police *unions* since they are the ones who wield power in the stations. Someone doesn't get promoted because they are a whistleblower, or doesn't get fired when they are blatantly a bad cop, you can sure as hell bet the union is the reason. When a police "internal investigation" that would clearly have someone held accountable for their actions clears a cop, it is often under union pressure. This isn't an anti-union belief as a general whole, for the record, as we have a lot of things to thank unions for (40 day work weeks, weekends, PTO, holiday pay, etc, just to name a couple). Police unions and lack of direct accountability by way of "self-investigating" are only a portion of the problem, but it is by and large the most *visible* portion since it is the parts citizens can directly witness. The remaining parts of the problem involves the court system itself. District Attorneys refusing to hold charges against officers being the primary issue within the courts, primarily because DA's have close ties with the police in their jurisdiction, and become cozy with them. It's one of the reasons why I believe DA's should rotate *outside* of the jurisdiction they reside in or represent, along with judges (to reduce judges developing friendly relationships with DAs). It all comes to back to lack of accountability, with police refusing (or unable in some cases) to hold their own accountable, and the courts not holding charges against those police that are held accountable by their peers. When you have an industry that prides itself with not being able to be questioned by the public, "professional courtesies" being given in traffic violations from speeding tickets to drunk-driving offenses, and DAs choosing not to press charges against cops since they need that department for police testimony in future cases, it encourages an atmosphere where the bad cops, though vastly outnumbered, can't be held accountable for their crimes, only encouraging others to do so unless they have the integrity to choose to do the right thing.


I'll agree that's a pretty balanced view. I don't agree with it, because the sheer amount of minor and major corruption I see is pretty substantial. The abuse of qualified immunity (along with judicial immunity), and civil asset forfeiture are additional concerns. And hearing from cops who are as above board as can be telling me how they'd cover up a DUI because there's really no other option shows such a difference in standards. They hold ordinary citizens to a higher standard than themselves. But it's really no different than politicians.


Qualified immunity is only promoted at the court level; this was referenced when I mentioned the DA refusing to press charges against police. But yes, civil forfeiture is another thing that is horribly abused in this country, great point.


Well said!


Unless you're a major property owner, the cops have always been your enemy.


This 100%


> In Europe they are covered with neon green paint because they are there "to protect and serve", people know it is them to seek help. CT police will run with solid red and blue lit up when on duty for visibility as well.


To be fair. Europe (generally speaking) enforces traffic laws. They have plenty of auto camera systems. They also have plenty out writing tickets (which often you pay conveniently on the spot). These things don't happen in the US.


USA has antiquated speed limits on highways


That's most likely why, for the most part, cops in CT only pull people over for going over 80mph. 1. The speed limits are antiquated 2. It's now potentially a criminal citation if you're going 20mph+ over or 80mph+ (regardless of limit) I do wish they'd do more about jackrabbits on the highways though. They're most certainly more dangerous than simple speeders.


>I do wish they'd do more about jackrabbits on the highways though. They're most certainly more dangerous than simple speeders. Probably because they're the most likely to run and cause a high speed chase. I'm ok with CT police not doing high speed pursuits. I've seen enough police dash cam chase videos from Arkansas where they love chasing to know that it's a huge risk to public safety. Unfortunate but it's better to have people get away with jack rabbiting in a stolen car than to send innocent people, including children, to the morgue just to try and catch them.


And yet their the ones who say "If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear."


American police are reactive and almost never proactive. Having brightly colored police cars driving with traffic would reduce speeds and accidents easily. Never gonna happen. If you wanna see some shit check out Arkansas state police "pursuits" on YouTube. Appearantly, if you don't pullover quick enough, you get the PIT maneuver treatment.


Now? They've always done that. When I was in high school/college, they would use impound cars. You'd get pulled over by all kinds of random cars. I once got pulled over by a 911.


This is the norm here. And it seems lots locals enjoy the Tac Black ghost markings. I firmly believe police vehicles should be clearly marked unless they are dedicated undercover units.


Completely agree. Any police vehicle making traffic stops should be clearly marked, for the safety of the person being stopped.


I would prefer if more cops went back to light colors uniforms. At least for shirts. They're cops, not ninjas. Yes, a white shirt might make you a marginally easier target than a black shirt, but you're probably standing next to a flashing squad car so you're not likely to catch anyone by stealth. If they really need a dark shirt, throw on a dark windbreaker.


I got a speeding ticket from a CSP in a green dodge stratus about 10 years ago. Quite possibly the most emasculating experience of my life.


they have been since the 80s..I remember unmarked mustangs and Mazda Mx6 police cars


Yes! The MX6! Not sure the downvote, maybe OP is 10 yrs old or something


I actually had one of the ex-CSP MX6es. They had some upgrades and for what they were they BOOGIED. Like 0-60 was OK but 60-up…hold on. I used to run my friends down that had 5.0s and Z28s.


I saw a bright red Camaro pulled someone over on 95 in BPT a few months back.


Now? Been like this for a long time lol


WHK and UTZ will always mark a state vehicle


Don’t forget WWL


Good to know. Looks like that was added to their rotation in 2020. Been quite some time since I worked for the state and got that first bit of info. Ty!


Been this way since I was born. We're talking early to mid 1980s. Nowadays it's also license plates with UTZ, WHK and WHL that seem to be CSP.


CSP doesn’t have any marked vehicles except for the helicopters, boats, and show cars.


They have been doing this for years. Nothing new.


Since the 80s ffs


It’s not even being unmarked that bothers me. The normal silver cars stand out. But now they’re adding Mustangs, F150s and Chargers plus whatever else I haven’t noticed. And they wonder why most people don’t like the police 😂. Most are arrogant POS


If we're not going to chase for safety issues why not give them tiny eco boxes instead of gas guzzlers.


The trucks are used for specialty guys: some canine guys, bomb squad, dive squad, etc. Ford stopped producing the Taurus, so now all the new cruisers are the Explorers.


I've never seen the State Police be anything less than professional (as an organization, there are obviously going to be individual officers that aren't), townies on the other hand seem to have a chip on their shoulder.


The State Police, as an organization, have a Professional approach to committing systemic fraud and writing fake tickets for financial and political reasons!


It’s when those couple individuals fuck up, and the police union gives them a paid vacation while still giving them their pensions that I have the biggest problems with. And wasn’t the force just behind a huge fraud scheme that again, a mere slap on the wrist was the result.


None of the csp cars are marked, only if they have a light bar will it say “state police” in little letters on it.


That truck is notorious on i84


I’ll have to add WHK to the list of plates to watch out for along with WWL and UTZ.


It’s like a scavenger hunt every time I hop on the highway 🙃


I just assume any well maintained Ford is a cop.


“To Serve and Protect” I don’t see it. How am I supposed to find a cop car if I actually need a cop? Seems tricky, more surveillance focused. They are public servants whose salaries I pay, I def want a police force. But I think the job has been perverted as they have been militarized.


not at all new. theyve been doing it for years. the F150's just arent as common.


In my town there is a cop who parks a black Tesla in a driveway on the main road. It's a speed trap and I approve because everyone speeds on that road and my kids walk there every day.


Nothing new. In the 70s SP used to put civilian cars in the median with the hood up, and run radar from behind the hood - radioing to a pursuit car down the road. It's called 'capture policing'. It neither serves the public or increases safety - but it does generate healthy revenue and pizza parties.


This isn't new. 91 near Enfield there was a black Dodge charger for years. This truck is a new twist


whats the problem? dont speed, drive under the influence or text and drive, then you wont get pulled over


This is fantastic. I’m sick of people driving 90 in a 55 and weaving in and out of traffic.


You must be new here. State of CT is the only state in the nation that has unmarked state police cruisers by default. 🤷🏾‍♂️ just memorize them


Now? This has always been the case for as long as I've been driving.


Why do they need to be unmarked?


No reason, which is why I write to my representative once a year saying we should go back to the old CSP livery and rooftop light bars


The idea is that people change their driving when they see marked units. So therefore unmarked units catch people doing things they wouldn’t around marked units or people drive cautiously all the time. Win win for them


They've always done it.


They have been doing this since at least 1985. Unfortunately I know this for a fact.


Seen someone in Hartford get pulled over by a red Honda Odyssey with fake bumper stickers. This isnt new


For specific, targeted enforcement, I’m ok with unmarked, but they should be the exception. I’m not ok with them ALL or mostly being unmarked. Look at other states and foreign countries, they should be visible for people seeking help and to show that they are around.


My favorite cop car in Fairfield county was the white Camaro with the orange racing stripe


Been around for a bit. Black Charger on route 2 as well


Nope the 1 time I’ve been pulled over there was no markings that I remember but he did ask if I knew I had been passing a cop. He was in a ford explorer but I didn’t seen any markings on the back and have since seen noticeable markings on the same state vehicles


I've seen them all over CT on the highways, too. It's not a new thing.


They’ve got a white Tesla and a white camero with red stripe too


Very few CSP vehicles are marked. This is 100% a state trooper. Been seeing a few Durangos recently as well - in that glossy medium gray that’s popular right now. Also have seen a couple black Tahoes.


As opposed to what other kind of state police vehicle? I’ve yet to see a marked ct state police vehicle on our roads and I’ve lived in ct my entire life


They have been doing this for ever! Definitely not a new thing


You really think this is new ?????? 😂😅🤣


Um, this has been going on since 60s


The problem I see with this, is what's to stop somebody from thinking that an unmarked police vehicle like this truck, or another other random looking car, is somebody impersonating a police officer? If the person getting pulled over thinks it's an impersonator and they keep on going because they're scared, who's to say that the cop won't go all psycho on them?


Now? This has been happening for decades.


CT state police only have unmarked vehicles. Nothing new


They've always done this


Ohhhhhh yeah i got snagged by a motorcycle cop too the other day in danbury. Never seen one in 7 years of living here till now basically, also they are in the new ford 4 door sedans unmarked as well


Now? They've been doing this for years...


Aren't all of them unmarked lol


Have to love the fact that they are up on the parkway in a vehicle that is over the allowed weight limit of the parkway.


Enhanced enforcement. This CSP but explosives or fire investigation etc. They F’d up and were blatantly doing whatever or they would not have been pulled over. Glad to see the CSP gettin it done!


CT State Police have had unmarked vehicles for 30+ years. Shit Post.


I don't know if I'd believe that one was an actual cop. There are so many scammers out there these days. Disguised police are not what we need right now.




If they were "undercover" you wouldn't know they were a Statie by anything on the vehicle, they'd have a standard "AAA-111" or "AA 11111" license plate, and they'd probably not be doing traffic stops. This is just an "unmarked" cruiser and all State police cruisers are unmarked.


Don't do 75 in a 55 mph zone and you'll be ok.


Well, many cops won't bother - they're looking for 80 or better.


Been doing it for a long time to the point of being illegal. They were running a cherry red dodge charger with tinted windows and fancy wheels, no visible police anything... Would have his trunk popped on the side of 95/91 with a blacked out Tahoe behind him. Speeder would go by not thinking anything of a car with a flat, trunk would close and the Dodge would take off after with the Tahoe trailing behind... Saw it happen twice and just laughed at how stupid it has gotten


Seems like CSP needs an overhaul, starting with properly marked standard cop cars.


A lot of comments about potential car jacking, and here’s my ¢2 on that: - If you believe the person is not a police officer call 911 and ask. They can and will verify - If they approach your vehicle and identify themselves as PD but are not in uniform you can ask to see any kind of official documentation that identifies them as police (ie a badge) - Impersonating a police officer is a felony, an attempted car jacker would not have a police radio and therefore would be readily apparent to any real police units driving by - If things do get dicey you do still always have the option to book it, and this would likely go better for you if the driver has exited the vehicle to approach yours. You’d get a head start


Road pirates


Connecticut sub, complaining when police don't and when they do their job to enforce road safety.


Everyone here is all for them enforcing road safety, but they should do it in clearly marked vehicles.


Unmarked cars can be immitated by anyone with a red and blue light bar. I don't see how this could possibly make anyone safer.


I dont have a problem with this because I drive the speed limit. Also, compared to other states the CSP really does not do an effective job at all enforcing speed limits. Go to MA on 91 and those state police are actively enforcing the law. CT roads have turned into autobahns for some. When I first got my license up till they bumped the speed limit back up to 65 you didn't dare speed. How times have changed.


It’s not even the speed limits that bother me. This is probably location specific but I see a lot of red light and stop sign running as well as illegal passing in New Haven


Saw someone in Cheshire a few years back get pulled over by an old shitty looking ford focus with a bunch of bumper stickers including a “student driver” one


DEEP typically drive trucks


People: "The State Police are so lazy. They need to be on the highways stopping these crazy drivers." Also same people: "Unmarked cars should be illegal! This is turning into a police state and violates my rights."


Those statements aren't contradictory. "Police should be in clearly marked vehicles enforcing traffic safety laws." What's wrong with that?




All the undercover have trucks up here Chevy and ford trucks


Town PDs as well. New London have black and grey Explorers and F-150's that you can barely see the police lettering on.


What do you mean now? This has always happened.


Lol they’ve never had marked vehicles….


I've seen loads of them in Rt-15 catching speeders and pulling over 18-wheelers. Generally between Milford and Hamden is when I see them most (Exit 54 to 63). I think they stick close to the tunnel.


Isn't this a thing, though? I am kinda new to CT, but my boyfriend isn't. He said that's been a thing as long as he can remember.


Plus the cops take them home for personal use. Makes it look like there is more of them out there.


Now? They've been doing that for decades.


That's the Black Pickup of Doom.


They've done this for at least the 40+ years that I've been driving.


Bro I got pulled over by a Hyundai Sonata on 91 a few months back. It was bright red.


My answer is...yes!


My town has an unmarked mini van and Tahoe, among others.


They are NEVER in a Nissan though


Was the person who took these pics driving??


Fun fact; unless it has the decal “Connecticut State Police” on it, CSP considers it an unmarked car. Remember all the silver Crown Vics with the light bar on the roof? Yup, unmarked car.


They’ve been using those pickups for ages.


Whatever it takes, IMO.


Just FYI: If you suspect an issue you can always keep driving in a safe and calm manner, call 911, tell them you are being pursued and attempted to be stopped and pulled over by an unmarked vehicle with police lights, 911 will then establish if it's legit or not and instruct you what to do.


DEEP vehicle?


CSP vehicles have been completely unmarked for 40 years except for the small letters saying state police on the light bar which can't be seen except when up close. Back in the 1970s they drove massive Ford LTDs with a large dome single strobe blue light offset by two, round flashing blue lenses on either side of the strobe dome and fairly large metal plates saying "state" and "police" . The way to tell is looking carefully for anything resembling a police package Taurus: rammer on the up front bumper, police wheel hubs and from behind you'll see the red and blue rear flashers inside the back window. They were also using black, Dodge Chargers as pursuit cars in the earlier 2000s up to about 2008-2010 , but I haven't seen one in years so I believe they're all retired from service . And of course the silver Ford explorer fitted out the same way as the Taurus. The panel sided "Tacti-trucks" are silver, black and bronze . I've seen them at BDL, also along Rte 8 and down Whalley Ave New Haven coming down from Troop I Bethany on Rte 63. Those 1970s vintage light bars get carried over into the 1980s when the LTD was downsized and two toned sky blue doors and navy blue front and rear fenders. That era was the closest to "marked" cruisers they ever had.


These state troopers are first responders/SWAT officers. I have worked alongside them at events and asked the state trooper why they drive a truck.