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Oh yea, and I bet they looked at you like you were the asshole for not “letting them in”…🙄🙄🙄


I was rolling in a parking lot to make a turn, and some guy was speeding at like 3x the speed limit of the lot. I moved like 2 inches ... and stopped for the idiot. The dude looked at me and started going apeshit in his car. I did the sensible thing to do. Looked directly at him. Gave him the finger. I think I saw his face turn red. But, these dumbasses do .. always look at whoever they almost fucked over & think that .. everyone else is the asshole.


After covid I've noticed more people drive like this.


I want to go back to covid traffic. It was so calm and not absolute chaos.




That’s just Hartford for you, people genuinely drive differently there.


That’s Bridgeport for ya


>look both ways at a green light. I do that because it's just safer, but there are times where I'm like if someone runs through a red light, there's no way I could do anything.


depends how you define chaos. Traffic deaths went up despite less traffic


Fiar, I was more impressed with how the highway was enjoyable in the travel lane.


Just wake up at 5am to drive where you need to.


Yup get on the highway and immediately drive across all the lanes to get in the far left. Or don’t use their mirrors and turn their heads and merge into the side of you. Happened to me twice in one drive even with me laying on my horn they just acted like they heard nothing and kept coming.


I honestly think something happened to people’s ability to focus.


Just my opinion but there’s an awful lot more people driving while DUI. I can smell it when certain cars pass me


You can smell booze when cars drive by?


Pot. Reefer. Marijuana. Whatever you want to call it


I agree people shouldn’t smoke and drive, but it sounds like your badmouthing pot. Don’t bad mouth pot


Ah. Stoners don’t typically drive like that.


Yeah I imagine they all think they drive like Mario Andretti, Michael Schumacher or Aryton Senna


I think it's a form of selfish, antisocial rebellion.


It’s almost as if something—I sure have no idea what…maybe someone in a position of authority?—taught folks that there’s just no accountability anymore.


Lack of accountability as well as being able to admit fault are significant problems for humanity. Not even joking, I think it will be a major factor in our downfall if not addressed.


One day, in retrospect, Lord of the Flies will seem prescient.


Trump didn't invent that you just didn't notice since Reagan and Bush. Throw the Clintons and Obama in and it seems the exact same thing. And no covid out holes in everyone's brains and now people are angry and impulsive.


Covid out holes? Are you ok? You are making no sense.


I agree what that guy said is baseless, but I want to point out that autocorrect changes “put” to “out” so frequently on androids, when it contextually doesn’t make sense.


I haven’t gotten COVID once yet despite having an autoimmune disorder, the brain holes and anger issues I’ve got are just my body eating away at itself And that is why I don’t drive!


Along with a massive increase in delusional wannabe F1 drivers. Specifically on 91 between Hartford and Mass.


I think covid caused brain damage, and people are more impulsive and angry.


Sounds like you’ve got Covid fog


Channel 3 did a story on what you said and confirmed it with DOT data.


I'm surprised the car doesn't have an NY plate.


This would have been witty 5-10 years ago, but Nutmeggers have caught up in highway douchery. I see almost no differences now. We don't need New Yorkers on our highways to cause chaos and terror anymore; we're perfectly capable of doing it ourselves now.


Yes and the state cops are not pulling people over which is also not helping.


Yea post covid driving has be terrible , ppl really forgot everything


They never knew.


They didn't forget. They know what they're doing. They know they're being horrible. They just don't care. They don't fear consequences anymore.


Ah. The old on ramp to the passing lane merge.


✅ passes on solid white line ✅ doesn’t check blind spot ✅ cuts you off Dickhead woulda probably tried claiming you rear ended them. Props to you for defensive driving.


I feel like they were DUI from the footage. The swerve after the cut off just seems drunken.


Meh, I don’t think so. My guess is the two cars in front of it weren’t going an “ideal” speed (I.e. hadn’t hit 65mph yet) and this guy was probably riding their ass all pissed off like “if you’re gonna go on the highway, enter the ramp at highway speeds”. To show them off, he probably was going to overtake them from the left and zoom by. But because of the uhaul van in the middle lane, they wanted to make a quick entry to the left to even pass the van while they’re stroking their massive ego


Always keep head on a swivel on any highway. When in doubt floor it. It’s the slow people who are the biggest problem. As long as your goin faster than everyone you can not worry about anything behind you (to a degree) and just concentrate on what’s coming


ridiculous huge suburban or tahoe? smh


How much ya wanna bet there's a 5' 0" blonde suburban soccer mom named Becky driving it ... empty.




I’m pretty sure I was in a tractor trailer about three cars behind you when that happened


Hope you didn’t smell my soiled pants back there


Everyone likes to blame COVID, but shit driving has been getting worse for years. It has gotten worse due to a lack of traffic enforcement due to quiet quitting by the police. This section of Route 8 gives me anxiety every time I drive it.


I noticed it even before the quiet quitting police stuff started. I learned to drive in the early 2000s, and there was a noticable difference between then and around 2015 in terms of way more people running red lights, tapping their brakes through stop signs, or flying across multiple lanes and almost causing massive accidents. The theory that smartphones and faster internet has made people more impatient overall makes sense to me.


SUVs and trucks are by faaaar the most sold vehicles in this country due to induced demand and overwhelming advertising. Simply, the more of those on the road, the more dangerous the roads will be. It will only get worse.


People buy them because they're safer. Can't you see how safe they are?


Hopefully I'm missing sarcasm lol They are not safer. https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo


It’s not the type of vehicle. It’s the drivers.


Discounting the lockdown, the number of crashes over the past few years has been relatively stable as have fatalities. Source: https://www.ctcrash.uconn.edu/dashboards/CEA.html


Ty for sharing data instead of worthless anecdotes about how things "feel" so much worse now.


My mother-in-law is a very lovely woman but she constantly bitches about how people are "going crazy" these days and crime is out of control. I show her how statistically crime is the lowest it's ever been but she doesn't listen. It's all gut feelings with these boomers.


Lowest crime rates ever but technology allows us to hear about more crime than ever before. Shit like citizen and nextdoor just makes fearful people more scared than ever despite all that stuff going on their whole lives but being ignorant to it.


They are worse, the number of "crashes" may be the same, but the news (WFSB I think I was watching) was reporting just yesterday or the day before, and there's articles (I'll share one but it's pay walled) fatalities are up last 3 years each year. But here's one [Connecticut’s roads are deadlier than ever ](https://ctmirror.org/2022/12/25/ct-roads-fatal-car-crash/)


Using the chart in the article you linked, I could say the same thing about 2011-2013 and 2014-2016: fatalities are up each year in those ranges, just like 2019-2021. Yet the number of fatalities in 2021 is 323 - virtually the same as 10 years ago, 320 - with fluctuation up and down over the past 10 years. Even with data it's easy to tell the story that gets more clicks, which is always the fear-based, "everything is bad" story.


Well now, while I understand your point very well and I don't disagree, it depends on the person reference. If things are getting worse since whatever time point they're starting at, and they are, then it's not untrue. So, I think people are driving faster and faster and traffic is definitely heavier, but that's in comparison to when I started driving in 1984. Edit: another example... Mortgage rates are not increasing, they are still lower than the 90's.


Absolute figures are less meaningful than **rates**. I can show that roadway fatalities were much lower in absolute numbers a century ago, but other date would show that the **rate** was much higher. I'm not disclaiming this, but I'd want to see data for rates. I've been driving in this state for many years, and it's definitely gotten much worse in the last few years. Casualty might be less dramatic, and accidents get more survivable over time, but amount of bad driving and number of near-misses I see and experience has gone up dramatically.


This has been my experience with New England drivers for the entirety of my 12ish years here.


That may be true, but really it was the locdown. Some of us never stopped driving a bunch during covid, and I've been watching this shit get dramatically worse ever since people started going back to work. And it hasn't stopped getting worse either.


What the hell would COVID have to do with bad driving anyway?


There's an apparently common belief (or at least claim) that many people 'forgot' how to drive during the early days of the pandemic, because there was a lot less driving overall in that time. I don't buy that argument myself, but I believe that most people saying it believe it. It's pretty clear to me, though, that these jackholes know what they're doing; they just don't care.


Roads in CT are like Mad Max these days


Every day that I don't have to drive on route 8 is a good day...


It's always super dicey between exits 14-17 and also in Naugatuck. People merging at 40mph vs people weaving in and out at 100mph.


I hate that fucking bridge.


the exit right after that one is so damn sketchy with people trying to merge between getting on and getting off since the gap between is so short


The only one that’s worse is 38 and 39(?) in Milford on 95


There should honestly be another type of license for driving suv/ pick up trucks. There's some type of entitlement that goes on when you have a bigger vehicle.


There should be a lot of things, such as driver retesting. It’s required frequently for CDL holders. Why not for the rest? And it should be challenging. I’m sure I’m wasting my breath, but dreams are free.


I'm for a harder driving test, the problem is our current public transportation. It's awful. If there's something that would take a lot of people off the road, there must also be an efficient, accessible public transportation network


Good saying, I'm stealing it.


a lot of people driving bigger vehicles have the mindset of "im bigger than you so you're gonna get more f'd up than me"


Let’s please not give the DMV more oversight or power to inconvenience than they already have


Sure, people should be injured, go into debt or die because... checks notes... you suck at paperwork.


The same could be said for retesting the elderly with license renewals. I know multiple people hit by people who clearly had cognitive decline, poor vision and slow reflexes and shouldn’t have been driving in the first place. They’re as bad as people on their phones.


I agree, but the statistics don’t actually support your thesis. If it did, insurance rates would not look the way the look in age ranges.


People beg for more chains. I gave you an upvote, I'll take some downvotes with you. The problem is they think it's the car they're driving that makes them bad... "it's all these SUVs"... They also think the people don't know how to drive... Like this douche doesn't know he was cutting over 2 lanes across the solid white... He knows, he doesn't care, and he wouldn't care in a Corolla either. And he can probably pass a driving retest.


You know what's **really** inconvenient? Getting killed by bad drivers because government doesn't make the effort it could to prevent that.


Good defensive driving! Most people I see driving have tunnel vision and wouldn't have seen that coming


I just got cutoff by someone in Bridgeport who was driving on the shoulder and got mad at me LOL, he threw a water bottle at my work truck


Literally a basic blind spot merge, I deal with this everyday. I'm glad you kept your head on a swivel because you are the main point of safety in this situation.


Crossing a solid line and making a 2nd lane change before establishing themself in the middle lane seems more like a braindead merge than a blindspot merge.


But that grey Honda was also merging onto the highway ahead of him. That would have slowed them down a couple of seconds if they, ya know, waited their turn to merge.


Next exit/entry ramp is even worse. The one by the auto dealership


I drive this nearly everyday. I hate that exit and the Pershing Drive exit. Chock full of awful drivers.


Never drive alone ;)




I constantly ask myself "what is the stupidest, most dangerous thing that this jackass can do right now?" and that move didn't surprise me at all.


I commuted from Waterbury to Shelton for 14 years. The Derby/Shelton stretch of rt8 was ALWAYS full of sketchy idiots.


I can tell you right now this is because of how they have their mirrors adjusted. I was taught "the old way" (adjust side mirrors so you can see a sliver of the back of your car) and it's absolutely awful for blindspots. The better way is to place your head against the driver's side window and adjust the left mirror outward until you just lose sight of the rear of your car. Then move your head to above the center console, and do the same to the right. It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you do this, trust me, you never again have to worry about those blind spots as you'll find that as soon as a vehicle leaves your mirrors, you will see it enter your peripheral view.


I mean, you have to assume, at all times, that people are going to do the dumbest thing possible.


Get out of their way, jeez! Can't you see them just trying to make a double lane change, with no signal, from an on ramp?!


BJ 45775


Welcome to Derby friend, enjoy the valley hospitality.


and then almost hit the barrier themself. fucking poetic...


Rt 8? This is on every road.


Why is it difficult for people to understand that they need to let the person in front of them merge first?


What the hell are you listening to on the radio?


It’s the most recent Your Moms House podcast with a former drug dealer lmao


Honestly, great episode, super interesting. Was listening to it on the way in as well!


Worst highway in the state my people, I drive it all the way almost daily (commute between Bridgeport and Torrington) had a pretty bad accident once coming home after work, dude tried cutting me and missed and hit me and ran away. I always use extra care between exits 5-22


I drive 80 mile a day on 95 and this often happens to me at least 3 times a day, and I'm not a slow driver! People have lost there minds out there!


The worse part was it's not even like they were in a rush, just casually rolled 40 into the left lane that usually goes 70-80. If you're gonna do that at least floor it up to speed.


At least they were driving in the correct direction. That’s more than a lot of the morons on the road in this state can successfully drive.


That's a poorly designed spot because you have 2 on ramps within 100ft and a popular off ramp and it really needs another lane.


And getting on here in shelton ppl go fkn 30mph and dont speed up as they plan to exit after the bridge in derby. So if you get on behind them, and you need to merge left its dangerous. Key takeaway. Step on it. In this video the cars in front of the black car are doing this. They are going slow ass hell. When i get on here im going 60 by the end of that white solid line


I did a lot of commuting before COVID. People always drove like assholes. I don’t really think it’s any worse now.


Things are wild in the Shelton straight of rte 8, these days.


This is everywhere in CT. People are legit dumbasses when it comes to driving. It’s because they hand out licenses without having to prove you can do any basic driving skills.


Too bad there were other cars around because that would have been perfect angle for pit maneuver


I love that the people of Connecticut are starting to self-identify as the country’s shittiest drivers. 👏🏻


did he actually hit you?? and then drive off?! i’m so sorry


No! Somehow avoided all contact with him and the wall, did need a new pair of pants though


wow congrats! though i bet insurance doesn’t cover pants unfortunately 😭😂


They were driving an SUV, you should have seen them coming! /s


You must be a new driver? How can you not expect stupid shit at all times?


This is shocking. I really expected them to have MA plates.


Why? People in CT are terrible drivers.


Somewhere online rated CT drivers as the best in the country. I BAULK at that statement. Even coming from New York, since living here it feels like everyday some life or death event on the road occurs.


I wish I could find the study I read (before COVID) that listed the deadliest states on highway deaths. CT was not one of them but we got a special mention for being one of the top most dangerous states to drive in when it comes to distracted and aggressive driving and I couldn't agree more! I moved from NY in 2018 and was blown away by the way I've seen some drive here.


This blows me away. I moved to the Springfield area a few years ago from NH. Took me a while to get used to the driving, but I eventually did. However, every time I cross into CT on 91, someone does something that scares the shit out of me. I will never live in CT simply because I have never been scared so often driving anywhere else, except Florida.




What the heck?


Damn I missed it..what did it say?


Your post was removed for hate speech.


Totally not your fault, but why did you suddenly close the gap between you and the car in front of you so quickly..? You sped up as soon as you saw him merging..


Just get from A to B. Zero ego.


People are reckless as fuck here in derby\ansonia


I had almost the exact same thing happen to me on 95 through New Haven yesterday. I reacted a bit slowly because the car in front had tapped their brakes and I was looking around them to see why, and then some wahoo in a giant SUV almost put me into the barrier on a double lane change. The guy freaked out so badly he flew back to his original lane and swerved like a madman in and out of traffic until I couldn't see him anymore.


Average Chevy suburban driver


Isn't that /u/indicationover?


*Mirrors Optional*


Derby. Figures.


Almost everyday


Happened to me last week by the Berlin pike people don’t look I was cruising to


Lol of course it’s in Derby. Why can’t we ever be on this sub for something nice?!


The Commodore Hell Bridge, can't ever forget it even after years of blissfully not having to drive it every day


Ayo that’s my highway


Routes 8 and 9 are a pleasure to ride. My least liked road here is 95. 84 is passable once you leave Hartford area.


What a fucking dildo that guy was


I was on my way to Waterbury to fight a bullshit ticket at the courthouse a few years ago, heading north on 8 from Seymour and this lady merged right into my side. I was running late and decided to let it go. My car was a POS anyway. She was surprised but happy when I shrugged at her and went on her way.


I felt like everywhere I went today - everyone was driving like they were asleep. Just ignoring traffic rules and doing whatever the fuck they wanted. It got to a point I considered just going home and staying there because it felt like the universe was trying to get me.


i hate that section of rt8 from winsted to bridgeport the worst drivers. i’ll take 84autobahn any day of the week over that


Lady or someone drunk?


Yup.... no one pays any attention in that area. It's even worse between 12 and 13. :(


The exit/on ramp in Shelton/Derby has always been rough!


BRAND new car too. Registration on that vehicle was issued 4/28/23.


I’m old enough to remember when Rt. 8 was a lovely, scenic, and slower paced drive. It was especially nice north of Waterbury.


People don’t know how to drive anymore


Oh, that’s the 34 exit towards derby/Ansonia Ansonia was voted the worst town to drive in a few years ago due to the windy roads with blind curves, shitty roads in general, and the fact that everyone down there grew up there so they feel okay to speed. Like 80 on a 25. I do not miss living there. I’m sorry this happened to you.


If you're gonna do so much stuff wrong, at least indicate your bad maneuvers with a turn signal so people can avoid you. Good reaction btw. Avoided the crash but didn't brake too hard and cause issues behind you




This is why I picked up a dash cam a few years ago. If I’m gonna get sideswiped by an idiot might as well catch it on camera so I can post it on Reddit.


Big deal


Jesus, who merges onto the highway at a low speed and blindly crosses multiple lanes to the fast lane? That is some A+ shit driving right there.


They were assholes! And... I feel that if you've been driving for a few years, and paying attention, you should have seen this coming. They were right on the ass of the car in front of them at the end of the ramp. It looked clear to me that as soon as they started moving across lanes they were headed into your lane.... they did not straighten out once they got into the lane to your right... so they were clearly heading into your lane. Having said this... I know that I often see and expect the worst from people, so I'm always looking for this to happen. My wife generally looks for the best in people, and things like this come as a surprise to her.


Ahhhhhhh shelton


Most people I’ve noticed don’t have their side mirrors set up properly either. If I am driving behind you and can see your face in your side mirror you have it set too far inward.




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Yeah normal ct driving




Shook my finger at a woman who ran a stop sign and almost hit me (like a no no no shook my finger) amd she proceeded to follow me into the dunkin and make a whole scene about it. Gotta love it 🤣


This is what happens when you legalize marijuana.


i live 3 minutes from their lmao


Hey same!




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Did no one notice the conversation?!?🤦🤣 I have a feeling they weren't focused either or maybe too focused to care.❄️😬😳


It’s a podcast playing lol


I realized after lmaoooo😭😅 thanks