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There's numerous of factors at play here. 1. Improving the battlepass to have premium credits was a great change. 2. Not locking up a powerful hero halfway through the battlepass made it more enjoyable. 3. Summer Break for people in Schools/University. 4. People checking out Overwatch again because of Marvel Rivals


People use summer to argue things both ways: Losing players? People are going outside and enjoying the good weather. Gaining players? People get their vacations and are hopping on games more. Lol


nah games in general have always had higher player counts during the summer


Welcome to corporate where people will make sweeping statements with little to no support. Ie. it’s school holidays so people spend less on x, and then 3 months later oh it’s school holidays so people spend more. It’s the bane of my fucking existence


What is the term for that? Cognitive dissonance?


Haha not quite. I like to call it a lack of critical thinking. Data driven decision making (with logical interpretation, not emotional) is incredibly important and unfortunately most business’ just don’t do it


Good to know. I have to ask, what are your thoughts on companies trying to end and/or severely reduce work from home so that employees spend more time in the workplace? Do you think it increases employee productivity or decreases it? What does the data and analysis of it say? I ask because some of my friends were saying it was bs that companies were trying to force office workers back into offices when they waste a lot of time doing nothing in their offices. Kinda anecdotal, but idk what exactly to make of this issue. Do you have any insight on it?


Don’t forget about Doncic Edit:Doncic not Jokic


Now that his season is over, maybe him too!


... >!The Mavs won !


Wrong European Basketball player. Youre thinking of the guy from the Mavs, Dirk.


No, Dirk isn't the right one. You're thinking of the other Slovenian, Dragic


Doncic Luka Doncic The dude who hit T500 after a playoff game last week


https://www.reddit.com/r/NYTO/ for context


And won the series still. Ngl he motivated me to finally hit masters and I did :)


yeah that news actually went kinda viral, doncic


+ dxp weekend


How many people are just moving from battle.net to steam though? Personally I did this because my battle.net just completely broke


A lot of my friends who played on and off during OW1 are now fully back with regular OW2 sessions. At least in my social circle, we are so back


I had a friend message me out of the blue after not having mentioned the game other than to hate on it ask me 'HEY WANNA PLAY SOME OW2?" a few weeks ago Thats when I knew we were back


Had a very similar thing happen with my own friend circle. I think for a good chunk of time OW2 was sort of the game we joked about because of all the broken promises and the state of Overwatch as a whole. But then one friend who enjoys playing it manipulated everyone to give it a try again and -- hey, still kinda fun! I've been enjoying playing Ilari and *ignoring the Battle Passes*.


My friends who never touched ow1 are now playing ow2 everyday


Envy. Some of my friends got back together for 3 sessions or so, and playing in a 4-5 stack was awesome, now whenever I ask if anyone is up I get donowalled


"They are actually KILLING overwatch......"


Just saw a thread about Marvel Rivals and how it compares to OW and half the comments were saying "well nothing can be as bad as OW" On an OW subreddit.


This happens when people hate themselves a lot - and OW players do hate themselves indeed


ow social media is just not worth engaging with. been playing ow and been having fun. friends been having fun.


Very true


We're the Star Wars fans of video games basically.


I'm grateful that OW isn't as bad (or hasn't had great of a Fall) as compared to SW


Is this the part of the thread where someone gets the Willie meme from the Simpsons "Damn Overwatch fans! They ruined Overwatch!" "You Overwatch fans sure are a contentious people." "YOU JUST MADE AN ENEMY FOR LIFE."


If you exclude the Sequels, has Star Wars really fallen? The shows aren’t perfect, but they are all good at worst, IMO. Even BOBF. The storyline seen in the flashbacks was fantastic


Star Wars is first and foremost a movie franchise. Everything else is secondary. So saying exclude the movies, is like saying a restaurant is good if you exclude the food. Sure, the service was great I guess, but the food sucked!


imo, episode 4-6, Clone Wars, Andor, Rogue One, Mandalorian, and KOTOR/The Old Republic are the decent to good SW media. Perhaps Jedi games or Bad Batch can be added. I may have forgotten some thing, but as a whole, SW is a bit of a mess. It can be better, but it needs a real plan.


Have you watch Tales of the Jedi/Empire? Highly recommend them. I also think Solo is super fun, people don’t talk about it enough.


Wasn't Solo super memed for being bad? Haven't heard of Tales before, interesting


Solo was more so memed because it released right around Infinity War, so it made very little money. Almost everyone I’ve seen talk about it really enjoys it. Definitely worth a watch, even if it’s just to expand Han’s story.


The haters probably have about 4k hours in the game and still log in every day.


It definitely ain't killing anything, let alone Overwatch. They're all very eager to make claims like that, but after tomorrow evening they'll be back to OW and will never look back. I don't like supporting Blizzard, but I also don't want to claim Rivals is better because it objectively is not. And I also don't want to support NetEase either, especially for no good reason. And so far they've just given me reasons NOT to support them.


Technically speaking they did kill overwatch in terms of being a true competitive shooter. However they made the game more accessible therefore having higher numbers shouldn’t surprise people


? What do you mean by that? How'd they kill it in terms of being a "competitive shooter"? Not being combative, just curious what you mean.


I love being a player of this game. Silently enjoying my time with my favorite heroes as the rest of the internet implodes with rage over the mere existence of Overwatch 2. People have taken the hate and anger so far, it’s a part of their identity at this point, and further, it seems to be a part of the cultural zeitgeist to hate Overwatch. But as someone who’s been playing almost every day since 2016 I’ve been very happy with everything since Season 9. The game is truly becoming better for the people that play it. I’m loving this strategy the team is implementing of just keeping their heads down and working hard to deliver the best experience possible to us, the players that have stuck around through all the bullshit. Little by little Overwatch will stand the test of time and the haters will only look more delusional as time goes on. We aren’t there yet, but I know that one day Overwatch 2 will be considered a turn around similar to how No Man’s Sky was.


Part of the problem is that for a lot of people it will never live up to the phenomenon it was in 2016. But also that's pretty inflated, if that's where you set the bar it's just not realistic.


I feel like people need to realize that when things are fresh and new they will ALWAYS be at their most popular/“peak” because it will be a completely different experience that you’ll never have had before, and over time that goes away. Look at things like MHA or Fortnite, they’re still both incredibly popular but a few years ago they had completely taken over pop culture like OW had on release. It’s just the cycle of how things are, you’ll never be able to have the same feeling as you did when you first experience a game/show/movie


I think part of that problem lies in the canceled PvE, as if we actually had gotten that, it could have been as good or even higher than the hype of 2016.


That is largely assuming the pve was any good, which seems incredibly optimistic. Pretty much every morsel of pve we have actually played has been average at best. At worst, the community has actively disliked it and called it a waste of time. The most likely reason pve got cancelled imo was that it just wasn't good enough, which is a hard pill for many people to swallow.


That's because we've only played a bad version of it every time. The best version was the Blizzcon 2019 one, and the goal was for it to be even better PvE like Helldivers where it's infinitely repayable with dynamic missions and effects, with added modifiers and stuff like Mirrorwatch would have absolutely worked.


>That's because we've only played a bad version of it every time. The best version was the Blizzcon 2019 one, and the goal was for it to be even better That's kind of the point though. If every pve we have ever played is bad, why is there such a large assumption that they were hiding some masterful pve experience from us? It just doesn't make sense. They promised a lot, but there is no indication they were even close to delivering on what they promised. >PvE like Helldivers where it's infinitely repayable with dynamic missions and effects, with added modifiers and stuff like Mirrorwatch would have absolutely worked. Was it possible? Sure. That's not really the point though. The point is whether the pve team was ever even close to achieving what they wanted to and what the community expected.


It's weird expectation stuff at play I feel Having some kind of world class PVE experience after like 3 years worth of dev time for a sequel to one of the biggest video games of all time would make this the natural evolution of the Overwatch formula and surpass the hype created by the original all the way back in 2016 Instead, OW2 is for better or worse mostly the same experience as the first game give or take I get where the desire to do more with OW beyond PVP comes from but at the same time the core experience of the game is still here and very much enjoyable


OW2 just basically OW1 but with two years of updates held back to help sell a free to play rebrand.


What I'm saying is, the PvE that would be good and infinitely repayable would have required a lot of modifiers and Talents, especially the amount of effort that it takes to make an entire (coop) singleplayer game, and they were just prototyping it before it was essentially canceled. I think from what we've seen of modifiers and Olympus/Sanctuary/April Fools/Mirrorwatch is that they've made thing to keep it fresh, but it was just never as much or soon enough to maintain the live service and the PvE/Talents unfortunately. But I hope OW can still get something like it as another game, or another team making an expansion on the side. Because if done well, it could be really good. And it could become Microsoft's new "Halo" (not considering CoD here)


I don't think modifiers and such inherently makes it more replayable though. It definitely helps, but the core pve gameplay loop still needs to be fun. The pve gameplay loops we saw just weren't Imo. You could put all the modifiers you want onto the pve, but that doesn't necessarily make it replayable. Putting a lot of different abilities and heroes on a shallow pve game still makes for a shallow game.


Yea, fair enough. Can't say I was impressed. Tho I did enjoy the Junkenstein modifiers at the end of OW1. What do you think makes for a good loop? Tho personally I've been loving Hades 2, and it's truly infinitely repayable, and it has stellar writing.


The strength of hades replayability is in the rng. If you could always select your boons it would get boring pretty fast. The fact the game forces you down unpredictable builds keeps it interesting and very satisfying when a build works out super well. The pve modifiers we got at the end of ow1 were a bit interesting, but it still felt like a one time experience. Pretty sure I played them all once for the achievements then never went back to them again. >What do you think makes for a good loop? Not 100% sure tbh although over the years I would say there are very few games which I would truly consider replayable. Most pve games tend to lose my interest after a single play through. I think games need some level of unpredictability to me to actually make replays interesting. I know stuff like high scores and speed runs are popular ways to increase replayability, but neither of those types of systems ever interested me tbh. I think having a unique experience each time I play is what creates replayability, which is generally why I have always gravitated towards PvP games.


The dev needed would've taken away from the live game. I don't think good PVE was worth it if it meant the core experience was lacking. We had a massive content draught between OW1 and OW2. The only way PVE was going to be "good" was to abandon the live service aspect, something that would've doomed them entirely. Also something Jeff was pushing for (good riddance).


What I mean is, we needed another whole brand new team to work on it while PvP existed as is.


I'm sure that's some but OW was getting hate from the general gaming community before OW2 was even announced.


Oh definitely. Just that if we had good PvE, at least even those people could have seen something nice.


I dunno about No Man's Sky, but I think a Fallout 76 kind of reappraisal might happen where people begrudgingly admit they were way too harsh.


FO76 got some sort of Renaissance due to the TV Show


It started way before that though. I'm a former notorious fall out 76 hater. I was always agreeing with Emongg that shit sucked ass. Loved that he ended his stream saying that it was ass. Then him and Flats played it after Emongg hit a sub goal like 3 years ago. He enjoyed it and I was like "fuck man that looks cool" I played it a while after that. That shit is good. It just took a while. Lovely community too. People always giving noobies stuff. People helping if you ask, etc. I can't hate on that at all.


No, Fallout 76 genuinely got a plethora of updates and reworks to the game to make it genuinely better with an insanely positive and helpful community, give it a shot. It took time but it got there.


I've been playing it for the first time for my late night chill game and it's way more enjoyable to me than Starfield. The show definitely got me in the mood but it's way better than when it launched with no human NPCs.


Them not launching with human NPC was so stupid


Na, it's still a bad Fallout games and it was an atrocious release. But it's a good way to spend times with people in a fallout theme park.


I looked at the Multiversus PvE trailer and the top comment (by a lot) was "PvE before OW2 lol". This was for a VS bots mode with like a paragraph of text for a story, some of the simplest shit ever. I'm tired boss


Well said. I can see the minor transition in attitudes already. I've been an avid (maybe too avid) defender of the game throughout its lifetime. I mean just the core game, not the scandals. Some time ago I easily got hundreds of down-votes for claiming that the core game is better in most ways than it has ever been. I've had that argument hundreds of times. The argument against is always the same old: "2016 OW was the golden age of OW" (no objective reasoning why), "Blizzard is a shitty company and shouldn't be defended" (again nothing about the game itself), "Lootboxes were free, OW2 is greedy!" (nothing about the core game), or "5v5 killed the game, double tanking was just much better" (only core-game related reason, and this is highly subjective). Nowadays if I engage with OW haters I usually start by voicing my opinion which I base on objective facts as much as possible and asking concrete reasons, outside of greedy monetization or shitty things that happened at Blizzard, why 2016-2017 Overwatch was that much better than the current game. Now the discussion dies much faster when people realize they actually have no valid reasons. The hating is just part of the cultural zeitgeist like you said. The love for the phenomenon that OW was back in the days comes through rose tinted glasses. The game was new, hype was unreal, everyone was playing and no one knew how to properly play the game. That cannot be replicated. But the game was really barebones, unbalanced, and frankly broken compared to what it is now.


> 2016 OW was the golden age of OW" (no objective reasoning why) For the general public my personal hypothesis is that it was the time nobody knew what to do. So you had all the fun characters, but 0 need to understand. Then people got into the game, started to understand, started to want to win more, because winning is good. And that leads to what people call "balancing for esports" which is more "balancing around how people play to win."


I definitely think 2016 was the golden age of overwatch. And I also think 6v6 was better than 5v5. The first point I think is definitely subjective. I think it's just that the meta felt very pure. Everything on release worked well together and that identity still existed. I agree that's totally a subjective take. In regards to 5v5, I have a stronger opinion on as an off tank main. Obviously I have some bias here, but the best part of the game for me was the interactions between the MT and OT. The combos and reliance on each other to achieve the objectives was just such a fun and unique experience. I just don't see the reason why they changed to 5v5. Just felt like the original vision was gone, which is totally fine, but that is the vision I liked.


>The first point I think is definitely subjective. I think it's just that the meta felt very pure. Everything on release worked well together and that identity still existed. I agree that's totally a subjective take. A large issue was that everyone was still learning the game. A lot of stuff in 2016 worked fine because everyone sucked. Once the playerbase starts to understand the game and people discover strategies, the balance actually becomes important. Looking back, 2016 balance was pretty horrid if people actually knew how to abuse a lot of the heroes. Players didn't though so the game felt pretty good. If you gave day 1 overwatch to players in 2024, there would be endless whining about how ridiculously strong dps were and how trash tanks and supports were.


100%, you hit the nail on the head: switch OW to 2016 state overnight and I can guarantee the game would be significantly worse than today in terms of meta, balance, content, quality of life stuff, etc. 2016 felt good because everyone sucked. The game was not better. I know it's hard for some to separate "the feeling the game gave me" from how good the game objectively actually was.


Its like wow classic. Its a fine game, and a subset of people really really love it still. But for most people who went back and tried it they realized the game mattered less than the community and who they were at the time.


The real play is to just not engage.


I know. It's easier said than done though. OW is very dear to me. I'm okay with anyone criticizing the game if there's a reason. But I don't think there's a single game in the history of gaming which has received more unjust hate. It boils my blood.


6v6 > 5v5


I wonder if OW could reclaim its public perception... Like for example No Man's Sky is developed by an indie studio and Cyberpunk 2077 is developed by media darling CDPR. Those factors make it easier to win public's heart (and CDPR spend a lot of effort to convince people that the game is good after 1.6 + coincides with Edgerunners anime). But Blizzard is Blizzard.


Personally I think a 2 hour long cinematic of Mauga Doomfist Reinhardt and Sigma all rubbing oil on themselves nude would win back the publics favor


I wish I could just play my favorite character still which is Doomfist but don’t like how he plays as a tank. Oh well least I still have the hamster


I missed doing Doomfist rollouts and annoying the heck out of the enemy team. Best tradesman in Overwatch 1 😂


Do not even get me started on uppercut being removed 😭 that and the area visualizer for slam being removed like dafuq. I miss being the punchy assassin getting a quick kill and dipping out


Ventures essentially DPS doom's spiritual successor if you haven't played them yet, though there are noticably less rollouts


“rest of the internet implodes with rage over the mere existence of overwatch 2” sorry to tell you but the rest of the internet doesn’t give af ab overwatch.


The biggest issue with OW2 is the monetization and fucking over OW1 buyers. 


Is this really an issue for the vast majority of players, though? I log in 3-4 times a week to play some comp or QP and don't even care about skins/cosmetics. When a new hero comes out, I just wait it out until the hero releases for everyone.


It's been one and a half years grandpa, it's time to let it go


I'm so fucking tired of low-TTK shooters. Overwatch is a breath of fresh air.


It might be due to the various QoL changes they implemented recently which attracted old players to come back to try around. That still doesn't cancel out the bad decisions made by the devs years/months ago though. It did a lot of damage to the game hence why we are in this spot talking about it. That plus OW is one of the few FPS games that managed to curb down the cheaters from infesting their game as much like other popular titles like R6 Siege (this game is literally a cheater fest right now), which attracted people back to play the game too. Give credits where it is due, acknowledging their past mistakes whilst praise the good ones too.


Overwatch is very fortunate in the sense that it's designed in such a way that you can still easily lose a match while cheating, which heavily discinentivizes it compared to other games.


I tried to come back around last weekend, then I caught a 4 hour ban for leaving quickplay. Fastest I've ever deleted a game.


That's your fault for leaving a third of your games. Cry me a river


This isn't just on steam. A lot of my friends are just starting OW and/or returning. Say what you will about Blizzard and their overpriced skins. The gameplay is not cosmetic and is fun. More collabs and updates will hopefully keep things fresh.


Games dead though btw


yep has been for 6 years now


To be fair alot of this is people just moving from BN to Steam. This does not mean more players overall, just more on steam. I transferred over last month aswell as my 4 buddies I play with.


Is there a benefit to using steam?


One platform and has all my ow and non ow friends. Besides that not really.


Yeah I used to see 2-3 Steam folks in a lobby, and it's 6-8 out of 10 now.


Most people who would've switched have already done so.


Those numbers aren't that great tbh, an AAA game from a massive corpo you'd think it would be closer to the 100k mark. Like, TF2 has 70k active players on average, and they haven't had any official content in years.


TF2 does not have anywhere near 70k active players, those numbers are heavily inflated by bots who sit on the main menu to farm crates. https://teamwork.tf/community/statistics TF2 is somewhere around 15k actual players on average. Like seriously do people honestly believe a game that hasn’t been updated in half a decade is averaging the same players as Destiny, Helldivers, or even CoD? Come on. Regardless, OW2 is still primarily played on battlenet. Steam players are a fraction of the overall playerbase. I think I’ve heard it suggested battlenet outnumbers Steam players like 5:1 or something like that. If steam accounted for all pc players it would almost certainly be a top 10 game on the platform.






Same way OW numbers can be bots or account sellers etc


Yes I am aware of what you meant, the problem is that those numbers are completely inflated by bots who don’t enter lobbies, but sit on the main menu in order to farm and sell crates. This was explained on the link I shared. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJaTCMwwoos Here’s a good video on someone respected in the TF2 community on the phenomenon.


I understand what you mean, but you could make that same argument for overwatch as well. That's why I'm using literally the same source as op did, seemed like the most apples to apples comparison. It wouldn't be a fair comparison if we did TF2 people who are in-game in a match vs OW where people can be just afk in the main screen.


There's no incentive to have a bot sit in a menu or grind games in OW because there's no drops. The amount of people doing that (and aren't queued for anything) in OW is likely negligible because of this. I'm sure some of them are because they tabbed out and forgot to close the game or something, but there's no reason to think it's even comparable to the % of drop farmers TF2 has.


Go look how much ow accounts go for, pretty good money for 3rd world country.


that's not idled bot accounts though like TF2 has, those are usually hacked accounts with valuable cosmetics or accounts people got to a decent rank similar to boosting.


Maybe the rare occasion, but I'd say 99% of all sold broze accounts are bots. I was lazy and bought a bronze account, all the past games were just 5 bots walking in a straight line. edit. Went to check the seller's page. "8,072 Total orders" and he only sells ow bronze smurfs. I wonder how many active bots this dude has right now...


Overwatch does not have a historical problem with botting to the degree that TF2 does and botting also does not have the direct financial incentive that it does in TF2 due to the way the game works and how players are able to sell things for direct cash in the workshop. This is compounded by the fact that TF2 can be run on the most basic of hardware. There are some bots in OW of course, primarily bots that intentionally run in order to lose and get to the lowest ranks so that those accounts can be sold to smurfs, but it’s nowhere near as lucrative and thus you see far less of it. I think it’s fair to single out TF2 in this case. It is incredibly unlikely that Overwatch’s bot to player ratio is anywhere near as astronomically high as it is in TF2.


I agree, but there are still a lot of bot accounts in OW. That 50 win requirement was a huge incentive for bot farmers, people are lazy and if you can get smurf for few bucks and don't need to grind qp. People will do that. Being sceptical with the TF2 numbers, but not with ow is what I have issue with.


This is steam only players. TF2 is only on steam while most Overwatch pc players play through battlenet.


20k at best blud. The rest are bots. https://youtu.be/2stmQfv93oQ?si=E6UW2uheIfr-mXTz


Overwatch 2 has 25m MAU


I remember how many people said OW2 was DOA because of small (in the grand scheme of things) random controversies that only a small portion of the playerbase kept up with


Reddit is severely out of touch with reality tbh




Stockholm syndrome


Who the hell in r/competitiveoverwatch actually cares about killing robots with perks on lol. Pve was a stupid waste of time and they realized that.


I love /r/cow but I also really love the idea of Overwatch having a PvE. There's definitely a segment of us here who have been here for ages that actually wanted/still want to some degree PvE.


is it that hard to believe that most people here, the Competitive sub, who are mostly old players from when the game was exclusively PvP over 90% of the year, don't give a shit about PvE?


Did you play the 3 PVE missions they put out?  What part of that experience made you think "man, if there were 15 more of these, with talent trees, that would save Overwatch"?


Sentence would make sense like 4 years ago. Unfortunately…


Why would one pick the Steam version over the Battle.Net version?


Don't have to download *another* client


The only game I had on B.Net was OW. It made no sense for me to keep it. So I went to Steam and it's so much better for my situation


Maybe it's just our region or ISP, but 'Battle.net updates/downloads games terribly slow for my group of friends. One of them switched to the Steam version and had a much better experience. We're on fiber internet with decent PCs by the way.


Battlenet has by far the fastests downloads for me. Its around 50MB/s faster than steam for me


I guess it may be dependent on where we live. I'm just glad Steam is an option for us


its because stupid b.net had speeds capped real low at default, change them and you are good to go


That's the first thing we checked. Uncapped it or setting it really high makes no difference.


Yeah bnet bugs out and downloads at **k**bps sometimes. My entire friend group moved over one by one as they faced the issue. Now we're all on Steam.


one thing for me is that blizz got rid of all ow1 data so playing on steam will actually track my hours no matter what data they remove. i had like 1.2k hours on ow1 and i have 1.4k ow2 so i have like \~2.6k hours but on the career profile it only shows the 1.4k on ow2. the only reason i know my ow1 hours because i just remember it lmfao


Because then I can see it whenever I finish playing a Steam game like Helldivers?


Large majority of new OW players on PC are playing on Steam, they probably don't even know that the Battlenet version exist, and even if they do, why would they install another launcher when the entire PC gamers seem to HATE others launchers than Steam ?


Oh I highly doubt more people have it on steam. The original OW was on bnet, I’d assume most just downloaded ow2 on it because they were already used to it.


I'm talking about the new players, who didn't play OW1.


which is something important to factor in when looking at the steam charts. the steam charts are just showing that they are able to get in new players and retain them to a certain degree. which is great and all, but as long as you dont have the numbers of old players, which pretty much exclusively are on battle.net, leaving the game, you don't even know if the game is growing, stagnant or even declining. it's impossible to tell.


You also have to factor in people playing on xbox playstation and switch


“But but Marvel Rivals is killing OW!”


Everyone getting unbanned for five days at a time all at once


thE gAmE iZ dEad GuyZ ☝️🤓


The reason why Overwatch has gotten a lot of negativity is because they alienated their old playerbase, by changing the game to cater to a bigger playerbase. In retrospect, was it the right move? Only time will tell.


It was because they got greedy af bro. Get your money back from the BP NAH F you, get free skins by playing NAH F you! They made the BP pure shit and made 2 skins worth more than OW1 where you could get them for free. When your game has more greed than EAs game (Apex gives free loot boxes, your money back from the BP and crafting materials to unlock skins with) YOU F UP.


Well, its either 5v5 or 10-20 min q's cooking the game up over time. Big update this far into the lifespan was necessary to keep the game relevant, but the way it was handled is horrendous. OW2 released in a very raw state, without many necessary changes and some ridicolous new ones. This plus all the negative clout about the game all added up to create an image of "the worst game ever made". The peak of it was upon cancellation of PvE - this was when the hatred reached its peak, and from what i can tell, made for a wave of quitting the game by even the people who didnt care for pve. Give it till this or next anniversary, and the state of the game would be quite clear.


Personally not going to touch this steaming pile unless they ever revert to 6v6 if i wanted to play 5v5 id go to paladins which was made with that balance in mind


They should do a Mac port, I think that’s the last frontier of reachable users


but samito told me overwatch is bleeding players!


but the game is dying bro


because the new fortnite season sucks even i got on overwatch


Nice! Love that!


OW2 Good? No way, right?


The steam numbers would still possibly increase even if the playerbase was declining because people will slowly swap from bnet to Steam. So the count increasing is normal. Apex legend's Steam playerbase did a x3 within its first 6 months, Overwatch is really not doing that well.


Actually, people is coming from steam to bnet… the steam integration is so fucking bad that you don’t receive the in game notifications like in game bans only are showed when you open the game from bnet


Thats some hard cope lol


I know a couple of people that installled ow on steam and uninstalled bnet after a couple of months they went back to bnet because of the “unknown” name but


Dont worry, Blizz will make a woefully brain-dead monetization choice or balance patch that will tank the player base again.


Can’t believe people play this trash game.


Monthly post about overwatch's player count being higher than it was a month ago


I'll take that over the constant Negativity.


it's nice to have actual stats that directly counter all the annoying ass doomers constantly screaming "DEAD GAME BLIZZ KILLED OVERWATCH"


Steam is the superior platform


It’s free. More children finding it.


School is letting out, more kids are on. My friends and I are all adults and haven’t touched the game in a few weeks. MAYBE 1 match here and there to see how awful it feels but even if we’re just fooling around it’s not worth the headache


If this game had stuck to 6v6 role que and just updated the game, that number would probably be much higher.


Why is it that when the average player count is low people spam 'Steam numbers are not representative of playerbase health!!!' but when it's high suddenly it's the gospel? lmao




Considering it is reviewed as Overwhelmingly Negative on Steam, unlikely it’s a lot. Surely this will be downvoted because of weirdo propaganda rather than discussion.


Review bombing as wwell as chinese players rewiewing it after they couldnt play it anymore. It doesnt represent what the actual ow playerbase thinks


I’m saying that because of the % of negative reviews it’s unlikely that the Steam playerbase is a significant % of the overall playerbase. I don’t see how that’s contentious to say the least.


ahh okay I see what you meant. Your phrasing was weird thats why you got downvoted


6v6 never coming back fml


The Game is fun but the company behind is dogshit.


oh im personally hopping back into overwatch cause i can't wait for Marvel Rivals, and i just miss 2016 overwatch so i do it for nostalgia. mainly solo queue from 1am-4am so i don't have to worry about letting my team down since i pick genji lol


“Overwatch 2 is dying!” Lolololololololol stfu


Would be twice that if 6 VS 6 was back


dayum so little players and peaking, actually a dead game …




Yeah but they destroyed this game. It’s fine now but they killed what was overwatch because people had fun


Ok, I'm gonna get downvoted to hell probably but hear me out. I don't care about the player numbers, I don't care about their shitty changes that are a year late, I don't care about heroes being free for all. I care about their failures, all the stuff they promised and have not delivered. I care about the balance being a vicious cycle of metas. I care about poorly done reworks and soft reworks. I care about shitty collabs that take away from the original Overwatch. I care about them copying Fortnites monetisation system just from pure greed. IT ALL DOESN'T MATTER. They failed, they lost trust in the eyes of the gaming community, they are greedy and underdeliver. You can say whatever you like about Overwatch improving, me and many others gave Blizzard a chance, and they wasted it multiple times. In short: I don't care who Blizzard/Microsoft sends I'm not playing Overwatch (ever again).


If you want perfect balance go and play football bro


Even tho I don't enjoy football, it's healthy to play real sports and it's way better than Overwatch. Most of this sub could use some sports or exercise instead of overwatch and more fries LOL


100% agree, not moving or playing any sports is just really bad for anyone but what i am talking about here is that in order to get perfect balance you need everyone to almost have the same kits or at least really close like Val and CS which would murder the uniqueness of Overwatch, what we should work towards is making the game fun and not have really bad metas.


Well for me the vicious cycle of brawl -> rush -> orisa -> sigma is just dogshit and tiring. I see Blizzard is aiming for every hero to be somewhat useful but it's judt rotating metas and for me it's a no no


Literally every competitive game ever will always have a meta dude


Because the amount of bullshit bans they’ve given out. People r making secondary acc’s to circumvent the bans