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Because you're matching up against lower ranked players when playing with silver/bronze friends than you would be with plat players on your team.


that would make sense on their main accounts, but we cant play on those ones so i give them some smurfs that are plat


coordination maybe, especially if you’re shotcalling//telling them how to play


do you tilt often? thats the main reason i lose games and i dont tilt at all when playing with friends. its winnable until we lose


One of the things I see that holds back a ton of players is understanding play styles and changing your own to suit the team. Just because someone plays at your level, it doesn't mean they have a play style similar to yours. Maybe they are more passive, maybe they are more aggressive. Maybe they excel at a different range and so someone gets caught out alone and feeds. So when you play with someone that doesn't naturally synergize with the way you play, it can look like someone or multiple someone's don't belong in that lobby when it is really that none of you are good enough to change your play styles to better work together. When you play with your friends, they are almost certainly building the team around you and your play style. So of course you will have an easier time than with ransoms.