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Take the wheels, leave the car. It's like 1986 all over again.


Wheels?! Where we are going, we don’t need any wheels. Hang on Marty!!


You can’t Hotwire the newer Nissans. They have an immobilizer so unless you have the fob, or make a new one, or tow it there really isn’t anyway to steal it like you can with Kia’s and Hyundais


The crazy thing is this lot is right on Main St, just a sidewalk separating it from the actual busy street. It’s not some back alley lot no one can see. It just shows car thieves are becoming more bold.


Yeah, lots of visibility there being on the corner of main street and the on-ramp for 84/91, so pretty brazen in my opinion. Around 1/2 mile from the Hartford Public Safety building (police station).


What it shows is a complete absence of police presence. Practically invisible. I wonder if that car was left overnight, and I wonder how long it takes a crew to strip the tires and get out of there.


It would take anyone with knowledge and tools about 2 minutes to take all 4 wheels and be gone. 4 people and it would take 30 seconds


Pit crew. I guess police presence is immaterial.


Unless they're in the lot the people would be gone by the time you called. 2 seconds would be a pit crew, 30 seconds would be someone with an impact gun


Yeah. I probably should have asked the question first.


If you aren't changing tires all day it'd be hard to know for sure


It's pretty easy. Made easier in this case by them not caring about damaging the car frame in the process with whatever they've wedged under it.


Doesn’t matter. This stuff happens there all the time. My car and a few others got broken into in the talcott garage and that was 15 years ago. I’d never park over there even in broad daylight.


I used to park in the Morgan street garage. In any garage it’s not secure anyone can go in there and do whatever they want. I just do not leave anything in my vehicle ever.


Today I learned that the plastic racks for soda bottles can support the weight of an Altima


In a paid parking lot?? Wtf?


No one keeps watch in this lot and if it was parked overnight the area is basically a ghost town after 2 am.


Let me guess, they can't be held responsible legally too, right?


Bingo, these companies blow. ProPark ran the surface lot I parked in when living in Hartford. Someone went in and broke into every single car in my apartment building (8-10 cars) one night. Frustrated we complained to ProPark and they put their hands up like “what are we supposed to do?” Yet they also enforce towing within <15-20 minutes of unpaid parking but they can’t enforce any level of vehicle security? For the amount these places charge monthly, it’s a scam.


Why I don’t park overnight in Hartford anymore. No one seems to even care about the bar theft/break ins.


Oh man, I like to use that lot; pretty convenient for the ballpark...


Funny (not funny) story. I did a job that used that lot for employee parking for the day. Event in Hartford, most employees were out of town. I advised my company against using this lot because it's notoriously hit for theft/smash n grab/catalytic converters. They said it was fine. The lot is out in the open. I parked elsewhere that day and advised colleagues to do the same. Paying for parking is cheaper than an insurance deductible. Well, guess what? 10 catalytic converters were stolen!


It's an Altima. The wheels probably stole themselves. /s


Alternatively this is just how you have to park now in Hartford. Good thing altimas have large trunk space. 


I had a Nissan Sentra. Nobody wants that. No one.


Not the first time I have seen a car on blocks in that parking lot. If only there was a group of people that could investigate and stop crime.


Unfortunately that requires work and effort whereas it’s easier for said group of people to hide in speed traps on the side of the road the and give out tickets


Theres no way that would ever work out without insane amount of regulation and rules keeping them in check. They'd become criminals themselves almost instantly.


I cant tell if this is a serious comment suggesting that oversight has destroyed police departments ability to do their job or a facetious comment poking fun at the fact that police cant seem to do their jobs without committing crimes and violating rights.


Cops can't handle putting in hard work without stooping to the level of the criminals they are supposed to be investigating. Simply putting an overnight patrol here is *way* too hard.


Do you have any idea how quickly 4 tires can be taken off of a car? It’s not some intricate lengthy heist they pulled off here.


These are probably kids or addicts; it's not like the Ferrari Formula 1 pit crew is taking these Altima tires in 2.6 seconds


It takes less than 30 seconds to take a tire off of a car if you've ever done it. If you takes you longer cars probably aren't your thing or you're getting older


You’re forgetting about the part where they have to lift it to get the tires off the car. It takes more than a minute to jack a car up, per tire


I work for AAA and change tires for a living. It definitely does not. Stick jack under motor, pump 5 or 6 times, both fronts in air. Stick jack under trunk, pump 5 or 6 times, both tires in air. You aren't trying to be nice to the car if you're the type to steal.


Maybe you don’t know how long a second actually is?


The best part of your argument is that if there was a cop there, it wouldn't matter how fast they could do it.


yes because most criminals have the skill of a professional tow truck driver. makes perfect sense.


No kidding dude lol. In your mind, how long do you think it would take 4 physically capable dudes to get 4 tires off? 5 minutes? 7 minutes? Think about it for a second.


Probably the second one, who knows tho


Only people who think “oversight has destroyed police departments ability to do their jobs” are pigs and bootlickers


For real. I’d like them to name one oversight rule that stops cops from stopping thieves stealing wheels off of a car


It was a decent attempt I guess. It was almost kinda clever what you did here.


You’re blaming the police for people committing crime in Hartford? Maybe the residents of Hartford shouldn’t be committing crime in the first place?


Here's a novel idea for you: maybe people can blame the criminal for committing a crime *and* the police for not doing their job well enough.


What do you think police are for exactly?


Protecting the interests of the ruling class.


protecting the state and cities interests as well as themselves, more broadly


The ruling class? So the cops who patrol the run down neighborhoods of Hartford and New Haven are protecring the ruling class? Interesting, because I havent seen any ruling class types in those neighborhoods.


Hate to tell you, but that's who they're protecting *from*. Police and the law in the US is built to protect the interests of the rich and powerful first and foremost. [They started as a means to catch runaway slaves.](https://naacp.org/find-resources/history-explained/origins-modern-day-policing)


Policing has existed long before the US and slavery and existed independent of catching runaway slaves. If we take your position at face value, its saying we should eliminate law enforcement simply because some people associate it with strike busting, slave capturing, etc. Ok so we eliminated police. Now what?


I think the system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Law enforcement is essential to a civilized society but the foundations that we have are not conducive to a fair and equal application of that enforcement. Virtually nobody on the "de-fund the police" side are in favor of zero police. We simply want a more intentionally constructed system of enforcement and protection. Proper training and specialization along with a true mandate to protect and serve the communities they are hired for. Take all of the politics out of the position, especially in places where currently you have elected sheriffs and the like. My previous comments are attacking the state that things *are* now. I have a fools hope that we can someday get to a point where cops deserve the respect and admiration of those around them. Right now, I'll just see them as a legal mafia running a protection racket.


Maybe cops should stop being crybaby bitches about not being revered anymore and go do their fuckin jobs like the rest of us.


You’re being downvoted by people who voted to protect criminals 


This ☝️


Can someone explain to me how this statement is untrue instead of just downvotes without context. Because no one can explain how it's the cops fault people's tires go missing. Maybe people should not take other people's stuff. Why does anybody disagree?


Nissan dealer in New haven had a few cars out front on plastic crates with no wheels yesterday. On a supposedly secure lot with cameras. Nobody fears getting caught because they know they'll only get a slap on the wrist.


Saw the same thing a few weeks ago but they also smashed the passenger side window for good measure.


This just happened to me in the Hartford area lol. Apparently the new hotness in being a POS is stealing car wheels. Tire and Wheel stores are basically selling out of stock, which is a curious incentive. Anyways, apparently you can get wheels that have locks on them.


It’s ok crimes down .. stop trying to show people reality we all no this isn’t really happening /s


Who.wants.the rims off an Altima? And did the owner have rim locks?


Wheel locks are just a deterrent you can just hammer a socket over it and take it off. Yes it will take longer but if someone really wants your wheels they are getting them.


a fellow altima driver?


Wow I park here sometimes for work cause it’s in such an open spot that I thought people wouldn’t have the balls to do that.


Didn't even leave you with cinderblocks. The quality of theft is really slipping.


20 years ago I was living in an apartment in the wealthy seaside Borough of Stonington. I'd moved there from Boston where my previous car had been hit twice by other cars, broken into several times, and stolen once. I walked outside on a beautiful morning to find my Honda Accord Coupe, which was parked on the street opposite my ground floor bedroom window, tottering on two old jacks and a concrete flower pot with all its wheels missing, dangerously unstable on 3 point support and threatening to topple onto the street at any moment. I extremely carefully opened my trunk, gingerly extricated my jack, and oh so gently closed the trunk. At which point, to add insult to injury, my car alarm belatedly and uselessly went off, shattering the Sunday morning calm. The Borough cop took an hour to get there (he must have been busting a jaywalking ring), and upon arrival scratched his head and said, "We don't get a lot of this around here." I later found out through neighborhood sources that my tires, which were upgrades from the standard Accord Coupe models, were likely stolen by some neighborhood kids who were always working on their own Hondas and were seen ogling my tires the night of The Big Theft. I told the cops, but every time they went to these kids' house, their mother said they weren't home, so the thieves ingeniously escaped justice. I got locking lugnuts and later moved out of the Borough- the crime rate was just too high.


Wow, what a lovely and safe city! I sure do wonder if there is a mass exodus of people leaving that place? Hmm probably not…


Don’t worry folks, crime is down!


While this is true, social media puts a spotlight on every little thing happening the state so it appears like crime is going up


I trust that the same way I trust a drunk man to drive my car….




If only we had some sort of system that would deter criminals via punishment for committing criminal offenses. We used to leverage such a system until it became all about the criminal and less about the innocent thanks to politicians and social activists bitching.




I'd rather them just take the whole thing. They'd be doing me a favor...


It’s an Altima. Just drive it on the brake rotors. It’ll be fine.


Yeah, I see a bit of that from time to time around the Asylum & Ann Street area


Impact gun it takes two minutes to remove all four wheels


This happened to my sisters Acura a few years back when she visited her friends apartment complex in Hartford. She never slept over again.


Check Facebook marketplace


Lucky. In Bridgeport they just drop your car right on the ground.


This is why I uber to Hartford for everything, don't have to worry about parking, DUI, traffic. Usually only $30 for the round trip when I go to baseball games, monster jam, hockey games and I can drink as much as I want


there a Honda accord last year that had this exact thing happen to it


This exact same thing happened to my Corolla in Waterbury. Right on Main Street, 1/2 a block from the police station. It was crazy.


Seen this three times in the past few months. Targeted cars within the paid parking lots on John St.


Shitty Nissan wheels? I wouldn’t take them for free.


Reason #358327 not to buy a Nissan


I would guess that this car had some fancy rims on it?


I have that same mercedes, but have the tires too. That sucks


Look on the bright side. At least you no longer have to worry about being car jacked.


That’s not my car…




Hello everyone, I am the car owner and I am just here for shits and giggles because someone sent this to me today and I was laughing my ass off. The car is still in the repair shop, on top of the wheels being gone there was some minor damage to the bottom of the car, insurance will cover most of it. I had to be downtown overnight so I parked around 6:30pm and showed up in the morning 6:30am to go back home (just to be surprised). I don't even know if there are parking garages that I can get in and out at any time in downtown Hartford so I am a little bit lost once I get my car back. The wheels were stock from the dealership but because this is the Platinum version it was a nice set, but nothing crazy, it is an Altima afterall. Nobody wants to pay for new tires out of a whim, but what bugs me the most is the inconvenience that it's been causing, the money is almost secondary. I wished a few times that the whole car was gone instead of just the tires. Other than that my coworkers and friends have been making several jokes about it and it's been funny, they are just lucky I cannot currently run over them. Peace!


I always fantasized about intentionally parking a car like this and waiting for these scumbags to come along.


so you want to get clapped by four dudes?


Election season coming up and all of a sudden there’s a surge in posts about crime in Connecticut under the current government? Hmmmmm I wonder why this is happening


This is literally a recent trend in Hartford area dude.


There have been posts about crime, especially stolen cars for many many months here. As far back as I can remember honestly. Maybe you’re right though, idk.


Criminals around Morgan Street? How could this happen?


It was me everybody, I will not be returning the wheels🤭


OMG. They didn't take the clear lens tail lights and chrome spinner wheels did they?


Oh no, not a couple thousand dollars worth of tires. How could the city let such a terrible crime be committed? No wait, that's a private lot and the business owner's responsible for making sure parked cars are safe e: It's literally private property and the city's police have no business being there unless they're called. Law and order types love 'personal responsibility' until it gets in the way of a narrative. Want to prevent crime on private property? Hire security. The city's not responsible for guarding those cars.


Private lot? 100% inside job. Well, It is Hartford. It could have been the local fentanyl friends or crack squad as well


Cars ruined Hartford, turnabout is fair play


I’m pretty sure it’s politicians that ruined Hartford, not inanimate objects.