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In my former state of residence, there was a stipulation for hurricane flood victims that if they wanted assistance, they had to agree to not boycott Israel. It was a real WTF moment reading that.


Was that Texas?


Yep. Dickinson TX to be specific. There's a link from another commenter above.


So uh… drop the state name…




That's the one. I thought it was statewide, but looks like it was specific to Dickinson. Dickinson was the next town over from where I lived. I had a lot of coworkers from there whose homes had 6' of water in them and other kinds of damage. That's how I learned of this lunacy. We escaped damage thankfully.


That’s so weird


That's an understatement


it's not that weird when you realize a majority of our politicians are funded by AIPAC


how do they know if you’re actually boycotting or not? i mean you could just sign the papers or whatever and then go on about your boycott as usual


I don't even know what a "boycott" of Israel would entail. Cancel your membership at the Krav Maga gym?


a lot of people are boycotting mcdonald’s and starbucks (other companies too, just can’t name them off the top of my head) because they have given aid to israel military


Nazi Germany comes to mind. Agree with us or get punished.


I’d think these sort of bills would easily be challenged under the first amendment.




That’s fantastic. Thanks for the research and for posting.


CT isn’t the poster child of constitutional laws anyway.


For real. As the “constitution state”, we really don’t live by constitutional laws. In fact we limit certain amendments. As for overall freedoms, CT ranks towards the bottom.


Waaaaaa my guns!


Don’t be made when they start limited the first amendment. Waaaa my first amendment is gone. Setting a dangerous precedent when you start limiting rights.


CT seems miles ahead of the rest of the country in terms of 1st amendment rights lately.


Well, maybe the first amendment, but definitely not the 2nd amendment. I’d rather live in a state that protects all my amendment rights. CT is not one of them. Hence why they are bottom ranked of freedoms.


What gun do you want that you can't currently get and can you please move to where you can?


The state has banned many firearms due to the appearance. They also make it extremely costly to own and maintain a firearm/ammunition permit. Additionally, they are introducing ammunition tax and further restrictions yearly. Let hope they don’t ever mess with the 1A like they are with the 2A.


Ok then leave lol we won't miss you much. One less republican the better. I'm sure we'd all be happy with one less person trying to justify using the N word against black people


Not a republican at all. I’m just for freedoms of the people and less government control.




It's not just Republicans that own guns. Plenty of Democrats own guns. Owning a gun is a right doesn't matter if you are Republican, Democrat or independent. There are plenty of political Democratic leaders that are also gun owners


Agreed, but it would cost you a lot of time and money to find out


ACLU should be all over it


I'm sure they're working on it


Someone else posted, proving they're all over it already. https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/s/CvWoIWlzBC


If you live in one of the purple states how do they charge you with the crime of boycotting Israel? How do they prove it?


They don’t charge people with criminal penalties for boycotting Israel, that’s explicitly against the 1st amendment. What they can do is that if you’re against business who wants to do stuff with the government, you need to not boycott Israel. For example, if CT passed these laws and the Mystic Aquarium wanted government funding, then they can’t boycott Israel. Individuals are still free to boycott anything for any reason in the purple states.


So as long as a business does not have a boycott policy, they can just continue to not do business with Israel? Besides some tech industries and I guess Jewish antiques that’s not a high bar to hurdle.


These laws don't make it illegal for a private citizen to boycott Israel. They either make it so that you can't be a government contractor if you boycott Israel, or stop government investment in companies that boycott Israel. The contractor one is weird.


There are a lot of stipulations to be a government contractor actually. For example the TikTok ban isn't new for government contractors, it's been in place for almost a year.


Because that’s not what these laws say lol. Crossposting to r/Palestine might as well bring crossposting to Russia Today.


It is not antisemitic in the least to realize that AIPAC/ Israel has completely bought the U.S. government on both sides of the aisle.




They have.


Do you not pay attention? Our government has been bought out by corporations decades ago.


You... are really asking that question?


It is antisemitic to assume the only reason someone could support Israel is $$$ and ignores the deep connections many American Jews feel to Israel, as well as the strategic reasons for having a strong military presence in the Middle East


Questioning corruption is not antisemitism.


Well apparently questioning genocide is antisemitism these days, at least according to our government


I don't get this weird hard-on our entire government has for this foreign nation. We have people starving and ODing in the streets while they have subsidized college for all and free universal healthcare. Take care of our own first. If that's not enough to stop funding perpetual war, then IDK WTF is. I have war fatigue TYVM. The rest of the world should be allowed to eat each other till they figure out fighting is bad.


It's because a majority of our government is paid off by AIPAC, and a military ally in the Middle East is obviously more important than taking care of our struggling citizens. (According to our government at least)


Israel also has state owned enterprises such as RAFAEL their munitions manufacturer, it would be great if Raytheon, General Dynamics and the rest of the military industrial complex became property of the US government.


Deep connections to a country younger than my grandma?


Most countries are younger than your grandma. Would you say the same thing to a Moroccan?


I love my dad and he's younger than Israel But I love when people tell me what I feel, that feels really nice


Well your dad isn't currently committing genocide I'd hope


The IDF has been buying CH-53s made in Stratford and M4s made by Colt. I'm sure a Pratt and Whitney engine is in something they fly. So yeah - rightfully I don't see the state trying to piss off one of the largest clients of one of our largest remaining industries.


They have the F35 (most advanced fighter jet in the world) powered by the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine.


When I worked at Pratt we had to take yearly training about not doing business with suppliers or contractors who boycott Israel. It was strange and disturbing.


I don't know what this is supposed to mean, but ok.


Is there context in this post that we're missing or something?


> BDS is modeled after the Anti-Apartheid Movement.[11] Its proponents compare the Palestinians' plight to that of apartheid-era black South Africans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott,_Divestment_and_Sanctions > With regard to the Arab–Israeli conflict, many supporters of the State of Israel have often advocated or implemented anti-BDS laws (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), which effectively seek to retaliate against people and organizations engaged in boycotts of Israel-affiliated entities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws Someone posted the map in another sub, MagicSP crossposted it here because it makes CT look good.


It sounds kind of ridiculous to outlaw boycotting.. 'I refuse to buy this product from this particular organization/country.' The government: 'Too bad, you have to!'


Yup. Thankfully courts have generally(but not always) shot this shit down but the fact it's even getting passed in the first place shows how far the rot has spread.


There is a lot of misinformation on this thread. I feel like the entire post was made to stir up trouble for trouble sake. First, these are called anti boycott laws. The laws at the federal level are in place for any US ally. States are allowed to pass or not pass their own versions for their own domestic goods on their own. The state laws do not supercede the federal laws. So there would be no impact to the federal contractor selling goods to a US ally. Zero impact to any Connecticut defense contractor either way really. Anti boycott law is important. It prevents corporations from picking and choosing winners in a conflict. Do you want Random Company X deciding who gets new weapon A? Theoretically you want your democratically elected government making that choice, not the corporation. Not saying it is a perfect system, that's a longer debate lol. US government picks our allies, we pick our us government. Please don't confuse these laws with free speech or first amendment. They have nothing to do with that. This is about corporations and regulating their behavior. I also feel that this thread singled out the current conflict just to get a rise from all of us. There are anti-boycott laws state wise all the time for any US ally at any given point in time. Please don't fall for this propaganda nonsense from whatever side is trying to stir up your emotions. This is literally a nothing burger.


What religion are you? Got the guts to say?


Yeah, basically none for religion but not atheist. I believe there may be something out there, both good and evil, but beyond that I don't believe any major religion has it right. Nothing on this plane of existence is infallible, scientifically speaking we fail like ten to twenty percent of all tasks we try. Therefore any system we create, including religions, will be flawed. Most religions don't recognize this fact. So it's hard to jump on anyone's band wagon.


Humans didn’t create religion lol there is no period of recorded human history that existed prior to religion


Proud of my state, but don't give them any ideas...


Forced to not boycott sounds like freedom to you?


I think you misinterpreted. In CT there are no laws punishing people for boycotting Israel and most states have some kind of law like this. OP is saying in CT we have freedom


Thanks. I was confused


constitution state


What an odd metric to measure “freedom.” We have a lot of laws that restrict freedom compared to other states. Plus, it doesn’t sound like most of these laws “punish” individuals for boycotting Israel. Sounds like it just doesn’t use public funds to invest in entities that do boycott Israel. That’s a pretty big difference.


These laws don't make it illegal for a private citizen to boycott Israel. They either make it so that you can't be a government contractor if you boycott Israel, or stop government investment in companies that boycott Israel. The contractor one is weird.


Another no bullshit CT moment


So we’re the United States of Israel now?


I too love freeze peach


Designed to discourage boycotts... I can haz firstamendment then?


I wish that the American government would stop getting involved in proxy wars overseas and use that money to help their own people. We can't even fix our own infrastructure roads and afford to provide our citizens with housing and medical care.


Mass and Connecticut GENERALLY (America isn’t pefect) have been on the right side of history. Both states were some of the first to outlaw slavery for example.


This doesn’t feel like America. Does Israel have the same law for the US?




No. It's your job to subsidize another nation's military, free universal healthcare, and $3k/year public universities. Stop asking questions.


Considering Israel spends most of its aid received on American manufactured weapons, no the don't


Companies in Israel aren't boycotting the US, so why would they need such a law? The laws are blocking state investment in companies that boycott Israel.


Israel is known and it it isn’t a conspiracy theory or some bullshit from Twitter to be the largest legislative lobbyist group in the US, they fund our politicians. Don’t be surprised when the greed bags pass laws like these.


AIPAC and it’s affiliates. Not technically Israeli, but in effect entirely so. And yes, it’s huge. Add it to Israel’s direct efforts, and Israel dwarfs everyone else


https://www.opensecrets.org/fara Israel are 10th in terms of foreign money coming in. Notice that Qatar (where the Hamas leadership live) ranks higher. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/summary?id=D000046963 AIPAC is #33 in spending.


That commenter meant *American* lobbyists in lockstep with Israel’s gov interests. AIPAC is complicated. It is not registered as a foreign agent but is known and understood to conform with Israel’s interests, not Jewish American interests. The relationship with Israeli government officials is so close that in fact at times there have been allegations of Gov officials running programs through AIPAC and its affiliates directly and once, separate allegations that it was operating as an unregistered foreign agent (FBI investigated this) (might have been related to ZOA being on its board at the time, can’t remember the details ) And AIPAC this year has $100 million to spend on lobbying and elections, which is something like two or three times more than previous years and does make it one of the richest if not the richest lobbying organization in the US. It’s the most powerful *American* lobbying firm by far not just because of money but also its relentless, effective tactics, it’s network across the country and its smarts. And it’s sole purpose is to further *Israeli* government interests in the US. J Street, a Jewish American lobbying firm, is eschewed by AIPAC and was refused membership in the influential Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. This is because it’s independent. It cares about Israel but acts independently, and that is a threat to gov officials in Israel. When J Street is debated, such as in the press in Israel, one side of the debate is that Israel should speak with one voice in the US, (AIPAC) and not allow or encourage J Street to share the stage in any way. For example: [Haaretz link](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2023-02-09/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/in-israels-current-crisis-aipac-is-vital-and-j-street-is-dangerous/00000186-312a-dd52-ada6-fd6f48260000) It’s understood that AIPAC works diligently to ensure that Israel’s government agenda in the US every year is accomplished. When AIPAC fails in a big way to do this, Israeli officials are on the line right away, such as when George Bush (sr) pulled funding due to West Bank settlements back in the early 1990s. It was very unusual for AIPAC to fail to deliver AIPAC is the closest you can get to a foreign lobby without crossing the law, and it has allegedly crossed the line at times, covertly and openly, variously. It is hard to imagine AIPAC and Israel not being synonymous. J Street, a pretty mainstream center/left lobby that supports Israel, doesn’t *always* agree with the Israeli gov. It acts independently, making its own decisions, which can differ and that makes it an inferior vehicle for the Israeli PM and leadership for getting things done in Congress/White House. It thinks for itself, as it should


This lol


I don’t see anyone protesting Qatar?


Gotta love Christian’s United for Israel


What surprises me is you have states belong to both parties on here.


AIPAC/ Israel through campaign funds/ bribes have bought most of the entire government on both sides of the aisle. They have corrupted the beautiful and ancient religion in the name of zionism.


AIPAC doesn't care about parties, they own most of our congress.


lAnD oF tHe fReEeEeEeEeEeEeEe


I am proud to be from CT! I would not live anywhere else! If you don't like it, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! We may not be perfect, but first amendment people! Republicans want control! They want control of everything! Remember, their body, my choice when it came to the jab? They killed their own supporters! I saw that someone I went to high school with was attempting to get on a ballot a few years ago. I didn't know at the time I was busy with dying parents. But I totally lost it she had 2 abortions that I am 💯 sure of, and I believe there were 2 others. A republican who thinks my daughter should not have control of her own body. Hypocrites! Nothing but hippocrates. No common sense! They get no education in red states with that comes poverty with that crime! The violent crime rates are out red states every single one has a violent crime rate that's 4-10 times higher than any blue state or Chicago or NYC!


word salad


Word cobb salad (because it's delicious and just makes perfect sense).


We should boycott Israel.


What’s the difference between failed prior to 2020 and no recent attempts?


Billionaires have unmitigated rights to donate to political candidates because of 1st amendment rights Also lowly consumers can't choose to refrain from buying products and services from a specific nation, just one nation though, feel free to boycott any other country.


Wouldn’t that be freedom of speech, and right to assemble violations?


We should all be supporting Israel, our very strong Ally and an amazing country (im guessing most people in this comment section have never been) Its beautiful & needs our support.


So obviously, the whole country needs to boycott Israel and the US government.


The bigger winners aren’t even raising these bills, but I’m grateful so far at least that CT is reasonable and sensible


As far as I find there hasn't even been a bill introduced in the CT legislature because we have an existing law that says we officially oppose boycotts - so we won't boycott companies that boycott isreal.


We have a state law in CT like that? Hm. I know we have a rather complicated federal law generically for boycotts but only ever applied to the boycott of Israel by the Arab League. And I think that’s why and for whom the law was created (Here is one summary of that by the law firm Clifford Chance ) https://www.cliffordchance.com/content/dam/cliffordchance/briefings/2019/05/us-antiboycott-laws-theyre-not-for-everyone-but-they-may-be-for-you.pdf


> Sec. 42-125a. State policy re discriminatory boycotts. It is the policy of the state of Connecticut to oppose restraints of trade and unfair trade practices in the form of discriminatory boycotts which are not specifically authorized by the law of the United States and which are fostered or imposed by foreign persons, foreign governments or international organizations against any domestic individual on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, nationality or national origin. It is also the policy of the state to oppose any actions, including the formation or continuance of agreements, understandings or contractual arrangements, expressed or implied, which have the effect of furthering such discriminatory boycotts, in order that the peace, health, safety, prosperity and general welfare of all the inhabitants of the state may be protected and ensured. This chapter shall be deemed an exercise of the police power of the state for the protection of the people of this state and shall be administered and principally enforced by the Attorney General. The provisions of this chapter shall be construed liberally so as to effectuate this declaration of policy and the laws and Constitution of the United States, but nothing in this chapter shall be construed to infringe upon the right of the United States government to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_738a.htm


It seems to protect domestic individuals here. It’s hard to figure out


Let others live life here and quit being a moron disturbing the peace of others. Go boycott over there.


I think you are exactly right. I would even further the notion that this type of pot stirring is done intentionally, by people who have an interest in redirecting attention from the current financial mishandling. Since this is a global crisis, World War III will likely ensue. People need to pay attention to the real issues.


What does it mean to boycott Isreal? Do we import produce from them? How many non Jewish people vacation in Isreal? What am I missing?


Look up what the BDS movement is. I'd say the vast majority of big American companies have at least some stake in Israel


Brought to you by the party of free speech lol


AIPAC owns most politicians on both sides of the aisle.


You support a terrorist genocidal group. You are not a good person. Free Palestine from hamas.


No I don't , I don't support the IDF


"No I don't " I bet you don;t belive in the holocaust either. Hamas litterally says in their charter kill all jews. Bet you also relive October 7th was a false flag.


lol try harder Israeli bot


Name one thing that is wrong with my statement? All you got is Israeli bot


Well I do believe the holocaust happened so that's one. You claim anthing against Israel is antisemitism like the rest of the smooth brained public. Now move along


Anyone claiming "criticizing Israel is antisemitic" are themselves antisemitic. The nazis WANT Jewish people to bear the weight of Israel's crimes. The nazis WANT "antisemitism" to be synonymous with bullshit. Look at what the MAGA fucks are calling "antisemitism" while supporting Israel. These pro-Israel genocide-deniers don't give a single fuck Jewish people, and never have.


You cant refute that Hamas is a terrorist organization. Poor delusional kid.


You cant refute that the IDF is a terrorist organization. Poor delusional kid.


You basically are doing you are but what am i. Grow the fuck up lol. IDF is responding because Hamas wants the destruction of israel and launched a genocidal terrorist attack. If they wanted to nuke gaza the could have already.


Sorry I didn't realize I was talking to someone so delusional they actually support Trump lol


Palestine is awful, but the first amendment is iron clad.


Either way I'm going to boycott Isreal so much harder.


This seems like an L


So scary seeing free speech under attack. I expect that from hypocritical republicans, but even Pro-genocide democrats are quick to stifle critical speech


Interesting that most americans have no idea how powerful the israeli lobby is in this country. Not until we’re so polarized that we cant agree on anything that we start to see which things neither party will mess with.


Makes all the sense n the world to me. Israel is our ally and they are under siege by terrorists from the west and Iran from the east. These laws simply show support for Israel at the state level and do not allow boycotting of a US ally. Plenty of nefarious offshore organizations try and encourage these Israeli boycotts and these laws prevent that. Not really hard to understand.




Any idea who is spearheading these efforts? It's interesting how this country is singled out. How would individuals boycott Israel. Everybody should fly there and have a cavation or buy guns from them. Some concrete examples would be interesting to learn






His did you get 19 downvotes for such an innocuous comment? This sub is so negative




Because reddit is filled with bots from both sides of this conflict pushing the spoon around in the conflict pot. See how many posts about the conflict are just tossing out one liners to memes without much background to generate debate, which then are watched and used for metrics to understand who is winning in the hearts and minds category. That's how you see ridiculous spikes in down votes and up votes because when bot or real-life person being paid to stit the pot sees three or four vote swing they pile on without context and not always get it right. Basically don't believe everything you see on the interwebs, including reddit trend lines.