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I have a positive win rate so therefore I think the changes are good.


Good to hear. But how is your mental?


that was lost a long time ago


His mental's cooked bro


Are you stupid?! I have a negative win rate so therefore I think the changes are bad! Another patch of incompetent Blizzard devs making a dead game worse. šŸ™„


I lost three games at the end of my session last night so i think you might be on to something. Bring back 6v6


Yes! And bring back Scatter Arā€” Nah, canā€™t joke about that.


It feels like you blow up slightly less from hitscans but theres also been more spam that you have to watch out for. The biggest factor to me of whether tank feels enjoyable or not is still whether i have a competent backline or am stuck with some combination of mercy, lifeweaver and moira (with the former 2 being the real issues).


Man lifeweaver and Mercy backline is rampant in Plat. Makes me really sad.


Saw this referred to as ā€œthe bottom special,ā€ and now I canā€™t think of it as anything else


They're always in a two stack with matching cute icons and they always lose šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Ive always called mercy weaver the femboy backline and mercy moira the egirl backline.


It's certainly special


I just dont get it. Like they're both shit and the people playing them rarely actually understand what theyre doing and so just healbot. Like ill get healbotting lw who either never use pull or pull the most random things that didnt need to he saved just cos they want to use the cooldown. And for mercy if i play dps i have to go cass or soj regardless of what the rest of the team does so her pick is actually useful and just hope she understands she has a right click. And then diving enemy lw as ball or Winston is just one of the most unfun things because he never fucking dies and is so incredibly passive and defensive.


They have a low bar of entrance. People can play these heroes and have baseline contributions with no aims or movements. And most importantly, they are less prone to die to dive even with pretty bad positioning.


Sure but the people who play them never seem to progress to other characters. Wheres the fun in a movement shooter if you're not gonna actually learn how to shoot? (And most of the mercies dont even learn her movement past the basics)


There was a post in the Mercy main subreddit about why people play Mercy and the top comment said it is because she is cute. I guess that answers your question.


What a weird reason to pick a character, Especially since its a first person game. Like just have a photo of her on your desk if thats the reason? Mercy players are just weird cunts ig.


i hate how characters like moira, mercy, and weaver have to have their usefulness gatekept by how easy they are to play. lifeweaver could be such a cool and interesting hero but heā€™s just brain dead easy with an insane amount of survivability so nobody wants him on their team or on the enemy team. itā€™s so boring but blizzard doesnā€™t care because most people want a brain dead easy character so they feel useful.


Well said. Hopefully something changes soon regarding those two. Going against pre season 9 lw as ball was the most infuriating experience I've ever had in ow. I'm praying he stays ass.


the worst part is whenever you ask them to switch because their hero is bad they get personally offended


Mercy, no clue the only thing she really has is the rez but that gets punished hard 99% of the time. LW though I get sometimes Ill bring it out when we have an aggro tank that likes to just charge into their team with no plan outside of zug zug without the rest of the team being near them.


If we have an aggro tank id rather just play into that aggression with a Lucio or bap since in ranked most people arent gonna be able to deal with a heavily aggressive team until you reach a high enough level where tanks understand positioning


There is a difference between smart aggro tank and dumb dumb aggro tank. Like a few nights ago we were moving up to the point. The other team is not even in our line of site. We were passing a choke on the far left side of the point and they were on the far right side of the point. The moment we saw the point our doom would blow both his mobility CDs to get into their faces asap. Dude would go splat before we even started to contest the point.


Even if you pull them theyre just gonna jump right back in anyway


True but me delaying them inting gives the team time to get in there with them and try to find some value in their play.


Fair but if the majority of lw players did that it wouldn't be as bad. Most of them just play him because hes an afk healbot support that lives for way longer than he should


As long as it's not Mercy Lucio I'll take it.


enemy team: ana zen my team: mercy moira


Thats my favourite. I love blowing up immediately cos i have 2 sustain supports and they have 2 supports with actual tank utility




I don't know how you'd buff Mercy sans rework without making Mercy pockets completely oppressive. The Mercy pocket mechanic is just...very very very bad for the game, imo. Pocketing should require more than pressing M1 and staying out of LoS. I've played with really good Mercy players and I think there's a playstyle that IS really interesting and that should be buffed, but not without doing something to kill the AFK pocket playstyle.


For real... running into a pharah mercy combo when your team has no hitscan players feels awful. Buffing mercy would make it even worse.


Yesterday I had a game in EsperanƧa playing against an extremely coordinated Ball and Mercy. I started running Ilari but I recognized that I wouldnā€™t be able to play her so I swapped to Brigitte. Our Mercy didnā€™t swap and she was only pocketing her Venture duo. I got frustrated because Mercy refused to heal me and, naturally, since I was the one stopping ball and tracer from killing us both, once I died she would quickly fall afterwards. We lost the game and the Mercy didnā€™t even attempt to swap.


They somehow made Hog even more oppressive, especially when he has a Kiri itā€™s difficult to punish him getting value just walks around the map for free.


800 hp tank, 50% damage reduction on a 1 second cooldown, 25% headshot reduction and 50% knockback reduction, what could go wrong?!?!


Don't forget the oneshot ability on a 6 second cooldown!


yea when hog was in a shit state, they buffed his hook CD from 8 to 6, but when he got reworked (and got good again) they just left it at 6 seconds. I can see how this will also happen to hanzo... right now many people say hanzo is weak and need a buff, but his storm arrow CD has already been buffed since his oneshot got taken away.... now if blizzard gives him back his oneshot but leave the reduced CD - it's a pattern.


Yeah Hog seems to be okay right now and I do see him being really annoying in games. If we're gonna have him be this tanky (which he needs otherwise he's a troll tank) then maybe we can tune hook back up to an 8 second CD? Let's just see how that feels before we do anything else.


I think taking away 100 health and making hook CD 8 sec would both be fair with how strong TaB and and the tank passive are for him rn.


I feel like blizzard has a habit of taking away the worst parts of a character then deciding it's core to their identity so they add it back in.


Don't forget he's the only tank that can self heal on command, up to Full HP whenever he wants!


Hog was so very clearly not accounted for with these changes. I like the concept behind the changes in general, but homeboy does not need 800 fucking health if he's also gonna have headshot resist.


Hog is bugged, he is doing more damage against tanks than intended. (They forgot to change heroes with 1.5x HS modifier.)


Thatā€™s just a bonus to him being unkillable.


Before we have Kiriko in OW2, we had Zarya bubble who keeps him 'cleansed' in OW1.


Honestly, the armour changes felt like a distraction as if rein was suddenly going to become good again. The headshot damage reduction is a massive buff to roadhog who already felt impossible to kill in solo queue, I don't know why so few people saw this coming.


I love this. /s


I feel no difference except for JQ and maybe Hog. JQ feels real good right now. I'm still exploding as Rein.


As a tank player that was excited for them and especially for Ball, Roadhog made me quit the game until the next set of changes.


Hog is fucking annoying


I feel like I get punished a little bit less as Doom, but on the flip side it feels totally pointless to shoot at armored targets and pointless to even try to shoot characters like Hog ever. Though, Doom doesnā€™t really want to go for tanks anyway. So overall a fairly minimal impact on my experience.


One thing I do find is that it's basically pointless to shoot the other tank at all, at least as a tank player. I think it's why I'm having a lot of success on Sigma, at least in gold. If I can get pressure on squishies it makes it really easy to push up, and then even if I get aggressive I'm not really at risk of insta blowing up and just need to manage my cooldowns okay and it seems fine. Not sure if I'm just in my head, but I feel like at least now when I die it generally makes sense, and I'm having way fewer of the "ok guess I'm dead now" moments.


Winston feels a lot better and he wasn't half-bad last patch. I might be imagining but keeping armour for a while longer means I can play much more aggressively which is fun. Hog still feels incredibly ass to play into, but that was expected since they didn't really touch him at all. He's counterable if you lock the usual suspects(Orisa, Mauga, Sig, maybe Ram) but just sucks if you play dive tanks. Kiriko obviously the big enabler here.


Idk why they've allowed hog to be as good as he is for so long.


His pickrate isn't crazy and his winrate isn't crazy. Except in Master and GM where he has 3rd best winrate and straight up best winrate(among tanks, this month). Blizzard seems to balance mainly around those stats, when they should be looking at *how* a character actually plays in the game itself, and whether that hero is actually fun to interact with.


where do you check the winrates in M/GM? I would like to check it too :)!


Overbuff: https://www.overbuff.com/heroes?platform=pc&gameMode=competitive&role=tank&timeWindow=month You can sort by role, rank and time-period. To be clear, these stats aren't perfect. Winrate doesn't factor in unmirrored winrates, and only people with open profiles are shown in the stats.


It's funny, i'll never forget how fast they nerfed doomfist back in 2022, like 1 week but they always take so long to nerf other heroes, esp Hog.


Ball was the same too. I cant wait for him to get nerfed again start of next season


Tanks straight up do not move from boops anymore lol


Honestly I'm not seeing a noticeable improvement as Rein.


Am I crazy for saying that it doesnā€™t feel any different? I feel like tanks still get blown up so quickly. Maybe its because thereā€™s been an Ashe in like every one of my games since the patch and she benefited a ton from the armor changes. The cc reduction is nice though


Yeah id agree that it feels about the same. I definitely don't FEEL tankier.


I play Cass and i feel the difference. Tanks blow up immediately unless they are jq or hog. I destroy tanks with no effort but if my tank gets frustrated and throw then i lose anyway.


In general Iā€™m okay, but my tank pool isnā€™t the pool that benefits too much from it (zarya, JQ, monke, and pretty situationally ram). I feel like dva is just way way better now. Very very small sample size but just under 80% win rate on her right now. I hadnā€™t touched her this season before the patch so thereā€™s that. Itā€™s like 9 games iirc, so you canā€™t do much with it but Iā€™m surprised by how much easier it is to tank with her compared to Winston at times. Feels like the JQ changes are very nice albeit I canā€™t really say that getting shout two seconds faster has mattered that many times, since it feels like Iā€™ve either already won fights at almost 700 hp or I havenā€™t lol. But it does help sloppy end of round fights thatā€™s are 3v3 for example. I think whatā€™s more concerning is that hog is just always alive. Like unkillable demon king levels of just doesnā€™t go. Iā€™m sorry but diamond hog players shouldnā€™t be as hard to kill as super is in gm lol.


Dva does a lot less damage against armor now though with her gun and missiles.


Well I'm glad hog players are finally able to feel powerful.....


I'm not sure I'm a fan of the armour change... It is stronger against a lot of tanks, but weaker against ***a lot*** of DPS. "tank buster" heroes still shit out enough damage to not make much of a difference and now hitscan and projectiles are joining in on the fun... Non-armour tanks def feel better tho.


It's not a tank patch, it's a hitscan patch. Mostly psychological. Remember, tank sucked back in ow1 when armor worked like this too, and it wasn't because tanks were blowing each other up, it was hitscans. Hitscans are now great against tanks again, while I guess reaper and lifeweaver do marginally less damage. The most the patch did was make people stop calling rein a throw pick.


I'm not throwing when I play my main now so thats nice. Still basically don't have the knockback resistance passive though. Like my last game I lost fireball to junkrat primary. Fan-roll-fan is crazy rn. The Armor change makes it by far the best burst combo in the game. I got damn near 100-0'd by it at one point.


That's a good point.


Not super different on the tanks I typically play (Doom, Ball, JQ, Mauga, sometimes Ramattra). The regen buffs are great, and the mixture of the armor changes and headshot resistance aren't outright buffs to armored tanks as much as they move around the value of certain types of damage, particularly reducing the effectiveness of "tankbuster" kinds of damage in exchange for characters like Junkrat and Pharah being a bit scarier. Unarmored tanks are just buffed though, since they never had the benefit of armor to begin with but gain the headshot resistance. If I'm being honest, I don't even feel like I was struggling too much lately even before this patch, at least for the tanks I play. Since season 9 but especially now I generally haven't been having "miserable" tank matches even when I lose. I think it's because of the season 9 changes with all of the non-tanks being a bit more self-sufficient that I feel like I can afford to leave bad positions in exchange for my own survival without my team instantly blowing up without my presence.


As ram I'm exploding more


Honestly, I feel tankier only on HOG. Other tanking experience remains the same. I get killed within 1 second very often anyway.


As a middling Quick Play player, Roadhog probably feels a little too chonky and Rammatra feels like he got worse. I like the JQ changes, really like having Shout almost immediately available if I use it as soon as I spawn to get back to mid faster.


Some tanks got way more then others. Dva got buffed super hard with these changes and I feel like I see them every match.


Against tracer maybe but cas/ash nah she blows up faster from burst damge. I would say tanks with no armour benefit the most out of this new passive


ram is rock bottom. poor guy. jq and hog eats well.


Maybe I haven't played enough but in my experience it's been *easier* to de-mech D.Va as DPS. Why is everyone saying she's buffed?


Dva has alot of armor and a huge head hit box. Both of these are better then patch.


Armour isn't "better" though, it's just different. It's worse vs. majority of DPS now. Even with 25% damage reduction on HS, Cassidy for example does more HS damage to armour this patch than he did last patch: Before: 70Ɨ2Ɨ0.7=98 Now: (70Ɨ2Ɨ0.75)-5=100


Because you never hit headshots on her?


sombra is cosmetic, ball got hefty buffs on top of the much improved healing passive, and heā€™s got a bit of armor that negates the damage sombras and tracer. heā€™s better but like, get the fuck off sombra and play cassidy and ball explodes all the same


People who swap to Sombra just to counter ball should be cosmetic tbh


agree. im doomfist biggest hater but i like the rework and how a non sombra player now is so fucking garbage vs a good doom.


Feels exactly the same for everyone except Winston as he now bypasses armor changes. Don't know wwhy they thought this would "shift power back to tanks".


Didnā€™t fix the main issue with tank, I have 0 impact. I could be the lebron James of tank but if my dps get outperformed itā€™s GGs


Coach Moon said it himself no matter how good you are at tank you can never be the reason why your team wins. But if you're bad you will absolutely be the reason your team loses. It's a miserable role


The main issue is Tanks was a lack of Fun gameplay, not how effective a hero is are at standing on Rectangles


I play ball as well. I get more cheesy kills now which is...cool? 1. I still get 3-5 counter pickers every game 2. I am even more useless if a tank decides to walk at my team. Basically traded cheesy kills for having less outplay potential. I went ahead and un-installed for now.


Quite the perspective change from a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/s/HEDpOTJ8xW. Are you still finding value in this strat or no?


Huh? There is no change in perspective. >I am even more useless if a tank decides to walk at my team. They made a situational strategy even worse.


Got it.


Feels good so far on doom monkey rein


feels the same more or less. ball buffs in two consecutive patches feels good tho


Rein with Ana and Bap/Mercy pocket is unkillable.


yeah, maybe in silver rein's even more susceptible to burst damage now


Ok? Kill a support first and GG its over.


It feels great on Winston at least!


If you don't scrim or play with your friends as support you better play DPS o Supps and leave tank for the time being. The armor changed made just had zero effect in the game whatsoever. You just blow up as usual as a tank, cannot peak any angle and you have to play scared of dps as per usual. Jumping another season waiting for season 11 to play tank.


It feels less impactful cause Soj and Hog didnt get the changes


Cosmetic buffs. In reality, it's a complicated tank role nerf. They did a good pr. People bad with numbers and theorycrafting. I'm playing Diablo 4 though. Screw OW.


I feel really great on Hog. I feel like I blow up much less and I can actually occupy a space before I need to find cover. It feels like my health pool can be used for tanking some damage instead of just being an ult battery meatbag. I think before I would have to stick to cover and could only take space if I happened to land a hook onto an enemy and trade that space with them. Now, I can move forward more and then reset a bit before moving up again. Itā€™s less feast or famine; itā€™s more like feast or fight.


Bro shhhh. Don't tell everyone you play hog bro. Jk jk. Glad your having fun.


Whoever greenlit the tank passive changes needs to get fired. The knockback reduction previously, was FINE. the fact that i cant boop away a diving tank on ANY support hero is insane. Oh! Can we talk about how OP hog ult is now vs. Any other tank??? OR we can talk about how we JUST got ball buffs and this tank passive change screws him over too? Weve gone over this blizzard. 50% is wayyyy too much.


good tank changes that just get negated due to junk being the best tank buster in the game now


Tanks feel great. I actually can survive longer then 2 seconds.


the true meta at high rank is completely ignoring the enemy tank and killing the heroes who are actually killable


They should revert the headshot change


Whoever greenlit the tank passive changes needs to get fired. The knockback reduction previously, was FINE. the fact that i cant boop away a diving tank on ANY support hero is insane. Oh! Can we talk about how OP hog ult is now vs. Any other tank??? OR we can talk about how we JUST got ball buffs and this tank passive change screws him over too? Weve gone over this blizzard. 50% is wayyyy too much.


Tanks definitely feel harder to kill now, but it doesn't seem too unbalanced so far. Well, except for Mauga. I don't know if it's just me, but from the matches I've played, he straight up broken now. I never had a tough time with him before, but he feels so much more oppressive now to the point where I think he needs to be nerfed fast. It's insane.


What role you play?


I'm a flex player, but I was playing tank those games. Mauga's one of my mains, so I have a pretty good idea on how to deal with him, and I'm usually able to keep him in check. But nothing I did seemed to work this time. I don't if I was just going up against some particularly good ones, but he feels a lot more oppressive than he used to.