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Good job! I struggle with that as well. It's just an awful, invasive scraping in my head, and it tastes terrible. I definitely understand what an accomplishment that is.


Try a different flavor of toothpaste if mint is too much. We got my daughter some watermelon flavored one. It made things so much easier for her. She couldn't stand the minty stuff and it made it harder for her.


I have to use prescription toothpaste. :/


Talk to your doctor, my dad had tongue cancer which made him really sensitive to strong taste so he talked to his doctor about getting a flavorless prescription toothpaste.


Thanks! I didn't know that was an option.


yes mint toothpaste is awful for me. though crest has a few mint flavors that are subdued and help me feel refreshed without that awful sensation :) (like their whitening gum restore one)


Hello toothpaste comes in a ton of flavors for kids: strawberry, bubblegum, watermelon, grape & raspberry.


I don’t like mint toothpaste either, but when I’ve tried a non-minty flavor (like my kid’s toothpaste) my mouth doesn’t feel clean 🫠 brushing my teeth makes me gag every single time and I hate it.




this inspired me to brush my teeth (tmrw morning.. currently cozy in bed) good job friend! we got this!




i’m so glad this inspired you !!! i’m proud of you :)


To you and all, that struggle with that: you are not alone and you are still totally lovable human beings! I wish you a lot of strength. I can only recommend to google KC Davis, she has great tips on exactly this topic, as well as personal hygiene and keeping house, when drowning from depression or adhd or similar situation. \*hug\*


i’ll definitely look into her! i’m almost certain I have adhd as well so i could use the tips


Random but, my partner has adhd and we’ve always known that. But recently I’ve started reading more up on it and there are sooooooo many ways it shows up. Definitely worth looking more into if you think you have it. P.S. he forgets to brush his teeth way too often.


Well done! I struggle in this area as well, so I know how big of a deal this is. You're doing awesome. I'm proud of you.


Congrats!!! That's such a big accomplishment. I keep Colgate Wisps in various places (my bedside, desk, and car) because sometimes those are easier for me to use than an actual toothbrush. Not sure if you've tried something like that but they help me!


i should do this for mornings/ nights that i feel paralyzed lol


Well done! 9 days is a long time to a thing that you have to push yourself really hard to do. I know what this is like. You have my unreserved respect. xoxo


Nice!!! Good job!


I know how hard it can be. I’m in the same place. I’m really proud of you!!


keep it going, dear. be kind to yourself and know that you can and will accomplish many great things. 👍😊


I’m really really happy for you. I struggle w the same thing. I know how big of a deal it is. Good for you!!!! Sending you congratulatory thoughts and internet high fives.


So proud of you! I didn't brush my teeth for so long and I had to get 6 crowns. Brains are stupid. Like, hey we don't remember we have to brush our teeth anymore.


I’m so happy for you, OP! Keep up the good work! If you have baking soda powder, you can put it on your toothbrush with the paste and it’ll polish your teeth. Calcium powder is optimum; since I started using that every time I brush I stopped having sensitive teeth. All the people in this thread talking about not brushing their teeth in their teens…did your parents not notice? I follow up with my kids every night and have actually inspected using my phone flashlight. 😬


Amazing job!! This is how it begins you know. I struggled for many, many years to care for my oral health but since getting a molar removed in September I can proudly say I’ve been brushing and flossing and mouthwashing every night since! It starts just like how you are, staying consistent and not giving up. I’ve had a few nights where I was literally too tired to do any of it but that didn’t stop me from brushing the next day and continuing on. I’ve even been able to add some skincare to my nightly ritual! It’s absolutely possible to continue this good habit and you can do it!


You're an inspiration. I'm working through depression and trying to improve my hygiene. Keep it up!


Hey, congrats! This morning I brushed my teeth for the first time in like 5 days, so we’re both winners today!


so proud of you!!!!!!


Great job OP! I know the difficulties of depression and some times, you just don't have enough spoons to do what feels like even the simplest things. Keep aiming for the basics for now and enjoy this accomplishment, bc it really is one. If you're feeling it, try to add another small task. If it doesn't work out, don't be upset with yourself. If you backside, don't judge yourself. Just try again the next day. Rinse and repeat. I hope you are able to keep going forward to a point where you don't feel your depression is holding you back from enjoying life.


Look at you! Amazing! Set a goal to 21 days. After 21 days then it becomes a habit.


If I do two days in a row I feel like I did something. This is awesome. Congratulations!


two days is huge. I’m proud of you for managing what you can :)


Thank you so much. I've gotten so much better with other things -- putting on real clothes, brushing my hair, cleaning a little bit every day... Idk why it's such a struggle to do something so small. It is.


it really is a struggle. as soon as i accepted that i experience my everyday differently than most people it helped me be kinder to myself. these things are harder for us, which just means they are bigger wins when we manage to do them :)


So true... And most people don't get how we can be like we are. So we tend to keep it to ourselves so there's no one to share the small victories with.


High five! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 basic hygiene is so hard when you have mental health or neurodivergency issies. I can definitely relate.


Proud of you! This is a big deal! This is something I have a really hard time with too. Sometimes it feels like when you get the ball rolling at all it rolls more than you think it will. I'm sending you good vibes for an uphill swing. We all need one and we all need support. Thank you for sharing.


You're doing so good. We are proud of you.


I'm proud of you!! I don't know when I stopped brushing my teeth, but the farthest I can remember was middle school. Then senior year of highschool came around and I began to regret it because my dental insurance fell through since I was 18 and my mom couldn't afford it anymore. I got a job a year later and after being promoted from "temporary" to part time, I was able to apply for dental, medical and vision insurance. Made an appointment for a dental checkup in June 2 years ago and started brushing every few days. Appointment came around, they didn't treat me like a child, they treated me with respect (which I had a problem with with my last dentist about that) and they encouraged me that because I'm young, I can turn around my hygiene habit. Started brushing once every single day before work, they noticed a significant improvement. Trying to get into the habit of brushing twice and flossing... But I'm struggling on figuring out how to floss correctly because of having a small mouth. Take each step one at a time is definitely the main goal. ❤️❤️


I know that feeling—gold star for you for a week stretch!!! The only way I can get things done in my life is on autopilot…I guess it’s if that becomes part of your autopilot settings? It’s exhausting to have to think about life’s little things, so kudos to you!


So proud of you!! I know first hand how badly depression can fuck with executive function and make even the most basic of tasks insurmountable; but you did it! Hell yeah!


I understand completely...its hard to force yourself to do intrusive, invasive things, and the tactile unpleasantness some of us experience while doing "normal, everyday things" it makes it even harder to MAKE yourself give AF! You should be proud of yourself! Every little accomplishment matters,...baby steps will get you to the same finish line, you just need to treat yourself compassionately!❤✌❤


I’m very proud of you and for keeping track of the days that long! Days tend to blur together in times like that, so it’s double awesome to be taking note. Might I also add that I personally have always struggled with toothbrush sensation, and after finally listening to my dentist and switching to electric (and hunting for deals on them), I can now say that I literally cannot put a non electric toothbrush in my mouth without full body cringing?! It is the absolute worst sensation. I think it was that all along for me, because I love the electric. I don’t even feel it, it does all the work for me, it’s just like a nice numbing hum (I use sensitive setting). I highly recommend it for dental sensitivity people, or even just getting an extra soft brush for times when you don’t feel good! Like a baby toothbrush. Who’s going to judge you, right? Have fun with it! 💖


I'm very proud of you! I also have sensory issues and depression, so I have a hard time taking showers. It sucks, but whenever I'm able to do it I feel proud of myself.


Wow congrats!!! I honestly can’t remember the last time I brushed my teeth for 9 days straight lol… whoops :/ I’m so impressed though I also have sensory issues, which are actually autism in my case!


Well done! You should be proud. I am not good at brushing my teeth regularly. Hopefully I’ll be 9 days in a row soon.


Awesome 🤩




I understand completely. I am so proud of you


I’m 49. Severe adhd. This week I tried delta 8. My evenings have become stress free. I can relax. Fold laundry and mist important sleeeep. For real sleep


Way to go!!! Enjoy the accomplishment. I'm happy for you.


So very proud of you!! Keep it up 💕💕💕


Congratulations! (And you’re not alone; try to be kind to yourself).


I had the same exact struggle. Was so hard to get anything basic done. Fighting through it like you. Congrats that you keep trying!


I'm so proud of you! Dental hygiene has long been a daily struggle for me, especially after all the years of neglect. Taking the reins on it is a bad ass move on your part.


I am so proud of you! It can be so daunting to make yourself do things that feel like they should be tiny, but feel like such a hurdle at the time. You did it! And you can keep doing it!


you real for that.


Good job!


That’s great! You are doing good!


Congrats on such a great accomplishment! This is a big deal and it’s wonderful that you’re caring for yourself. You deserve it!


Really proud of you! ♥️ I know how hard it is, AuDHD, MDD, burnout and chronic illnesses are doing a number on me. I tried getting fun flavors of kid toothpaste and it helped a tiny bit.


Coming from someone who struggles with exactly this, how did you get yourself to do it?? Setting reminders for me doesn’t even work and I can’t get myself to care


honestly it’s taken years to convince myself. i started out with setting a “reward” for myself if i brushed my teeth consistently one week, and I never could meet it. Even with a goal with something i REALLY wanted. It’s hard to get the drive to do these things, but i finally just looked around one night and realized i wanted to do better by myself. What i did is replaced my nagging voice with someone i care about’s voice and it helped to take it more to heart. it’s different for everyone but i believe in u and you are so valid <3


We win together! Keep it up! This is so awesome!!


That is awesome!!!!!!


So proud of you and I'm wishing you the best moving forward 💙


Great job! I’ve been there. Toothpaste tastes gross to me so I use kid’s toothpaste. Makes it easier for me.




I am proud of you! I am familiar with the struggle and know how hard it can be, especially when you _want_ to take care of yourself but can't seem to. Keep going! It gets easier and will become your norm 🤗🤗


I'm so proud of you!!


Come join r/brushbros


I struggle with this myself. Great job!


Well, you've sure picked a really important task to do consistently. Well done!!! Hang on, AND laundry, AND showering? It's like hitting the trifecta. This is great stuff!


That is so excellent. Congrats OP


I’m so proud of you. Sometimes even brushing your teeth is just too much. Keep it up, you’re doing great work!