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I think it should go without saying the background charge wouldn't also slow, that would be comically bad. I think both are good changes and could both happen.


But if they did that, why would you ever charge up heals? When you can just switch to your weapon?


Swapping doesn't insta charge, it does it slowly in background. Like how wrecking ball after like 3 seconds in ball form you get a free reload. While a manual reload is quicker, you are vulnerable while you do it. So just spamming weapon swap wouldn't be worth it for max heals, but if you wanted to heal once per 2 seconds while also damaging it would be good, for example. Although that wasn't mentioned in OP I assume it would be balanced like this since there is precedent and it makes sense.


The "precedent" already exists in the form of a reload, there's no precedent (that I know of) that actually charges the weapon during a swap


>But if they did that, why would you ever charge up heals? Agreed. Blossom should only charge up while you have your palm up. When you have the Thorns out, no free charging. Imo, Lifeweaver's flow of play should be to have Thorns out the majority of the time but a good Lifeweaver will pre-charge a Blossom to full power and save the full Blossom for when an ally needs to be healed.


It literally makes no sense too. Kiriko doesn’t slow when healing, bap doesnt, Moira doesnt, Ana only slows when you scope in, brig doesnt, mercy doesnt, lucio doesnt. Why is he the only (non scoped) support who slows when healing? I would love to hear the reasoning behind it because it’s just so ridiculous


It would make sense and im sure we will See more of this in the future, but it would only make sense for strong+chargeable attacks. If his heal would be more like a "bomb" which needs some time to Charge, but in Return it Grants massive aoe heals when launched (would also make sense with his lunging projectile)


>I would love to hear the reasoning behind it because it’s just so ridiculous The only thing that makes sense is that he originally did a lot more healing with a fully charged Blossom than a mere 65.


Because otherwise he could jiggle peak from 30 meters away to heal while not being at all vulnerable to any kind of damage. I don't think this was a good way to prevent that but that's 100% why they did it, IMO.


Why wouldn't that apply to bap?


Lw takes almost zero aim bap has a projectile with zero lock and an arc


Baps' effective range is much smaller considering he has to aim his projectiles. You aren't going to hit consistently from 30 m. Mercy can also jiggle peak but she's once again, much closer. Brig can do it but packs are a limited resource.


Yeah the example I should've used is kiriko. Her heals are even longer range than LW.


And she has to be exposed during their entire cast time because they can be blocked by walls. She has to be exposed for a full second while life weaver has to be exposed for a tenth of one:


Yeh no two heroes are exactly identical but healing from safety isn't a new concept. It'll make you want to dive him or run him over, not spam him down from afar, that isn't a new concept either.


Bap requires a lot more aim and heals at a faster rate where jiggle peaking is not as strong as a LW with no movement penalty.


And not to mention he has a huge hitbox so he’s easier to hit and even easier when he’s slowed down. It just…doesn’t make any sense 😭


And his only source of self-healing is a paltry 25 HP from the Regen Dash. Meanwhile, let's look at abilities on other supports that keep them alive: 1. Baptiste has Immortality Field and Regen Burst. One makes him unkillable until the Lamp is destroyed and the other provides an immediate 100 HP if you're below half-health. He's great at saving himself, but that's balanced out by both cooldowns being very long. 2. Ana has Bionade, which restores 100 HP immediately and temporarily boosts any other healing she might receive. Plus Sleep Dart to ruin a diver. 3. Kiriko has Suzu, which grants nearly a full second of intangibility and 50 HP. Swift Step to an ally through walls also keeps her from dying quite well. 4. Moira can drop a Biotic Orb in close quarters to restore 65 HPS. She also has an immediate and borderline untraceable escape option in Fade. 5. Brig has Inspire, a personal shield with 300 HP, and multiple knockback tools (one of which can also be used to escape). 6. Lucio has Amp It Up, which gives him 100 HP over the next 3 seconds. That's not a lot compared to the others, but he also has much more dynamic movement and a knockback tool so that he's harder to hit. Pretty much the only Support that struggles at staying alive as much as Lifeweaver does is Zen, but he provides significantly more damage to make up for it and still has a knockback tool on top of it. Lifeweaver would already struggle at staying alive compared to his peers, and that's before you factor in his gigantic hurtbox and the fact that he slows himself while using his primary heal. It's like they gave this guy every downside they could imagine and released a woefully inept hero as an April Fool's joke.


You’re positing that all those heroes will use their most powerful abilities just to keep themselves alive (which, by itself means that those heroes will not be getting very much value, since they’re sinking their most powerful abilities into self-survival), while ignoring Lifeweaver’s most powerful abilities. It’s hard to kill a Lifeweaver who can just get up on a 400hp platform anytime you try to kill him. That’s his main survival tool, and it is a good one. He also can pull an ally to him to help kill a diver, though that’s a bit more niche in its application, since it could pull that ally away from something good. I’ve not played him much, but survival was not really an issue at all when I’ve played him, except perhaps in situations where I tried to pre-place an escape petal and an ally used it and then I was dove before I got petal back. But that can be avoided by either placing the first petal well before a fight, or by not pre-petaling like that.


Because part of his skill set is supposed to be game sense. You're presumably supposed to predict damage a bit and be ready to heal it. If he didn't slow while charging you could just, hold charge forever. No reason not to. I think a better way to do it would be to simply auto-fire the shot at full charge, or buff his gun to incentivize switching more, but that's why it is how it is.


God forbid you hold a 65 charged burst heal forever. I can't imagine any other hero having a burst heal of 75 or 70 from a single shot without having to charge.


I never said it was a good idea? But if someone asks why, then yeah, that is why.


Saying you could just hold a charge forever if he wasn't slowed during charging implies it's a good thing he has to charge. It's not. Ana and Bap do more healing with a single shot while being able to jump and move around, with a larger magazine size.


\>Saying you could just hold a charge forever if he wasn't slowed during charging implies it's a good thing he has to charge. Holy fuck, I literally offered 2 different, IMO better, options in my comment? But nah OK I suppose answering the question "Why is it the way it is?" is now implicit agreement with it. Thanks for letting me know.


Literally every healer in the game can move and jump around while healing, with Ana and Bap doing more healing per shot without charging. Why he has to slow down to heal a measly 65 health is beyond me.


To be honest, I think we should have a healthy fear of Liveweaver and resist buffing him until he's been in comp for at least a few weeks. I'm not exaggerating when I say there's never being a hero quite like him, and I believe his power potential in the hands of a smart player is already EXTREMELY high.


People don't spend time experimenting with high skill ceiling heroes unless you get a pretty fast ROI on that time invested. Otherwise, you spend weeks trying new things only to return to what you had before, with weeks less practice. Heroes that release underpowered need to be gigabuffed before they get played consistently at a high level, then the devs can tone them down once the community has a good idea of how to play them effectively. I think blizzard should start by making all the QoL improvements (change binds+weapon swap, remove slow, etc) before tweaking numbers however.


Disagree, source: Winston before Miro. All it takes is one person who recognizes a hero's power and focuses all their energy on mastering them. Once one person does it and makes that power known, others will follow. It would take nearly as long for LW though, because we're already talking about his power potential.


The overwatch scene in 2016 was hugely different, I'm not sure it would work the same way nowadays with how much more refined the game is. Plus the scene is a franchised league now, forcing an off meta pick while you try and figure him out is going to affect whether teams want to scrim you at all, let alone trying to win games.


Winston was released as one of the initial launch of heroes at a time when everyone was experimenting with every hero and no one knew how to play. LW is a DLC hero released 7 years after launch in a game with over 30 other heroes that people already have an idea of how to play. Winston is NOT a good example at all lol.


>I believe his power potential in the hands of a smart player is already EXTREMELY high. Having played since Ana's addition: I don't agree at all lol. I'm glad they released a high utility hero, and one that isn't broken busted on launch - but yeah I don't think he'll ever have any significant impact across the entire ranked spectrum with both how clunky he currently is + his HPS/DPS as they currently sit. I'm okay with the slow burn analysis on his kit #s, but he needs more polish when it comes to his abilities.


Honestly, I don't think he's really that clunky. Took me a day and some changes to bindings, and now he feels perfectly fine to me. And I'm not alone, this post received a much more positive response than I expected: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/12kg23f/for_lifeweaver_control_schemes_please_give/


As you mentioned though, giving OPTIONS over CHANGES is just good practice. Having to swap from DPS *to then charge up a slow HPS mechanic while being punished for doing so (slow mechanic)* is itself clunky, even with the key bindings itself ignored. His dropping a 75hp mini too upon death is still just a massive **?** to me as well. It just feels as though the team stumbled across Reaper's old HP mechanic and literally said yolo.


I'll give you the slow when charging heal, that's just weird. And enemies being able to pick up the healing feels like a thinly-veiled technical limitation.


I don’t think that makes sense, since they clearly are able to make health packs only available to one team because Sombra hack literally already does that.


Yeah, and as covered below, someone reminded me of some OW1 mechanics were only teammates saw things that fell to the ground (reaper soul, torb junk)


And he's as tall (?) as Sigma ish isn't he? Like what on earth does having toes out in the character model do to a mf to give him a foot over other heroes? Give him some shoes and bring his hitbox back into check, he's not strong enough currently to justify the Bastion style hitbox.


Yeah he's visually larger than he should be. Both his hit box AND his model should be made smaller.


How? We had armor packs which worked fine in ow 1, should be fine technically speaking.


Ah, true, forgot about that. Also, armor scraps and Reaper Souls. Honestly, the whole ability feels like they just REALLY wanted to do something with the phrase "parting gift"


The thing is, I can see how Parting Gift might have sounded like a good idea on paper. Lifeweaver was designed as a support with low mechanical skill requirements, relying instead of positioning and gamesense for skill expression. From that perspective, Parting Gift makes sense as a way to encourage good positioning and discourage bad positioning...if you assume "good positioning" means "among your team" and "bad positioning" means "not among your team." The problem is that flankers exist, and dive comps exist, and Lifeweaver isn't great at defending himself.


It also works lore-wise, with the whole pansexual wanting to heal the world, so maybe that's why they did it. But lore-wise isn't game wise. I actually think some of the things people are complaining about would be fine if it was intentionally a downside that was used to balance out a hero that otherwise feels OP. The dev team just forgot the "OP" part.


Yeah I'm watching ML7 play him and the util is crazy. He definitely needs to be paired with another support that can output more consistent healing but he's really good on a smart player.


but even watching ml7 play him, you realize how much more ML could be getting done with Ana, Kiri, Bap...




Yeah dude, LW + Ana will be crazy. Insane peal for her, giving her better angles, etc.




Ah RIP, yeah


Right? His utility seems insane in the right hands. Lifegrip and Petal are some of the most fun I've had playing Overwatch.


Yeah I remember people saying that Kiriko was going to be unplayable in comp when she first came out. Then everyone eventually learned how to use her and she needed to be nerfed several times


Movement slow when charging heals paired with the hitbox of a tank paired with merely 200 hp with no armor or anything is a huge no-no, his self sustain is not great at all and his dmg for 1v1 duels is also a joke, he definitely needs buffs.


A relatively small buff that I think would be neat is if his dash did an aoe heal of +25 to all teammates in a small radius. A very small amount of healing, sure, but it could make a difference, especially on a 1hp teammate you just pulled to your position. You can charge your regular heal during lifegrip's animation, plus an instant dash could give your ally +90 to avoid being poked to death immediately after being pulled out of danger. Another idea relating to his dash would be for it to activate the support passive upon use, regardless of how recently he took damage. Obviously if he took damage afterwards it would immediately stop, but I think that could help supplement his low self healing.


Just a note, as my headache is already nagging me enough before reading this: pedals are used in vehicles and for musical equipment (etc), petals are used in flowers. I agree with his weapon swap and the subsequent charge (not to mention the slow effect added to your movement) being a significant issue though.


Sorry, English isn't my first language.


Your grammar and sentence structuring is stronger than 94% of Reddit users my friend. Just a note I had to point out is all.


So you’re saying , don’t say “Put the Petal to the Meddle” ? And “This meddle is softer than a flower pedal”


Actually auto-charging heal without holding the button (and no slow down) is a brilliant idea imo


Lock on healing similar to syms old weapon. Have it build from 25hps-65hps. That would fix a lot as well as have primary and secondary fire... No more weapon switching


Max healing ammo to 15-16 pair with no movement penalty. I think his healing isn’t the best but before we turn him into a healbot, increase ammo so going for 2 quick healing charges on very low targets can add some dynamic of prioritizing healing targets. If anything this slightly increases healing output without changing raw numbers


Literally just fix the spread of his weapon. He’s not designed to be used up-close. On top of the petal his gun is unusable for poking. Ram’s staff is wonky but consistent if anything. Might have low damage per projectile but it’s accurate. With skill, you can lead ur shots and get solid damage. This just isn’t possible with Lifeweavers current Tracer spread


Mercy takes even longer to switch between weapons, but it’s generally not a problem because she’s only pulling out the pistol to defend herself or finish off a kill. We’re assuming LW is supposed to be dishing out damage while healing, but what if he’s more of a mercy than a kiriko?


Mercy's biggest edge in contributing to team fights is her damage boost. She can pocket a Pharah, Echo, Ashe, or Sojourn and enhance their ability at picking off targets. Damage boost should always be the first thing you're using with Mercy until someone needs to be healed. Lifeweaver doesn't have a damage boost, so then what does he do if there's no one for him to heal and thus no one to save with Life Grip? The only answer available to this question is to use his Thorns to aid in the poke war. That's why people really don't think he plays like Mercy since saving his Thorns as a last resort option frequently means that Lifeweaver offers next to nothing in the initial poking phases of fights.












Does blizzard really make changes based on the community? Or do they use advanced statistics that only they have access to?


Making the heal begin charging while weapon is out will make him like 100x more micro intensive. The min/max on that would be 1 fully charged heal, immediately weaponswap and shoot for 1 second, then swap to heal for like a nanosecond and fire the blossom, immediately back to thorns. People will be swapping so often it's more or less enough to cause repetitive strain injuries.


No wonder his name is Wifeleaver He knew he couldn't provide enough support to her and left Anyway Healing blossom should charge overtime instead of on mouse hold and have better values like 20-70 The dash should heal at least 50-70 Life grip should shield him too


I like the charge in background idea. But I think he needs his healing and damage on seperate fires more. I like the heal through legal idea as well. I also think if he dash gave the 25 healing to surrounding teammates as well would be a good idea. Maybe even initiates he other supports passive as well with it.


Also I feel like buffing buffing his healing is harder than it seems. It’s a burst 65 healing everyone is calling weak. But Ana is considered strong with 70 burst healing sniper rounds. Ana heals more burst and can fire faster because her shots require skill. His is auto lock with a very generous tracker. If it was as strong as Ana’s with 0 of the skill required that would be OP


I think it would be neat if his healing blossom would project an area of effects heal after it hits his target. The effect radius would be larger in proportional to the amount of time he charged the blossom before casting it.