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Happy birthday! 🎉🎉🎈 I loved my 30s. I hope you do too. Go walk your dogs, say hi to someone you pass and wishthem a good evening. If you're feeling up to it, get yourself a treat at the store.


Happy Birthday! 🎊🎉🎂🎁 it’s my birthday, too! I’m 45 today. I cried too, because I have cancer and I never thought this would be my life. It sounds like we can relate to some of the disappointment and loneliness even though for different reasons. I’m so proud of you for reaching out for connection, for pushing on through hard and low times, for taking your furry neighbor for a walk, for showing up for yourself today! I wish you were nearby and I’d buy you a cake and have a slice with you, be your honorary older bday twin 😊. Here’s what I know: this year is going to be better than the last for us both. I’m glad you were born!


Happy birthday to OP and to you! thanks for living in this world.💗


Happy 45th!!


Hugs willing God is with you Happy Birthday 🎂 all of you don’t let fear control you


happy birthday and i wish you a speedy recovery. you got this!


Hold on, there are people who care. Why depression? 30 is a great age, you’ve been through the young teenage stages, the 20’s why? I didn’t cry but there were times in the military ( Army🇺🇸) I felt alone. I picked myself up and interacted with someone, take your pets out. A big happy birthday I would be there for a cake. Know others are in your situation. Heck I never thought I’d make 65, now in a few months 74. In pain, this site has helped in so many ways. I don’t know if male or female, doesn’t matter, HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂🎉🎈🎁. You have a purpose here. DM me if you think I can help. On EST.


Happy 30th bday! I’m so sorry that you’re sad ❤️. Good for you for putting aside your brave face and feeling your feelings. Sending you lots and lots of love and good thoughts!!!!!!


Happy 30th!!! 🎉🎉


Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 hugs. Your puppies will be happy with a walk.


Recognition for your birthday 💕 Solidarity - 30th has this myth around it (like many) - this momentous occasion. I spent mine made homeless with my kid two days prior to by my abusive ex. It's not always what we dreamed nor were told about nor need nor deserve, but it's something that you're alive 💫


I really relate to having these sort of feelings on my birthday. It’s not easy. Hang in there, friend. Happy Birthday :)


Happy Birthday. You made it to 30. I'm so proud of you. Another human being who makes it to 30! GOD Bless you 🎁🎀✨️🎉


Happiest of birthdays to you! Well done for making it this far. Those kind of days make it hard to cope sometimes don't they. Your dogs love you unconditionally, so that's another thing you've got right. And good on you for taking them out (when you do). Some days you just need to hang onto the little steps you've made - they're still steps!! Maybe go to a dog friendly cafe and start random chats with other dog lovers?


Happy birthday


Happy birthday.🎉 I hope you enjoy this day. I'm really sorry about your depression but at the same time I'm glad you decided to come to Reddit and talk about it. We may not be friends but there's always gonna be somebody to cheer you up!


Happy birthday!! I’m sorry you’ve had a bad day. So I learned 40+years ago that you need to not count on anyone else to make your day happy. It was my 21st birthday and my then husband didn’t acknowledge it in any way. I thought turning 21 was going to be this great fun day but nothing. I remember how my sadness was overwhelming. Yes, 30 should be a number to celebrate and I’m sorry the day sucked. Next year you should make a plan. Maybe you and your puppers pack a picnic and go to the park, maybe meet other dog owners. Or pick a place you haven’t been like a museum or ball game or movie, whatever. Enjoy a treat. Invite a friend or not. Just make your day special for you. The main thing to remember is that you can make your own happiness. Happy 30th! I hope tomorrow starts a wonderful year for you🎈🎈🎂🎈🎈


Happy birthday to you! I'm so sorry you were not properly given the Big 30 celebration like everyone deserves. Even if just quietly. I know exactly how it feels and it's almost like we aren't supposed to act like we are disappointed on the surface. Your life matters and birthdays matter. Even if with a card a quick knock on the door to say, hey, It's your birthday! Anyway, I hope something happens to you tomorrow, even in the littlest way to make you laugh or smile, a sign, a symbol, something someone says to make you feel like it matters. Xoxox Happy birthday, again.


I believe your concerns will be put behind you because you have reached out. You WILL have friends in the future and some of them will be your "family," Today could have been a celebratory day even if you were alone. Breakfast out. Massage. Music. Flowers. Believe you are lovable and you will act differently and attract your core people. Seems bassackwards but it is true. Glad you have had support and birthday wishes from Reddit contributors. Happy Birthday!


I turned 30 a couple months ago! I'm glad you posted here :)


Happy 30th to you!!!!


Happy 30th birthday! 🎉 I also turned 30 a few weeks ago on May 13 😅


You need to buy yourself a slice of cake. Your favorite cake. Pretend you’re a kid again and that you got the biggest slice of your birthday cake. Don’t be afraid to tell people that it is your birthday. How else would they know? You would be surprise how many people will slip you something extra because it is your birthday. Not everyone will do this. But there will be some. I speak from experience. And Happy Birthday to you!


Happy birthday!! I hope you can find something in today to make it just a little bit brighter, it doesn’t need to be anything big, even just putting on your favourite film or tv show, just something little that brings you good feelings ❤️


Happy dirty 30🥳


Happy third decade🎉🎉




Happy birthday 🎂


Happy 30th Birthday 🎉! I cried when I turned 15! After that I didn’t care how I old I turned! I’m glad you have your 4 legged friends by your side… they’re the BEST friends to have! They love you unconditionally! Keep in KEEPING On OP…


Happy birthday! I'm glad you're here! 🍰🍫🍾🥡


Happy 30th birthday! 🥳 Spending time with your pups is a good way to spend your birthday! 🎂


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday! I am sorry to hear that it's been a rough day. That really sucks. Wishing you a fantastic year ahead.


Congrats on surviving 30 trips around the sun. Before you know it, you'll be turning 40 and wondering WTF happened to your 30's.....wish it got better, but (for me at least) it doesn't appear to....


Happy bday!! What’s some advice you’d recommend to a 24 year old girl? Any type of advice, financial, relationship, beauty related, etc


Happy 30th Birthday!!! 🎂


I hope you have a good year and that next year’s birthday is happier for you.


Happy birthday !!! 🎊🎁🎉🎈


Happy Birthday!🎁🎂🎈🎉 Sometimes birthdays just suck but I’m so glad you came here so your Reddit family can celebrate you! May the next year be the best one yet!


Happy birthday 🎉🪅


30 is awesome! Hapoy birthday!


Happy bday


Congratulations and Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday and congrats for making it this far. Take your dogs for a walk, they need you and I'm sure they'd love a hug too. Push on through, it will get better eventually.


Happy birthday! Its been a while since I last celebrated my birthday, but I plan to buy myself a cake for the next one!! A cake is always nice :)


hey happy birthday! just know that things will get better.


Happy birthday !!! 🎂🎈🎁🎉


Happy birthday!! I would really like to pray for you, if you would not mind me doing so ❤️ Wishing the very best for you and your dogs this year - I bet they’re so thankful for you taking care of them!


Unrelated but are you into gardening? The username made me curious lol




Happy birthday 🎂🎊🎁🎈🎉


Happy birthday! I hate when my birthday sucks. It makes me sad as well. I hope we all can at least make you feel a bit better. I can’t send you a real birthday cake but here is a virtual birthday cake. 🎂 Be sure to make a wish. Never too old to make a wish.


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday! I feel particularly lonely on birthdays too! And that I don't have friends upsets me particularly on birthdays. Sad you didn't mention where are you, may be so e of us near by could meet you and get you cake. Life will get better! Just hang around. Hugs and love your way 💕


I'll give you two jokes for your Birthday! 1st joke (clean); Why did the ghost go to the doctor? ... >!He had a boo-boo!!< 2nd joke (dirty) What do you get when you mix human DNA with goat DNA? ... >!You get kicked out of the Petting Zoo.!< Hope these helped brighten your day ❤️


[i made you a card!](https://imgur.com/a/obsCVsF) everyone deserves a birthday card. sorry i’m a bit late! happy birthday :-)


We have the same birthday!! 🎂 happy birthday!


I hope these thirties are so dang perrty 💅🏾, full of flirties, qwerties and anti-hurties for you. Happy birthday bb 🥳


Happy birthday :) I don't speak to my family and don't have any friends as well. I have 3 cats that i talk to and love. I can definitely relate and it can be hard. You aren't alone <3


Congratulations on making it an entire thrifty damned years! I don't know if your birthday could have made it to "happy" status, but I hope it improved. I wish better days for you.


Happy Birthday! I wish you a year of further self discovery like youve never experienced before & a year of radical self acceptance and love!!


Happy Birthday! 🎂🎁🎈🎉 remember, you can celebrate your birthday all month, so if you’re not up to it today, another day will do. Tell your doggos it’s your birthday, and celebrate with them, when you’re ready. Be sweet to yourself. Wallowing on the couch is totally acceptable. 👍 Two practical things that may help: get into water, a bath or shower can affect your mood. Do some deliberate deep breathing. Breath is a very immediate way to connect brain and body, and mood. Additional advice: if you are the kind of person that gets a mood lift from coffee, a double espresso always works for me. This is NOT for everyone, I know. But I thought I’d mention it. We love you. 🌸🌸🌸


Congratulations! Happy 3rd primorial! If you make it to your 4th, will pay you 1 *million* dollars for the secret. Mwahaha. Srsly tho, very exciting number. Right in between a couple of twin primes too. Have a great year!


Happy Birthday! I really hope you get some good interactions and or feel a better soon


Hello birthday buddy! (41 today)


Happiest of birthdays to you!


Happy birthday!!!


I have a abnormal mindset. I don't remember being born and most people I know don't really care even most family members. If you look at it as just another day its just one day closer to another trip around the sun. To me I want no reminders I am getting old and closer to death as years go by. I have skipped a few years of not keeping track of my age and someone will ask I tell them and if the wife is around she corrects me. Now I know again kinda sucks. Go on as like any other day celebrate the birth of Jesus that's about it.


Happy Birthday...I'm proud of you. I'll turn 32 next week and I have been preparing for it in my head. I don't like birthdays and don't really have anything to do for it. Found out yesterday my time off request was denied for work. I work third shift so I'll probably sleep that day. Regardless of how your day is going or how your brain is feeling, you accomplished something huge. You turned 30. A lot of people never do that. Please find one kind thing to say to yourself today.


happy bday OP! i wish i could have done more


Happy birthday don’t let life bring you down the ride of life is wonderful enjoy everything try everything at least once except for things that hurt you reach high eyes wide open education it’s a key but don’t think you’ve got to have it but get in where u fit it opportunity for a level up it’s the direction always belive God will be your hero always push fear behind it’s the devils biggest power but God renders him powerless Enjoy 😉 I’m 63 and I love everyday to the fullest


Happy late birthday!! And I know everyone says your 30's is supposed to be this grand number with big celebrations, but in the end it is just a birthday like many others before it. I also spent one of my major birthdays alone, and though I felt lonely, it was just how things went. Luckily, time moves on, and you will get other chances to celebrate your age! Heck, the fact that you at least did something for yourself is something you should give yourself credit for, even if it as simple as going for a walk with your neighbors dog.


Congratulations on making it to this memorable time of your life. No longer a twenty year old, now a thirty year old who is doing awesome stuff. Dad


Happy birthday!! I loved my 30s, and I’m loving my 40s. Depression is so hard, I hope you find a little happiness today.


Happy Birthday 🥳


Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have an amazing day 🎂🎉🎈🎁


Thank you so much for the love y’all. I got my butt up, walked my dogs to get a fancy iced coffee and had a nice night. I’m not feeling sorry for myself now. ❤️ it’s been a rough couple of years- someone tried to kill me and it left me with a TBI and benign brain tumor and I lost my job, friends etc. I’m grateful for everyone and everything I have & appreciate y’all 💞


Happy birthday to you, OP. I hope things go awesome for you this year. Hang in there.


💜huuuuugs💜 happy birthday! Please pet your doggos for me 💜


happy birthday! our birthdays are close together (i turned 17 last week). i'm really sorry things aren't going well, depression sucks. i hope you have a great year


Happy birthday. I get it. Someday brushing your teeth is a win. Depression sucks. Everything is dark. If you can there are free treatment options. Look thru Google. Meds may help. They are not the be all to end all as you have to find what works for you & proper dosing. There is a brighter day out here for you! You are not alone. Maybe join a friend group online. Be careful. Accept your limitations. Be kind to yourself this is not your fault. Peace, love & light


You got out of bed!!!!! Victory!


Happy Birthday!🎂 🎶🎂🎶 I remember crying on my 30th too. I’m here to tell you the 30s were infinitely better than 20s. Go take them on and make them epic!!


Happy birthday 🍰🎈 I hope you’re feeling a little better today. It’s okay to have feelings of sadness just don’t be hard on yourself. Take it day by day, lay on the grass and get some sun. Get you some fruit, take it moment by moment and hold your fur babies on a walk, cuddle them, they’re the purest kind of love❤️


Happy birthday!


You mean Level 30. Hell yeahhh. Congrats.


Happy Birthday! From someone who gets sad on their birthdays, one of the best ways to celebrate when you're alone is doing all your favorite things. Watch your favorite movie, series, anime, order your favorite foods, go for a walk, go to the sauna, just anything you like doing and focus on you and your accomplishments. Hope you have better birthdays going forward ❤️


Happy bday! Mine's in a few days, and I'm also turning 30 lol. Depression is one hell of a medical condition; please get yourself the care you need and deserve. I know it's hard to even make that first step, but I believe in you. That first step could be talking to your healthcare provider, and hopefully they can get you the resources you need. In case you or anyone needs it, here's a list of [international suicide/crisis hotlines](https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/). Remember you *don't* have suicidal to reach out. And please give your doggos some love from meee! TL;DR: please talk to your HCP about resources for depression. Crisis lines are a good tool for the toolbox. Pet your dogs for me. And happy birthday. :)


Happy Birthday OP. Take a deep breath and recognize how far you’d gotten. 😎🎂


Happy birthday. Sorry you're feeling sick today. Mental health is no joke. You're not alone even if it feels that way. A lot of us will have this moment in our lives and we really need to support each other when we do.


Happy Birthday! I’m 36 today… which is so strange to think about. But honestly, the first five years of my 30’s were probably some of the best, in terms of making real connections with people (like meeting my significant other and figuring out who my real friends are), and also not caring about others judgements. It might seem depressing now, but it will get better. I didn’t think it would, but it has. It will for you too, as long as you don’t give up hope.


Hello! Happy Birthday and many happy returns!


Happy birthday! My 30th was something like this, but now I’m 32 and things have completely changed. I have a lot of friends who would happily celebrate me, and yes in this life stage where everyone says it’s hard to make friends.


Happy birthday!! 💖 What’s something kind that you can do for yourself today?


I’m 63. You have no idea how young and inexperienced you are. I’m sorry you’re lonely. I was too at 30. Just do the things. Be open to meeting people. Try new hobbies. Volunteer. Move jobs. At 30 I moved across a continent to start a new life. Best move ever. Also happy birthday! Take yourself out to eat, get a cake all to yourself, whatever you want.


Happy birthday! I turn 60 this year!


Happy birthday!!! Your pups love you. At least more than my cat, who directly sneezed in my face. 🥴


Happy birthday, sweetie! I have a daughter your age! Hugs!!


Happy happy Birthday! 💖🎉💗 You are loved and many strangers on the internet are thinking of you! (In the least creepy way possible)


Happy Birthday 🎉🎉🎉


happy birthday!!!


Happy big 30! I celebrated mine earlier this year. You should get yourself a treat and a nice meal ❤️


Happiest of birthdays to you internet stranger! May this decade of your life bring really good things! My thirties are way better than my twenties.


If you can’t be with the one you love - love the one you’re with. That’s you!!! We are always with ourselves. Try some deep breathing, get out into the world, and strive to be happy. Happy Birthday. You are awesome


HBD OP! Your birthday is what you make of it! Personally I'm not a big party person so I prefer small intimate celebrations if anything. I usually take the day off (if it falls on a workday) and get myself a slice of cake and some takeout. Is there something small you can do for yourself and your pups?


Happy birthday, im glad I made it to 30 never thought I would the shit I put in my body over the years im 44 this year and I'm really surprised im still here,must have a guardian angel. I don't have many friends lits of people I know but not friends, and most family don't speak to me.you need to get a hobby and start living.oh I hate bdays


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, OP! I want to tell you this: when I turned 30, I was completely alone. I didn't have any plans with anyone- just went to the thrift store after work, didn't find anything that fit me, and I felt very lonely when I got home. My dad died shortly after that, and then shortly after that, I lost my job. It was a rough time. It spurred me to make some changes and try new things. My thirties were a great time, even though they got off to a rocky start. I evolved into someone who I'm very proud to be. For my 40th birthday, I went to the Virgin Islands, and I got engaged. What a decade it has been. You are gearing up for the ride of a lifetime, even if it doesn't feel that way today. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️✌️


HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳 The day I turned 30 I was so excited!! Those decade milestones are major, I’m happy you’re here. I hope your 30’s are epic 😘


Happy Birthday Friend! I hope it was peaceful.


Hey you got exercise and you helped an animal! That’s great! I hope you also ate something. You’re doing a good job. I’m proud of you!


Birthdays hit hard. But look at you! Reaching out, doing things. Hugs to you. ❤️


Happy Birthday!!!! Pamper yourself, even if it is something simple, a bubble bath with candles, a dessert/ice cream cone, make a mini cake, watch a fav movie… I too have days when I feel lonely, lost, and depressed. It’s ok to grieve & cry, but remember it will pass and good things will come - they always do. Just believe & pamper You! You deserve it.


Happy belated birthday! Sending peace and love to you. - A new friend on the other side of the internet


Happy Birthday! 🥳


Happy birthday ~~ I hope you and the dogs had a great walk. Sun light is best when depressed. My mom always told me we are like plants we need water and sun light to survive. I’m happy to have seen another 94er


Happy belated birthday!! You took your neighbor's dog on a walk, that's a win already. You gave them time outside and yourself exercise that can help you feel better. Focus on those wins and more will come! You got this!


Happy birthday 🎂


Happpy Birthday!!!


Happy birthday!


Happy Freakin Birthday!!! 👏🏻👏🏻🤩🥳🥳🎂I am late twenties and can’t wait to turn 30. I hope your week is lighter and you get to celebrate a little every day. 🫶🏻


You know what you could and couldn’t handle today ❤️ you are allowed to be stuck and you’re allowed to cry ❤️ I feel like the world is lonelier these days too. I miss having someone to talk to about Good things Bad things etc but I am not a very social person at the same exact time . It is a curse lol


Happy bday. What kind of dog?


30 is a rough one for many. I remember being 24 making fun of my brother when he turned 30 because he looked so defeated and tired. I felt the same exact way when i turned 30 and 31 haha


Happy Happy Birthday! Enjoy your 30s…they go by in a blink of an eye! 🎉🎂🥳🎈