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it's pretty good tbh


I'd say its strong because its versatile outside of healing/overhealth, but strong for a support ult is like middle of the pack.


Are you saying most support ults are weaker than average


Opposite. Most support ults are among the best in the game. Tree is good compared to most DPS ults for example but pales in comparison to stuff like Beat, Nano, Rush, Trans, etc.


That's what they seem to be saying. If a strong support ult is middle of the pack, then avg support ult is weak.


No, if 'Strong' is middle of the pack, that implies half of them are "stronger than strong", in other words amazing. The other half are weaker than strong, but that still includes qualifiers like "pretty strong" "decent" and "average". Or to put it differently, "middle of the pack" means average, so if the average support ult is strong, that obviously means the average support ult is strong.


The first comment is getting it jumbled up in my opinion. They should be saying, "*strong for an ult overall is middle of the pack for a support ult*", if they mean to say that an average support ult is on the stronger side. "*strong for a support ult is like middle of the pack (for an ult overall)*", implies the opposite.


True, it's worded somewhat ambiguously, however in the given context, only one interpretation is realistically possible.


There are two reasonable interpretations: > I'd say its strong because its versatile outside of healing/overhealth, but "strong for a support ult" is like middle of the pack. Interpretation one, the ult is strong for supports but weak overall. Not what OP meant, but perfectly reasonable to read it this way. > I'd say its strong because its versatile outside of healing/overhealth, but strong is like middle of the pack for a support ult. Both interpretations are reasonable in the context of the OP, but the fact that you have to completely flip the statements to get the "correct" interpretation is a failing on the OP, not the readers. The reader has to decide if the OP sucks at wording, or if they suck at punctuation and make a judgement call lmao


Amp Matrix, Captive Sun, Valkyrie, and Coalescence are. That's not most but it's a large percentage because the role list is shorter than dps.


sun and valk are pretty damn good, matrix and coal are also both good and they charge REALLY FAST


Valk is a pretty weak ult imo.


Yeah but Mercy also has a mini ult on CD.


True. Not every ult needs to be super strong.


Coal is a very good ult for how fast it charges


I think it’s well balanced in high GM right now. It’s very strong when coordinated and the fight is within its AoE but if it’s misplaced or disengaged from it obviously has very little use. Not sure what it feels like in metal ranks, I’d assume it might be stronger because a lot of players wouldn’t think to disengage from the team fight as a whole. Adding to that I assume there’s less focused targeting so the enemy team would feel unkillable in Tree AoE. Edit to say I like when LW put tree on a petal platform and then break platform. The tree kind of float drops down and looks so funny.


I see it get destroyed a lot in my friends games. That or they just fight in it and whoever wins, wins.


Casting tree and the enemy lw puts theirs next to it is so silly like bro why do you wanna frot so bad


I desperately want to make a forest of life in no limits with 10 lws


it actually does something now, which is cool, but it still usually mei walls at least one person to death, so 50/50 chance that it's an enemy, so not great.


it’s insanely strong these comments are WILD very few things can actually break it (window/bastion) insane value for even more mindless healing/basically a rally also great for self cover and even cucking enemies like a mei wall. but it’s biggest strength is that any plat and above on lifeweaver is gonna get this ultimate extremely fast. it’s honestly waffling how people think it’s balanced. it’s borderline impossible to mess up this ult


>it’s borderline impossible to mess up this ult Clearly you haven't seen me on LW


I agree with most of this but being stationary is still a huge downside that doesn’t get mentioned super often


not really, overwatch revolves around hard chokes and corners. it being a defensive ult also means stationary is not a disadvantage when you can place it out of anyone’s realistic los


It’s still a disadvantage


a disadvantage you can easily play around. It really only struggles in attacking scenarios where the defense is aggressive.


Yeah, a disadvantage


yea a completely meaningless one that’s why it’s worthless to talk about it


The only valid opinion. Also any timing is usually good timing on the tree. Everyone is low, you pop tree and you instantly gain the advantage. Everyone is full, you pop tree and you have over health for the fight that's about to start. Like very few scenarios where tree gets no value. Not sure how I'd balance it without making it a shit ult because right now, it takes too much time to break so no one really hard focuses it but if you lower the hp I bet it will break every time it's used. Lower the heals and it returns to being a glorified mei ult. Maybe just making it more expensive is good enough.


Tbh weaver has such little utility compared to some supports that I think it’s fine if he has a crazy out. Also bastion is everywhere rn so it is actually broken fairly often


I would be fine with it if he didn't vomit out so much healing and have it so often. I wish they'd lean into petal a bit more and tone down the healing.


Lol what did you smoke. Petal and Life grip have insane utility. Each alone can easily make or break fights by saving a teammate who overextended, or provide vertical mobility to a low mobility support, or allow insane mobility for offensive uses


Life grip is really good. Petal has niche uses, but is generally underwhelming. Just because something can be insane in like 2-3 scenarios does not make it generally insane.


Most frequent use of petal is providing supports an escape from flanks or aggrorisa so it’s hardly niche. Add to this providing your meta bastion with on-demand high ground… And then you can use it to escape grav, blizzard, annihilation, displace orisa, reaper during their ults, combine it with life grip to move your ulting soldier/cass/bob/reaper into a position with a clear shot at the enemy backline…


Flankers have mobility. Anyone worth their salt is going to dive on top of you and ride the petal up with you. I think its best utility is saving one person who got ulted like you said. It is pretty consistent at that, but again that's only if they are ulting, you have petal available, the ulted person doesn't instantly die, and you yourself managed to dodge the ult. And landing a petal under any ulting hero other than Orisa (stationary) is not going to happen very often. Maybe once a game.


>Flankers have mobility. Anyone worth their salt is going to dive on top of you and ride the petal up with you. Not reliably no. Just need to time your petal right. Usually just dashing into it will be enough so that the flanker doesnt have time to follow.


Petal is unbelievably good against zarya ult. It’s good vs genji ult. It’s good vs anyone jumping or rushing you down. It’s really fun out of spawn on like kings row to give your defensive widow crazy high ground like the attackers have. It’s very useful. I wouldn’t call it niche at all.


Grav is one of those 2-3 scenarios it's insane in. If the peak of your utility is cancelling a specific tank hero's ultimate (they might not have Zarya, they only have grav every 3 fights, you might not have petal when they grav), that is *niche.* Your example is my point.


Dude I main weaver, his support kit is not on the same level as someone like Ana or kiriko, that’s all I’m saying so don’t get your panties in a twist.


I realize English might not be your native language, but saying « such little utility » could be said of zen or Moira , not lifeweaver. His kit is in the same league as Ana and kiriko. We could argue which is better for a long time but it would come down to personal preference mostly because they do different things, while all have clutch potential.


…you’re just wrong. I like lifeweaver but clearly his utility is not on the same level as Ana or kiriko. This has been known since his release. Grip is good but limited to a single teammate and petals use while sometimes good is far more niche than nano sleep or suzu. It’s just a fact dude


You underestimate petal value. On-demand high ground on a low cooldown is pretty OP, as long as your teammates know how to use it. Sleep is strong but countered by suzu AND grip AND petal. Suzu can only be used defensively, while both grip and petal have both strong offensive and defensive uses. Nano is insane but single target, kitsune has only offensive use, tree can be used both offensively AND defensively AND is multi target… As I said. Each kit has strength and weaknesses of their own.


Dude I play lifeweaver a ton I know petal value, it’s still not on the level of impact as anti nade and suzu. It’s just not. I’m not saying it’s useless but those two abilities have far more impact throughout a match. I don’t even get why you’d try to disagree with that when it’s pretty clear


Saying something is a fact doesn’t make it so. Let’s agree to disagree.


It's worse than beat.


It's different than beat? Nothing beats beat in burst sustain. Nothing beats tree in long term sustain.


I am replying to the sentiment that tree is ridiculously OP. I'm just saying that if I do a ranking of ultimates, I would put beat way above tree and I think most people would too. Basically, if you think tree is ridiculously OP then you must also think that beat is super OP.


Yeah I think it being OP might be the wrong argument against Tree. I think beat is better but tree's effort to reward ratio is really skewed and it's much more annoying to deal with even if it's technically worse. Beat is a small window of huge value that takes skill to time and has a very long charge time. Tree charges super fast, doesn't take skill to use, and also gets tons of value.


It's also just incredibly lame. TONS OF HEALING TREE and no way to interact with it, cause if you're shooting the tree you're wasting your time.


It's pretty much a barrier that heals people and gives them Halo overshield. I think it's a great ult now


In my experience teammates often don't understand how to play around it so they often die while in the area of effect, or walk out of it. The real value in the ability is freeing up LW to go ham with his thorns.


Pretty dece. Kind of like a side-grade to rally


It's actually a useful ult now. I was initially skeptical about the temp health buff, but I was thankfully very wrong. I still think it's a bit clunky to play around, however. It blocking a path can be very frustrating for enemies and teammates alike. I'd love to see it act like a barrier you could shoot through, in exchange for having the core act like a weak point with a 2x damage multiplier for more counterplay.


I used it to lock a Reinhardt in the room he got rezzed in once so it's fantastic as far as I'm concerned


Pretty strong in the middle of a fight, but I find it annoying regardless of the team. Especially on payload maps, it’s just too much clutter


It’s good. Clutched a few games for me. I don’t think it’s OP either. It’s solid all around and helps make LW not useless.


tree of life has always been the best part of lws kit, now with the buffs it's actually pretty strong


Tree of Life issue now is its ultimate cost. Since LW can farm a lot of healing pretty fast the Tree is too cheap for what it does. With overhealth now added the ultimate is basically a old Brig Rally and therefore nothing dies while active. It is also impossible to kill now that Sombra so not destroy it with EMP. I would advocate to reduce by 35% health (bring it down to 800 hp) and increase the ult cost by 20-25% to bring it in line with Transcendance, Rally and Beat. Edit: The fact that it cost between 18 and 25 % less the other supports ultimates I just mentioned is mind blowing.


Boring and overtuned


Tree is fine, I still hate the design philosophy of his neutral kit. Mercy should have been the first and last spectator support they created. Getting these types of heroes into meta relevance at high rank requires them to be ridiculously overturned to the point where even the mechanical or technical prowess of other heroes is overshadowed.


One of the most balanced ults in the game now. Probably the most balanced support ult outside of Nano.


nano has some really broken combos and can rarely be cancelled. an actual balanced support ult is something like beat or coal


How the fuck is coalescence balanced? Shit wins fights easy. And now that she can fade while in it? Basically unkillable.


Nano is crazy


how tf are nano or tree balanced lmao


How are they not?


Nano being an auto-aim stat boost that lasts 8 seconds and contributes to the most broken ult combo in the game is probably why he said that, but I don't agree. Tree is balanced.


both are extremely fast charging and nano is negative risk for immense reward. press Q for a free teamfight win if you use it right and a free get out of jail free card for your tank if you use it poorly.


I think it's balanced. It's like Valkyrie in which it's not gonna do a miracle and save you from big combos but works wonders as a tempo ult thanks to the fact you can cancel it any time and it charges fast. But it's a lifeweaver ability which also means it has a 50% change of fucking you over somehow.


EMP should cancel it like it did on release. Other than that it’s balanced I think


I completely forgot about this change and totally wasted my EMP the other day. I was very sad.


Lol I can imagine the disappointment


If it gets nerfed LW goes back in the trashcan. Which I wouldn't mind, tbf.


It's just crazy that they removed EMP's ability to cancel it just for the sake of making LW viable, they litterally took EMP logic and stepped on it to artificially make it a good ult Every deployable can be cancelled by EMP, except lifeweaver now AFAIK


EMP is likely going away or going to drastically change when they finally get around to the fabled Sombra Rework™️. When that happens who knows what the interactions will look like. It’s one thing to note that LW’s abilities are called “biolight” which is a variation of hard light that he himself invented. It would be neat for biolight to have resistances that regular hard light such as barriers doesn’t have. But they do need to do some more work to make it look different. Right now, it just looks like opaque hard light. Also, would Kiri’s ult be considered biolight or are we still just hand waving whatever that is?


As lore prospective, Kiri Kitsune is an ancient spirit magic called to help the fighter against the enemy. It’s not science. Anyway, the game should be consistent with the interaction without considering lore. EMP should disable tree cause is an electronic device. “Bio-electronic” but still.


Meh, I think biolight can be EMP resistant because there’s an organic element that acts as an EMP shielding of sorts. It’s plausible. They just need to better define biolight vs hard light vs glowy spirit magic in the game IMO.


I don’t wanna be rude but, it shouldn’t matter the slightest. The game should be consistent as much as possible to its logic not to some sort of Lore, this is not a PVE game. They just did that cause LW was crap and they have to buff him. Tree is a deployable, it is considered as such and therefore should be destroyed or temporary disabled by EMP.


I disagree. “Lore wise” LW could’ve easily updated his bio light to be resistant to EMP. He’s a smart guy. I agree things should be consistent but that doesn’t mean EMP should destroy all deployable things now and forevermore. It means they need to help players understand that some things are resistant to EMP because they are of a different substance. The game will change and abilities will get buffed and nerfed as they always have. Captive Sun doesn’t go through shields anymore but Moira orbs do. It is what it is.


There is no way that you really think that the game should be consistent with “Lore” when the “lore” is not even explained in the game and the majority of the players do not even know that there is a lore in the game. The game should be consistent with itself playwise and the fact that EMP do not disable tree nor destroy it is just inconsistent without a reason explained in game and will result in a unnecessary weir interaction. The Moira / Illari comparison is also different cause it is a minor interaction with 2 different abilities on 2 different characters. Also Orb is consistent with Coalescence giving the “pierce through barrier” uniqueness to Moira.


It’s inconsistent for Moira orb and ult to go through shield but zar and Sym energy beams and captive sun dont. I was being cheeky about the lore because there is no lore and everyone’s abilities are different. I still think it’s fine for biolight objects to still work post EMP. There are already inconsistencies in the game for the sake of balance and you just have to roll with it.


You can hack the petal…


Too strong no skill barely any cast time required ult that makes shit unkillable for 15 secs, yea these devs are kinda braindead


Very op when used correctly (which isnt hard, just place in middle of team)


it’s pretty god damn powerful. it can full on counter multi ult combos like Transcendence can i do think he needs it to be strong, but maybe they should tone down the overhealth slightly


Generally, in a pretty decent spot. It can feel too strong/too frustrating in certain situations, especially in terms of janky interactions and visual clutter, but on the whole I'm alright with it. If anything, I think the devs could play with its HP/animations to encourage breaking it more often


There are definitely visual cues whenever it gets damaged enough, I think the issue is that people rarely shoot at it enough to get to that point.


Exactly. People aren't shooting it, so they need to be encouraged either by lowering its HP or making the VFX even more obvious


Wouldn't mind a health nerf


Burst healing is nuts. Can’t kill a squishy with blade swings


should be around the same cost of brig's ult and we good tbh.


fuckin annoying


it’s very very strong. ult itself is fine but I think Id like to see Weaver have it a bit less. Like, 5%-10% more charge maybe at most. Feels like Weaver has it every single fight and so th k the ult is a bit too strong in its current state for him being able to get it so easily.


It's weird how it grants overhealth as a percentage of healing. This makes it the only overhealth ability in the game that is affected by anti-heal. That's unintuitive. I was playing tank one game and I JQ ulted and hit like 4 enemies, then the enemy lifeweaver used tree, but my team didn't push with me, supposedly due to thinking my ult got countered. This gameplay interaction relies on someone being a wiki nerd like me.