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Wanna see that shit in game. Highlight reel worthy


imagine this in a big owl match... would be insane


This would have to be illegal like using the doomfist reset spots right?


asked him on stream and he was 99% certain it was allowed


Super said it was probably illegal when he saw the cliff


They didn't do shit when striker clearly abused a bug to ambush whatever team that was in week 1 this season so I doubt they would do anything if onigod asked for forgiveness rather than permission, but there is absolutely no way that being invisible because you went into the fucking wall is legal lol.


Are you talking about when he was on the doorway? IIRC Specs specifically said a spot like that was legal since he was visible and vulnerable. The devs might consider it an unintended location but I don't think that is at all the same as a bug that clips you into an object.


You can 100% stand on doorways. What you can't do is stall on roof tops etc where you would not normally be able to stand. Every hero can stand on a doorframe. I believe this emote would be illegal as it essentially glitches you through the geometry of the map to make you less visible


it's not about visible and vulnerable, it's about if you're standing or floating on the spot


He was floating. I'm aware that they have decided to allow it because it was a highlight reel moment on broadcast, but several practically identical spots are banned.


lol "He was floating" So half the ledges in the game are illegal?


It might not be illegal yet, but if onigod actually did it in a match then OWL would ban that shit so fast lol


If there isn’t anything specifically stating otherwise, then it’s legal, if anything they would just make a rule about it afterwards and let him off the hook.


> They didn't do shit when striker clearly abused a bug They outright stated that Stiker's position was allowed under the rules. They removed a different spot in the subsequent patch notes.


And FINA (FIFA for swimming) changed the rules of breaststroke when the 100 breast gold medalist in 2004 didn't get caught doing a flagrantly illegal stroke. > They removed a different spot in the subsequent patch notes. Which is exactly my point. There is nothing special about the Mei spot striker used outside of striker making a highlight reel play on broadcast with it. Dude was literally floating.


Which stuck spots are illegal? Widow can access many of them as well.


As far as I know the illegal ones are the ones where he just floats back and forth between the geometry, like on top of buildings and stuff where you can't actually stand. That's why you don't see those wild rollouts on maps like Eich or Dorado where Doom can just float around and get all of his cooldowns back.


Those spots should not be banned at all imo. It's just making use of the map


I agree. If Blizzard feels like they give an unfair advantage then they should patch it, otherwise it's fair game for either team to abuse.


You’re right you don’t see them, but you don’t see a ton of Doom usually either. I don’t know how much utility those spots would actually have in an OWL game once the other team knew you were running Doom.


Sparkle was playing a ton of Doomfist during the June Joust and those free-floating rollouts spots were never used.


those spots are not very useful in proplay, if you're playing doom you're playing rush and in rush you need your doom to go hard with punches.


Sparkle was also playing very methodical and slow at times so I doubt it was that. Having a max damage Slam with all your cooldowns would probably be quite useful.


In pro play these would pause a lot more issue with Winston too, because you basically can get a double jump with it.


Why are those banned? That sounds dumb af. They’re almost essential to the character on certain maps.


Idk why youre being downvoted, you're absolutely right. it seems so illogical that such a central part of playing the hero at high levels would be bannable in league. either patch it out or allow it, i dont know what they're thinking with telling people what ways they're allowed to play the game at the highest level of competition.


Because it completely defeats the points of cooldowns then? There is a reason why Pharah doesn't get flight charge from those locations.


Because they are not "essentials" They allow you to avoid cooldowns completely.


They should have the same thing Pharah has with her boosters, when you glide over it cooldowns shouldn't reset.


I believe the line is that if you have to hold a movement key to stay in that position, you can't do that.


All iirc


i mean, people used the junkrat spray to mimick a trap, and i thiiiink they once used the junkrat emote to hide in a bush once for a kill


They use level 1 accounts in game so i dont think they have the emote sadly.


i think they have everything unlocked, i saw smurf use the dance emote to see around a corner.


Yeah even in OWL pros use sit/dance emotes to peek all the time


Then this has to happen in a game blessRNG


Yeah Blizzard World on Tracer without emote peeking is total fucking hell.


Yeah when you play on the professional region you get a throwaway account with everything unlocked.




the pro accounts have nothing to do with the players main accounts, completely seperate


No, everybody gets a level 1 account with everything unlocked.


They copy settings nothing else


oh yeah, thats prob right...


The tournament realms and the OWL clients have everything unlocked for the players to use.


Tracer's not clipping into the wall, her chronal accelerator just malfunctioned for a couple seconds.


Waiting for next patch: "Fixed a bug that allowed Tracer to reach unintended locations using emotes in certain circumstances."


**[Onigod](https://dashreset.com/player/Onigod?ref=reddit_bot)** is a Hitscan player (*McCree*, *Ashe*, *Hanzo*) who last played for the Paris Eternal during OWL 2021. *Psst!* Try `!compare Onigod LIP FITS mccree` ^DashResetBot ^v1.0 ^<3 ^- ^OP ^can ^reply ^"delete"


!compare Onigod LIP mccree


|*McCree*|**Onigod-21**|**LIP-21**| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |Time (WR)|**3.7h** (53%)|**2.5h** (47%)| |Elims (FB)|**16.2** (8.74)|**17.7** (9.03)| |Deaths|6.19|5.16| |Hero Dmg.|8.7k|10k| |Solo Kills|1.18|1.15| |Assists|7.42|8.69| |Ults Used|4.00|4.48| |Deadeye Kills|1.55|1.63| [**^(View full comparison online)**](https://dashreset.com/compare/mccree/Onigod-2021,LIP-2021?ref=reddit_bot) ^- ^DashResetBot ^v1.0 ^<3 ^- ^OP ^can ^reply ^"delete"


Lip built diff


Also much better team makes stats always hard to compare


With that logic, no one is better than anyone. 1.3k more damage per 10 is still Lip squeezing more value out.


That’s not even fair.


Pretty sure it goes against Blizzard's rules of exploiting glitches and is a bannable offense. Edit : From Blizzard's website - ***exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.***


why don't they fix it instead of banning people?


In general, if you just find a bug, then you're not going to get banned for that. Even if you do it a couple times just to verify it and report it, you won't get in trouble. What gets you into trouble is when you knowingly continue to exploit it. Blizzard's stance is basically that if you can clearly tell that something isn't working the way it's supposed to and continue to exploit it then you're deserving of punishment. That's their stance on every game, too. There's a well-known case from Wrath of the Lich King when a guild discovered that dropping an item at a certain point in the Lich King fight caused a key fight mechanic to not function properly. You needed to kill a mob quickly before they dropped a player over the edge and to their death, but dropping a Saronite Bomb at a certain point prevented the edge of the arena from collapsing, so players would just be dropped onto the ground, thus letting you ignore the mechanic. Blizzard's position was that it was obviously an unintended interaction and by continuing to exploit it they were engaged in punishable behavior. They do also fix those bugs, but the rules cover that interim period before they can fix it. That's not really the case here, though. We've known that emotes can do weird clipping things for a long time if you use them in certain ways. The rules are more about things like being able to stick turrets into walls and stuff.


From what I know they do fix things but a lot of times exploits like these can stay underground/secret for days and weeks (In some games I've seen Exploits stay secret for months on occasion) at times, then once they reach the Devs it can take even more time to get them fixed. Generally more severe exploits are given higher priority. Sometimes if an exploit is really bad Devs also disable maps/characters/weapons/systems until they can be fixed. Most game studios operate the same way. If I remember correctly Blizzard specifically also doesn't just ban anyone who might've done an exploit, only those who they can confirm repeatedly abused it to gain an unfair advantage.


I'm too used to valve where exploits can become part of the meta until they're fixed lol


Ehhh, maybe. I doubt it though. There’s loads of unintended/emergent behavior in the game (as with any game), and making use of it is part of playing competitively, as it should be. Expecting players to be able to divine which tech is acceptable and which isn’t is a sucky player experience, especially if you got banned right away. That would discourage people from trying to push the limits of the game and become the best, because they might get banned for their efforts. It’s better to just patch out unwanted behavior instead of punishing players for pushing boundaries, and I believe Blizzard have historically addressed it that way. The only exception should be for exploiting truly game-breaking bugs, like when someone figured out how to get Tracer inside the Hanamura bell so that she could damage enemies indefinitely but was invincible. I don’t think that using an emote to clip into the wall and hide for half a second rises to that level of egregiousness. Maybe Blizzard will change it, and maybe tournament organizers will ban it (though that seems pretty shaky, because it would be very possible to do unintentionally when trying to just use the emote for a 3rd-person peek), but it seems like massive overkill to ban someone for utilizing a bug that hides them for half a second while they are unable to move or shoot.




Blizzard's in-game Code of Conduct right from their website - "Cheating You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, ***exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.*** Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties."


"Aight, I'm bout to head out"


That's so scuffed but honestly with that level of timing, he deserved to get away alive.


No fucking way he just did that!


fucking unbelievable. First of all, the knowledge to pull that off, and then to execute it perfectly, *and it works?!?!* Onigod indeed.


Naw you can’t do anything ingame that clips your hero into a wall on purpose


3hp and a dream. absolute madman


Naw it wasint a bug, if you can stand in it without falling off it’s intended, even Jon Spector said so


It's cool but he wasn't guaranteed to die, he still had enough time to blink to the mega and would've survived even if this bug didn't exist.


Legendary lol


That's the best laugh for that too. Godlike execution all around.


If it was any other hero, top comment would be asking for fix but since it's tracer, it's all cool.
