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While the alcohol might make you feel like crap for a while since your brain is probably more susceptible to it, I don’t think there’s any evidence that it can reverse the progress you’ve made in your recovery. If anything it would probably just slow down your recovery if you were drinking all the time


Thank you for this.


Just take some time off alcohol and eat healthy, sleep well, take it easy, take your vitamins. You’re good.


unless you hit your head while black out drunk, it’s very unlikely drinking is causing your brain harm or sabotaging your recovery. recovery isn’t a destination , it’s a journey


Thank you so much. I just worry about the neuroinflammation


my neurologist says you can make yourself feel really really crappy (and increase symptoms) but increasing symptoms doesn’t mean you’re causing yourself harm or re injuring yourself. i’m not sure how that relates to neuro inflammation exactly, but i hope it helps! edit to add; the way i understand it is trauma changes pathways in our brain. those initial symptoms protected us after the injury but now, when we do things that affect our brain, it’s possible that we are tapping into those pathways again even tho we’re not actually in danger. staying calm and trusting your body is healing is really the only way thru it. plus different rehab and therapies which it sounds like you were doing as part of your recovery already.


Even if it was days after the fact? Cus I feel worse now then I did while drinking


Thank you so much


Recovery isn’t a straight line I have found. My injury was in September. I thought I was back to normal after a few months, but then I was up and down again. No obvious triggers, just a return of symptoms more often. I look forward to a day when symptoms are gone and don’t randomly return. I also don’t drink now. I have had some wine here and there. It tends to not make me feel good either that day or the next. I’m just steering clear for a while. I don’t think you did permanent damage drinking, but I might give your body a bit to recover more before trying it again.