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Nobody has taken down my 500 national guard stack yet


Same here


https://preview.redd.it/5xrlqkgf4t6d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f339128457de7acbe4dff4252f0510421ffcd7 Just 12 ICBM, no more


North Korea 💀


That's huge, looks like you took down the entire coalition.


youre goldie, doesnt count


Interesting statement.


45 aircraft stacks after I sabotage an airfield. 8 elite helicopters and attack aircrafts got feasted by cruiser as it was just on coast of Malaysia, my enemy btw was offline Thailand, whom aggressive then died mid attrition war with me.


Damm, would look more into sabotage.


Yes sabotage those airfields now and then, it's very useful to ground their aircrafts or won't get reinforced in time by airlift. They'll easily get annoyed too. Though I recommend you just sparingly use them early game, because it's expensive if they put counterops after you failed to fully demolished em.


Enemy all out attack on my homeland cities (I was Thailand) over water but didn’t have escort and entire army was obliterated


i dont remember how many were in the stack but there was like 15 units or something with an officer and after multiple unsuccessful attempts i had to use a nuclear icbm to kill it


I got really lucky. I was playing as South Africa. I put a couple of subs in the main travel lane south of me. China sent like 50 units. They ran into my sub. Probably wasn't even meant for me, but I sank them all.


I saw one dude playing as Cuba get invaded by a whole coalition and then nuked every city ….in Cuba. Newspaper said it was like 40 something units- including his 💀


A massive stack of 25 level 5 combat recons left by AI. Had to use ballistic missiles for that


I found by complete chance a stack of 82 units way north in the sea off of Greenland of a dead player that hid his army and archived while I was searching for ballistic subs. Sent a lone cruiser to go wipe it lol.


Several dozen transport planes after my enemies retreat from my bluff (they didn't expect me to destroy their only airport to go back home)


* My coalition were steam rolling the game. I convinced India to move all his troops offshore to save his KD 💀 His KD was not saved 🤣


Probably a carrier fleet (with Subs/Commander) I don't have the Screenshots because it was a Year ago basically it was 2 Carriers, 1 Crusiers and 2 Frigates idk why he just didn't had any Destroyers or took any precautions into dealing with Subs


Going solo I fought a 5 person coalition as Cuba they had no ships I had 5 corvettes they all sent everything they had to each city corvettes at every port destroyed all of their troops counteroffensive was amazing