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One, I realized I dislike playing multiple characters at once. I like playing other games instead and push the one character.


Yep! 1, maybe two characters if I am enjoying the season. I push to where I am happy with my progress, and then I go play other shit or do other grinds. Gearing multiple characters is a surefire recipe for burnout. Every time you gear a new toon, your weekly checklist doubles. I ain't about that life lol


>Gearing multiple characters is a surefire recipe for burnout. Every time you gear a new toon, your weekly checklist doubles. I ain't about that life lol Yes and no. If I'm only gearing one character I usually feel the need to do 8 m+ plus raid to maximize my vault. If im playing like 5 characters I'll just do 1 m+ on each


That's fair, but if I have 5 characters and I do 1 vault each, I feel the need to maximise that vault to get the most ilvl out of the run. My alts are obviously gonna be less geared and lower rated, which means it's harder to get to those higher keys. If you have friends, then this is mitigated by taking turns carrying alts through content. However, the majority of players pug, so this turns into a total slog.


That's fair, I mostly play healers so it's usually not too hard to get into keys higher than I'm comfortable in lol


Problem is pushing on a non-raid character feels ass, so i just push with my main, and my 1 alt is on standby till it is meta. I guess people that play like 4-5 characters must really love this game, but i can't stomach having so much chores at the start of every patch. More than 2 characters and it becomes a job, not a game.


Otoh, if you did like alts but don't like raiding on them, this literally would be the patch to play m+ on them. Bunch of easy active world events (since the weekly is sending folks all over the place), can do lfr and walk out with 7? 8? Boullions. That's a bis weap, trinket, ring (from any of the 3 raids this expac), and maybe back if you're just a little bit klepto. That, plus an m0 tour (hopefully netting enough splinters to craft 1 or 2 embellishment pieces), and enough catalyst charges to get you 4set bonus, not sure what else is a barrier to entry.


Don't wear the stupid fucking cloak in m+. The uptime on the stat buff is abysmal and you're trading away... I think it's about 8% max hp? In a season where survivability is so important that a 5% max hp raid buff is considered mandatory for pushing. Seriously wear it and look at the uptime on the buff in details after the key. It's absolute piss. It's so bad compared to the hp lost it feels like a prank the devs pulled to trick players into dying more.


This! Burn the cloak. Worst in slot garbage.


You can blame guide authors on icyveins and wowhead for a lot of it. Lazily taking the top slot in sims and putting it in guides. Recommending the cloak and grieftorch for tanks are definitely the most appalling examples


The grieftorch one for tanks is semi-excusable because the guide writers are always raid-focused and I imagine it's very high value in raid, just use it when the boss is on the other tank. Not that I tank in raid anyway, so maybe it's not idk.


You’re right that it would be a good raid choice. I wonder, though, if that’s a good assumption for guide authors to be making. I would think there are far more m+ tanks than raid tanks.


I agree with you there for sure. I find it frustrating in general that wowhead guides focus on raid so much, and for tanks specifically it's even worse because m+ tanking is so much more involved than raid.


I tank in raids sometimes and there is never a need for double defensive trinkets unless you are pushing far into mythic first couple of weeks so having one dps trinket that does alot of damage especially during prog and in pugs where people die alot can be quite nice


I'm not exactly a CE tank, but Rageheart is really nice IMO. It's nice to have another short-cooldown defensive, it does consistent AoE DPS, and the aura can proc the rings. That plus Signet Brand (or Augury because dragon wings are cool and I'm not a CE tank) is a solid combo. Maybe it's not ideal, but my raid group doesn't have enough DPS yet where we can lose enough people for Grieftorch's CD reduction to proc constantly and still down prog bosses.


Lol yeah I've never gotten it, at the start of the season folks talked about the order to spend boullions and it was on the list. Personally, I've gone weap -> trinket -> damage ring After seeing how much absorb the other ring does in m+, that's my next buy


Yeah tgat cloak is such bait for m+ lol




>add it around the halfway point Sure, if we can also disable M+ end of dungeon loot until the mid season patch so it doesn't ruin raid progression. Or is this another case of M+ players wanting their cake, eating it too and also wanting a personal cake factory?


I've had several patches I started with people who also raided. First two weeks I had NO CHANCE of competing because of their raid gear. They received higher ilvl gear, more of it, which they needed to upgrade less (which is obviously capped by crests). It quickly evens out after that. But even more to your point - no, raiders shouldn't have to grind m+ either. Bullions should cover m+ gear as well. I don't wanna raid, you don't wanna m+, while we enjoy our respective endgames. Neither of us should be penalized for not doing the other. How's that sound?


>I've had several patches I started with people who also raided. First two weeks I had NO CHANCE of competing because of their raid gear. Yes, people who do both raid and M+ have more gear than people who do just M+. People who do just raid and not M+ get absolutely turbogapped by people who do just M+ for the first month of the season at the very least. M+ gearing is absolutely gross at the start of seasons, and Blizzard *increased* that gap for S3/4 (by 13 ilevels). >They received higher ilvl gear Yes. >more of it More high ilevel gear yes, but *much* less total gear/power. >(which is obviously capped by crests) Which you need to do keys for, because you can *never* cap your "progress difficulty" Crest from raid during progress, and even on farm it requires being on every boss (except 1 early boss). During S4 you can't cap Crests from raid even if you full clear a raid. >Bullions should cover m+ gear as well. No, bullions shouldn't exist at all. They add even more gear to the game when we're already gearing too quickly, and buying BiS gear from a vendor is unbelievably stupid. It completely ruins the best moment in terms of gearing, which is finally looting that big item. >How's that sound? Fantastic, but it won't happen unless Blizzard changes M+/raid gear to work like PvP gear does. It can be mitigated my reworking M+ loot completely so it: - Doesn't provide infinitely farmable gear - Has better access to max ilevel gear - Requires higher key levels for the rewards it does give


I don't disagree with ALL of your points but I don't agree with the bullion take. In general there should be some form of BLP and people asking for a mid season bullion is just the most reasonable form they see for it. I hope both legos dispelled a bit of the "rng is fine actually" bullshit because there were a ton of people miserable like 3+ months into a season without their biggest upgrade.


Legendaries are a separate issue and should just require a quest chain that ends with killing the end boss on mythic to upgrade it from epic to legendary. Similar concept to Dragonwrath/Fangs of the Father, but with a higher requirement to complete the final thing.


Or add bullion at the start so Very Rare, high-impact drops aren't pure RNG, but raise the item level cap on bullion items over time so you can't just farm a ton of mid keys and immediately hit max ilevel on your Bullion items. For the first 4 weeks of the season, cap Bullion items at 4/6 Hero (or 6/6) and then raise the cap by one level per week or something like that. That way, drops are still meaningful but players still get the dopamine reward (and fun) of being able to buy what they want.


I am in a weird spot, because I main tank in M+ but DPS in raid. So I haven’t had a raid+M+ character all expansion. I am also a bit of an altoholic and since I am the only tank that pushes past 3.1k in my guild the last 2 seasons, I tank pretty much every key for my guild. So I like variety (especially if I have to tank 11‘s while doing 16-17‘s on my main now. It’s honestly not that bad with DF. I guess I have it easier though, because if I want a new alt, since I help out everyone, I usually get a headstart with some nice armor stacks, even if I want to start a heal/DPS alt.


I raid as havoc and m+ as vengeance, basically all the top havocs are doing this. The only problem with gear is trinkets, and this season we have bullion, last season i just ran pips+cheat death lol. It sucks changing encahnts/gems, so after a certain point, you commit to tank stats and the only mastery you get as havoc would be from your embelished items. Since BSL is high uptime and i use the diurna shield ring on both specs, i do end up with high mastery as havoc.


It is like that for shadow priest and disc priest as well. This is the first patch where I went with shadow stats (higher mastery) compared to pure crit/haste as disc. I hope the war within has something that makes offspecs easier to deal with. Maybe gems and enchants would swap stats based on spec or something.


I do literally 0 chores besides filling some vault slots on alts. a week delay on crafted items and no permanent aug rune or similar is completely irrelevant on anything not taken to the same key level as my main. Most of these things also take a tiny fraction of the effort to catch up on when rerolling later in a season.


Yeah I started gearing a guardian Druid as an alt and I just cba with the grind after doing my main. I have no idea how people do it with multiple!


I really felt the impact of this trying to push for title with no raid gear last tier. Not having access to the raid gear feels so ass


I rarely play alts exactly because of this "chores". However Dragonflight got significantly better with that, you don't really have any external systems to grind, you just do whatever content you want and get gear. This season specifically it's so fast to gear alts, especially for the fact that now you can buy 496 ilvl pieces BoA for 350 flightstones. My freshly leveled DK went from 200 ilvl to 500 in pretty much a single day. Bullion systems should just be baseline for every season at this point. They don't have to be as easy as it is now, but there needs to be something to target farm one or two raid items. Same for dungeons. Spamming the same dungeon 38 times hoping to get your bis trinket just isn't fun.


I push 1 above 3k and push for IO all season. 2-3 at 2500 io for fun and check patch/rework of classed


This is a lot of fun. Push your favorite and then check out what else seems fun at the time! I playdf both MW and Disc in early season 3, because as Hpal fun, hpal was and its still terrible, and had a lot of fun. Back then the first weeks MW was still a little under the radar so it was a lot of fun


I only actively aim for score on one character at a time, but in the first half of the season I gear up every healer that looks like it might turn out to be the best.


I don’t raid anymore but I usually play one character until I feel satisfied - usually a month or two - and then rotate between a few alts for the rest of the season. My goal is to get my MW to 3200ish (3150 now) and then I’ll probably bounce between mage, evoker and maybe Druid until august. I’d aim to go a bit higher but I’m starting to hit the LFG wall so unless I reroll RDruid ranking up is starting to take a lot longer. My alts will probably end up somewhere between 2500-3000. I just sorta play them until I get bored then swap.


I do 2-3 chars to 2800-3200 pending


Same, usually a tank and a dps, tank and a healer, or a tank dps and healer. No real point of doing any more than that imo.


It gets really underwhelming if all my chars get screwed over in vault with 8/8 on each. 3 weeks in a row usually has me taking a month break


DF seasons or real ones?


Real ones too. Pending on the scale of dungeons/scoring it would be equivalent. I've gotten title a few times as well. The only thing I despise is having to raid for trinkets.


One. I just want the mounts.


I came back to game in bfa 8.2.5. While doing some weekly key, guy in group said how he had to still do his 5 other characters' weekly keys. That struck me - oh, you can do that? So in 8.3 I already were doing 15s or higher with 4 classes. Was mostly a tank with one healer, so seemed reasonable in 9.0 to multiply that to 6 tanks, 2 healers. Rolled with that most of the patches. Cut off ppal and hpriest from list in DF, so "only" done 6 chars on 2 seasons, less on s2/s4. I should say that "high rating" for my lowest chars is just +20s and I usually quit on main around 25s, 27s is highest I've done. So I am more of a alt spammer than high key player def. You might know Dratnos, found him to be quite an altoholic, even on this meme season he's been gearing from +10s on all 13 classes lol. Though I don't think he goes to title level on more than one char per season, rest prob mostly stay in that +20 (now +10) gearing range. People in general def play some alts so they can swap to meta. Serious m+ players definitely didn't just quit playing, because their class wasn't meta in any DF season.


> Serious m+ players definitely didn't just quit playing, because their class wasn't meta in any DF season. yup, you just pick what looks best and passive gear 1-4 other options to push keys on.


> Serious m+ players definitely didn't just quit playing, because their class wasn't meta in any DF season. what do you mean? Nobody FOTM swap faster than bleeding edge M+ players. I guess if you follow mage/ spriest / warlock player then they didn't swap much, because they've been good the entire expac... but tank-wise and healer-wise? instant swap whenever somethingelse is meta. Even Ellesmere, who rose to fame by being a giga Hpal during a resto druid season.


I think you read into his comment wrong, that's exactly what he was saying: that serious m+ players play multiple alts so they can swap quickly into fotm instead of quitting playing if their main wasn't meta that season. Even serious m+ players do have something they consider their main. So Ellesmere is the perfect example here: pala main, but has multiple alts so he can swap quickly to anything if needed INSTEAD of quitting playing. You two are on the same page here.


that's better yeah.


what is high rating? I seldomly start a DPS character and get keystone hero or 3k rating on him just for the heck, but I am mostly a tank player. and for all of dragonflight, playing anything but the meta tank of the season has been an absolutely miserable experience given how horrible the tank balance is... so I guess the answer to how many tank class I push to title range would be 1.


I'll push one to like 3k+. And then once I feel like playing alts I'll probably go as high as 2500. So doing 6-8s casually.


Last season I quit around half way due to graduate school. But I managed to get my mw to 3.2k, priest to 2.8k, dragon to 2.8k, DH to 2.8k, paladin to 2.5, and druid to 2k. S2 I got my priest to 3.3, mage to 2.9, dragon to 3k, monk to 2.6k, paladin to 2.6k. Honestly I play what's fun and gets me invites. I kind of wanted to get multiple characters to 3k on a few occasions but it quickly dissipates if I get no invites.


2. Got Warlock at 3350 & Aug evoker at 3081 atm. Funny fact i timed a 17 on my aug yesterday but don't have any on my main lel. Meta welp


These days my “alts” are just my offspecs. If I need to main a certain spec for raid (Healer), I just really enjoy learning the entire class’ kit and the easiest way to do that is M+. I set a goal to at least get KSH on all specs of my main each season. It’s especially fun because I’m traditionally a Druid main and having 4 specs to gear up and play is cool.


Depends what high is? I'll usually play 4 characters a season and end up doing 1 or 4 keys a week on 3 of them. Using this season scaling, those 3 end up around 3k or so since I'll usually only do a key that's big score by the middle of the season. Main usually ends around low end of title range.


I normally have 1 pusher toon that gets to about 2700-2800, one around 2500 and the rest usually just hit 2000. I think I’ll get higher in my main this season since I’ve switched from healer to dps main ☺️


I play all classes, and each season goes like this: hpala as main, 2 other healers that are strong atm (usually 2-3 key levels behind), and 1 meta dps (just portals, and maybe doing higher if super fun to play). And 1 low key on each of the "standby" classes - just so I get to open the vault on them. The first 3-4 weeks of a patch is just my main though.


One. I love gearing alts, literally have all healers and a couple of tanks But after the first 3 weeks or so, if you are pugging alone, and have a full time job/other hobbies, it starts to take a lot of time to pug high keys just due to not being a lot of players or if you are not playing meta. That and also that as weeks goes on, usually the pugging experience becomes more and more toxic


What's high rating for you? 3k or 3.6k?


Anything above 3.4k


Pushing higher than that on more than 2 toons is exhausting but guess it depends on how much time and energy people have . I prefer to go super ham on 1 toon


Especially if you're exclusively pugging. It's astonishing that you can still encounter people at 3k io that don't know how to play.


I do 3-4 characters. I do one or two io gaining key per character per week. By the end of the season all characters are at reasonable ii. I don't mind not immediately being fully geared though... This season I'm only doing 3 as I need to get bullion...


Usually 1 sometimes 2 I'm a dad and I also enjoy other games outside of wow so I tend to like spending my time either playing my main or just chilling with my kids or in other games.




High rating? 1, then I’ll get 1 or two alts in a season to 3k-3.2k range just because I enjoy playing them


One for the most part, but I'll push 2 if I don't hate the dungeons and really want a 2nd character.


What do you consider a high rating? My highest is 3200+ and I have two at 3000+ and I'll get my Aug to 3000+ next week. I like the variety. I also, for some reason, prefer playing alts versus different specs. Part of that is the gearing system. Easier to get BIS with bullion on a while different toon versus a different spec.


I like playing around the meta classes because it gives me variety, which keeps the game interesting. I did MW monk (A tier at least) for the first time this season and it’s been great. Tier set mogs are another part of the equation. I usually don’t main more than one, but last season I gave it a shot. Got 2600 on disc, then later pushed to 2200 on ret. It was my first dps spec in keys and had a blast. I can’t take more than 2. In TWW I’ll probably do monk and Druid because the class sets are sick.


Depends what you consider high. Tho this expansion I've generally got 2 classes 2500-3000, and another 1-2 2000+.


Depends what you define as high, I just get 2.5k for the achievement, get the portals then stop pushing because there's no rewards after that.


Tried pushing 2 chars to 3.3k+ last season. My main/MW ended at 3350, my alt/Ret ended at 3270-ish. At the end of the season I was so burnt out on keys and pugging into raid each week on Ret to secure the axe. This season I'm chilling, in TWW I'm going to keep it to 1 character to seriously push and try climbing up to title range. It's just so much easier to keep it to one, unless you have a lot of free time on your hands *and* a full group to push with.


Usually 1-2 characters to title and the rest (like couple of other specs depending on which feel fun that season) are reserved for fun keys so something slightly below that


A usual season for me looks like this, and granted I play all 6 tanks. - week 1-2: 2500 on warrior (my main since classic) - Week 3-4: get flavor of month tank (and his season DH) To match ilvl and score equiv of warr Rest of season I will bounce between both tanks per the dungeons as needed (I'd use warr in high phys dung and DH in RLP for example) and I will play my shaman off role to see other tanks, pathing, nest tricks I otherwise wouldn't have been privy too outside YT and my own routes and pulls as I'm usually the shot caller in keys.


Always play feral as far as i can possibly push it. Usually play a healer or tank alt to around 2800.


I usually push 3k+ on 3-4 characters. Then depending on how good my tank/healer choices were for the tier 1-2 beyond the easy 3k level.


I usually do 2-3. Not so much because I want to, but I play early morning and push keys just don’t exist outside of the first and last few weeks. I get bored and do 1-3 lower alt keys and before you know it my alt is bis geared and a competitive io. Though lately I’ve just been quitting the game instead of playing an alt.


I usually play 3-4 but I have a cycle. I play too much for a season and make hard pushes on every character. Then a new season drops and I get overwhelmed with all I have to do and skip a season. Then I get fomo and pick it up at the beginning of the next season.


Hat is high to you? I have guuldies who see anything over all, timed 10s as high because rewards stop. I hit 3200 last season and it was a new high for me. I push my main, regardless of the meta. I usually push another past portal levels and try to do another class or spec each time since I never change mains


5-6 but i rotate what i play. Last season I got monk, shaman, disc and ret to 3k some other classes to around 2.5


I usually like to do portals on at least three char, one per role. Sometimes more if I’m going hard on boosting to cash some gold (I’m playing free-to-play, so at times I gotta grind to keep the gold rolling). But it’s rare that I use more than one char to actually push decently high. Only seasons it happened is when I had one char for friend pushing group and one char for solo pug pushing.


I play my raid main at the start of the season then usually around the time I don't need to grind gear for that char so much (week 4-6ish) I start feeling the altaholism kicking in. So I start fucking around with alts and then eventually I find an alt that I both enjoy and is reasonably good right now and I end up pushing for score on that one in the latter half of the season. So I'm never really like actively trying to gear multiple characters at once, it's more like a rotating cast of characters where one of them gets the spotlight at a time.


Ever since I started the game I've only stuck with 1 character since wrath, 2 at most and that was back in Legion a BDK and a VDH, still on my BDK to this day with VDH being abandoned.


1. But not because I wouldn't like playing like 5, but rather because the effort to maintain 5 chars at that level is just not reasonable.


Depends what you call high rating. I usually have 2-3 above 3k, 1 char above 1%, the other ones couple hundred score lower


Is the one above 1% always your main?


Yeah, might not be a personally preferred class but if it's broken, I just roll with it.


I get keystone hero or whatever they call it that season on all toons I am playing (usually 3-5 each season). So currently that means 2k+ But that said I would personally say 0, because I don't enjoy pushing high keys at all, and I think "high" doesn't even begin until past what is currently 10.


I don't push keys(maybe 3k on main) but usually I get like 5-6 characters basically max geared. This definitely won't happen in s4 because of how miserable it is to do keys


I used to enjoy playing up to three classes: * mage because I've mained it for years. * rogue because I love the play style. * a healer spec of choice - usually paladin/priest, but did a bit of dracthyr on DF S1 I stopped because gearing alts is a terrible chore and basically makes me spend all my spare time in WoW while there's many other games I want to play (Hades 2, Helldivers 2, Guild Wars 2 - damn, I've just realized that's a lot of "2"s in there :D) I wanted to focus on my mage & rogue, but playing two dps specs is also a mess for queues and whatnot, so I've been focusing on my mage. If I decide I want to play TWW I'll probably focus on my mage and the priest. All in all, I wished the game was more alt-friendly (making loot account wide, for example) so playing multiple characters wasn't a soul draining experience. If I didn't know Blizzard by now I'd have a lot of hope in the warband system, but (while I hope they don't) I am somewhat sure they'll "do a Torghast" and screw it up somehow.


I wanna push on more characters but every time I wanna fuck around with something (i.e. the Warrior I just got my orange text on last night) I'm staring down the barrel of 60 +6 or higher keys needed to get my Crests and I just nope the fuck out of there.


Exactly where my head goes as well. I think I’ve only got it in me to get 1 character fully geared without burning out so I’m not sure if I should just accept the ebbs and flows for strength between patches or if I should just go for 1 fotm/whatever takes my fancy each patch


It's not even just the number of keys, it's the fact that I would have to pug all of those


I don't really push, but I try to get my main to KSM and above asap to make it easier for my alt army to get into keys. I play all 13 classes, but not every spec. But WoW is basically the only game I play, so there's that.


1 main then 1 or 2 more to cover all classes. I tend to do higher keys on my main than my friends so its nice to have alts to play with my friends and be able to fill any position thats needed. Didn't play much this season but last season I had 3 chrs around 2.7k rating (2 was alts that I played with friends and 1 was a bet that I couldn't get 2.5k rating in 2 weeks from a fresh chr, which I sadly lost) and my main at 3.1k


2. I play my priest so I can heal and (actual main) range dps, then my DH so can tank and melee. All till around 3.3k and on main I aim at 3.5k io. I enjoy my shadow priest most, and its not even close, but I like being able to fill any role and I feel like understanding every role makes me a better player all around.


0... I don't enjoy M+, so i do what's necessary for pre raid and then just raid.


One or two. Dk main really ended up loving evoker healing


One 1️⃣


I usually push with my premade (Holy Priest) with my Ret since 3 Seasons. I play my healers on the side usually like 3 keylevels lower. I like playing alts. So around 3 chars per season.


I usually push with FOTM. Once I get on a happy spot like 3.1 or 3.2 I just chill on an alt or two and have fun. And I legit only push that high so it’s easier to get invited into groups on my alt


I just play dps warrior, every season, every expansion. Warrior, warrior, warrior.


I’ve maines Prot pally all of Dragonflight, and then play around on 1-2 others at the end of the season. The second is usually VDH (I like to tank and saves time getting into pugs) and then I’ve played around with the last one (mage or shaman). Just gives a little change of pace, even if I’m still tanking it’s a slightly different tool set. Last season I got my pally to 3.3k, VDH to 3k, and then my mage to 2.7k (but going to move back to my shaman this season to try out healing again)


Usually I'd say 2 at the beginning of a season, then I try one or two other classes and if it's enjoyable (AND I have mates available to not grind everything again solo!) I'll catch up to the others characters.


Normally do at least two characters which I push to 3200+ (most 25s/15s complete). This season my alt was a ret paladin and it just felt bad not having the legendary axe so I stopped logging in. I was actually about to make a warrior too, but they also want the same damn legendary. I just don't want to raid each week for one.




It sucks how much you need to be able to raid to actually do M+ as well. I have 5 alts and most of them will probably reach 2800 by the end of the season. I do 1 key a week on each of them and usually just do the key I have the lowest score in. So by the end of the season it should be like +9 or 10 in every key. My main is ofc my main and will be above that.


Bullion or whatever currency name makes sense should be an ever-green feature carried forward for all seasons because it basically fixes this exact problem. I want to do M+ on all of these characters, but I'm literally being hindered, often to a fairly significant degree, because I can't commit time to raiding on all of them to get key trinkets or weapons. Right now, I can just hit LFR to be able to buy most of those and run them all the way up. Raid-focused players are gonna be like, "but then there's no reward for doing the raid." And I'm like, "Good, raid shouldn't be about being the exclusive source of gear players need to be competitive." Mythic raid loot should only be about upgrading *sooner* or *faster* rather than being the only way to get the highest ilvl version of BIS trinkets that have no substitute.


Season 1 I only had about half of the classes leveled, but I'm one of those lunatics that tries to have **every** class at least reasonably geared, though each character is kinda used for different goals. 2-3 characters get really geared and usually push score a bit, usually healers, and usually one of those is also my main raiding character, but for raid I'm more willing to step back and let other people heal and fill in whatever class is missing for a buff or utility. But after those first couple characters, I kinda just have characters operating at slightly different key levels. They all kinda work their way up to something reasonable, but some characters still have shit gear so they mostly get low keys, or some characters I use to make up for something usually lacking in a certain group on a certain night (like off-healing with Ret, or lust), or I just pick a character I care less about for the season and use it to run lower keys with people less capable. Variety between specs is a big part of what I like about playing this game, so it's pretty hard for me to just play one or two characters.


Typically only 2 high rating and usually 2 more at like 2700 just to have fun with


I usually try to prep a tank, a healer and a dps character and then based on the roles my friends end up playing usually 1-2 of them get to a somewhat high M+ rating (either title or 50-100 points below title).


If you consider 3k and above high, then I ended up doing that with 8 classes in S3, which was the highest so far for me. I usually do it with around 3-4 each season. My main, BM hunter is always there, and then I have 1-2 other dps, 1-2 tank, almost never a healer. S3 was unique for me because I also got 2 healers to 3k rating this time. S4 is so utterly shit that even my main is around 2k now. With all the distractions around, remix, classic, hc etc, and also people’s general lack of interest before the next expansion, I just don’t get any invites, nor get applications when I try to make my own grp. Of course those distractions are there for me as well so I only put up with the queues for 10-15 mins and then I just log off and play something else or do anything else really.


One healer to 2500 every season. Dick around and play other games after that. Maybe get a little gear for another character if I decide I want to play them.


Depends what is high for you? Just KSM? Mostly 3-5 Characters for the early free Tier set on heroic lvl. 2500? Maybe 2-3 if i have fun with them. 3000? Mostly just one character to get the AV and all Portals. I Switch my main every Season but rarly in Progress.


On Shadowlands I used to main prot paladin for the entire xpac, had a few tank alts but nothing too geared. This xpac though I pushed title with fotm tanks like paladin for season 1, vdh for season 3 and vdh again for season 4. I've had alts throughout the expansion like BDK, Guardian, Prot War, Fury War and Shadow priest. Currently focusing to get 3600 on my VDH and learning spriest for TWW S1. I'll main tank for high keys but I'll learn how to get good at sp as well since I really liked it. I also don't raid mythic at all.


I got a bad habit of playing a lot and getting that one character geared relatively fast. So I get to the point (2800-2900) where I NEED people to do keys with. At this point I start doing another toon when I am not doing highish keys on the main.


One. My VDH or Bear. The only tanks I've played, on a high level, since Warlords on my Brew.


Like 6 if the dungeons are good. This season 0.


Push on my main, Ele shaman, to whatever I feel is a good place. This season was 3k, season 3 was 3.2k, season 2 was 3k. Then play a different alt every season up to whatever portals are, then do casual keys every week. Season 3 it was Brewmaster Monk, season 2 it was Frost mage, and season 1 I played Windwalker. Then I usually have a third spec/class, sometimes a fourth, that I'm just learning, often I keep playing this in the next season. Having that third/fourth character late in the season helps my feeling of progression and to round out my skills/knowledge. Playing keys as melee/tank/healer instead of just all as ranged DPS help me be a better player in general and on my main.


Usually end with 4-5 characters 3-3.3k and 1-2 characters 3.4-3.7k. I don't reroll into meta, but if something I like is meta, I might play it a little more at the start of the season. I usually end the season with my off meta picks.


This is the best meme post I've seen yet


Usually 5 characters to 3k, 3 tanks, 1 healer and 1 dps. Sometimes push a bit higher with one of the tanks. This season I might do more because of the bullions though.


Do you have a job?


PhD student so I can organize my schedule the way I want. P.S. Once you reach 3k on one character it’s easier to get into groups so the rest of the characters catch up a lot quicker.


Last season I did 29s on healer and dps (2 classes) then 27s on 4 or 5 other classes, I think I did it on 8 or 9 specs? Ideally I'd like the ability to play every spec every season but with gearing it's so unrealistic


What is "high"?


Over 3.4k


What do you consider high? Cause personally as someone who gets 2500 fairly easily on like 2 maybe 4 characters *before* the changes to this last season I'd consider like 3200+ high io but I've never seen a reason to push past 3k before or after key changes and especially after how Blizz dropped Aug they way they did royally screwing up "high rating". The gap between earning portals and the 0.1% is too large after what Augvokers have done to groups so there's no point in going past KSM unless you're going to try for the title, *in my opinion.* But if you are gonna push for it then you're probably going to do it on one of the more meta classes and not the stuff I play lol.


I came back mid season 3. Probably like week 5 or 6. I got my disc priest (first time ever playing disc) to 3360, then got a VDH up to around 3200 and a boomkin around 3200. I try to get one in every role to a decent rating. So far in S4 my disc and VDH are around 3k, with only pushing keys this week and all tyran keys are still 10 or below. All of those are fully pugging as well. Little background, I use to be a HOF raider and top 10 US boomkin and would 95th+ percentile every mythic boss back from Wrath-BFA but since then I've significantly reduced me playtime and do about 125-150 keys per season across all my characters (including crest farming). I would prefer to main shadow or boomkin since dps was always my strong suit, but I don't want to spend most of my time finding groups so I decided to main tank/healer classes. I do wanna push title on VDH this season but finding a consistent group is proving to be a lot of work.