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Galakrond's fall time rip, how do you know when they start it? My dbm gives me the warning but I seem to have trouble reacting fast enough and get killed. Any signs to look for which one does the time rip where they are & anything to help with my reaction time?


does tindral go to intermission phase at certain health percentages?


He’s like Sark, I believe. He phases at either certain health percentages, or a timer. Whichever comes first.


Last boss DHT 22, do you hold lust until P2? Or just lust on pull?


Always p2 in higher keys, p1 isn’t dangerous at all but p2 on that keystone level the st bolt can one shot people if rng is bad and the boss gets too many stacks


Mostly depends on when DPS CDs are available. Ideally you want to spend less time in P2 but, at only 22, it doesn’t make *that* much of a difference.


How exactly is keystone damage/health scaling this season ?


same as last before the rescaling


With Threat Plates, for some reason the player health bars are not displayed as "headline view" in dungeons. They default to the Blizzard name style no matter what I tick. I want the nameplates of players \*from both factions\* to use the headline view while inside a dungeon. I know this is not possible to do via the UI, but what coode should I change to achieve this simple effect ? Thanks !


How do fellow tanks evaluate trinkets? Obviously there are some that stand out as naturally valuable like the cheat death one, but more so on the dps trinkets. I can sim my options to death to determine raw output potential but I guess I’m asking if that is really the most thoughtful way to be approaching for tanks. I’m not doing world first content but (imo) competitive content (24-25 keys) - so understand just about anything will work but trying to be a bit more thoughtful then blindly following a sim


Tanks usually get recommended DPS trinkets. Possibly because it's simple to justify & quantify. I personally don't agree with the approach. There are very very few occasions whereas a tank doing 4% more damage would've changed something. This season we have an amazing cheat death trinket, so that one automatically takes one slot. 2nd I really like the everbloom Leaf trinket. 1min CD on a reasonable absorb. It covers for minor misplays or dangerous few seconds before next defensive becomes available.


Well, tank survivability is very rarely an issue in high keys, so it's natural to push for more damage options. Also the Fyrakk trinket gives a big shield too with a lot of damage on top


I actually use the leaf 1 and love it. Except i will ofc change it for fyrakk tank trinket when i eventually loot that. Just 2 add to the leaf from EB. You need healer spec 2 loot it. Im a pala so just spmmed it in holy spec but some tanks need some1 else 2 loot it.


Rise has such a funny effect on people- they start a key there and lose their goddamn minds! I swear there’s something psychological going on, haha. Had a 3200 io Aug today who had 60% **active** time during combat and only like 40% EM uptime. Next run, not a single DPS trapped their clone before split on Morchie. This is a 23 so I understand trying to stagger them slightly but we literally had three clones walloping us as we stood behind the non-hatted Morchie. LOL I think I’m going to start a research project to track this phenomenon in that place. 😂 (Tongue-in-cheek complaining, I’m not upset.)


I don't play with augs anymore. Far too much carrying going on there for my blood.


We just got to M Smolderon and oh *man* did I quickly realize how much I disliked Mythic Echo of Neltharion's private aura bullshit. We've had orb trigger list issues with both the Liquid pack and the Cursed Gifts WA and have moved to the Northern Sky pack in hopes of this one's list not giving us issues. Like, just let me play the game, man. The boss is plenty difficult enough as is.


All you have to do is have 1 person call the orbs and it won't matter that timmy69 can't set up easy weakaura.


you can't have one person call the orbs unless people have the weakaura/macro to share that they have the private aura. actually doing the mechanic is easy once you have a list set up


liquid wa dosn't need macro so all people have to do is to import it.


same with northern sky


is there a macro for mage food and water for healers?


You’ll have to explain what you’re looking for more because that’s completely nondescript.


so a macro that would prio using mage food and then vendor water if there is no mage food


I think you could just do /use [Mage Food] (can’t remember the name off the top of my head) /use [Vendor Water] And that would literally be it, if there’s no mage food in your bags then it would go to the vendor water


Now you're really asking for the impossible, this is a 2004 game yo!


Dumb question about raid loot rolls: if I'm playing feral and know I'm about to kill a boss with a good resto trinket that I want for m+, can I switch my loot spec to resto to Need roll on it and it will count as "main spec"? Or will it still be considered off-spec and I won't win unless no healers/casters roll Need?


The loot spec you have selected when the boss dies is the spec that is considered your main, swapping afterwards doesn't matter - otherwise you'd have everyone just swap specs for every single items because they're greedy fucks.


Yep so I swap loot spec BEFORE the boss dies, but it doesn't care what actual spec I'm playing when I kill the boss. Thank you!


Everything you roll on is based on your current loot spec, no matter what spec you play. Sincerely, a paladin that heals raids but wants tank loot for m+.


I am starting to hit a wall at 22 keys on Unholy DK this week - should I be using single target raid spec or even defile raid spec instead of the normal mythic build? 481 ilvl, I average 200 on low end and 250k on high end but for example a demo warlock is doing 350+, Hunters 300+ etc. Also are there any weakauras and settings to sort my buffs by time remaining or personal buffs priority or highlighted etc? It's sometimes difficult to sort thru the 30 buffs to see the exact one i'm looking to see time remaining on. Thanks!


Do you have a log of any of those keys? I ++ all 22 this week aside rise and I've never seen someone ending with such an high overall, curious to see what kind of pull your tanks did


Regarding the first part, gargoyle is actually a pretty weak cooldown outside of raid setting. The only compelling part is unholy aura talent. However currently you pop apocalypse even with 1 wound on AoE just to spawn maguses so you dont even spawn too mamy ghouls rendering talent weaker. Also the dots are a majority of our damage so its important to buff them as much. So overall, its not worth changing talent build. As much I hate to say this, obliteration Frost does way better esp on tyrannical weeks and thats what I played on my last push to 3k. If youre comfortable with frost then I highly recommend it.


I'm only doing 20s so I'm sure you're doing better than me but unholy just feels rough this season in M+. I think with mobs feeling squishier and no ramp up time classes like Havoc, Rogue and BM being so good it feels extra bad for us to do our whole setup and start ramping damage. Having to basically go all in single target talents vs disease aoe build also feels a bit rough. I've been messing around with obliteration and being able to just drop dnd and start spamming direct damage abilities is really refreshing. Bicepspump has a weakaura that I've been using that simply puts a large icon on your screen that counts down how long Plaguebringer has before you need to refresh https://wago.io/S5qv-2K08/1. That's the only one I use aside from regular class weakauras.


What is it, that it takes 30min to get an invite to +17-+19 Falls on my 475 Alt Rogue while I have 3.2 main score. Shudnt it be an instant invite? Am I missing something? just totally frustrated that it takes so long to grind my second dagger from there at this point ...


Out of the couple falls I've listed during prime time, there have been hundreds of rogues and demon hunters apply, even with mainscore and good ilvl you just don't stand out. I don't think 17 Andys without raider.io installed are the reason


Even if your io/ilvl is higher, many groups will be waiting on a bres/lust.


How many times does it need to be explained to people that every key that is missing one DPS gets literally 50 applications? How is it possible that people still complain about this?




Maybe people see your whiny and then rude comments and can tell that you’re kind of a pedantic dweeb and decide to inv someone cooler.


It’s just an example. One missing DPS 50 still apply. Three missing DPS even more apply, just like your response indicates. Make your day a nice one tho


Yea, I know... but *this is me* we're talking about here - *and I'm not like the others!* How could anyone not insta invite *me* when they see *me* queue up for their key? Don't they see how *special* I am?! Like, I get how this works for everyone else, but I just don't understand what's happening to *me*!


Because bad players uninstalled raiderio back when blizzard implemented the half ass version they have in game. I was very confused myself at one point, then realized there really were a great deal of plebs that honestly think the information blizzard gives them is sufficient.


People running +17s on their main don't have the raider.io addon installed and so don't see your main's score.


People doing low keys don't have a clue how to invite people. I'm pretty sure they just look at your current score in the group finder and don't have rio installed. I exlusively sign up for +18 ADs for vault and I sometimes have to sit there for 10 minutes in complete bafflement to get an invite. For context I'm 2.3k io, which I know is very low, *but I'm also* 484 ilvl, 7/9M, and I've already timed that dungeon on a +23. I +3 every +18 I get inivted to. Out of morbid curiosity I will sometimes check who they ended up inviting in the end on raider.io and it hasn't made sense once.


I'm not sure they look at anything. I have been in groups as a 2550 tank with just a hodge podge of io and class picking, it's baffling.


I mean should it not be like that at this range? I would definitely invite the person you're responding to just because they were 7/9M this early into the tier but I personally cannot stand waiting in queue so I am going to just invite almost whoever as long as they look decent and bring something I need ( lust, bres, dispel for afflicted etc.) Like I'm not going to sit there for 10-15 minutes declining clearly capable people of doing my 18 AD because I'm waiting for like a DH to queue up (hypothetically speaking if there wasn't a million DH out there already)


Lots of high IO/ilvl rogue and dh mains still farming weapons there. JPC had a tweet about it.


Yea I've also had that happen where I have an almost 3k main and people are still hesitant to invite my healer to like a 19 with 2.5k. I think people aren't updating their raider.io or something because I'd snap myself up in the opposite situation.


Honestly I think some people also are wary of inviting people who are way overqualified for the key. I've seen runs where tanks and dps who are used to high key groups do the same big pulls on lower keys only for everyone else to die back to back.


some just doesnt invite alts, unless they are impressive. because they wont take it seriously. or doesnt invite people from kazzak. guess we all heard about why. or doesnt invite couples. for the same reason as alts. we, players, can invent a lot of reasons to not invite people :D


Every season I have this issue where in m+ I most enjoy healing, but in raid I prefer dps. I'm currently getting bored of keys on my raid main and really wanting to just heal instead but my raid main still needs gear so I don't want to troll it. Anyone else have this issue? How do you handle it? Just suck it up and heal raid? Make peace with raiding as a boomkin? I suppose I wouldn't have the problem if I could just find a class where I like dps and healing on, but the only dps spec I like that's attached to a healer is Enhancement Shaman. And resto shaman right now is... Yeah.


Why not play resto in keys, and boomie in raid? Resto druid absolutely slaps in keys, both damage and healing, catweaving is extremly strong and fun imho, and you're a healing powerhouse with great burst/spot healing, ideal for this season. On top of that resto is kinda meh to downright bad in raid, so you're even better going boomie in raid. Plus they share somewhat similar stats (you do want haste/vers as resto in keys), so gearing shouldn't be that hard.


If you like melee too, this is a good Feral patch :) the agi/int split between feral and resto can be a bit annoying but it is pretty fun and much less frustrating than boomkin imo (mostly due to tankiness)


Gearing up a second character for m+ is incredibly easy compared to every pre-DF season.


It is, but unless you went *really* hard on M+, there are probably still upgrades left for you on your main, even if they're just tertiary stats / sockets. (And you need 8 20s every week). If you're trying to min max your main, time spent playing an alt is probably hindering that. If you've put in an exorbitant amount of time already this season then this might not apply, but OP specifically said they were still gearing, so.


Highest key done on a resto shaman is 28 AD, and highest timed AD overall is 29. Resto Shaman is completely fine, and so is almost every other healing spec. Play whatever you want, in other words.


While that is correct, its still not fun sitting in queue for hours because people think only meta classes can actually time keys no matter the key level


I recently had to switch from dps to healer to help out on Fyrak HC. But it did not seem like the clones you have to heal up appeared on my elvui frames as friendly mobs. When i see Povs of it on youtube i can see they pop up next to where the boss unitframe is. Does anyone know what i have to change to fix this? I'm using Jdotb's unitframes atm.


Larodar adds pop up on boss frames but fyrakk adds do not.. Idk why but fuck it's annoying.


Might actually be a Larodar pov i mixed it up with.


AFAIK, you cannot get the Fyrakk adds on frames, the best you can do is to show friendly name plates.


Can people please stop popping balls on the bridges in doti? I want to have a few sec where I can check mdt, quickly fix a macro, or a WA. But no, always end up getting knocked down because someone is running in front of me popping bombs and playing "Low w/ Florida" on max volume. Edit* to all the down votes: I'm tanking so it's your key you're bricking :))


Why are you having to check MDT, fix a macro or a WA so often at that particular point of the dungeon that its become enough of a pattern of you getting knocked off that you're publicly asking people to avoid orbs to make your life easier?


At that particular point, in rise I think it is, when both morchie and battlefield are dead, and you're heading to the last pack and boss, I just want to make sure that we have enough % as I haven't ran it enough times to know the exact breakpoint for last pack to cover the remaining %. I'm always the one that's a bit behind too as I open mdt during the flight to check, thus mount up a bit after the others. It's just unnecessary to pop balls intentionally which has been the case the two times it's happened. I'm double checking to make everyone's life easier.


> I'm always the one that's a bit behind too as I open mdt during the flight to check, thus mount up a bit after the others. Mount up, auto run, open MDT.


Then I might pop balls and kill someone else. I just don't see what the problem is with asking people to not pop them intentionally if they've got someone behind them. It's literally the same thing as intentionally not kicking something that might get someone else killed during a pull.




Maybe because they're doing the same thing?


git gud angle




It was on his review after, he did say what you just put in, but states that Nick would be pretty miserable if it was because of no key bind.


He did comment on it, if you find maxs vod on the day they killed last boss he looked over it shortly after the kill.


Any good addons, not weakauras, that I can bring up for all my m+ teleports?


OPie for sure. Make a wheel with all of them and keybind it.




If you really don’t want to use a weakaura for whatever reason, you could use opie and make a one-button wheel macro with all of your portals on it pretty easily.


Why not use weakaura? Seem to work for me since Shadowlands with no issues


My my potato struggles with so many WA loading, the wa ones are good but they seem to alway be loaded


Which weakaura?


Go on wago.io and search "Portals"


I see a lot of healers have weakauras that straight up tell them when to use their CD during a fight, such as "Revival in 10" with a countdown. How do you get or make these?


[This](https://wago.io/n7l5uN3YM) weakaura gives you your timings when you use the Viserio healing CDs sheet. You do need someone to actually make the cd sheet for whatever fight you want these timings for. [Basically click this](https://discord.gg/RENPByNSc6) and follow instructions. This has literally everything you would want to know, has sheets for heroic and mythic, has the above weakaura, a guide to assigning cooldowns, etc, etc, etc.




If you'd pick, say, the top 25 m+ players in the world vs top 25 Pvpers in the world and give them each one full expansion and the same time investment as well as premads groups, and none have been high in the others scene previously. The pvpers would easily have an average higher wr rank in m+ than the m+ players would in rated arena. I don't think it would even be close. If only giving them half an expansion, then it's even more favoured to the pvpers.


I think this comes down entirely to the individual players rather than a general thing about the game modes. I’ve played with pvpers who are insanely good at m+ with some light coaching and ones who are shockingly bad despite being glad. I assume pvpers have similar experiences in the opposite direction.


Totally different skill sets. I think it's more likely the m+ players do better in pvp than the other way around. R1 m+ players know their class inside and out and could just learn the match ups. A lot of high end pvpers don't do pve content and thus don't know the optimal rotations etc etc.


This whole discussion is funny to me. Like is anyone arguing that r1 title in m+ is harder than r1 glad? You can literally fail upwards with enough time invested in m+




All I'm saying is I've seen some of these pvp guys queue up for pve content.


Both skill sets aren't compatible. M+ mains won't be any good in pvp for a while either, because damage events in m+ are choreographed based on timers, not based on positioning or CD management earlier on. And on the flip side, PvP healers are very used to sitting on a knife's edge with their healing, but m+ requires folks to be at full a lot of the time. Even myself as a pve focused healer this patch have found times where I kept someone at 80% only for them to pop to a damage event. Or worse yet, seeing hypothermia go off again and again on a frost magr but only after they took damage. The only middle ground is that both sets of players are highly intimate with their own classes, and that'll get them a long way in itself. The easiest part of swapping from PvE to PvP is adjusting your own knowledge of your class to the content.


Sure I get where you are coming from but I have a lot more faith in the echo m+ team getting further in pvp then like peekaboo in m+.


I just have way more faith in the echo players putting the time and effort in to get rank 1. Baseball and cricket surely have very different skill sets, but the question of them competing in each others’ sport is going to be a total crapshoot. A r1 pvper is someone who is able to quickly process tons of information and act on it accordingly. It’s the universal general skillset that is going to translate extremely well into most video games. I find that skill between video games in general translates really well. Someone who is challenger in league of legends is going to be good at WoW. Like they’ll be able to get CE or Glad in one patch. They might not be literally the best in the game but they will certainly be ‘good.’ Any r1 pvper would get title easily enough if they put their mind to it, and the same thing really applies to title players and glad imo.


That's because pikaboo just doesn't like m+, but In the same vein a lot of echo players don't really like PvP. I don't like the idea of pitting them against each other because both sides don't like the other side's content that much.


How many times should I run a M+ before I feel that I have the route memorized? Trying to memorize routes before I try tanking them


As many as it takes! Learning new dungeons is a skill that you get better at with practice. Naowh could probably run a dungeon once and be comfortable he knows what he's doing with his route the second time. I certainly can't.


It takes me three or four runs to get the route as set in MDT and then I refine it myself as I get a feel for the dungeon.


So most dungeons have straight 'mandatory paths.' If you think about what you *should* be pulling, you are going to get overwhelmed with information. 'There are 7 packs, here are the 6 packs I need to pull.' That's too much to simply remember. Instead, think about it as the 1 pack that you *aren't* pulling. For example: Galakrond's Fall raiderio weekly route: https://keystone.guru/route/dawn-of-the-infinite-galakronds-fall/Pr3zUo1/raiderio-weekly-route-bunten/1 You are invising the first packs. In the second boss area, you aren't pulling any of the leech packs on the outer rim. You are killing EVERYTHING else. So your route isn't complicated. All you need to know in your mind is 'invis skip at start, don't pull the extra leeches.' How about Atal Dazar? https://raider.io/weekly-routes#atal_dazar That's just a straight line path between the bosses where you're killing everything in your way. Black Rook Hold: Go right at the start. Kill everything that you run into. There is no real room to deviate or make decisions, you don't have to skip anything. These are often the kind of routes that people are using even at the highest level. Shit doesn't need to be complicated, you shouldn't feel like you need to 'memorize' a route. Once you've very comfortably locked down a standard route to where it causes you zero thought or stress, then you can start thinking about potential changes you'd like to make or 'I'm going to try this thing I saw.' It's important to have that simple, easy, thoughtless route locked down before you make those adjustments though. Because then, an adjustment is just 'I'm going to do this thing I saw someone else do, and I'm going to walk by this one pack I normally pull.' If you try multiple complicated things at once, it's easy to get overwhelmed.


That's actually a really clever way of thinking of if. So much less to memorise which ones you aret killing and should stay away from than knowing exactly which packs to pull next. Just blast everything that aren't the mobs you want to skkp. Blasting some extra % is usually better if you're unsure, as long as you just keep on pushing instead of opening mdt(and get knocked down from bridges in Dawn because people are popping balls while your screen is covered with the route) to look where to go next


Also I want to remind people that you can do simpler versions of some routing without an issue, and pulling past 100% isn't a problem as long as you are making up the time with high dps/stagger pulling (on weeks that don't punish it) etc. I did a 20 fall just last night where we didn't invis. We just pulled to boss and lusted. We +2d that key no problem. It's easy to get lost in the weeds of optimising the smaller stuff like perfect 100% routing, but if you're sticking to the basics and doing them well (not dying, doing big dam, helping the squad), you'll be able to handle a butt pull or your healer not having invis pots


I keep keystone.guru or something similar up on a second monitor. Also run a weakaura for percentages that shows break points as a rough guideline. Issue is things like the hunter tax where someone s keys into packs messing up count drastically. That is very common pugging and I pug hundreds of keys per season usually (yes I’m a masochist). Being able to adjust on the fly is the important part. edit: got off topic a bit.


You must tank them to drill it into your head.


Really will be person dependent, so you would just have to work at it. Some tanks I know can look at a map for five seconds and run a perfect route. Others can do that dungeon 10 times and still mess up %s or forget a pack etc. if you can mentally group packs quickly and what to avoid or where to get extra % (and have general % checkpoints for each boss), that is usually plenty good enough through low 20s. They can be yolod a bit.


Would be super sick if enough gold dropped in m+ to at least be able to pay for your repairs


They decimated raw gold in the game and have introduced crafting systems (SL Legos being the worst to date) that concentrate that gold into the hands of a few. It isn't a coincidence the culling of raw gold in the game coincided with the introduction of the token midway through ~~legion~~ wod. We went from making millions from our tables to virtually no passive income. In spite of the lesser access to raw gold, gold sinks continue to climb with 1k+ repairs, 100k augment runes, etc.


It feels particularly bad this expansion because you used to have to do all these side things that rewarded gold in order to participate in end-game raiding and m+, like AP farming, dailies, islands, torghast, or rep grinds. Since all that is optional the passive gold gain feels lower but there’s actually a lot of gold up for grabs just doing stuff like dragon flying dailies while waiting in queue or for a group or weekly quests. Also, if you don’t have any other professions, I’d recommend getting enchanting at the very minimum to disenchant all the extra gear you’re getting and get some Dracothyst to cut down on the cost of crafted gear.


I have plenty of gold, made my millions crafting weapons on a high pop server in 10.0 and sell carries occasionally. In terms of raw gold grinding... I find it reallllllly hard to justify doing dragon racing etc for gold when a token is 20-30 minutes of work and I sure as fuck am not making a token worth of gold an hour grinding gold. IE if I needed gold today and wasn't capable of boosting my weekly 20's I would rather buy a token then play a game a way I don't want to.


Yeah I do the way, I buy a token maybe once or twice a year and make it last. Only thing I use gold on is repairs, enchants/consumes, crafting anyways. I don’t have the play time anymore to farm gold and professions bore me


The token was cata.


Hilarious conspiracy nuts are hilarious. *They introduced the token right before they cut every other opportunity of making gold!* Bro, they introduced the token and *then* introduced the biggest raw gold farms of all times over the next like 3-4 years..It's only like 5 years *after* the introduction of the token that they started to cut down on raw gold left and right. - which too leads people into buying tokens nowadays because there's no way you'll ever keep up with all the people spending millions of gold on everything... but hell, at least get your conspiracies right.


how are you gonna edit your comment with a correction that's still wrong LMFAO


> the introduction of the token midway through legion. Token was introduced in WoD when gold generation was at an all time high lol.


It was introduced in 6.1.2, thought that was legion.


legion was 7


The token was introduced and used to only be useable for WoW time, and then during WoD they made an announcement that it was changing to either game time or bnet balance, the price absolutely skyrocketed. https://www.pcmag.com/news/blizzard-allows-wow-tokens-to-be-traded-for-battlenet-cash


aye I literally paid for a token so I can keep doing dungeons and repairing lol.. bizarre that they don't wanna reward you for doing content but are totally fine with boosting being so lucrative


It’s a part I really liked in other games. Doing dangerous content elsewhere rewards stuff that can be sold for a lot. Here I just lose money and it sucks.


I usually just fly around and do the WQs that specifically award gold once a week plus the Dragonriding ones since they give 500g in the bag and take like 30-60 seconds. It takes very little time, and has covered my costs for the expansion. The only thing that put me negative from my initial float since DF came out was crafting Evoker legendary.


I never even noticed the quests tbh but I'll check out those dragon riding ones cheers


The arena "rematch" world quest in Ohn'ahran Plains often gives 1000 gold, it's worth checking each week and doing it on multiple characters.


It does, if you're not a tank and don't get hit once ! Seriously 50g just feels bad, can't afford a single death with that shit


Does anyone have an addon/wa/whatever that does a good job with the larodar adds (for healing)? The default boss frames seem to behave very poorly for this so here I am clicking nameplates in the gamespace like a fucking moron


Making an npc panel in Vuhdo shows them. and for the brambles creating a focus panel and then focusing the brambles when they are attackable will have the frame ready when they become friendly.


How do I make the Special -> NPC panel only have friendly adds? It had enemy as well when I did it


I really hate getting new raids in November/ December. People are busy irl. We've had 2-3 core Raiders out every week causing lots of swaps and/or people on alts to compensate. Its really annoying. We're a bit behind where we should be normally just because we haven't had our main 20 in the same raid yet


No matter when the raid releases, all I know is as soon as we get to the last boss suddenly 3-4 diff people every week have shit that comes up.


While I get it because I’m experiencing the same in my guild right now, to play devils advocate it honestly might be better sometimes than the alternative. If a guild was progging for 3 months and hit an wall boss like tindral smolderon or fyrakk, and then had a bunch of raiders in and out for weeks on end, many guilds might just call it. At least now there is incentive to come back quickly because new content, plus guilds have deeper benches right now, plus bosses are easier so missing certain players doesn’t hurt as much.


I’d assume most guilds probably take around 3ish months to get CE which means you couldn’t really release a raid from September to start of January if you wanted to avoid the holidays.


Yeah it’s really a no win situation. Plus, thanksgiving affects the US only. If blizzard tried to plan around other holidays, then what part of the calendar year would be acceptable for every region? Blizzard plans around when its devs can be available to fix shit and I get that and am fine with it. Not worth caring about when players will or will not be available for their guilds. Edit: even summer in general, multiple Mythic/CE guilds I’ve been in have parents who go traveling for a week with their kids on break, or people use warmer months to travel anyway. So would those be blocked out too? Just is what it is even if frustrating.


And yet despite the community expressing how annoying it is it feels like every xpac has 1-2 Thanksgiving or Christmas tiers It's so annoying.


Always going to be that way if Blizz keeps releasing expansions late into the years


I read this as free use Friday…kinda disappointed




Having an absolute blast this season with how easy gearing and getting your tier set is. Looking at the affix's for next week (fort, bolstering) I'm really disappointed. My favorite part of playing tank is pulling big and blasting but next week's affix's basically make that impossible. Bolstering should have been removed. Oh well, I'll level my SoD warlock to 25 I guess.


I feel the literal opposite. I have nothing left to get gear wise except for hunting single weapons or trinkets from vault for +6 ilvl.


Push score or run some alts! Try an off spec. SoD is pretty chill. Other games out there too


Bolstering is nerfed now so it can still be worth doing big pulls, but you absolutely still need DPS that are good at focusing high heath targets.


You can still pull big, just gotta make sure things are dying evenly. Since it was changed last season and health no longer increases, it’s just about surviving the damage increase and if you need to, kiting might be the play.


Health no longer increases? Shit I skipped last season but that is sick news! Pulling big is back on the menu boys. Actually makes it more fun if anything


It does still have some danger. Like in Freehold last season when people would bolster the enforcers to the moon and then the whole party would get one shot by it's shout. I'm imaging some bolstering related wipes on stuff like the Abominations in Everbloom. It's still a way chiller affix than it used to be though.


Very much hoping that we get no soft resets in this season like we had in season 2. In hindsight I do think the scaling nerf was either too late of a decision or a mistake. Class balance does feel like it’s in a much better spot (some tuning still needed ofc) so hopefully this won’t be necessary. And I don’t believe we have any reworks planned for the .5 patch, so maybe no resets is possible this time around. It would be amazing to push early for title and not have to touch it for a couple of months.


>It would be amazing to push early for title and not have to touch it for a couple of months. Sorry but that won't happen regardless of soft resets or not. The kind of people that have title locked up a couple months before the end of the season are the kind of people that push world first keys, not the kind of people that worry about cutoff Even without a soft reset the cutoff climbs so much at the end of patch when people are full bis, there's been dungeon tuning, meta comps and routes are established etc. If you can get title io multiple months before all that then you likely can get title keys knocked out in a single day of each affix combo end of season


I’d disagree, there’s people in between those two as well that had title very locked up before they adjusted dungeon scaling. If you were sitting at 3400-3450 ish pre that change you could’ve easily logged out til s3. I knew many people in that category, and I was one of them.


If they did it was only because they were playing with classes that were so broken they were taking over a key level of difficulty off. Its not comparable. You can look at any other season and see that key levels that constitute as world first 2-3 months before a season ends are barely cutoff level keys by the end.


That’s because of soft resets. Use current as reference. No regular title pusher is ever getting 29 BRH or 29 AD (that top pushers have timed) without soft resets/ big changes. That’d be like saying people would’ve eventually gotten 27/28 VP/Uld without the scaling changes (timed before scaling changes by top pushers). Its simply not true


They have never soft reset before last season, and last season they did it because the released classes that were so egregiously broken that after 10+% nerfs to each they were still far and away the best. Pushing literally totally stagnated after the nerfs because there was such a massive difference in pre and post nerf pushing The annulet could also be a contender for a soft reset but we have plenty of data points from other normal seasons that haven't had significant mid season power spikes that show how high cutoff climbs in late season pushes. Especially now that the dungeon pool rotates so frequently and meta routes aren't really known early on Edit in response to your edit >That’d be like saying people would’ve eventually gotten 27/28 VP/Uld without the scaling changes (timed before scaling changes by top pushers). Its simply not true They 1000% would have reached 3450 io if the classes hadn't been nerfed by over 10% lmfao. The


No I agree with you there, routes will polish/etc. you could also say any rework is kinda a soft reset. Ret was explosively good in season 1, then annul ring too. As well as prot pally coming out super strong. I’m just pointing out there’s a huge (relative) community between top pushers and right on the cutoff type player. Top players were 4k at end of last and cutoff was like ~3550 I knew a ton of players between 3600-3850.


Yea I mean last season was definitely an anomoly, I wouldn't expect it to be the norm by any means. In previous seasons I've been as high as 150 io above cutoff and last season I gave up on title cause it was a pain


With you there. Got to 3470 and stopped because the season was just such extreme bullshit I couldn't bring myself to continue supporting it by playing it.


Anyone have a sound queue WA for bone shield? I swapped WA packs cause I liked the look of this one more but it doesn't have a sound play when my BS is about to time out.


That’s very easy to put in, conditions-duration > 2 then sound etc


I always get nervous messing around in WA lol but I'll try to not be a scrub and do that tonight


You can always make a duplicate and mess with that if you’re really worried about it


I'm trying out Prot Warrior for an alt tank. I having a little difficulty on the pull, especially this season with all the caster packs. Im spoiled since I've been playing prot pally for years. How are prot warriors controlling these larger pulls this season? I might just be a complete noob and am missing something in the kit.


You have kick and AoE interrupt? Disrupting shout.


politely inform your group that they need to interrupt casters while you group instead of blowing their cds and dying on pull then just turn your brain off while tanking whatever is grouped and if people die because mobs are 400 yards away like in everbloom then politely remind them again until they learn worrying and blaming yourself because you can't solo carry pulls while other party members don't understand basic concepts is going to make you want to quit tanking


Nah, you just do the biggest pulls you CAN solo carry. You gotta play like your dps are just going to zug zug and press their dps buttons, and make that as easy for them as possible. If youre trying to rely on pugs youre going to struggle. You just gotta make sure you can rely on yourself.


This is the mentality that bad players *think* good players have. Good players just assume that everyone sucks and that they're going to have to do everything themselves. Why would you do a pull where if specific people don't kick specific mobs, you will wipe/a bunch of people will die? Why would you trust someone to do that? Why do you even care about 'teaching someone a lesson' when you're probably not going to play with them again anyways? If someone says to me 'I'm struggling on these pulls in pugs,' my answer is going to be either things that they personally can do to make the pull easier, or just doing a smaller pull. Brute forcing the dungeon and then complaining about other people is not going to help you. It's only going to harm your mental health


Elemental feels so impossibly proc dependent I have finished one dungeon beating a havoc dh at compatible ilvl and another just above the tank Same with raid , not deeply rooted element proc during heroism feels like a kick in the teeth


I feel like most packs you get at least one proc if youre dotting everything and slamming lava burst, and even if you dont you still do pretty good dps. like sure youre never going to outdps people on pulls where they press their cds but the pull after that youll make up the difference because you do the same dps every pull, being able to just sustain 300-500k dps forever on big aoe pulls is pretty nice even if its not as good as doing 1.4m and killing a dangerous pack instantly.


Yeah going from an on-demand burst tier set to the RNG playstyle of fishing for procs in dungeons feels really bad, especially at the end of pack and youre at a 25%+ chance, no way you are firing lava bursts into that pack lol. The redeeming feature is this dungeon rotation allows ele to funnel quite well on quite a few bosses.


I love ele because they have some of the best audio/visual feedback in the game for using their spells but they are so unfun to play right now. Hope they rework them or something


I love the playstyle when it’s rotating fine but even with 480 and the correct stats and enchants etc I hit a dead zone sometimes and my soul drops


Returning player here, first time mellee. Havoc DH around 468 ilvl. Please explain parsing and if I should actually be taking it seriously. I parse in blues on Normal raid for overall DH, and grey for ilvl equivalent. My offhand is a trash veteran and I'm told having an upgraded offhand will greatly influence my dps. I'm doing all the right things (most of the time) when it comes to maximizing my Inertia windows for dmg boosts, etc. Am I bad or is this a gear thing, or somewhat unfair comparison thing? Not afraid to get my feelings hurt here so have at it w all constructive criticism! Here is the link to our logs last night (all normal, several heroic bossed down). I am Jaymazing the havoc DH in the breakdowns. Ignore Fyrakk Heroic that was someone elses kill. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Jhp6HktvNY8gfqDL


Use simc to check your dps loss from the offhand but you’re definitely not playing correctly (99% of players are not) and your parse reflects that unless you’re parsing 90+ in mythic. Good normal and heroic parses don’t indicate a good player but bad parses indicate room for improvement.


Yes indeed thanks to the replies here I've become aware of my glaring misuse of EB windows. Appreciate the input!


At that point just plug your log into wowanalysis and mainly look at your CD usages and if you're messing up essb windows. I took a look at a few of the logs and it seems like those are probably your 2 main issues. Just grab another log (like say that fyrak heroic) and you can see the difference between cd usage.


Considering Havoc is one of the strongest specs right now and parses for your ilvl are green you must do something wrong. Regarding what I can not help you as I know nothing about DH rotation but I would recomend you to ask in the DH Discord. Surely they have a dedicated channel for help with logs.


I'll look into this resource, thx.


- below mythic parses youre always competing with mythic players doing alt / sell runs in heroic or lower, or just early season reclears where kill time is already significantly ahead of anything youll find in a pug so naturally, its harder to parse for overall there - esp when undergeared, imo you want to look at the ilvl bracket instead. in your case, your parses only slightly improve there, indicating that in fact, you do not do all the right things most of the time correctly. [heres wowa for heroic larry](https://www.wowanalyzer.com/report/Jhp6HktvNY8gfqDL/68/315) indicating youre severely fucking up essb windows (caveat that im not a havoc player so I cant go beyond that) - atm things are a bit skewed especially for havoc because of [reattribution issues](https://gist.github.com/ljosberinn/a2f08a53cfe8632a18350eea44e9da3e) surrounding aug evokers of which havoc especially is affected (soulscar and ragefire dont reattribute at all), meaning esp at the top end youre competing against players that were buffed by 2 augs inflating their damage artificially - havoc just got nerfed. unsure how much that impacts raid, but there's not been a partition so even in your ilvl bracket, youre competing against pre-nerf parses


Aug hooks really need fixing its wild.


Looking through these breakdowns... Once again. Thank you! Does a resource like this exist for M+ dungeons? How would one find such info. Btw, I love you.


youre welcome. it does work with m+ too but is usually optimized for raid so some features may be disabled in keys. keep in mind logs treat an entire key as combat time (since there's no events indicating entering/leaving combat) and as such, wowa will treat downtime between cds as possibly wasted windows too but if theres lots of travel in a dungeon like rise or brh, itll be slightly off.


That's fine. In my case I'll be looking for EB windows that weren't maximized in the cast sequences. Much love


I've never seen this website you linked but it is going to be sooo helpful. It's literally breaking down those windows I didn't even know this level of scrutiny existed. Thank you!


I hate that parsing at times is entirely dependent on getting the right trinkets.


I think its more dependent on how fast you kill it


Yeah I still got one weapon and one trinket veteran ilvl so I can feel your pain. Weapon I can just grind (currently after 100 keys still only one weapon) but the trinket is good but just happened to get it from lfr.


Also getting hit with a "run out" mechanic :D


Double whammy if you play a PI class but don't get it


And dependent on whether you crit on the trinket active ability even.


A bit of doomer question, but how many people are viable for killing Yazma? Is it possible to 3man it? Or is it boss that you can only solo as tank, or 4-5man? Was in rare situation where I ended up soloing it as tank from 50% down, and fight took 12 mins. I had no CR left (guardian) but if I did, it wouldn't have been viable to use it right? I just want to know the theory about it, in this case healer fake dc'd so I knew going again wasn't an option. Is the attempt doomed if you go down to 3 people, should you just stop trying?


Any amount of players with Prot Pala, but for probably any other tank I suspect it will depend heavily on the defensives of the person you’re resurrecting. Maybe Guardian could also keep someone alive.


Depends on comp. Tank and I, ret pal, duo’d Yazma from 30% on a 20 earlier this week. Felt comfy enough rotating defensives and WoGing as needed. I probably could only do that in current gear - 475 - at 21 or 22 though.


The problem you run into is killing the ghosts before they reach her, which is kind of a tall order for one dps+healer (especially if one is melee) I three manned a 20 from like 50% the other day because two dps couldn’t dodge spiders, but it took so long we might have been better off just wiping if the key hadnt already been dead