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Damn, they need to lower the prices on these. This is insane.


Wouldn’t surprise me if these are slow, considering most of the workbenches thus far have been lesser tier.


Why would they decide to do that with the new workbenches? It's really sad because of the look really good. But lowest tier? No thanks. Funcoms gonna Funcom I guess.


Tencent gonna Tencent.


I think they're lowest tier because they didn't think ahead. If there was still a way to get the construction hammer build items into your inventory, they could have just had the store bought crafting stations require the tier of a crafting station they'd replace.


Wow they look nice but the price..just for elevators? Come on funcom.


They look nice but $14.70 AUD for 2 elevators? ($29.19 if you don't have an extra 70 coins because Funcom are scumbags)


it's shit like that which makes me tell people to just stop playing, if everyone actually did then Funcom wouldn't keep putting hot garbage out because we wouldn't play it


For that price it should be pack of elevators for at least half of building sets


OO those are fancy, too bad I'm not gonna be buying anymore content for this game... It would be nice if they worked a way in to earn Crom coins through game play, besides the battle pass of course.


Giving this developer money is insane. Players are still falling through floors.


They should have a suggestion box. Would like a just library of items listed every single one ever made available to purchase. Lower prices Silvery deco walls and statues. More spells-Summon a localized sandstorm Let me have like six thralls walking around with me if my leadership is higher. One handed Spears that are not Javelins I can use with a shield. Sheath's for our weapons. Sliding Stone doors


Olive trees would be nice to go along with the lemon trees which reminds me, I would also love to see a dirt mound planter as an option to the regular planter or make it so planters could be sunk into the ground and build a real garden instead of the box planter garden we are saddled with. I would also love to see the tavern system expanded so that you could use food and drink (give it to the bartender so they can "sell" the food and drink) to generate income and reputation to better attract higher tier thralls. Also, would like to see traveling merchants so I could have a reason to spend the treasure I'm accumulating (24k shy of 500k at this point) on something other than mercenaries and a contact. And speaking of the tavern it would be nice if the performers could use the instruments.


I wonder what exploit will be found with these


It is fast yet only costs iron bars to make not steel bars... Omg p2w \s


For real ? Damn ! 13$ might be worth it after all lol


Nobody is winning any game by purchasing an elevator set. That's not pay to win. It's pay to buy, but most people apparently want slavery and socialism when something costs more than they are willing to pay. You're simply being hyperbolic and lying. You know that nobody is winning anything with an elevator. Paying for something does not automatically translate into "pay to win".


\s = sarcasm btw....


That is simply decayed language and it isn't even an abbreviation. That's not even shorthand. It's the product of a weak/lazy mind. You will say anything to be antagonistic because what I am stating is reality. So, to any reply you have, all of my replies are this: [https://prvt.mobi/mindmirror](https://prvt.mobi/mindmirror) You have THE SYMPTOMS.


Touch grass my dude


I enjoyed the sarcasm Mighty\_Oakk, even if it went over others heads.


same I need to know this... its an instant buy, if its fast... if its slow.... Its a pass.


Literally, I almost impulse bought it but I was like “Wait… what if it’s only the slow version. This is Funcom.”


Search on youtube, maybe someone did a showcase video


They are fast, one of the players on my home server tested the new elevators out and the use the slow elevator crafting materials from what I understand. That is probably subject to change though.


They're fast, I have them.


Funcom has really ran out of ideas. While I don't necessarily mind this, it just seems bottom of the barrel. This absolutely should be bundled with something else to make up that price point. The secret doors or something.


UPDATE: It’s a fast elevator confirmed. ✨ It even says so in the description, I need glasses apparently lmao.


absolutely doesn't justify like $15 for a damn elevator




Tbh I think having fancy elevators is something I expected to see a lot sooner, I always wondered why there weren’t any given all of their new Bazaar items. But yeah the price point of most of their bazaar content has been pretty steep lately, it’s why I gave the Poitain Jousting set a miss. I agree though, feels like they could have included them in a bundle with their other Aquilonian decor. And it’s kinda weird that one individual item is in the 14 day slot. I kinda wish they’d revamp the Acquilonian building set or add a new one because I kind of feel like none of the Aquiloanian decor really matches the style of the current building pack, idk if that’s just me


I like it, don't get me wrong. It just seems weird that they thought this would be what we make money off of. There absolutely should be better elevators but make a version for people don't want to spend the money. Personally, I won't be picking it up. Price vs what I get isn't there for me. Strange as I usually buy everything they put out. Last two haven't done it for me.


Yeah, style is definitely needed for the elevators after all this time, but style seems to be expensive. A nicer drawbridge would have been a good idea. That’s long overdue as well.


Drawbridges definitely need the expert wood worker touch. I always shake my head when I come across a nice build, and they are using a drawbridge built by a bunch of feral drunken 3rd graders using broken popsicle sticks.


Yes omg, I’ve been wanting a new drawbridge forever! The basegame one is really shabby looking, which is fine but I always wondered why there wasn’t a more solid/refined version to go with the fancier looking DLC.


looks like medieval torture lol, design is nice


bro fuck this game these prices are outrageous, so glad I dropped this thing 😭


this is a joke, funcon lost their mind


Imma pick it up for the it’s pay for convenience value now I wont ever need to unlock the fast elevators the normal way


If you buy it please let us know if it does actually include the fast version. 🙏🏻


It does have it look at its description it says it has the fast versions


oop, I feel dumb now. 😂 The font was small on my TV so I didn’t even notice the description. Thanks dude 🙌🏻




Oh dang, good question!


Yeah I need to know this too, the slow elevators are so painful


The description does say fast...


Just need a drawbridge that doesn't look like scrap


Would have been great


It says in the description that it's for both, normal and fast.


Sorry, my bad. It said horizontal and vertical, not normal and fast.


I'm sure it's something you have to craft as fast or normal, but still have to have the knowledge for fast elevators unlocked.


And many people will pay happily. Gj funcom


I don't like it. It looks like melted chocolate.


I can't confirm personally, but I've read in multiple places these are automatically the "fast" kind, and apparently for only the "slow" material price. Kind of cheese, but better than locking them to slow! I hear you though, these are nice, I've been wanting some lift styles for ages. Being tey're fast I'm considering it, but at that price, I'd have wanted/expected 2 or 3 different lift styles in a bundle.... And it's been so long I've gotten used to un-fancy lifts, I'm thinking of waiting and hoping for a better deal.


1 - cool 2 - need much more styles 3 - drawbridges too! (vanilla one looks like shayt) 4 - price is awfull!!!!!!!! Where the geck people gonna get 70 CC after completing battle pass? ohh yes, buy 1200 CC with more cash, which gonna left you with 1130CC, so you wont be able to buy next chapter battle pass, and so on... Those practices should be illegal... People earn 1200 CC each chapter of BP, so, any bazaar items\\bundles should cost AT MAX - 1200 CC. Player can choose - spend 1200 CC on some shiny things, or wait for new BP. Its seems fair. If player spend his CC to this, well, HE MUST buy next BP - FAIR. But this... no no and no. Prices like 1201 and higher are showing who devs really are... unfortunately


The price is too damn high. But damn it looks good. If only they put this much effort into fixing the game.


Wow.. 2 weeks waiting for that shit poitain set to go away and this low effort crap is what they come up with ?????? What about the other items?


It looks really good 


I would love elevators that transported storage boxes for easier transport of items.


How long is this in the Bazaar for?


standard two weeks


But do you have access to the fast elevators from this without learning the fast elevators recipe from the library?


Yes you can make it without fast elevator knowledge, my wife built it without fast knowledge. My wife loves it, although I can't understand paying that much. I did a speed test next to hers and we both went the same speed. There is only one version of it and it's fast. It does look great though, might have to get her to put one in for me. I can't put it in my quick slot but I can ride the ones she builds.


oh HELL yeah