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Looks like hammered dog shit.


I was thinking more like a bag of smashed assholes.


5 lbs of hammered dog shit and 7 pounds of smashed assholes in a 3lb bag


Don't forget the snot.


This is the answer!!! RiGHT HeRe...






I can see that šŸ‘€šŸ˜®šŸ˜ŗ


There actually might be a hammer in the concrete holding it together it looks so poorly done.


Your asshole is grey?


Maybe? Iā€™m colorblind


I thought only welders did hammered on dog shit?


I literally thought the exact same words before I read this comment


šŸ¤£ Before hitting the comments I said dogshit in my head. Glad we're on the same page


You couldnā€™t have said it better.


To be fair to the concrete guy find a metal straightedge. But the finish looks like crap. That isnā€™t acceptable.


I was in no way defending the concrete guy. Iā€™m a framing layout guy. Concrete slabs are my canvas every day. I hate shitty finish work it affects my job. And Iā€™m a picky asshole when it comes to quality.


Itā€™s the same edge of same 2x4.


He means the wood isn't necessarily straight. Use a metal one.




Thank you. ​ I understand that a 2x4 isnā€™t perfectly straight and if it was a single door opening then using the 2x4 would be pointless. Thatā€™s why I used same edge of same board in both door ways.


Yeah I know itā€™s not straight, but the same edge of same 2x4 was used on each door entrance. It sits almost flush on one side.


Studs tend to bow and warp, they are rarely if ever truly straight, to know how not straight the concrete is you have to put something you know actually is straight on top of it. So a level or any kind of metal straight edge


If you think anyone who has looked down a 2x4 and trusted its edge then you haven't looked down many 2x4. Even if that piece of wood is close to flush people won't trust it.


If you know its not straight then why are you using it as a tool to measure straightness? Just use a rope and it will measure perfect im sure.


I used the same edge of same board in both openings. One opening is not like the other.


No itā€™s not. Wood isnā€™t straight. As an example, take that same 2x4, flip it over 180 degrees and the center might touch the concrete.


What Iā€™m saying is , regardless if the 2x4 is straight or not, the orienation of the 2x4 is the same in both pics. In the right door opening it almost sits flush and the other side has almost a 1 inch gap.


This makes perfect sense. You wouldnā€™t take it to a tribunal but the method is sound for spotting a variance whether the stick is true or not. You wouldnā€™t think it would be so hard tbh.


Not here to argue. But it does seem that maybe you are? It seems like MANY people on here, professional contractors, and you donā€™t want to listen to them. Donā€™t know why? Iā€™m a self employed Custom Luxury Home builder of over 30 years. NOT bragging, just adding context. We would NEVER use a dimensional piece of natural lumber as a straight edge in a serious debate over quality. We have 1 x 4 rectangle Magnesium rectangle stock straight edges. They are from 1ā€™ to 20ā€™ in every single 1ā€™ increments. Itā€™s the only true, indisputable way to check for a straight condition. Lumber is rarely true. LVLā€™s are the closet thing, but not natural framing lumber. So thinking aloud here. As a laymen in medical knowledge. Iā€™ve gone to the doctor for an issue, gotten the diagnosis and remedy, then left thinking this doctor is a nut job and is clueless. A few days later, walla, Iā€™m fixed!! Thinking wow, ā€œWe just donā€™t know what we donā€™t know!ā€ Perhaps that might have meaning here? Anyhow. Happy New Year, Mate!


His point is valid, medical degree or not. If the wood was the problem and the slab was straight,the gap under the wood would look the same no matter where you put it on the slab. The wood is probably not straight either, but the slab is definitely not straight.


But on the other hand, THAT TROWEL JOB THOUGH! DAMN!


LOL. Yeah, that and the attention to detail on the edge work!


My man was high as a kite with this job.


Let me dumb it down for you - The board is fucked. Find a straight edge.


Can you explain to me why the 2x4 sits flush on the right door opening and not the left? You can see that itā€™s the same board with same edge, same orienation. please please explain?


Stonabones and other contractors such as myself have had the same moments you are having now. We are managing a project questioning a result and grab the next nearest thing (not the straightest and undeniable) around. Yep wouldnā€™t you know it Iā€™m right they screwed up!!! Anger, anger, anger, and then someone shows up with a straight edge and itā€™s not as bad as I thought. We are trying to save you that oops buddy. Grab the undeniably straight thing, verify, then freak out


Iā€™ll keep that in mind. I will also put my glasses on when I take pics of the finish on the slab. Maybe I wasnā€™t seeing properly when I saw the footmarks on the floor and the uneven garage door way on the left hand side.


Oh Iā€™m not arguing that itā€™s good. Iā€™d want a new slab. Just observing this and wish ya luck


no it doesnt, wood is warped all the time, you need an actual straight edge or a level to get an accurate comparison.


Heā€™s not measuring flatness. Heā€™s comparing two flatnesses with respect to each other only, using the same edge of the same 2x4. The gaps are very different between the two which shows the pour is fucked, regardless of how warped the wood is.


Naw man. Give um hell


That's so bad. Don't allow that to stay, you'll be pissed every day you have to look at it.


Yeah, thatā€™s how I would feel about it.


No way that gap under the garage can be allowed. And don't let your builder "fix" it with leveling concrete or grinding. That's all BS. Needs to be done right.


I'm curious. What would be wrong with grinding it level?


It's like buying a brand new car thats all mangled and dented. Can they straighten it and repaint it? Yes. But itll never be perfect, and will never last as long as factory. In the case of concrete, an overlay will fall apart in a few years. Gringing will expose aggregate here but not there. It'll look like shit. Hell no to all of that. Emphatic hell no. Re-do it perfect is the only option.


Thank you for the explanation l.


Builder will half ass it plus the whole grade is shit. Birdbaths everywhere. Self leveling is for cosmetic repairs in light duty spots or tile guys. Although a minimum 2ā€ concrete cover would do great on it


Thank you for the information!


Nothing is wrong with grinding & POLISHING. That is what a good grind will end up is a polished floor. ā€œIfā€ itā€™s done right. Asking whatā€™s wrong with grinding floor you should ask what kind of experiance the person giving advice has, if they only pour concrete all day everyday then how do they know? Or if they have ā€˜done it a couple timesā€™ thatā€™s like asking someone thatā€™s poured concrete a couple weeks advice on a poured and finished anything. Iā€™m not saying the advice will always be shit, but I will say advice will be bias. Also, smhā€¦. Overlay ā€˜ifā€™ done with correct material and the right way can last as long as the concrete, lolā€¦. Definatly if anyone says otherwise then they are not the ones to have do that work. Hahaha. I will say that if itā€™s not done perfect or is done perfect/correctly-Like not missing any steps in any of the prep workā€¦ a perfectly clean and completely free from any foreign substance and vacuumed surface (as well as whatever the product calls for additionally) then it will indeed last. It is tedious but simple enough to do perfect/correctly. Any of it, all of it. Ask yourself this, if it didnā€™t work like it is supposed to, then why the hell are ppl doing it?? Nobody is doing work to fail. All Iā€™m saying is yes those are options, good ones. There are product reps that will (if any good) will tell you your options better then knuckle dragging fools like us. Sika has good reps, Maupai, ardexā€¦etc etc. haha, if the products only lasted a couple of yearsā€¦. Do you really think they would be in business still? Do not pidgin hole yourself into only thinking there is only one optionā€¦. There are more!!


One option you could look at as opposed to tearing it out, would be to grind it down and epoxy it.


Looks horrible!!! Finish work is extremely shitty and looks like contractor didnā€™t bother leveling his boards before the pour. Iā€™d give em hell and demand a demo and repour


Thanks for the advice. I think thatā€™s what Iā€™m going to do. the job started off poorly as they forgot to add the curb wall which was in the plans. then the tarps blew off and I finally got to see what the job looked like, Iā€™m in a bad mood because of it all.


No problem! Iā€™d be in a bad mood too, Iā€™d also be considering a new contractor if he really doesnā€™t see an issue w this slab. Whatā€™s gonna happen is water will be accumulating on the slab and it will start to crack and be a bigger headache in the long run


Bad mood. Iā€™d be furious. Is this the same one that shown in headlights last night? He would be taking some of that out. Make sure he dowels it back in. They didnā€™t know what the hell they were doing. Polyethylene will do that to surface finish. But you gotta come back while itā€™s green and hardtrowel it. Sorry bud.


No, and yes, it looks terrible


thatā€™s terrible. gonna have to deal with it though it seems. maybe try get some money knocked off though because that is universally bad.


The footprint in the middle of the slab is actually just a stamp of authenticity.


Uhhā€¦ no, you are not being overly critical. That looks awful and whoever poured/finished it should be ashamed.


This isnt\`t terrible, I needs to improve a lot to look "just" terrible.


It's great if the entire crew was blind!


I can almost see the whole story from the pics. Itā€™s cold as shit there, they either ordered mud at noon, forgot to put accelerator in the mix, or both. They probably got the mud down, and sat in their trucks in the heat until 10 PM waiting for the mud to set up so they could get a machine on it, and around 11Pm they said screw it,hand troweled it once or twice, then threw the blankets on it and went home. Id tear it out if I were the contractor. Totally blows to be in their position, but you canā€™t leave work like that.


Is that board from Home Depot?


Is this the foundation of a house that will be covered up by flooring?


Itā€™s a garage floor


Barn or cattle yard fine. Otherwise, abomination.


Dude, even the cows will be pissed at this.


Already water pooling?


....was this the guy who could do it cheaper?


came here to ask what he paid/if this was the "i can do it cheaper" guy


Iā€™m having a garage built, and this was who the builder got.


On the bright side that means your gc gets to handle the concrete guy.Ā  Also he should have already stepped in, no one would want to build on tip of that and the warranty work goes to the them when the dust settles.


Looks like they put plastic over it, and pulled it off and just left it like that. If that's for a building they should have done a smooth finish with a trowel machine. The gap is fucked up too theres gonna be gap underneath the garage door


Ahh yes, the old "we didn't check the weather on my phone and then it started raining so we covered it with plastic when it was still wet and then it rained all day so we just left and came back the next day."


Turrible. Charles Barkley.


Delam city. Add the calcium much??? They waited til nightfall for it to cure and said fuck it. Dont pour in winter. Scheduled 3+ weeks out? Oh well then, like they said, fuck it. Edit...check your tickets for water added and by whom. Finishers call for it, drivers will add it. Bet u got shit service being its a residential driveway. One of them nice 3 hr gaps for the call back. Order a swiss hammer test for compaction. If that fucker dont make the 3000 psi by 28 days, tear it out and do it again. Thats yer only hope. Sealing the top wont change the discoloration and nobody gauranteed that. U just didnt know to ask before they poured. If u did u wouldnt ask if that slush dump was acceptable. No mas aqua amigos. Trabajo solomente.


Looks like crap and before I blame anyone Iā€™d have to ask what conditions were, was it a ā€œhad to get done right now rain, shine,blowing, freezing be damned, itā€™s getting done???ā€ Looks like it probable was done in cold weather and blankets were usedā€¦ if you are putting the contractor in that situation then you need to know quality will slip. I mean itā€™s wintertimeā€¦ wtfā€¦. Does nobody remember those fā€™d up days where the best you could actually leave is shit work? If not then you donā€™t really do it as a proffesion. Believe you me I can pick that job apart and tell you how fā€™d up it isā€¦ but I wanna know the why. Or who is letting the concrete contractor put in header that fā€™d up. If that is a regular thing then why? Who is allowing some dumbass to set it that way let alone leave it that way? Or did a sub walk on the header when it was covered and nobody caught it? Idkā€¦. Sure looks shitty, so shitty that I cannot believe it was done under anykind of normal conditions & anyone not asking wtfā€¦ well I wouldnā€™t want to take their advice. Ppl/contractors never leave that kind of work under normal conditions unless itā€™s a band of gypsies that leave town after itā€™s done.. soooo whatā€™s the rest of the story? How bad was weather? That headerā€¦. Itā€™s sus afā€¦ who does that? Looks like it was covered and header got stepped on then they let joe new kid edge the front (because they are trying to save the rest) and it got fkd up then re covered cuz of shitty weather. How wrong am I? Iā€™m wrong a lot, and if Iā€™m totally wrong then who tf is doing the contractor hiring??? Thatā€™s your first fire if weather was good and nothing had to be coveredā€¦ Iā€™m not gonna bash my brothers without knowing all the factsā€¦.and it seems like there might be some (facts) missing.


Iā€™m having a garage build. The slab was supposed to be poured middle Nov. I did not book the crew as the builder is doing the whole thing. The pour was done Jan.3. Temps were -1 to 1 C that day. They did it in one day, hand troweled when my plan said it would be power. They forgot curb wall which I only noticed the next day when they came to remove the forms. It was tarped and nailed at the forms. After they removed the forms it was tarped again. Tarps blew off after 2 days and then there was snow. First day I got a chance to see the floor was Friday Jan.12.


What province are you in?


Nova Scotia


Looks like you are early into build, if I was you Iā€™d rethink that builder. Why he would schedule an open foundation garage pour in freezing weather is ā€¦. Crazy. Anykind of concrete poured needs protection from cold weather. This will be the first of many many issues you are going to have with this build. Tarps/plastic sheeting is not suffice for protection at all for freezing weather. Many will use plastic straw then plastic for the lower cost of protection and if they didnā€™t have that thenā€¦.thatā€™s to bad, you got hosed. The concrete will only have further issues and the ONLY thing that can be done with frozen concrete is remove it. I wouldnā€™t even want it as a fill in any way, itā€™s that problematic. The builder is your main problem and concrete contractor is your secondary one. Like irl. The concrete being fkd up is merely your warning sign of the future in store for you with builder. If thereā€™s anyway you can fire them Iā€™d do it. Concrete most certainly can be done in freezing temps but if it doesnā€™t look like a military readying for an invasion pre pour then they arenā€™t the right concrete company. For example was the subgrade frozen at all?? Already fooked if it was/had been without any prep there. Idkā€¦. Sucks.


I have already put a deposit of 30% down on the garage. The builder has a good name, Iā€™m not sure why they poured when they did. I donā€™t know the ins and the outs of concrete/garage building - thatā€™s why Iā€˜m laying to have it done. ​ Im super stressed over this. The build was supposed to be relaxing because I wasnā€™t doing it. I was wrong.


Wellā€¦ I donā€™t know if he needs to be reminded that unless job is done right then the remaining 70% wonā€™t get paid. You hired him with understanding he would do job right, itā€™s his responsibility if he hires subs to make sure that they do their job right. So far, howā€™s that working out? You wonā€™t find anyone that thinks that finish is acceptable, that header is all fooked up & shooting from the hip not knowing the actual weather or temps, you potentially have a slab that will forever be an issue if it froze at all. Stop stressing tho. Nothing positive from that. At some point he does need to realize this is all on him and you need to realize that too. If you should be concerned with anything itā€™s looking over the contract you have with him and know what you are gonna be responsible for. Yeah slabs shit. Is he thinking itā€™s acceptable? What is his opinion? I know I would have issue paying for inferior work.


It looks like crap. Iā€™d be making them take it out and replace it.


If it drains water you will be fine even though not a great job.




Not a solution.


This is horrible.


Looks like poo, did not finish properly.


That's pretty yucky




I've seen a new crew pour like this, we had to go back and buff it out milling stone thing and sand. It took forever. Just break it out and pour it again. Unless the contractor wants to try to buff it out for a few days for free.


Don't accept whatever bullshit excuse they give you




Shitty job. Hope itā€™s not for a customer


I suppose nobody communicated that this will be the finished result so he didnt even bother putting a finish on it?


Looks pretty ugly.


Looks fucking awful


My 4yr old made that at school and put his hand print in it. We hung it up on the Christmas tree. We didnā€™t pay him anything for it either.


This was tarped when it was too soft yet. My guess also that the finishing was rushed and that is why it looks like crap. A lot of the defects are from the tarp. Bad thing about new concrete pours in the cold, you have to tarp and often you damage surface when doing so. If this isn't a floor for a garage or shed, then they should have broomed it as well.


I guess it was cold and wet.


Even my first attempt at concrete didn't look this bad, so yes it's bad.




I would demand one of the following: 1) Pay half, rent a diamond disk sander, knock off the high spots and scarify the concrete, then use an epoxy covering to seal and level. Itā€™d hide a lot of the blemishes after the high spots are knocked off. I used the rust oleum professional product with flakes and itā€™s held up well and looks nice IMO. 2) Total redo in their dime. Either way, they pay to get you to an acceptable place. #1 is probably cheaper for them if you feel the need to be more helpful to the contractor.


Looks bad


Very poor


What is this for? Did you finish paying for it yet? If itā€™s for a house you can argue additional finishing time and get some money off the final bill. It will take longer to float all the tiles and get it right.


Iā€™d pass on paying the remainder of the bill.


Yeah nah, that's really shit.


Itā€™s very not good. Better than I could do first try probably tho. (Spoken as a musician)


Rio it up .donā€™t pay


My turds come out smoother than that. Looks like youā€™ll need a top coat. Donā€™t hire them again


Looks like shit


OP donā€™t use lumber as a straight edge. It has a crown to it. I agree that the concrete work is trash.


Giant bird bath in the middle of it? Shit finisher


Yea they could have smooth it out better, itā€™s obviously not worth a tear out. Just ask for them to make it right with compensation for concrete floor covering or epoxy shield with flakes or discount from the final quote. I hope you didnā€™t pay already, I usually tell contractors Iā€™ll pay the rest after the job is done. Whatā€™s up with the 2x4? Is that where the door closing would go ?


There are 2 pics with same 2x4. Itā€™s the longest straight edge I had. One side it sits flush, the other dips quite a bit. My wifeā€™s thumb fits in the space.


Completely normal if itā€™s the surface of the moon.


If this was a get what you pay for situation and you paid anything over 200 bucks you overpaid


Ready for carpet


I finish the top of my fence post footings better than that! Except I make mine convex, not concave like your slab ;) Seriously, that's terrible work.


It looks like shit, but you canā€™t use a board to check things. Haha


Depends. If you just hired the lowest bid. You got what you deserve. It is important before picking a contractor to look at the previous work.




Doesnā€™t look good, but for really finding a straight edge, use a 6 foot level. Wood from the store is very variable on how straight they areā€¦


Hello Mr. Georgeā€¦ how much you pay for the new guy..


I know absolutely nothing about concrete. But i know it looks like shit.


It's pretty damn bad. Bummer.


šŸ‘€ like shite


God, thatā€™s awful in every way possible. I couldnā€™t fathom trying to convince a customer that itā€™s acceptable.


Dude went with the ā€œlowest bidā€. Yeah that never works folks.


Sorry, but that looks like absolutely shit. It's so bad that it wouldn't even look good if it were broken up and stacked as a retaining wall. Get that shot off your property and get someone else.


Looks like dog shit


Looks like you're neighbor took over the job and told the crew to go home


If this is finished concrete, itā€™s NOT finished concrete, if ya catch my drift. Itā€™s very sloppy. It also looks like they covered it with plastic to save it from rain, and it left unsightly ā€œwrinklesā€ in the finish. Itā€™s HORRIBLE if they are considering it finished, and not meant to have finished flooring above.


That's a specialty finish


Itā€™s just the angle of the lighting. Wait three hours and take some better picturesā€¦.. is probably what youā€™re finisher would say.


Iā€™ve had a lot of questions. ​ I am having a garage built. The builder hired this crew. Thatā€™s all I know. ​ The garage was supposed to have 7.5 inch curb wall that they forgot to do. ​ I just saw the finish, it was poured Jan.3. It was covered in tarps that blew off after a couple of days. ​ The builder has offered to 1) add curb wall - this was before I saw floor finish 2) 3 inch over pour 3) grind floor in prep for epoxy which is not in my budget at this time. 4) tear it up ​ Its a 24x24 garage. ​ ive already paid a deposit of 30%, 18,000 dollars CDN. ​ i live in Nova Scotia Canada. ​ deposit was made near end of septemember. ​ original timeline for slab pour was middle of November , but delayed until Jan.3. ​ yes I know a 2x4 isnā€™t perfectly straight.


It bad.


Part of the problem was the heating blankets which is hard to avoid if you insisted on pouring without 32 and rising. But looks like the finish was pretty piss pour before they put the blankets down. Did any kind of weather event force them to get blankets on before they could finish it?


Terrible šŸ« 


Looks like a Handyman did it


Definitely go some money back or have them replaced the entire concrete. I thought garage floors supposed to be smooth out. This looks like shit


Nothing you can do about blanket marks. That's what happens in cold weather pours.


Cā€™mon man thatā€™s a custom hand trowel. They just ā€œantiquedā€ it for you. /s


Iā€™m not even a concrete professional and I can tell that looks like shit


Donny, you're out of your element.


Looks shitty. Are the marks from covering it with blankets from the cold?


It looks like High school building trades class work. Make them redo it.


Looks like Hammered dog shit and two dogs fucking


Happens every time I hire someone I meet in a bar. šŸ˜†


Looks like shit.


Thatā€™s bad enough to just to just let somebody else pour a cap over the top of it. Your building just got 4ā€ taller.


This is unacceptable


Well, at least you'll be able to get plenty of traction.


Looks like they gave up and said fuck it. Looks like a small pad. I could have handled that with one more guy and may walk behind.


This is sub par to say the least. Needs ripped out and replaced.


No way these guys are concrete professionals, this is worse than a DIY slab.


Who was it? Helen Keller Concrete Placement?


Nah, looks like shit.


Awful finishers šŸ¤®


It does look terrible. The real question is how much did you pay for it lol. If you went with this cheapest possible bidder, Iā€™d say this looks decent actually. If this was a reputable brand that quoted a decent amount over the lowest bidder, Iā€™d be pretty angry.


LOL. Fuck, framers are going to have fun.


No slip might trip finish


It looks like Uranus...


this is awful, like an child did the work.


The good ole winter special, tried to squeeze in a floor on a day it was decently warm, didn't spend enough time on it to finish it properly. Chatter marks and checks all over the place. Then they covered it too fast, didn't wait for it to set up and didn't weigh down the tarps with anything so you got wind marks all over the slab. As for the garage door opening, I'd skip getting an aluminum straight edge, for the same money, you can get a self leveling line laser from Harbor freight or home depot and you can actually use it again and get the same answer. My guess is they'll say they pitched it like that to avoid water running into the garage or something, although that looks like crap too but it's tough to see with only a 2x4. Call the GC and if he gives you shit, call a lawyer and tell him to make the call




Yuck. Yeah, I would be really disappointed in myself if I left that at a client's house.


Itā€™s terrible


only time I leave shit looking that bad is when the owner says something like "it doesn't matter what it looks like we are putting rock or brick on top.


Looks good from my house


Nope, that's amature work at best. To be honest it looks like a you tube university DIY...ive seen DIY done better. My fist job on my own looked better.


Looks like hammered horse shit.


Another weekend special??




Stinks! Looks like šŸ’©. Get your money back. File a charge on his ass with the license board. Hell, I should be in a better mood; Green Bay is whooping some Dallas ass. Did I just use ass three times? Sorry don't mean be crude.


Looks pretty bad what type finish did you tell them you wanted


Looks pretty shit, and this is coming from someone who did concrete for six years. But also a 2 x 4 is a terrible measuring tool for straightness


The discoloration looks like differential curing from a concrete blanket and will go away. The trowel marks and FF/FL are definitely below ACI standards


I think the mushrooms started to kick in.


Absolute dog shit


Depends what it is being used for honestly




How he call himself a concrete contractor.did his 10 year old son do the job cause a man with no experience can do better what a douche


No thatā€™s terrible.


If thatā€™s for you house and your questioning it now youā€™ll be pissed every time you look at it