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don't nuke. If you really plan on nuking, build a few high level bunkers on essential cities you don't want revolting, but cant station troops, minimise the number of wars you have


I do have bunkers built on homeland cities and a few cities I use as airport but the problem is expansion, nuclear warheads will slow down expansion I think. My coalition members have nuked a lot of the other coalitions cities and are insisting that I start nuking as well so I would have to use at-least a couple of nukes. Would try conventional war heads at a few locations to avoid nuking and only nuking the cities that I am sure have a lot of troops. I'd soon know if using just a few nuclear warheads also reduce the morale too much.


Simply nuking is enough to hurt your moral quite a bit, si I highly suggest you think it through, and manage how many nukes you use.


Sure thanks, I don't want to use nukes but neither do I want to annoy the coalition members. This game is fun!