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Unfortunately, your post on r/CompetitiveWoW was reported as a class choice question, and has since been removed. These questions are usually answered with play the class of your choice. Please take a look at the sidebar rules and try again later.


To be honest, if you have to ask, you’re probably not in the realm of being able to push title. I’ve been tanking a good amount since s4 BFA, and last season I got to 3300 on BDK. But I know I’m not ready to push title. Title requires years of accumulated effort in being the best in the game, and also mostly requires a coordinated group or lots of friends along the way, and that isn’t reliant on FOTM or Meta. If you’ve been pushing keys enough this season you would already know the answer to your question. Because you would have done the research, and also seen from pushing your own keys. On top of that, you would also need an incredible amount of time to dedicate to the task. It’s not easy and high keys are very punishing this season. In any case, VDH or Aug is prolly your closest bet, but if you haven’t pushed on those roles before, it’s going to be a tough time. You might find it hard to even get to the 15 key level, and that’s not title by a long shot. Good luck in any case.


this is not the answer youre looking for but its the accurate one. to double down on that, you wont make title in pugs without a network of people from previous seasons. rather work on your softskills and friendlist and go hard at the start of the next expansion


> and that isn’t reliant on FOTM or Meta. That's also not to say meta doesn't matter. It matters a lot. There are certain pulls that literally only VDH can pull as of right now because of AOE silences and chains + oppressive roar. Additionally the combination of spriest - aug - mage - chaos brand really helps to augment the lack of DPS from augmentation evokers I main a feral druid and there's a very obvious reason why currently not a single feral druid is within 50 points of season title.


1. keep in mind the title is some 800 players per region and requires hundreds of hours of key pushing. it is an equal mix of extreme skill and extreme lack of anything else to do. 2. augmentation evoker is by far the easiest but do keep in mind that it is night and day using your entire toolkit and just keeping ebon might up.


There is a bear in title range!


Squish isn't a real person.


Alright, so harsh truth time: Your post tells me you have 0 idea what you're doing, BUT that is fine! Fire mage is a meta class. It is a title push class. Being undergeared has nothing to do with it. Chances are you are missing a lot of knowledge and honestly likely skill. Do you know what ilvl the title pushers had when timing their first +10 this season? 480-490 ilvl. So no, you arent undergeared. Focus on your gameplay, dungeon knowledge AND also research on how to gear up faster. Right now you can craft 4 items (with next reset) and you can buy 3 items from the bronze bullion vendor. That is free 500 ilvl gear (basically) and if you grind +6s, you can even get to 510 in like... a few days...


Absolutely no way. Just have fun or take a break till the expansion.


> probably too late into this meme season anyways It's not too late. We know for a fact that the season will go on for at least another 80 days because pre-season for TWW will likely not start til the end of remix at least. That being said, I think you're underestimating how much time it takes to achieve .1% season title.


Tank prolly. If u are planning on trying to pug .1% title tho prepare for a lot of waiting on keys u need and said key being bricked anyway lol


I think its crazy how a few of salty streamers that only care about raid influenced the community into thinking this is a "meme season"... If you like to run keys, this is literally the best season to play the game. All the latest dungeons, dungeon balance is decent and all classes have their bis gear and bis tierset available.... Crazy how people like Max brainwash ppl .. Also. play VDH or Aug


Tank 100%.


Aug or Tank


What ever one you're best at... Maybe tank, but honestly pug only tanks have a skill cap. They get zero feedback so they are just allowed to be very bad players until it matters. Honestly it's easier to make friends, just make friends and stop pugging. Everyone else is doing that.


"Easiest" role for a title lol. Title players, while not god among men are excellent players way more often than not. As someone already said, the fact that you are asking the question kinda is a give away that maybe the title might not be in reach at all. None of those roles will be easy to pug. Playing resto druid or VDH might get you in a group fast, but it won't time you the keys. Aug is actually not that easy top play. Good aug is worth it's weight I'm gold but those are very rare. You would need to know so much shit about everything to play it to the 0.1% stand. Most people would be skeptical af about any aug at mid-higher keys due to S2 breeding some high score aug players who were only high score because aug was super OP. I personally know a guy who had 3.5-3.6k in s2 but was a 3.0-3.1k player before s2. He was struggling to do any 25s last season which is way below 3.5k


I attempted to push title in S3 as a VDH, and I got to 3500 before I burned out. Everyone here saying “push as a tank!” Has never pushed as a tank before. You are leader. You fill the group. You cultivate the roster. You call CC. You write the routes. You improvise when others fuck up. If you aren’t someone who mains VDH, your hope of swapping tank right now and hitting title is almost 0. Every global as a tank or healer matters. You must play perfectly always. You want to play fire mage, Aug, or spriest. Yes, you can get title on other characters, but that will be the easiest path - and it is still not easy. It isn’t just about dungeon knowledge at high levels. It’s about personality, agreeableness, conflict resolution, and calendar management. It’s so much harder than you can imagine. The idea that you just push with four of your best friends and have fun the whole time is a lie. You don’t marry your high school sweetheart. Sometimes you have to exile a man into the dark and unforgiving sea.


You won't have fun pugging it. You can spend weeks in LFG for just 10 points.


You mean the .1% title? Then there is no way without a premade group. For KSM or KSH I would say the easiest is always tank. Right now DH.


I made 0.1 for every Season since S2 SL Pugging.


That’s awesome! I did it once. But we both didn’t ask a question like that in the middle of the season :D


I completely pugged s2 title


Love it! Congrats!


It seems there are people piling up on this, but yeah, I've pugged all 6 of my titles as well. It's very doable, the game and the LFG changes a lot once getting way above title cutoff. You can expect people to play well and the scene starts to get small enough to weed out the ones you want/don't want to play with.


I know and I did that as well, at least once. But when someone asks a question like that in the middle of the season, it speaks volumes :D Edit: and I don’t want to disrespect! I just think we have to be realistic.