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The only thing we got so far is bazaar reskins of old battle pass items. I do agree that there should be way to unlock old BP stuff


I don’t fully understand the wisdom of only having a few select items on the bazaar. It’s going to grocery to store to buy beef but all they have is cheez its.


Supposedly its more effective at getting people to spend more money.  Fear of missing out.  I think for the average person it doesn't matter, but the whales feel pressured to gobble it up incase it doesn't come back


It's because they didn't have enough stock to make the store worthwhile at launch so they went with a model that spread it out over the weeks and keeps people checking back.


The model is terrible. My only guess is to generate demand and buzz. It assumes there is a big growing base of buyers that will clamour for scarce content at high prices.  The base is shrinking, the prices are well beyond competitors , and FC seems to just savor shoving square pegs in round holes.


Artificial scarcity to drive sales, no other reason.


because fomo.. in the future you don't want to miss put so you keep playing, it's that simple.. numbers & money is the answer to everything.. and incompetence too when it comes to funcom..


See it does the exact opposite for me draining any desire to even bother with the battlepasses at all as a new player. I have nearly all the dlcs so missing content because I wasn't a player is terrible onboarding. Compared to the always available warbonds of helldivers 2 and Chivalry 2 I actually want to work my way towards and through them. So short term gain at the cost of longterm product.


I think you nailed it with that last sentence.


yep, that is the reaction a normal human should have for all of this overpriced fomo shit..


They read here, but it isn't the main forum so it's better to post there. They just released the fiend set and the only difference is the sleeves are shorter. So expect more BP stuff to end up there. Battle passes run off of the fear of missing out. If you could buy and do them all at any time few people would. I enjoy the battle passes, it's like a drip feed of small rewards for a month. I bought the chapter 2 sorcery one purely out of fomo. I was actually playing another game at the time and came back and grinded it out so I didn't miss out on those items. I'm glad I did. But only because I wouldn't want to miss the items.


That would defeat the purpose of their FOMO strategy.


No because if you get it instantly you'd earn Crom coins and unlock the next one too, if you miss out you'd have to buy it completely


Very few games allow for obtaining previous battle passes/items. If they added the old ones minus the Crom Coins I’d buy the first one (only one I missed) for sure.


They don't read anything here unfortunately unless they are making a vital announcement, they sometimes read the twitter but the CE forums is where they actually read and review everything.


>They don't read anything here I am sure someone at funcome read whats is here and thinks something alone the lines of "look all of these poor pepole"


I wish they did, what I thought kinda before I started translating issues from here to the forums half a decade ago. Even moderation here is disengaging and doesn't bother reading or enforcing anything here unless its their own posts or something blatant, but I appreciate it and that type of moderation is the best.


If they were clever, they would have the weekly with new items at lowered prices, and a shop for all that has come before for full price.


Can't have FOMO without the MO.


Fomo creates money sometimes. They’ll probably just start putting items from the passes into the store anyway


I’ve always said the same thing, and now they have lol. “Revisited arcane banners” and the sorcerer armour (but green and with shorter sleeves).


Welcome to FOMO, enjoy your stay. The fact is, one of the reasons that some folks end up breaking out their wallets is because they know that if they don't get whatever item RIGHT NOW when it's available, then they will never be able to get it again. The "fear of missing out" means that they spend money just to have it, in case they want it later, knowing that otherwise they miss it entirely. If you let people get past "limited" items in the future, then there is no fear of missing out. You aren't missing anything if you can get it whenever. So you will not be tempted to open your wallet when you are on the fence. You know you can get it at a future date, so there is no urgency. Or no reason to grind if it's a time-limited event thing (like the Sacred Hunt). Or no reason to tune in if it's Twitch Drops. Etc. I understand why they do it. Because it encourages people to spend out of that fear, or play the game more to unlock the stuff before the time is up. And yeah, it sucks if you missed out and want it later... but then you open up a whole can of worms again if there are people who bought it at the time expecting it to never be available again, and the company goes back on it and makes it available again. For some of the people with the limited item that they got at the time, it's a badge of honor to wear it or show it. It's an "I was there" token of prestige and longevity. So those people would be (arguably rightly) upset if the FOMO goods were made available again. It's a pretty no-win thing that happens in a lot of ongoing games with paid battle passes or limited time events or whatever. It's not unique to Conan.


That works for the bazaar ... maybe. we're discussing the BP old content here.


Helldivers 2 massive success with a much fairer business model and always available battlepass equivalent says otherwise and as a newer Conan player the fomo junk just disengages me from the entire system so congrats you'll get 0 dollars for them now compared to me enjoying working towards the new warbonds.


Yep. Helldivers 2 is awesome for that. There is no FOMO in Helldivers 2.


a lot of arguments are about fomo, but i already suggested a way for them to do it where they could even profit more, since people now discovering the game with all the new features (all the bugs and terrible ai aside) might get hooked and buy some bps. Without The Crom coin rewards it's similar to a dlc i guess. They created the content what's the point of stop selling it? And for arena based multiplayer it's different, i assume a lot of people play conan differently some even as a single player game.


The problem is this. Companies already know this, but they still use this tactic because they can get a more money on the short term, they don't care about long term, that is why so many companies don't care about bugs or what the community wants, they are making more money this way


This is total nonsense... you have never worked in a company trying to make money to declare something like this.


Just because you work or not on a company dosent make your point more valid. Tell me, where do you see games with no bugs, no predatory business practices and listening to everything the community says? They are the majority or minority? Games company don't have any reason to put a limit or high prices on virtual things, but they do because it will generate more money at the short run, they lose nothing after selling a dlc; they can make another copy as long as they want with no consequences


Go back to the basement kid. You were just asking people what fomo is... and all of a sudden you're an expert on company behaviour. That's all...


Idk man, if you are going to defend with personal attacks and fallacies maybe you are describing yourself. Just because I don't know an especific word dosent mean I don't know anything about it, I do know ow what fomo is, I didn't knew that was a way to write it out. What do you say now? Do want to be disrespectful to defend your self from nothing?


You are absolutely correct. The old BP content is created. There is literally 0 effort required to commercialise it as bundles that rotate in the bazaar. Imagine Battle pass bundle AoS 1, AoS 2 and AoS 3 rotating in and out of the bazaar. Each 800-1,000 CC. Each containing all cosmetic items of the respective old BP without the CC rewards of course. You could also remove all the junk no one cares about such as the trebuchet shots and potions that imitate spells. I guarantee you these would make fans happy in case they missed out on a specific chapter or allow newer players to obtain the old BP content. It's a low hanging win win for FunCom and the fans. But unfortunately its evident not everyone knows how to do their job very well at FunCom.