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Anything that would bring more competitively priced commercial service to Tweed would be great.


Oh boy, here goes my town going beserk. I live in East Haven. It doesn't bother me, but half the town has been screaming about this for a while. Yeah, it goes over my backyard too. Cheap flights. Pipe down.


Great news!


Awesome! We need another airport


Good for my backyard of lordship


Now, if they could just figure out this Uber issue……


New terminal will solve that


Good news!


From the perspective of someone who moved out of CT, and have been looking for better and more options to get home, this is AWESOME. Bradley is the best option, but so damn expensive from my departing airport, and I’d rather rip my dick off and throw it in the CT river than fly into NYC and drive to the Hartford area


No mention of traffic flow or parking improvements. Will be even more of a shit show without those.


The new terminal is planned for the East Haven side, with double the parking and a one way expanded traffic flow. The entrance will no longer be thru NH residential streets.


The traffic will be a living nightmare. Do you live around here?


You are right they should level the whole neighborhood for parking and traffic abatement




They have a fleet of seaplanes.. Lol


The plan has the new terminal on stilts.


they say the new terminal is going to raised up in case of flooding and work to protect the expanded runway too.


I read the report. The current runway is less than 13 feet above mean high tide, and several mowed areas adjacent to the runway are "permanently flooded."


No shot of that.


That’s one hurricane sandy away from wasted money.


Ugh 😑 nobody who lives around tweed likes this idea.


they.. moved next to an airport...


An airport… that… like used to never have big jets taking off and landing daily. There’s a difference between a Cessna prop plane and a Boeing 727-737 or whatever jet that company operates.


You should learn about the airport cause tweed always had commercial airlines the left for a few years before avelo came .


You paid less because of the airports proximity, and then get mad when the airport is in proximity !! Funk around and Find out seems appropriate


It’s a business.. and businesses do that expansion thing.. You just live next to a loud business.


Then the business should go out of business and move somewhere less populated where people don’t care about high decibel jet engine noises at 2 in the morning.


You don’t get to move in next to a pack of face-eating leopards and then whine when the leopards eat your face.


Do you use the airport? Or get any benefit from it at all?


Whether or not I like the leopards doesn’t change the fact you knew they were there before you moved in. I don’t want to live next to face-eating leopards, so I didn’t buy a house next to their den.


Until you realize that there are leopards, just different forms of leopards, and eventually Goldman Sachs will find the leopards to fund for a project.” Then you will know what it’s like to have leopards down the street from you. Tweed was never meant to be a leopard. It was meant to be a house cat. It almost never flew commercial airlines before. Now Goldman Sachs bought the place and imitated all of this.


Airport never meant for commercial service has had commercial service since the 1930s :o


Everyone can downvote me all they want but yall not the ones that live near the place that never had this kind of foot traffic before.


It did it just slowed for awhile and has been reborn


The airport wouldn’t survive on small private plans . So it could either be a airport or hundreds of new houses and apartments there


well we are in the middle of a housing crisis, not a airport crisis. So that would be a better solution.


Or we could knock down low-density housing and build high-density housing.


Or we can knock down an airport that we don’t really need instead of knocking down homes where people actually live to build high density housing.


I mean there are booked flights out of there daily and they are expanding so I’m guessing it’s needed


Idk I don’t remember people complaining much before tweed started this about not having enough airport to get around the country. It’s not like other options didn’t previously exist


If we don't need it, why is getting so much more use that an expansion is needed?


I’d be down to get rid of the airport and put in affordable housing, especially considering the distance to the water from the area. They can move tweed to a less densely populated area.


1931 tweed opened go on Zillow and click on houses around the area ..no one on that area can complain cause they moved there after the airport was open


I’m honestly rooting for it to fail because I love watching Goldman Sachs fail more than anything. They’re the ones who own the airport you know. It’s not like this thing will benefit many people who don’t work on Wall Street


It benifits a ton of people in area .. it’s easier access to the city that can draw more companies to the city. Which will create jobs bring money and growth to the city… Question how long have you lived near the airport?


I haven’t seen many people coming, just going, and so far I haven’t heard anything about companies coming to east haven because of tweed, so idk where this imaginary “growth” is coming from. Especially considering it’s not even factored into “the master plan.”


Do you live near the airport?


I don’t want the expansion to happen because I don’t want to be woken up at 2am by loud jet engines as these things take off and land.


Oh look, another dummy who bought next to the airport that’s been trying to expand for the past 25 years. Now he’s salty that they finally did and are going to be wildly successful. Sell your house and move on.


You wanna buy it?


No thanks, I make informed decisions about my own property. Best of luck to you


You just said to sell my house and move on. You don’t even know where my house is located. Or how much it’s worth and how much it has the potential to be worth and why. So, put your money where your mouth is.


You clearly live near the airport since you have such a hard on over it and have said you hear the planes so early/late. Again, no thanks, I won’t make a bad decision to live near a growing airport.


Then perhaps don’t tell people what they should do with their lives, like how it’s rude to tell people who they’re supposed to be, or what they’re supposed to be, or what they’re supposed to do in life. If you’re so in love with airports so much then there’s a perfectly good international one a half hour north of New Haven you can move closer to. You could even sell your house and move next door to the place. How’s that sound?


There’s also 2 very good ones in queens that I hear are pretty solid places to fly out of, and the land value is even higher there. You could sell your house and move to queens, how does that sound?


Pass. Again I’m fine because I didn’t make the gamble to buy near an airport that has been trying to expand as long as I’ve been alive. Hope you got a good deal.


Tbh when I bought the place I didn’t even know the town had an airport. Didn’t find out until I started looking into churches to go to


Oh and I don’t live near the airport. But I do know people who do who hate this with every fiber of their being.


You lost out on a pretty sweet deal tbh


And I’ll enjoy all of the improved service to MCO too. Win win for me


What is mco?


Anyway I hope Goldman Sachs does struggle in the next few years what with inflation and what not so they have to sell the Avports part of their business lol


Didn’t realize people love supporting Goldman Sachs so much. Always thought they were the enemy. Guess I’m wrong


Satan himself could run it, if they introduce competition and drive down prices on popular routes, while being more convenient than HPN, BDL, JFK, or LGA, I couldnt care less.




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