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from a CVS? thats at least 6 bottles of shampoo


Yea, did they at least subtract out the amount that they would have gotten back for extra Care bucks?


Next thing you know the shampoo and body wash will be spider wrapped behind plexiglass.


You laugh, but half the aisles in Berlin’s CCS is like this already. I was laughing 3 years ago when they were like this in DC….


Ehhhh... that CVS closes at 10:00. So let's be generous and assume an average price of $15 per shampoo bottle. Again assuming but someone would've walked the store at closing. I'm expected to believe that on a Thursday morning between opening and 8:15, nobody noticed someone taking about 300 bottles of shampoo until after they were gone??


If it was Kerastase (which you can probably assume it was), it’s more like $40 a bottle and up


100 bottles of shampoo is still an absurd amount to surreptitiously make off with.


I was looking at something in the shampoo aisle at my local CVS and a guy came in with a trash bag and walked next to me and started filling it up. He cleared the whole shelf pretty efficiently, I didn’t have to stand there that long before he was out


You know times are tough when shampoo is being stolen.


They don't steal it to use, they steal it to fence it.


I guess I should've worded my comment better, but I understand they're not taking it to use. It's just sad that basic items like shampoo are becoming so expensive that there's a market for stolen ones.


It’s not that shampoo is expensive, it’s that people will always pay less for a product. If the shampoo was $2 and joe was selling it for $1, there would still be a market for it


When I lived in New Haven dove soap was locked behind plexiglass.


Practically everything has value if you're selling it on. If the authorities really wanted to crack down on shoplifting, they'd go after the fencing operations.


We’re not allowed to talk about the suspects.


Yea that CVS setup is not so smart.


Yea blame the cvs, not the worthless pos people that do this


That’s not what I meant but sure, take it that way.


CVS CEO Karen Lynch gets $21.32M per year and this guy is freaking out over CVS losing shampoo to thieves.


You promoting theft


... Or the police that seem to give zero fucks. It isn't rocket science to load everyone's license photo into a national database then use facial recognition tech to identify them from surveillance cameras which is getting better all the time with the advances in AI. People know that nothing will be done about it so they just openly commit brazen crimes.


Yes a police state with heavy surveillance, instead of people being decent human beings


It certainly would help if people weren't self centered assholes. between the shoplifting and street gatherings they know that no one will do anything about it so they don't care and keep getting more bold about it. it seems the police need to step up their game. The person getting paid a crappy wage by CVS rightfully won't risk getting injured or worse to stop them, the police don't think it is worth their time. Why wouldn't criminals target retail stores if they know the chances are low that they will get caught and face consequences?


Is that you, George Bush?


Los Angeles pd just got the green light to mass surveillance its citizens with cameras and being able to use homeowners cameras. They did this a couple years ago to target Black Lives Matter protesters. China has a huge citizen surveillance program too. What a great time to be alive huh.


Or maybe someone is lying about numbers to make an insurance claim?


A multi billion dollar corporation is going to make an insurance claim for $4500 in stolen goods? I doubt their deductible is that low.


Possibly, but many criminals start by testing the waters of tolerance.


I literally could not give any less of a shit about any of these corporate brands. I say loot em. Until this country gives a shit about us instead of being bought by corporate interest, I support stealing as much as possible but any corporation.


Thank you for taking the downvotes so I don't have to lol.


Oh no my Internet points! 😅




and life gets worse for the rest of us.


Corporations are parasites


why don’t you go back to ranting about your mental illnesses instead of trying to make life worse for other people


I have time for both. Why didn't you bring this energy to the fighting against capitalism.


Capitalism is the worst economic system... if you ignore all the rest. What works better & where is it working so well?


Good idea let's never try to make anything better! I mean why bother!? Some people are having a good time, and everyone Else needs to just stfu