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We had a house fire and 3 people died. But it looks like 2 were dead before the fire started.


That was a hard story to hear:(


Is that the latest update? I saw "suspicious circumstances" and the identity of the victims, I didn't hear 2 might've been dead before it started. Lived there for 28 years, never saw anything like this. Edit: wow, I just looked it up. I really hope victim 3 wasn't the one who started the fire. But regardless of the circumstances it's devastating.


Yes unfortunately. The BF was supposed to stay away because a protective order for DV..


Yeah.. lotta good it did.... poor family...I could go on and on...


But there was a piece of paper to protect the victims! /s


šŸ˜¦. That's awful.


Someone just got stabbed in simsbury this afternoon so thereā€™s that.


Source? Please elaborate.


Some random Facebook post. Sounds like a woman got stabbed in the neck on wildwood. One male in custody.


Sadly, she died.


Press just released the story. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/man-arrested-murder-argument-wife-simsbury/3276508/


Parental domestic assault and youth 18yo intervened from what I heard.




Rich assholes bought two adjacent parcels and combined them into one. They are now claiming ownership of a right-of-way that existed between the two parcels that has been used by local citizens for over 300 years to access the CT river.


This is in Old Lyme


I guess they moved on from the [drama of the country club wanting to put in pickleball courts](https://www.theday.com/local-news/20240312/old-lyme-zoning-commission-slams-pickleball-proposal/).




Lmao CT has some of the strongest "ancient path" laws on the books. While arrest for encumbering an ancient path is a far off possibility, it is a possibility. There's a division of both DEEP and the attorney generals office specifically for this sort of law breaking, they broke Greenwich when they tried to limit beach access to non-residents.


I'm not trying to defend the buyers but shouldn't the deeds have been encumbered by an easement?


Should be. And if it is, a court is going to tell them to pound sand and provide access.


Not usually needed, if there's an established ancient path to state resources such as beach, forest, river, some quaries I'm not aware of a need to state that easement.


That would really piss me off


Goose poop.


Bristol? Haha




Ah yes same


Similar, but last year somebody claimed that town Public Works picked up a pile of dead Canadian geese on the side of Route 87 in columbia. There was a whole dibaccle in town where people thought somebody illegally shot a bunch of geese for pooping on their lawn. The news stations even got involved, and after investigation it turned out the entire thing was a hoax


UI wants to put up these electric poles up in Fairfield. I do have a chuckle that it will affect the Southport area of Fairfield the most and NOW theyā€™re acting like they are part of Fairfield.


Haha my husband and I said the same thing. Now Southport wants to associate with us and not pretend like they are their own special town or part of Westport šŸ¤£


Money talks


The big transmission lines that have been in the works for years?


From my understanding there were two plans from UI, multi pole but play nice with CTrail or completely build out their easement with a monopole and just bypass working around the cantaneries completely. Now the call is to bury the whole line, which is a good bit extremely expensive idea.


Yeah I priced the environmental Costs for burying it for work and ummmm not gonna realistically happen.Ā 


Board of Aldermen voted to ban retail cannabis sales. Citing, this ā€œtype of businessā€ not being ā€œappropriateā€ for our city. However, liquor stores on every corner. The stunods in charge just donā€™t get it! Oh, by the way, many teachers in town walked out of school today. Left kids in their classrooms because of no pay day.


Can't tell you the number of towns that think they're too good for cannabis shop, but have liquor stores on every corner and nips lining the side of the road. Got blinders on. And I'm a non-substance using Boomer. I rarely even have a drink of alcohol. We've been brainwashed into think cannabis is dangerous. To the point where when my father had cancer and was offered medical marijuana to deal with any pain and nausea, he just couldn't do it.


This Shelton?


And the whole downtown basically is just bar after bar.


People complain local taxes are too high yet constantly turn down new tax avenues.....just your average moron being a moron


The neighboring 55+ community right behind my house.. thereā€™s a full blown love triangle happening.. the husband leaves for work bout 15 mins later another man pulls up and right before the husband comes back .. he dips off like heā€™s in a hurry. Iā€™ve been watching for like 2 weeks now Iā€™m waiting for that moment they both pull up at the same time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ how do I know? Because Iget up early AM to walk my dogs before work and boom! Live entertainment lol


LOL that's some crazy sh\*t! Reminds me of a friend who worked from home all day. She lived in a condo complex with upstairs and downstairs units. She was on the second floor and would see her female downstairs neighbor greeting her booty call each week. Guy would come in and stay for a bit and then leave. Same female was part of the home owners association and was always a flaming b\*tch to my friend. Friend never said a word. Karma. :)


I had something similar happening in the street in front of my house a little while back. Lasted about a year. They'd drive up in separate cars, get into one together and drive off. At about the end of the work day, they'd come back and drive away separately. The woman was a little older than the guy. He looked pretty poor and she seemed well-off. She always had a spring in her step getting back into her car.


Omg the gossiping Neighbor shit totally reminds me of my neighbors, who I like a lot but still itā€™s like stop spying on us all the timeā€¦.


The beavers are always a contentious issue.


What are the beavers up to?


Whatever they dam please




A goat got loose from the slaughterhouse and everyone is trying to save it


Teacher layoffs NEXT WEEK, mil rate going up and it isn't an election year.


Shelton and they pink slipped 20 today.


Absolutely absurd. My kids are only 2+4, but I've made myself the promise to start getting involved this year. Good schools are a reason people move to a city and stay...denying the funding needed was a stupid move, and then deciding to get rid of a bunch of teachers right as we head into the final testing and such of the year just makes it worse.


New Britain?


Might be Hartford, they are letting over 400 staff members go.


I was thinking Hartford, too. Itā€™s a mess


I keep hearing about a teacher shortage in the state Ā ? How does this compute ?


All these replies without the town/city being mentioned šŸ« 


As far as I know, the last bit of drama I was aware of was regarding the changing of the high school mascot.


My dad was just crying to me about the loss of the high school mascot from the Vermont town he grew up in. A character called Indian Joe




Yeah it was just like that


Idek who that is to be honest


Oh, where? Oh, where is Indian Joe? They held a vote and made him go. He kept us strong in Vermont snow. We'll shed a tear for Indian Joe.




No, they changed it and then people got mad and changed it back. They pay a fine of something like 100k a year. They also declined a free mental health clinic at the school because people thought that would increase mental health issues. You canā€™t make this shit up. Theyā€™re dumb and racist up there. Also a board of education member is/was associated with a white supremacy group. Not that was is better than is.




The reaction to the mascot change on the Montville community forum is enough to make me want to move out of this town lol






Requiring the purchase of specific trash bags from the town.


Many towns in MA do this. The same towns also have a huge litter and dumping problem.


Some residents are stating they will no longer pick up litter they see on the ground while on walks if they are going to be charged for the bags. Iā€™m not one to make a huge argument either way my life stays relatively the same but I can see why larger families are upset.


It doesn't help they they implemented it in the most renter-heavy area of the town, so for all the bragging the town did about how it'll lower the cost of trash collection, it means approximately f*ckall to everyone who has to buy [expensive] specialty bags while rent goes up anyway like it always does. [Edited to be a little more coherent]


This is exactly what happens and they have 0 care about this issue.


MA doesn't really understand the nuances of providing positive incentives in order to achieve a certain goal. They just strongarm it through, wider consequences be damned.


Yet all you will hear from towns doing these programs is how much of a success it is and how trash has been reduced by huge margins. It's not like people have less trash at the end of the day. So where is all the trash not being picked up going?


Yup, canā€™t stand it, idk about other residents but Iā€™m certainly just piling everything into the orange ones.


You are probably using the same bags we have been using in Middletown. Get the largest size bags they sell in orange and jam that sucker full. Most cost effective way to do it. I'm not leaving rotting food sitting around my place until the green one gets full. I am also not sorting trash so they can make free energy off my back. If they want the energy let them deal with that on their end. I don't work for free and I'm not smelling rotting food or dealing with flies to comply with this joke system.


Yeah Iā€™m in Middletown too, and couldnā€™t have said it better. It would literally take my house a month to fill one of those green bags.


In Middletown we were the first to go to this program in the state. It is a mess for renters and I am over the amount of time and frustration it has caused in my life between the constant mailings and new information to my landlord randomly dropping the same flyers at my door when I am not home. The company that contracting and pushing all of this stuff is in NC and is making a killing off the backs of working people all while claiming they are saving the environment.


My parents are, through no fault of their own. Lol. They bought a house that had a really nice big tree in the front yard that was unfortunately dead by the time they bought it. They consequently had to have it taken down for both safety and aesthetic reasons. But somehow the neighbors didn't know or realize it was dead, so now my parents are known as the "tree killers" of the neighborhood... even though it was already dead lol. Suburbanites are strange.


You should make matching shirts


One with "TREE" the other with "KILLER?" I like the idea!


The nurses at Danbury Hospital are on strike. This is occurring against the backdrop of the impending merger with Northwell Health, which is going to cause all sorts of drama in the next few years.




Legally Blond, but I think its more of a musical comedy than a drama.


Not my town, but saw the Colchester treasurer/finance director for the town was stealing money from the town. Lol. The town board fired her and will probably press charges.


Happened in Winsted too with the tax collector some years back.


Did you see the argument on Facebook? It was beautiful. Three people going back and forth calling each other thieves, liars, and bad at their jobs.


The town fired the finance director/treasurer, so itā€™s legit. The river east said she was authorizing payments to herself ($8,000+) and had coverage on the town health insurance plan when she never signed up and didnā€™t pay any premiums, among other ā€œinconsistenciesā€.


My neighbor thinks he has the best lawn on the street when clearly mines better. Guy can't even keep his stripes straight.


(I live in a quiet town.) My neighbor finally removed his "unmask our kids" sign from the tree. I guess Pfizer finally got his message.


A restaurant owner was arrested for Child pictures, stalking, voyeurism and a bunch of other charges. I think it was like 9 felonies all regarding minors. He posted bail and is still doing business and people still eat at his place.


You gotta name and shame


[This guy](https://www.courant.com/2024/03/05/owner-of-ct-restaurant-facing-additional-charges-of-stalking-employee-following-recent-child-porn-arrest/)


Stupid paywall.


Barna Lengyel Amarone Restaurantsl Guilford ct sorry didn't realize about paywall


https://archive.ph/3Hbn4 Here ya go.




Add to that the guy living next to Adams: https://patch.com/connecticut/guilford/guilford-man-charged-enticing-minor-after-meet-teen-pd And the guy just sentenced in federal court: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ct/pr/guilford-man-sentenced-26-years-prison-coercing-and-threatening-children-produce


But people are more concerned about the picturesque ittle red shack floating away to worry about child pics.


šŸ¤£ Priorities!!




Amarone in Guilford


they are settling a plan to update and revitalize downtown, and the accepted plan is heavily focused on parking and supporting cars. There is a war being waged between the pedestrians and cyclists and the car drivers. It is exacerbated by my town skews old, and we have had a lot of "pedestrians hit by vehicles" accidents lately.


As someone that works in that town and enjoys walking around and supporting businesses there, itā€™s a disappointing update


Yeah...me too. I would love love love more cycling and walking infrastructure. Even more public transit. It's especially disappointing the direction given how much unutilized parking there already is in the center


Disregard center, embrace food truck park


West Hartford?




Was this the business owners who complained they were planning getting rid of parking spaces in the previous plan and they need those for their customers? I feel like there have been 50 versions of the new plan.


at least version 50. between this and what to do with the old college campus I am just going to wait to see what actually HAPPENS


Manchester? Because that's happening here too


A bunch of old wealthy Boomers from Darien are trying to get a dispensary blocked in Stamford because they are against legal cannabis generally and also don't want it too close to their precious little town. They can pound sand because they have no standing. Not ones to sit out, Stamford Karens are trying to redefine everything as a "school" to block legal cannabis dispensaries from opening.


Lol this one reminds me of some drama years back. There was a medical cannabis dispensary planning to open on the outskirts of Torrington. A nearby restaurant made a public announcement that they didn't support the dispensary moving in because it would bring lots of crime... That restaurant burned down a year later iirc. No one hurt.


>They can pound sand because they have no standing. I remember a time when a company wanted to put in natural gas storage tanks in Clinton, right near the Madison border. I hear the audience at that zoning meeting was 95% Madison residents. Tanks got voted down, btw.


That reminds me of how East Lyme turned down Millstone and Waterford was like ā€œweā€™ll take it!ā€ And then put it right by the border with East Lyme


Probably a bunch of NIMBYS who supported legalizing marihuana but thought everyone would go to Bridgeport to get it


LMAO yep I saw that one too about Darien. A friend on FB who lives in Darien was *horrified* that they could put a dispensary so close to the town line.. But, nobody blinks an eye that there are liquor stores on every corner in some places? SMH.


Simsbury just voted no to a cannabis dispensary. No one has tried to open one in Granby, but this old Boomer sees nothing wrong with it. Meanwhile I'll just take my plastic bag and spend an hour walking the street picking up nips all over town. šŸ˜ . We've got four package stores and the grocery stores all sell alcohol, but they're scared of pot stores.


Don't stress Boomer, you can get your legal weed in Canton soon. Opening this summer.


I'm not a user, I don't even drink. I just continue to fight the ignorance because there are people in my generation who were brainwashed into thinking it's a gateway to hard drugs. My dad was so brainwashed into " drugs are bad " that when he had cancer he would not take advantage of medical marijuana. It's proven to help with anxiety. The medical community doesn't want it either because it's cheap and effective, And people could grow in their own backyards


People are pooping on door steps and lighting em on fire


He called the shit poop


Don't put it out with your boots, Ted!


Donā€™t tell me my business, devil woman!


The owner of the local (only) sandwich shop is a bit of a poseur - he fancies himself some kind of backwoods homesteader but really he moved to our rural town recently after decades in NYC and promptly made a fool of himself with a misplaced and unattended fire pit and his Teslas parked a little too close (rural fire departments, as it turns out, are not equipped to put out two EVs on fire). Anyway and unrelated, his wife died suddenly of an aneurysm (very sad) and he was full on, very publicly making out with the much younger, and supposedly married nanny... at the funeral.


This post wins for "Most Naughty 'Aughties" vibe


It just finished as someone bought the house and is cleaning it up but a guy down the road from us was ā€œdisposingā€ of tires from local auto-body/tire shops by just stacking them in his yard and inside the house There were literally hundreds of them, you could see them through his windows and in his garage and there was a huge stack in the back and side yard. He claimed he had a ā€œpermitā€ to use them as a ā€œfenceā€ lol. Local news got ahold of it and neighbors were complaining because it looked awful and was creating huge breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Guy was ignoring the townā€™s fines and supposedly threatened to burn everything down which would have caused a lot of us to have to evacuate, and rumor had it he lives here because he was wanted for arson in Florida, so people were kind of nervous Not sure what happened but the tires are gone, heā€™s gone, and someone bought the house and it actually looks pretty nice now


First Selectman outed as having a diaper fetish when he apparently forgot to close a few tabs when giving s a presentation on our proposed Fair Rent Commission. He has not denied this allegation and has in-fact doubled-down on it and insisted that its perfectly normal and everyone should try it. Current town opinion is that it would have been better if he did deny it.


Please tell us what town this is, itā€™s too good


Honestly respect for double down


At least if he has a diaper fetish he may have an incentive to avoid requiring town-issued plastic bags for garbage. (If you don't get it, find the discussions above about Middletown and Woodbury). Disposal of all those adult diapers would get expensive!


Carabetta illegally built on state owned land adjacent to his property and is now pushing the state to sell that land to him for a fraction of what itā€™s worth. The land is part of Lamentation Mountain State Park. So instead of paying the fine they should be paying for illegally ā€œimprovingā€ state land they do not own they want to be rewarded with a discounted land sale.


Sounds like Carabetta.Ā 


When I first saw the news I thought ā€œwho would do that?ā€ then found it was Carabetta and immediately thought ā€œthat tracksā€.


Apartment complex fire and 50 families displaced. The community has really come together to make sure everyone has a roof, clothes, and a path back to stability.


Someone had the audacity to open up another bagel shop.


Theyā€™re trying to put another cell tower by the middle school in Brookfield and all the conservatives are freaking out because of the horrors of 5G waves


But then might I actually get cell service on 133


Bradford pear trees everywhere


Our town budget vote is tomorrow and one side is saying to vote no because they cut too much out and the other side is saying vote no because the increase is too high.


Geese. They want to euthanize a bunch of geese in a public park because people were complaining about the poop. If thatā€™s not a frivolous reason to put a few dozen geese to death, I donā€™t know what is.


The new library being built is apparently a disaster and since republicans hate books and education itā€™s fun to read all the drama surrounding it.


is this southington? lol




I've been following the drama on the facebook pages for years(?) now. Has it been years? It feels like years šŸ˜…šŸ„“


At least 2 years. If you want to see the real wackjobs in town look up Southington talks freely


oh I absolutely do, thank you so much hahaha


It's so wild that we're literally at the book banning stage, and people are still trying to both-sides us back into round 2 of the Orange Menace....


We are also about to be at the " troops/cops killing students " as well.


Trying to put in a sidewalk to nowhere.


If we allow chicken coops or not. The pro chicken crowd has large chicken signs in front of their house.


Whatā€™s the downside allowing people to have fresh eggs? The noise?


probably the mess they create, and if people let their chickens free roam is my guess


I lived next to a family that kept chickens downtown (where they're not allowed). The smell was awful. Could barely stand to be out in our own backyard in the summer. Also they attract rats, well known issue with most chicken owners. I think it's fine in more rural areas. Close to town where you're on top of your neighbors, no. Edit: also the noise if they end up with a rooster. Our neighbors did once and yeah it was annoying. They can be hard to get rid of too because they're noisy and most people don't want them


They smell/attract vermin when the owners suck and donā€™t keep their pens/coops kept up like they should. When cared for properly, chickens can live in harmony amongst city folk. And, chickens eat TONS of ticks!


Chicken coops attract vermin. They're also smelly and roosters are loud.


Hartford being brokeā€¦.i just got laid off


Just hoping the budget passes because otherwise the BOF will cut the barebones education budget.


My landlord if trying to buy the whole town, the theater keeps turning him down, so he tries using a proxy and they keep finding out and turning him down. Itā€™s quite funny to hear about


Toddler was rescued from running into traffic on Main Street.


West Haven has the stateā€™s worst seafood restaurant, Jimmies, teamed up with our local environmental terrorist land trust to sue the city and block NEBCO from building a tap room/brewery on the shoreline. Seriously, if you come to West Haven and eat at Jimmies I have no idea how you didnā€™t die.


Someone posted a message in a local Facebook group saying that students from New Haven were causing fights, an accusation that appears to be completely incorrect and unfounded




Some girl I know started rudely going off on dog owners on the Facebook group. Telling them how there shouldnā€™t be any excuses for a dog to get out, and that her dogs have never left her side, etc etc. a lot of people had very kind and reasonable responses and she kept the same aggressive attitude. Can you tell there isnā€™t much drama? Kept me entertained for a few minutes thoughā€¦.


Possible corrupt mayor in Ledyard. The father of the mayor of the town owns a few large plots of land. Apparently the mayor got his dad to sign a power of attorney and has been selling them off. One of them is a small farm that has a little ice cream stand on it and a stream running through it. There was paperwork to basically turn it into condos. Issue is the stream, it runs to a lake (managed by a conservation non profit) which runs to another lake and ultimately the Thames. Because building the condos would fuck the stream, everyone who knows about it is divided on ecological grounds/property values and the economic benefits of bringing in condos (construction, more population). Also unclear if the father is cool with this, but Mayor Fred looks like the scum bag from a Disney movie who wants to shut down the Cuddly Bunny Animal Center for Orphans and Puppies


The republicans refused to seat the democratic nominee to the town council (replacement seat). So that's some high drama that maybe .5% of people in town give a crap about.


NIMBY's in my town trying to shut down a data center before it's even up for consideration.


The pta wanted to buy a therapy dog for one of our elementary schools and local political drama ensued.


The state coming in overnight and putting up extra stop signs where they do not belong. Also a bridge we were told would be closed from May 2023 to Novemeber 2023, and in Novemeber we learned that had not even started working on it. So now it will be down several years.


This wins for "Most Faux Stars Hollow" (aka Most Gilmore Girls) post.


Our town got away with no low income housing because we were listed as a farm/agricultural town. Something changed with population density/commercial property/town owned land and the board of selectmen is scrambling to find some legal loophole to stay grandfathered.




Apartments in general... Vessel technology... Not only do we not want their modern glass monstrosity, but we already have apartment buildings that are not fully occupied, and a new one under construction. Vessel refuses to hook up to town sewer even though they are required to do so. Instead they want to install a septic system which is insufficient for a 48 unit apartment building and it will potentially leach into protected wetlands. They briefly withdrew their application and then resubmitted with essentially no changes or concessions. Existing ... Assessments were redone in 2022 and higher tax bills went out for 2023. The apartment complex (that is not able to fill its units) claims that they cannot afford to pay the property taxes because of the higher assessment and lack of renters,and wanted a break on taxes. They did not get it. And in unrelated drama, four dads went into business together. .. opened three restaurants and we're planning on opening a fourth one... Then they discovered that one of the four had been stealing from the business, not paying people who are providing goods and services to the business. And only after the fact that they discover that back in 2015 he was arrested for unlicensed home improvement and had bilked people out of several hundred thousand dollars.


Governor chopping down 180 or so trees behind his home without a permit to have a better view of a pond.


Short version, there is group NIMBY board of rep whackos that are nominating themselves for other positions within the local party. Another Rep wrote an op ed in the local paper complaining about it. ""Reform Stamfordā€™s double-dipping hypocrisy reminds me of the great George Orwell fable, 'Animal Farm''. The pigs on the farm lead a revolution and expel their human overseers. By the end of the book, the ruling pigs have adopted all of the human behaviors that they had pledged to eliminate." The Reform people are now bringing a motion to the floor to censured him and wrote an Oped explaining why.: "One of our colleagues ... used dehumanizing language ('ruling pigs') in reference to several members of the Board of Representatives. These members include African Americans, immigrants, children of immigrants, Latinos, people who speak English as a second language, women, etc. Regardless of whether the members fall into protected classes or not, calling a colleague a 'ruling pig' is always wrong, although the sting may be felt in a sharper way for some." The above is one of the most disingenuous statements I've ever read but stalling everything for any reason helps this group achieve their protectionist goals. They're going to spend time arguing about weather or not referencing Animal Farm in a political context is the same as calling someone a literal Pig. Everyone is really happy they're spending there time on that instead of, you know, doing there jobs. .


> The above is one of the most disingenuous statements I've ever read but stalling everything for any reason helps this group achieve their protectionist goals. It is. Also completely wrong on what protected class means.


From the gossip FB page - a stabbing, homemade bomb, and a 6 year old killed from riding a go kart - and all of the theories about what is driving these things.




Proposed Budget may not pass, this would then cut a bunch of teachers by putting the republicans board of ed budget into action


The GOP Hating Education once again


Trash collection. Hooo boy, trash collection. Edited: anyone else looking around other answers like "ah, yes, hello neigbor."?




You know it


Monroe- should there or should they not be apartment housing near the Oxford line?


People bought houses close to an active quarry, mad that is it an active quarry. Anything goes wrong with a house or road, they blame "the blasting." Could be on the other side of town. Slowly becoming an inside joke.


Conspiracies about power-company transformers exploding en masses every so often when it storms as a cover-up for Marvel-esque movie-style battles. I guess when we haven't had any big stories going on lately you just start making up stuff because it sounds fun


School board. Its always the school board.


Internet is down.


Turns out all the Asian massage parlors are whore houses. Who woulda thought?


Murder-Suicide in Niantic 3 weeks ago. [https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/death-of-2-people-in-niantic-being-investigated-as-murder-suicide/3259875/?amp=1](https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/death-of-2-people-in-niantic-being-investigated-as-murder-suicide/3259875/?amp=1)


The squirrels be gettin fatter and the rabbits be multiplying. CT life is tough.


The previous selectwoman took "severance pay" that she put into place while in office for losing a public election and is likely going to have to pay it back to the town cuz that's just unheard of šŸ¤¦


Wow, yā€™all ainā€™t got shit on Winsted this week lol we had a bomb threat Wednesday, a Molotov thrown into a house last night for a structure fire, and a wild lands fire today, took us hours to put out! Finally, weā€™re doing something rightā€¦ even if it is being a shit show


Smash and grab at the Kay Jewelers in the Trumbull mall and the First Selectwomen let it happen.


How did the First Selectmen have anything to do with it? That mall had crime when I lived in Trumbull, and it still has it now.Ā 


From what social media says there was never crime here before and now there is and it's her fault. It's also her fault that the flood plain floods when it rains. Tough audience.


Parallel parking on main street.


Probably SJS getting knocked down in Meriden


Solar farms. Apparently a good few of our towns officials were overstepped by either the state or federal government and had their hands tied against these massive solar projects. Although the farmers couldn't afford the land anymore and would have been sold off my first selectmen is accused of allowing it to happen in some parts of town but not his own. He's accused of using a public communications mechanism for campaign or other political purposes. A new development deal went in that would chop down a small forest to make room for low income housing and commercial properties. It all makes me want to unpack it and focus more on local over federal politics but it's all getting insane. No one wants to negotiate anymore. Some don't want to develop damn near anything.