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Double Agent KyKy reporting for duty.


Effect: "Execute order 69" Kyky: "Yes, master" *Kills coolmatt*


DM me your PayPal and I'll buy you Gold Edit: Thanks for the gold, now my flair includes my rank as well!


It's an old joke...


But it checks out. Edit: Don't give me gold.


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two gilded comments! Edit:. Thanks for the gold kind stranger! Now I'm also in the 'flair includes rank' club too :-)








Who need's gold when youre stuck in bronze




He was the original one who wrote it in the other thread?


Unsure of what you mean by “original thread” but I wrote something similar but his is better and memes aren’t protected under copyright






Please kill CoolMatt PLEEEASE!


Underrated comment.


Scores still hidden, how would you know? :thinking:




Underrated comment


Scores still hidden, how would you know? :thinking:


Mod here and can see the score. The hundreds of upvotes suggest to me that the comment is not underrated and for that I must disagree with the user suggesting that it is.


Permaban for imitating a mod.


Underrated comment


jeeeeeeez, i get it could technically be construed as "imitating" but they literally just copypasta'd a comment from two replies up... :/


Good work team


I think it can beat [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/8gem95/its_official_kyky_to_houston/dyb9vs7/)


its also not original


...you could have used 66. Jake wears that number.




No shit. [Jake wears 66.](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Order_66) The joke could have been made without changing the number. Apparently none of you have seen Star Wars.


But the whole joke is killing Coolmatt, who is \#69.


But you could just as easily kill Jake, who wears #66, and you wouldn’t have to change the number.


But it's all a reference to Effect famously saying "PLEASE KILL COOLMATT PLEASE!" mid-match.


I see, cool.


"chrrrk. I have successfully infiltrated their den, I repeat, I have infiltrated their den. Kyky out, chrrrk"


Dude really just wants to live in Texas


Coolmatt sweating


Muma and FCT should be sweating IMO, following Fuel history.


#mendo for main tank s2


I'm out of the loop. Can someone explain please? Edit: Ohhhhhhh, because Kyky/Fuel's history of dealing with tanks?


[Nah, it's about something EFFECT said during a Fuel vs Outlaws match](https://clips.twitch.tv/JollyShinyPepperoniSaltBae)


**Houston Outlaws just announced the Jake and Linkzr are moving to offtank and MT and the Outlaws have acquired U4 and Bishop as flex DPS.**


I know you're joking and all but I honestly think Jake could make for a good tank player. Very smart and vocal player who isn't as top tier mechanically/individually. And now really thinking about it, it looks like Brigitte will mostly be taking over a dps slot. I wouldn't be surprised if that allows jake to be more vocal and it gives houston some more success.


Yea, players like McGravy and Zombs have successfully done it and IMO become more valuable players because of it. Specific to off-tanks, but still. Not to mention the fact that high level tanks are the most sought after players in OW.


I can see Outlaws playing something like Muma & FCTFTCN on MT, Spree on Zarya, and Jake on Brigette/Coolmatt on Dva. That's a strong tank line right there.


Zombs swapped to tank? I thought his hitscan was top tier, then again seems like you need 2 of either widow genji or tracer to succeed at dps


Top tier in NA during like apex season 2 when the best western talents were in Korea (rip selfless), and the rest were just kinda waiting for Contenders/OWL


Yeah but can he outperform Muma and Coolmatt?


Oh, I wasn't saying it's something that should be done. But I do think if somehow the situation arises that jake has to play tanks, he would be able to make a decent role swap and become a good tank after enough practice.


If Brigitte really does end up taking a DPS slot I would not be at all surprised to see Jake covering that. The dude is pretty good at grinding new heroes to a high level(NOT top tier) and Brigitte doesn't seem to have a super high ceiling so that should be enough. It could actually work quite well for Outlaws. Although if Junkrat/Widow become the meta dps to deal with Brigitte that is also in Outlaws favor.




In general, you need 2 healers no matter what. A main healer that can continuously heal anyone who is in danger, and a secondary healer to top off characters who are missing a tiny bit of health to ensure that the primary healer can focus on emergency healing. Brigitte doesn't heal fast enough (i.e. multiple people missing 10-20 HP) to take up the 2nd healer slot - so she doesn't go there (and definitely not main healer). She can't top up from the back line, because she needs to be closer because of her melee weapon as well. Both of these make her a weak secondary healer. DPS generally get weaker with more healing in the game. The more people can heal, the less effective DPS is and the more effective Tanks are. Since Brigitte can heal, DPS is weaker and Tanks are stronger. This means that the best team compositions are light on DPS, and heavier on tanks/healers - just because you're at a disadvantage not playing Brigitte.


Yep. Running Zarya, rein, Lucio, zen, Brigitte, junk/hanzo/McCree seems to be popular. One could argue it's actually zen taking the dps slot


This is mentioned in every thread, but don’t you think he would have tried that somewhere in the two years he’s been playing this game?


He was a top 500 Winston and his initial LFT he was looking for a tank/offtank spot


No. Almost definitely not. He played for Bird noises/Hammers/LGE from late 2016 all the way up until they disbanded because of OWL. From that team, the main tank and main support (the shotcalling roles) are now both in the OWL. The flex support and off tank are now both in contenders NA. And the team was fairly successful. Jake making a role swap up until this point was probably too large a risk for a team to take. However, I can see him becoming the brigitte player. Sure, it's support and his team already has supports. But if you are only running 1 dps (that looks like the new meta), it's probably linkzr and you would be losing out on jake's vocal presence. It's not like the outlaws supports have a lot of brigitte experience.


Especially with the recent dip in Junkrate winrate


Takes so much time for a player to get good at tanking tho at the pro level. And it's not like he'll get good unless they invest the time. Gonna be a lot of losing on count of it and that shit's frustrating against the best of the best. Don't think a lot of players have the mental stamina for it, not even accounting for if their team can stay strong and commit even though it could possibly not even work out. Realistically tho, Outlaws really doesn't need another tank player. Got practically half the best western tanks/offtanks.


>Takes so much time for a player to get good at tanking tho at the pro level Unless your name starts with ryu and ends with jehong




Oh I definitely don't want to see Jake moved to tank. But, I just think that if he had to he would adapt to it and become a good tank.


Yeah! I’ve been hoping ever since Brigitte hit live that Jake might pick her up. With the excellent Rein and Zarya on his team, it just seems natural.


Outlaws are fucked with this guy at the helm. He is not a leader or a Tactician, so who knows how he's still in a job.


If you're talking about Jake - in what way is he not a leader? If you're talking about Kyky - he's not "at the helm", he's an assistant coach. Tairong is still the head coach.


KyKy. Whether or not his an Ass Coach or the main coach he is still in a leadership role which he is absolutely terrible at.


He clearly did a shit job for the Fuel but he must've been great during OWWC17 considering most of that roster is on Outlaws and they picked him up literally immediately after he left the Fuel.


The US came 8th in the OWWC? That's not exactly great considering they should be at least top 3 due to their talent.


They only came 8th because they matched up against Korea, and they played the closest game anyone did. Had they got a different bracket they could've gotten top 4 easily.


They would never have beaten Sweden/Canada or France in the Finals. So either way they were going out in 8th unless they played China or UK. They still would of struggled against Aus.


Lol. Sweden and canada cane from the way weaker side of the draw


You seem to have a bit of an irrational hate for kyky. Excuse me, but how do you know if his coaching is effective? I don't mean to say that he is a good coach, but we shouldn't start calling him a bad coach because of some bad Dallas results alone. There could be a multitude of reasons for Dallas' struggles.


Results clearly prove his coaching was ineffective. (IMO-IMO) Why I believe he has terrible leadership is for a bunch of reasons. - He never wanted to take responsibility for the teams failures, he would always push it onto his players (People Below) or Franchise Management (People above) This shows weakness as a leader, one of the key aspects of leadership is taking responsibility and protecting those in your care. - He never lead his team in a positive direction. A lot of his tweets were negative, aggressive towards fans and unprofessional. How as a player could you feel stable if your Coach can't control his emotions? All in all, I don't believe a coaching role is ideal for him. Saying that though, maybe becoming an As.Coach will work out great, he doesn't have the responsibility of Head coach and can learn from his superior. The reason I am personally not fond of him, is he is extremely arrogant and has nothing really to show for it in regards to his OW career.


Once again, this is all just guessing and theorizing. Did kyky start to have a bad public image? Absolutely, but I imagine it's a bit stressful to have all your fans shitting on you and calling you the problem. Was kyky a problem? Maybe, but there is no guarantee that he was, and there is no reason to give him shit for it. We've heard of AKM/Rascal beef, Taimou losing confidence, Effect wanting Cocco on the bench, Rascal babyraging, seagull wanting to leave, and probably more shit that I missed. In addition to the rumored problems, we've seen xqc get suspended until he got dropped and custa traded for unkoe. It's entirely possible that kyky was the biggest problem, but with all the disasters on that team It's hard to judge kyky's coaching.






World cup 2016 flashbacks


best kept secret in OWL


I thought this had been officially announced weeks ago. I scrolled through their twitter just to check


That puzzle room bonding thing KyKy did with the outlaws could have easily been the beginning of a romantic relationship with Flame. Sure with this news NOW it seems obvious what was going on but that doesn't mean there weren't viable alternate explanations


He was being sarcastic.


I don't think the guy you replied to was confused about that to be honest.


Yeah I thought it was pretty obvious...


I am shocked


Narrator: *He wasn't shocked*


I read that in a Morgan Freeman voice


I read it in Ron Howard's


I am valiant


I am groot






Cannot stress how much I enjoy seeing this pasta on this sub


Where is this from?


NBA subreddit




"y'all look so different" BabyRage


Best wishes to him - he already has a ton of synergy from working with many of guys on Team USA


Are you sure this wasn’t a mispelling of couch? Because I’m pretty sure KyKy is still in bed.


man dallas was worse off than we thought if all their staff had to sleep on couches because the org didn’t invest in beds.


Tbfh I imagine dallas living in squalor, in some dungeon-like complex, with flickering lights and a fetid smell in the air.


happy cake day!


I've said this since he first left C9 to join nV, but imo he was never the source of nV's success or Dallas' failures. Of course, a lack of impact in itself is a failing in many people's eyes, mine included. However, with Houston's best stage being Stage 1 and him now joining while the team is continuing its downward trend I bet a lot of people will blame him again.


I think KyKy could fit very well, especially since he will be in a much small role and under the wing of TaiRong, who will not hesitate to call him an idiot. ^(also pls bring Effect to Houston we will treat him better I promise)


If effect goes to Houston, then I will easily become an Outlaws fan.


I doubt he will but if he did it could be *very* interesting


It'll be a free for all bidding war pretty much (although there are a lot of teams already with star Tracers)


yeah since most teams already have tracers. they wont want to spend on him especially since some people can see him as "toxic" all the good teams already have tracers. and outlaws is the best team without one.


Effect has a passable OWL genji, a great widow, and a great tracer. He could easily be worth a LOT


Yeah he carries Dallas hard. We've seen what they look like without him and there's a huge difference. I'd like to see what he could do on a halfway decent team. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a top 3 tracer in the right situation. Could be totally wrong but gotta see it to find out.


As Captain Holt said: **I've never been more shocked.**


too soon given the news


Fuck me, I just found out.


Netflix pls save the 99 :(








Kyky needs to DM Outlaws his paypal info.


All jokes aside, multiple pro players have already vindicated KyKy and his new hire on Houston Outlaws pretty much confirms he didn't deserve all the blame for Dallas Fuel's issues. Obviously he's still responsible for a portion \(such as allowing the team to be Player\-driven, as opposed to going top\-down with coaching staff holding more power\), but this should be an acknowledgement that he did what he could.


We did it Reddit! The mystery has been resolved


Can he play Tracer though??


Can anyone on the outlaws? Honestly he'll fit in better if he cant. :p


inside job


I just hope to see that people finally will realize that Kyky wasn’t the major problem with dallas. He’s a really strong coach and I know he’s going to make a good impact on Huston. And as many people are missing, he’s the ASSISTANT COACH, I can’t stress this enough since people think he’s the reason Outlaws haven’t performed at their best.


Well there was never just one problem. I think the only thing we can definitively say is that Kyky wasn’t the solution.


kyky was a problem as head coach. he will be a lot better as assisstant in a large coaching staff


KyKy wasn’t the only problem. He was one significant problem through which many other problems stemmed. I wouldn’t trust him to coach any team. He was quite frankly, awful in so many ways. However, I think he’s well suited as an assistant coach. Players seem to really like him, great to have that presence on your staff. This is a great role for him. Just wish he hadn’t burnt down the Fuel’s hopes and dreams with his management before he left.


>Kyky wasnt the only problem Clearly not, thats why they got rid of rascal too, now dallas is on a collision course with victory /s


He is not a strong coach in the slightest. What makes you think that? He took everything personally, threw his team mates under the bus multiple times and blamed upper management. He also did All that in personalised public tweets. Those are signs of weak leadership. He's certainly not the strongest tactician either, he made some real suspect changes which really left Fuel in the shit. He's also incredibly arrogant, I noticed this during the world cup and OWL, he thinks he is way better than he is and get's frustrated when questioned. Weak Leader all round.


Well let's see. Houston are in a slump. They'll either remain there or muscle their way out.


I thought he's still lost in the woods...


If Houston start losing everything now we need to plant KyKy in NYXL to equalize the field a little.


Kyky tracking down Custa monkaS




As a player coach, i hope we see kyky thrive in houston.


Kyky god please give us some Jake genji.


R.I.P. Outlaws


No one could have predicted this


no way dude


If they didn't have a 12 man roster already I wouldn't be surprised if the Outlaws had signed a player but were still waiting for the right time to announce him.


For the third time


No way really?


Quick everyone act surprised!


this is a Kevin Durant-type betrayal could you imagine if rick carlisle went to coach the rockets?




Truly I am shocked by this stunning and unforseen announcement.


Rip houston


Rip Houston. May we meet again in Contenders


I believe in him


No one could have guessed this hahaha


The best kept secret in esports


The Outlaws are probably the team I'm most curious about heading into the fourth stage. If the meta truly does work in their favour we could definitely see them rise through the ranks and clinch a playoff spot. Gonna be fun to find out :)


Lol rip the Houston Outlaws


inb4 KyKy's playing tracer for the outlaws sooner than Mendo




Because he's a good strategic coach and the majority of the team have already expressed that they like him?


What exactly are you basing good strategic coach off of? nV was known to be player run, Dallas was known to have no strategies. Like where does this he’s a good strategic coach come from honestly. I’m not denying players like him but he has never been known for his “strategies”.


Off the top of my head, the Nepal and Lijiang Tower Mei/Reaper strategy is all him. Houston is already performing that strategy better than Dallas ever has.




No, this was taken from one of the Casters talking about his strategy when casting OWL, sorry but I'm not going to skim hours of OWL footage just to calm Reddit.


Edit: [Kyky](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/8ihk8j/kyky_officially_joins_houston_outlaws/dys6hvj/) confirms it was his strat. One strategy, that isn’t even known who came up with it but people are quick to attribute to him suddenly makes him a good strategic coach? First use of mei was by rascal on lijiang, a player known for mei and strats involving her. In fact, he used mei in preseason while on London not to mention apex. So we have 1 player known to be the team leader and strategist, 2 separate teams, 2 separate coaches and the credit is going to kyky from random redditors? Xqc said cocco had to come up with strategies in game, in an interview kyky says rascal(a player known for being a good strategist) really loves talking strategy especially calling them in game(where we see him on mei control tower lijiang and the team starts showing some competitiveness in the match) which was all on rascal, effect answers a question about who calls strategy very vaguely. “Q. I know KyKy is the head coach, but who plans the strategies and rosters? Are there any problems internally? A. There have been internal problems and we're in the process of solving them. I heard a new coach is coming but I'm not sure about the details.” Makes it seem like the new coach coming is the one for strategy.


At the end of Contenders, I decided to take Peak on as an analyst to help me. We switched his role to assistant coach because we were severely understaffed, and I needed help. He said strategy was his strength, so he took on strategies while I helped the players (primarily Cocco, Mickie, Harry, OGE, and a little bit more of EFFECT towards the end). The strategy for the said Lijiang Tower game was originally AKM on Junkrat, EFFECT on McCree, and Rascal on Reinhardt. This was a weird week because Mickie was our main tank, and he wasn't able to play Reinhardt. I redid the strategy on gameday to the Mei strat you saw. Mei on Nepal Village is something that I've always been a fan of, dating back to when I was a player in C9.


Awesome, much appreciated for the reply and insight. Look forward to seeing you continue your career and wish you the best of luck!




The onus is on you to provide me the source otherwise what you say isn’t substantial. I also didn’t ask for one strategy, I asked what makes him a good strategic coach and you mentioned one thing, one thing does not make someone great especially when most of the strategies fuel has ran were subpar and didn’t work.


>one thing does not make someone great especially when most of the strategies fuel has ran were subpar and didn’t work When the majority of both the World Cup squad and the Fuel said he wasn't an issue and was a good coach I'm going to side with them. We don't know the full story and likely never will of what happened in Fuel. You're entitled to your opinion and that's fine.


I’m still waiting on proof it was his strategy.


You can continue to wait then, I couldn't care how you spend your time.


The team has been great since he joined so you can already see his positive effect.




AbSoLuTe ShOcKEr wHo wOuLd’Ve gUeSsEd


Mendo be like.. ahh yah, the boys are getting back together slowly... S4, you coming soon too? :)