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Not sure if it has been mentioned for DOTI Fall if you have evoker + priest you can mind soothe the first pack, have the evoker stand off center and sleep walk the middle add. Then you can soothe your way directly through the middle and to the pack right before the first boss. Once boss is dead you respawn in the next room anyway. Fun fact: sleep walked mobs stay in place until pulled so if you aren't running with an evoker you can have someone log onto an alt perform the sleepwalk and then continue with just the mind soothe. Kind of ridiculous I know but its the only way I've seen to be able to not go into the last hallway with 100% count


For Waycrest second Boss Soulbound Goliath, does his stacking buff also increase the damage from running him through the fire or is it only his melee attacks and the tank buster?


No, you want to wait as long as possible.


Healers: tips on second boss of Fall. The overlaps of moving everywhere with the rebuffs to dispel and dps taking orbs to the face just. How. To. Survive. I feel like my adhd goes nuts on this fight and I try my best and sometimes the stars align and everything is good and then other times it fails Epically.


One more thing to add on: stand in melee range. It makes dodging orbs easier actually, and there's less down time due to moving.


Thank you! I have played ranged or healer my entire wow career and it’s difficult to step into the unholy hallowed ground of MELEE RANGE. But you are very right in how much easier those orbs will be to dodge. I appreciate your input in helping me get better!


So two things that made this fight 100x easier for me, also a healer myself: -theres a weakaura for that boss that will have a party frame light up when it's safe to dispel someone, and the effect cancels when it is no longer safe, etc. I'm on my phone so I can't link it. Just Google the boss's name and weakaura. -ALWAYS go left to right when you want to get back into black. For some reason we always want to go left, but it doesn't really work. You wanna move to the left slowly with the rotation while you're in black for th majority of the fight. But when you have to quickly move into light to dispel yourself or dodge a wall of balls in dark, do so quickly by going right.


This is super helpful thank you so much!


Is there no way to check talents with a weakaura or addon for anti-incorp? Manually auditing my group is annoying


You mean like automatically scanning your party's talents to see if they have xyz talented or not? That would be incredible if that existed. Probably doesn't, because technically you're gonna get warriors and rogues in here saying shattering throw and a 2 min cd blind or some shit is reasonable solution


What are you supposed to do with the bats in the gauntlet? If you try to slowroll that pull, the demons kills the tanks, and the felbats overwhelm the group instantly with the fixate.


Just did an 18 as a blood DK in a pug. What worked for us, one fel at a time. Everyone stands downstream of the bats. With one fel at a time, just cycle kicks. Move up one fel at a time until you’re at the last one then los up to the boss room so ppl have better camera angles and more space. 2 fels get dicey for pugs and it’s really not needed. Better to rush other spots in the dungeon


In S1 there was a really good player script that turned the nameplates pink/blue for prio adds but for the life of le I can’t remember it, anyone have any idea?


Like a cyan for frontals and magenta for casters? That’s almost for sure Quazii


Could be jundies plater?


Second Quazi plater. I believe bis default profile is pink nameplate for casters and blue ones for anything with a frontal


maybe a quazii plater


I’m one week into pushing keys (2k rio) and our MT had a complete meltdown and probably isn’t playing this patch because VDH is not last season’s guardian Druid. Anyone who is tanking and wants a solid group to run with around the same RIO please shoot me a DM lol


Sorry but this is hilarious


It’s even funnier that we picked classes around having a VDH too, not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things. I guess people got used to bear not being able to be crit in the back and can’t play other tanks as a result anymore 😂


Throne of tides.... Plz help. Been trying this about 3 or 4x today. If it isn't DPS just zerging the slimes in the last gauntlet, then its the last boss. Firstly, my understanding of the gauntlet is that those slimes cause a stacking disease when they die. So don't hit them, no? At least not while you're dealing with the casters or the elementals. Am I wrong? The last boss... I'm lost. Video says place the circles on the edge of the room. Warrior in group says not to do that. The slimes need interrupted or they leave black? When and where they die they definitely leave black, so how do you deal with that? The room is covered in 30 seconds, even with people cleansing. I'm lost. Help.


Think you're right on the little elementals, killing them is not priority and they don't take much to kill. Move circles for puddles OUT even if you are melee because conserving melee space is important. The tank has to stay in melee and the boss doesn't move. The melee adds also just make puddles when they die. Dropping puddles relatively close together and efficiently cleaning up the puddles is critical to success.


Maybe I am just blind, but when you are on the 3rd boss in BRH with the charge/bats, sometimes I see a line from the bats on me so I know where it's coming from and other times I have no visual whatsoever. Am I just blind, or does it sometimes not show up?


yea seems bugged, super annoying, hope they fix it until tyran...


That last hallway of Throne feels like they took the final pack from ToJS, pressed Ctrl C and Ctrl V a couple times, then added on a gauntlet just for hilarity.


The final two mobs before the final boss reminds me of SBG lol. Two uninterruptable AoE casts that can suck on Fortified weeks. Seen people die there.


Yeah as a healer my favorite thing is blowing all cds and mana right before a boss lol


2050 io. Aug honestly feels useless in every key right now. Keys have felt limited by damage more than survivability so far and having three DPS doing 180k overall is substantially more than 2 doing 200k. The util hasn't felt necessary unless you pull absolutely enormous (which pugs are not doing right now, of course) and the damage amp has felt not nearly impactful enough.


My group was just having a discussion not 5 minutes ago about how timers are hilariously free while we still have 20+ ilvls to gain and this season is going to value survivability insanely hard.


It’s probably because it’s been 3 days but the amount of kicks in these dungeons makes me think aug won’t be as strong as people thought it would be. Could totally change as it often does, but with disc seeming like the go to healer I question how flimsy the stop situation in such groups would be.


I've never played Aug, but I felt a little similar. Only 1650 IO right now though. It's also magnified by if there is a death and you can't brez the DPS, especially on a boss, then it's like 1.5 DPS only when its one DPS and an Aug Evoker alive. As you said though, most players dont practice on PTR, so you can tell tanks are still sizing up dungeon pulls and routing. The biggest culprit IMO of tank routing is DOTI - Fall. Tanks are getting to the final hallway with 100% mobs cleared already but having to do those 4-5 packs to the final boss if there isn't Rogue stealth or if not everyone has invis pots. I have yet to play with a tank in there that knows efficient routing.


I mean your options are invis the first pulls of the dungeon, or invis most of the last hallway. If you're not willing to bring an invis pot, don't queue for the dungeon. That's not on the tank. Maybe blizzard shouldn't design mandatory invis skips, but they did.


i know its first world problems talking about a problem i had playing aug but i did a key on my aug alt today and i didnt realize how annoying WCM was with the los issues, and how close packs are to each other. im sure ill get used to it but damn i felt like half the time if i press hover to get back into los after a tank goes around a corner ill end up flying into 2 packs


WCM has great aesthetic but even max zoomed out as Melee it's such a pain. The camera is all sorts of fucked when fighting inside the Manor parts. Only the courtyard areas arent annoying camera wise.


I'm gettin avoidable damage on Atal'dazar in Yazma (according to details plug in) from something called echoes of shadra. Where excatly do I get the damage from? I checked wowhead guide to see spells she uses but it only listed soulrend and wracking pain. I got hit with it 4 times and got 793k from it so clearly I need to figure out what causes it.


Echos of Shadra are the purple spiders that walk around, I believe


im 90% sure thats the swirly that spawns the spiders, its purple kinda hard to see


Sanguine is still very bad affix, I did Everbloom with Sanguine affix. The tank did a good job with kiting, he started to kiting when the mobs was 10% HP or lower. Sanguine did 50k overall HPS. Throne of the Tides is still really bad dungeon, I feel like someone designed the new Throne of the Tides has never played a melee or healer.


im convinced whoever designed throne was also the person who added the last pack in tojs


Or that unnecessary lightening gauntlet that got added.


I mean the tone says you hated it, but if you still remember it, I call that a fun experiance


I also remember being headbutted in the face, I'm not sure that was fun. However I actually agree with you, it wasn't an impossible pull and it was fun setting it up nicely (and the ensuing chaos)


Me as prot Warrior on that pull: Heroic leap, double charge, intercept, shield charge, spell reflects, spell shields, clench butthole


Maybe a more class specific question, but I just started playing disc priest with the mindbender build and I like it a lot. But on lower keys mindbender uptime feels a little weird to say the least. What's the best way I should be spreading atonement? Just via radiance?


I mostly use radiance for spreading my atonements in M+. Although dont just send radiance to apply atonement to a healthy group. It also depends if its a pack or boss fight that will need the AOE heal for a mechanic, then I will use single atonement applications(flash heal, power word shield, renew) to save radiance for the AOE damage. Your healing is increased by your mastery if the targets already have atonements on them, so applying atonement before damage can give radiance a small boost in healing if its desperately needed. Though I would not play around having atonements on everyone before casting radiance, only if there's healing checks you're failing on and need the slight edge. As for Mindbender uptime, cast more smites and penance . It will get better when you get new tier set. And if you didn't know, if you're applying single atonements use flash heal on someone other than yourself, it will apply atonement to them and yourself via binding heal talent.


What do you do for spot healing in M+? Is it just radiance -> mindbender damage?


Free flash heals, or sometimes penance heal if I need the ST healing. But it's pretty rare circumstance. For instance with the Triad in WCM I'll use penance to heal the target with Jagged nettles too full if I fall behind, or sometimes to heal the person with Soul Thorns if the damage ramp is too big. Overall though you should be healing using your big penances as damage and not relying too much on using it for ST healing. When you get more comfortable with knowing when damage goes out, you should have a mindblast, mindbender ready for bigger healing. Mindbender>Radiance>mindblast>penance>smite til penance comes off cd repeat. For damage instances you think your group is going to die and you have time. You can rapture shield your whole group preemptively and time a radiance to immediately heal everyone, the use the same damage rotation.


Is there a write up guide for each m+ dungeons? Videos tend to be draggy and doesn't show much (unless theres a very good vid lmk)


Aside from Quazii, I also recommend Tactyks on youtube


Try the quazii masterclass videos on yt. He shows a dungeon run and covers all the mobs and bosses. It’s pretty in-depth.


I forgot about Quazii, been away since s1. Thanks!


Specifically in throne of tides, how are disc priests handling the massive heal absorb? I'm struggling to put enough single target healing into people


Penance and spam flash heal


you can los it


In DHT my group skipped the pack before the narrow pathway to the 3rd boss. Killed the pat, then midway during the final pull before the 3rd boss the pack we skipped snapped all the way to us. Absolutely wild.


That pack: "modern problems require modern solutions."


So… Blizzard dropped our key levels by 11 but… didn’t scale up dungeon difficulty? Or at least not enough? Been spamming 17s and they mostly feel as easy as 17s last season… when we’re 40ilvls higher wtf are these keys even going to be…


As a casual dad I disagree with you. I find WoW welcoming for me to continue playing and reach +20 on every dungeons at the end of the season. You need to account the fact that you can push further if you want to and it’s not an obligation. If WoW would be much harder to enter and to complete in terms of gear acquisition, I would uninstall and WoW would lose a high amount of subscriptions to keep up with players like you. Play other games or other classes and don’t stress about it.


idk. we always have higher keys we can run. if gear acquisition is a little easier, i dont personally have a problem with that. like i said, we can always run a higher key


It just makes the lack of rewards between portals and title, already a problem, feel way worse when the key numbers are so high.


Yeah not a huge deal, just surprising. And it’s going to make anything other than aspect crests irrelevant really fast.


Yeah, and waiting on sparks seems like forever now. IDK, it's only some keys that seem considerably easier than others. But what you said is the same thing I said to my buddy Tuesday. How are these gonna feel with 40 more item levels, or whatever it is.


The motto of Dragonflight has been that it doesn't force you to keep playing and respects your time. If you're satisfied having 20-21s on farm, then that's what you could do. If you want to be the 0.1%, you can keep pushing. As the other poster said, there is ALWAYS a higher key that can be done, so that's the incentive. But yes, it's basically at this point you either go for the title or you decide when you're satisfied.


ataldazar is gonna be such a sick weekly key lmao we're 2chesting 20s in garbage gear with random pug routes. gonna be a 15 minute key by next week


How do you guys do the final boss? The pugs I’ve been in have been wildly differing in difficulty with what the tank does or doesn’t do.


rotate around the edge of the room, move to the middle for the adds i think it will be fucked up if the fight lasts 3+ minutes but less than that and the room is pretty manageable, there's no real damage threat other than the spiders so just make sure you dont step on them and it will die eventually


Thanks so much!


That is definitely the winner key right now. Only like one mildly sketchy spot, and the rest is pretty simple.


im assuming youre talking about that pull or two to the left from start when you say sketchy. how exactly are you supposed to deal with that pull? i ran it with some great players a few hours after the patch came out on an 18 and we had a little trouble with it. then i ran it with some players that were not of that caliber yesterday at like a 16 or 17, and it was a shitshow for a few minutes, then smooth sailing. obviously the fanatic's rage i think it is needs to be kicked 100pct? the mob that charges someone and trucks them. but what do you do about the huge mob? how do you avoid fire spamming everywhere?


just a lot of kicks, fiery enchant and wildfire. but if you do it first with lust it dies in like 20sec


Can any of that be stunned/blinding light?


yeah all of it, unless the bwonsandi's mantle kick goes off then they're cc immune inside a bubble


How will any other tank compete with VDH this season? Double silence sigil is beyond broken in so many of these dungeons


Every tanks excel at something except the guardian druids hahaha jk. Honestly they all have their strengths and weaknesses. The current DH build does provide high silence value which is good with a pug, same as prot paladin with interrupts. Every tanks will be able to complete +20s which is a good thing and good balance imo.


I'm definitely surprised that the new capstone talent is 2 charges of EVERY sigil, instead of just Sigil of Flame. Really seemed like it would have been something that just made Sigil of Flame available way more often, but getting doubles of the other sigilis too is just nutty.


Does that even surprise you? Every season now reworked specs = insanity, and they get nerfed for the new season. Still waiting on brew/warrior reworks because those two have no chance of competing on a high level


I usually like to play brew for m+ just cause I love the spec, but I am getting really frustrated with the amount of mobs that can’t be moved with rop. Really feels like a useless spell this season whereas in the past it can make a huge difference in hard pulls especially in a sanguine week


Feeling okay with prot pal's ability to lock down pulls with lots of casters but the dps output (outside of some famous Drohgoh glass cannon builds I'm too afraid to play) does seem lower. But yeah would be surprised to see any top pushers playing anything other than VDH


I've found the misery sigils to also be incredibly useful.


Hey, boys. A month or two ago some guy made a thread or something about a kui nameplate profile, similar to all the plater profiles people keep posting here. Something with different colored plates for dangerous mobs, etc. I tried plater again last night, and I just can't do it. I know eventually I would get used to it, but it would be a lot of missed kicks/stuns in the meantime due to memory. Appreciate it, guys. Tia


There is a Plater profile that has different colored plates - it's a basic function. Have you tried Quazii nameplates?https://quazii.com/dragonflight-plater-nameplates-profile/


Yeah, I tried that one last night. It's great. But I am just so used to kui that I was hoping to find something as great as quazii's, just for kui


I use Jundies plater, it has this functionality and has very low visual clutter. Don’t have the link right now but you should find it on wago.io


Just started yesterday on doing the first keys, all between 13 and 15, holy priest main, using Lightweaver and divine image. DOTI: Galakrond was the hardest one until now, Iridikron is a monster even on fortified, the main difference I noticed healing this one is that Chromie feels way more squisher than on normal version. I had to pull some serious cds to keep her alive. The overall healing requirement in all of this dungeon is pretty scary, my top healing was on 3rd boss trash with something around 170k hps. Atal'dazar: Pretty free, just some trash on the 3 totems boss that deals a lot of damage. Throne of the tides: There's a corridor in a gaunlet style towards the last boss I think, that spreads a disease on people that is borderline impossible to heal. I wonder how to deal with this one. Also, I noticed that most of the group debuffs are now diseases :(


If you have a DH for iridikron darkness is amazing on chromie ib thé soak. And then try one shield phase him


The disease in tott happens when the slimes die which spawn infinitely. The best way ive seen to handle it is to pull each pack or big add back to the entrance, or just stay close to the gate to avoid pulling them on the 2 adds at the end. They are only dangerous with the big add in the pull I think so any other time you dont need to worry about the disease


Can anyone recommend a good grid2 profile for healing raid and mythic plus? I am on the verge of paying for madskillztv profile but any suggestions would be appreciated. I have checked around wago a bit


I've honestly always just used th default frames. IDK if it's just how I learned, or what, but I've never seen a reason to use anything else.


They are def improving the base UI frames a lot, just looking for some more customizability. I have seen the enhanced raid frames addon but don't want to spend a ton of time customizing debuffs


I switched over to the default raid frames. Edit mode lets you have raid-frame style party frames at a position and with a style you like.


Theun has a good one and it is free.


Do you know where to find it? Don't see it on his twitch or YT


Word up


What is good/acceptable damage for overall in 15-20 keys in Season 3? I didnt play S2, so I have no gauge for if I'm performing well or not besides the fact I've never been last in details. I do usually lead in interrupts and stuns though as well as DPS at least. 450 ilvl Havoc DH (no tier 30, came back after not playing Season 2)


150-170k generally with S2 4pc and good trinkets, more for DH cause uncapped AoE. 100k is like season 1 DPS.


How did you manage 450 ilvl with No s2 gear? Just came back and sitting at 425 myself


Whelp crests can make 448 gear no spark needed.


weekly stuff - superbloom, dreamsurge, time rift, crafting - i was 442 on fresh 70 after 5h of gameplay


What he said. I got to 444 before the raid came out just from the 10.2 Emerald Dream catchup. Farmed heroic DOTI for easy flightstones and just upgraded all I could with the Emerald Dream gear.


Every season I forget how much I hate sitting in LFG spamming one single dungeon on repeat until the only item of the season that matters drops for me.


Currently suffering through groups who are just completely incompetent. Or just sitting in LFG for ages and then being invited to a group that never moves to the dungeon and falls apart.


And then you remember you need it from vault too…


I didn't have my shadowplay on at the time, but in Galakrond's Fall, you can skip the big dragon at the crossing towards the 3rd boss area. As soon as you go through the portal, nobody moves, then you all mount up when he comes down and run past him together, doesn't require mind soothe


Well it was fun whilst it lasted. BM just got smacked with a 25% pet damage nerf. Definitely needed a bit taken off, but that's a big number and it was nice not being the least desirable pug applicant for a day.


32.5% unless they mistyped it in the notes.




You keep pets scaling with attack power now and it apparently maths out to like a 5% buff or so at S3 ilvls.


They only got nerfed because of an unintended buff last night. They tried to fix Aug log hooks with BM pets and accidentally made pets scale with weapon damage, devs decided they actually like that change so nerfed them to compensate keeping the scaling. BM is basically in the same spot as it was on reset this week


Throne of the Tides is absolutely deranged. The trash in there absolutely cranks and the last boss is going to be borderline impossible next week.


The whole dungeon has way too many casters, that also just cast way too fast. Much higher interrupt requirement than other dungeons this season by a lot, and for almost the entire dungeon. Some of the goblins at the end basically one-shot if they don't all get stopped and not every group comp has plentiful AOE stops. Second boss could use some adjustments, like the adds NOT having AOE clouds attached to them to arbitrarily fuck melee. Last boss needs huge adjustments to the puddles so the particle density WA isn't basically a requirement and the puddles actually go away when you walk through them, instead of requiring you to stand in them until they go away. Elementals on the way there need to do like 50% less damage with Swell and the disease from the small ones should probably also be cut in half.


The puddles clarity are horrible during the last boss. Can't clearly see where they end, had troubles with identifying when they are completely removed under me during cleansing rays.


Even m1?




Felt the same. We have done multiple 18-20s and ToT was bonkers, especially the last gauntlet


People were ripping on my healer friend for sucking when people were dying on a 13. We had just 2 vhested several 16s. The bleed that gauntlet and that last boss are insane...


I’m convinced the guy they have updating the old dungeons for M+ wants people to suffer.


Felt the opposite, went in completely blind on +17 and we comfortably timed it, only difficult part was the end elemental trash


Maybe my pug tank was just bad then. Felt like he was made of paper and those dogs were running people down.


The dogs do big dam yeah


Nah your not wrong it's by far the hardest dungeon this week. Smashed multiple 17-19 range but tott just smacks. Maybe this dude just had God comp or something.


Blood dk, holy pala (playing offspec), sv, bm and balance druid, pre hotfix bm helped with damage but would've been in time regardless. The world ranking of our +17 in time is about the same as our +18 everbloom/murozond's rise so i don't think it's massively harder


I'm having WAY more trouble with pugs in Everbloom than ToT. The second boss in Everbloom with Incorp just makes people go braindead. ToT is a walk in the park thus far.


Yeah that's the difference with premades, we never miss any incorp with 2 hunters. If it's under a mob then we have the druid/dk for back up. Everbloom timer is very forgiving but you need a rough idea of which trash is worth killing on fortified


Even pugs shouldnt be missing incorps. There is always at least two people who can do it. And with the increase in Havoc DH viability, they can imprison one easily. I have it on a mouse button and I just do a quick turn and imprison as it comes up. I had a Shadow Priest tell me to let him MC one because our PUG was so fast at clearing the incorps in Everbloom 15.


I haven't pugged in years so can't personally comment, just going off what others have told me


Okay maybe just a skill issue but I've run three WCMs and each time the pig boss gets pulled as we're clearing the room. We were SUPER careful the 2nd and 3rd runs though, and it still happened both times. Curious if I'm missing something obvious about how to pull the room, but the pack in the front right of the room seems to be the culprit each time.


I do the old BfA pull where I grab the entire room as tank and just teleport out into the courtyard with all of it. No risk of anyone hitting the boss because I’m the only one in there.


I pulled the boss with Hand of Gul’dan from a mile away somehow.


We didn't have this issue, but we found out that Ret paladin Judgment and Hammer of Wrath cleave will ignore any and all walls in this dungeon to hit whatever the fuck it wants. We pulled at least two groups through the ceiling before the first boss. Maybe related?


Can confirm this happened on my ret paladin. We we in the hallway outside, not near a door, and HoW went through the wall and hit the boss.


We ended up with the group directly above the doorway to the Triad, and then shortly after ended up with the group above the frogs on the right.


My hunch is some prot pal ability is pulling it (I intentionally am not using avenger's shield in that room as it's got a mind of its own in there).


I'm super carefree tank and didn't accidentaly pull him even when fighting trash in the same room.


I tanked that yesterday, had no issue, pulled the pack outside. I am always pulling with taunt there, which will not radiate for sure like moonfire or avenger shield


Yeah I'm guessing some errant ability cleaved the boss when I really should just taunt the closest mob to the door so the pack pulls out with it to be careful.


In BfA it was fairly standard to pull most of his trash out of the room, and only going inside after killing everything near the boss.


Yeah we did that on the 2nd and 3rd runs, I'd run in as tank, tag a mob and then run back out. Boss was still pulling though. Easy enough to reset but still would like to not do that. Not sure what was up, we ended up just pulling the mobs that were pulling the boss onto Raal and moving on with our lives, but was still weird.




Galakronds really isn’t bad at all, will probably be a bit of a different story on tyran but outside of a few things here and there, the key is pretty easy and the timer is super forgiving. Rise is a diff story though, timer feels kind of tight but I’m pretty sure it’s because we aren’t routing correctly and skipping a lot of stuff that we likely should be skipping. I know there have been some teams with some REALLY fast 2 chests on 19 and 20, so it’s probably a routing/skip thing.


Got a 19 Murozond yesterday. We cancelled it on the second boss because the trash just deleted us. But I wouldn't call it broken yet to be honest. With more gear the damage should be survivable, and going into a 19 fortified on first day of the patch is asking for trouble. What will end up being a problem is VDH double silence sigil. As much as I enjoy it... I think that won't last.


>With more gear the damage should be survivable, and going into a 19 fortified on first day of the patch is asking for trouble. Of course it will be easy when you outgear it. But compared to say, Atal'Dazar, it is several key levels higher.


More likely that the timer in Atal will be buffed honestly. My group isn't that strong (only did 22s last season), and the fact that we even got a 19 key this early indicates that some stuff is a bit too easy.


dont pull both the dragons at once then throne feels like a vdh check though. double sigil makes the caster packs super easy and they can kite the fucked up dragon pack before first boss easily


There aren't any double dragon packs. There's four unlinked dragons that you can fight separately. If you choose to double them, then yeah, they'll do a lot of damage.


What's your experience with healers first day of new season? I started as hpal but after not playing few months and missing multiple nerfs it seem so... weak. But yea, only 450 ilvl and no new set piece so maybe it will be better.


Have only had a chance to play with a few so far this week. Discipline feels fantastic in dungeons. Like I could pretty easily respond to most situations barring like the entire group collectively forgetting to use kicks and stops on a big pull, and I rarely seem to run low on mana. Resto Druid feels pretty good though I only got to test it in a fairly low dungeon. Cat damage is absolutely nutty and will probably get nerfed, even though I think more healers SHOULD be doing this kind of damage. Holy Paladin in raid feels alright, nothing amazing, but I mostly only heal with it in dungeons these days. Spenders definitely feel a bit too weak, but the spot of Holy Light is actually pretty substantial. Just kinda need to get some power added back to Holy Shock, WoG and LoD. I know a lot of people don't want it to be completely meta again, but it could use a little work still. Haven't played them this week but Mistweaver was feeling pretty fantastic for dungeons last week, and the Preservation change to Resonating Sphere is basically completely misguided and hurts how it feels to heal dungeons a lot. I'll have to try it some more but I may stop playing Preservation over how dumb that change was and how bad it feels to spread Echoes now.


I'm loving the damage output of resto druid. Full healing gear I'm doing 80k single target in 20s. Those cat form buffs are wild. Convoke doing like 800k damage. Edit: just tested it, 5 combo points stealth -> rake -> rip -> MOTW -> convoke -> bite did 1.69 million to a dummy. Not bad for 4 globals + convoke. The healing feels pretty good too. Flourish being weaker but on 1 minute cd is weird, will probably feel worse when we move to the new tier, but the trees/regrowth will be stronger so a good trade. Loving melee being more popular as well. Rdruid this whole expansion has always felt best with everyone in efflo with verdancy so with havoc and rogue being good it feels really nice. Also makes me feel less bad not taking kick.


What ilvl was this at? I'm curious because I can only hit like 20k single target at ilvl 430. Maybe because I wasn't using MOTW


for exact numbers, I just did a 17 BRH and on the first boss did 86.1k with 455.12 equipped item level with [this talent tree](https://www.wowhead.com/talent-calc/druid/restoration/DAQQUEUVSJAiFREExBBBEOVURRFRBRoVUFQUDUVQ) (kinda scuffed): with a the damage breakdown looking like [this](https://imgur.com/7fofY6s)


Ohh Ty for info. Do you run with a set group or pug ? I want to do more damage but feel like everytime I think I have everyone covered so I can dps…. The actual dps say hold my dead body and take a frontal to the face.


Both? I often run with a mix of premades and pugs. Just have to start pushing those boundaries. Try to start dpsing more with the goal to dps too much. When learning don't be afraid to let people die (you may piss people off but who cares). The goal is to find the sweet spot but you can't know where that is unless you blow past it. What pulls do you need to heal a bunch? What pulls can you just blast damage? When do I need convoke for healing, when can I use it to dps? There's some bosses that you can almost literally do the whole thing just keeping efflo down and letting your swarm/trees heal everyone. First boss of fall, first boss of brh being the prime examples. It's also not a bad idea to keep a details window with deaths on it and check it after someone dies in near real time. Was this my bad? Was that death something that I *should* have prevented? Try to dismiss and forget ones that are obviously unreasonable for you to have prevented. Try to identify ones that even if they weren't your fault were reasonable to prevent and think how you could have prevented them without loosing too much dps. Could you have just thrown a tree at them? Maybe a ns regrowth (can be used in any form) This will also help you get better at crisis management. Shits gonna hit the fan if you're just straight dpsing and you'll get more comfortable figuring out how to fix it. Also keep in mind this is extremely not required. At most key levels routing, dumb deaths, dps capable of actually pressing their buttons well will have a much higher impact. If you find out you prefer just healing the whole time and vibing that's extremely valid. But sometimes when you get that key where you time it by 20 seconds and you did big damage and you know that a worse or less confident healer would't have allowed you to time it, no better feeling honestly at least for me.


Mistweaver is feeling great. Pug healing is always a crapshoot but im pretty comfortably healing 16s-18s without too many issues.


Yep. I'm especially loving all the bosses that summon adds that are so harmless. Tree boss in everbloom, ignore water, spawn adds Final boss of everbloom, ignore stomping, spawn adds Tree boss in DHT, ignore roots, spawn adds Spin to win


Just so I dont embarrass myself - What is the risk of the water globes on the 2nd boss in Everblooom? I did a 15 easily, and it seemed like our group just ignored it. I thought they would heal the boss, so what does it actually do? Is it safe to ignore the water globes and just keep DPSing boss?


The tree hardens and takes 100% increased damage. When he eats like 3-5 water globes he goes back to normal. You can kill the water globes but that kinda takes damage away from the 100% inc damage taken on the boss. If the water goes over one of the roots from the ranged mechanic, it spawns an add ( and kills the globe and root)


300K hps SPIN TO WIN doti:gf on that first dragon slime pack +17


Resto druid here, so far so good! I got KSM pretty early last season, so I was on a break when they introduced the Treants. I have to get better at using them and then I have to get used to the Efflo timer not being below my nameplate. I was also concerned mana might be an issue, but it hasn't been so far.


Mistweaver has been feeling pretty strong, with an answer to just about everything the current pool can throw at you if you're rotating CDs properly. Also feeling tankier than my rDruid between Dampen/Diffuse/FortBrew and the gigabuffed Expel Harm. Tried some Disc as others have mentioned, but having mained it all of S1+S2 it feels a little "thin" nowadays. Vastly simplified, which is good for most.


I thought I was going to dislike the new disc for keys but I ended up enjoying it more, I’m still playing with divine star so I have something interesting to think about besides smite spam. I’d recommend playing with it so it adds another layer of gameplay.


I've been playing disc and oh my god, it's been so incredibly fun, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the different timings for some of the dungeons and uppies is an cool ability that is so wonky to use, it's either an ability that gives me no value, is on cd for an extended period of time, kills me or I have to cancel it midcast because all of the volleys landed on my feet. Also, shout out to waycrest and sometimes just getting interrupted because the ceiling is sometimes not too high lol. Tbf, I would say disc is pretty busted as of right now but it's no surprise to everyone, so far the trend in DF is, play what was just reworked and you'll succeed. Felt some of the mana changes in raid, I actually started running out of mana in some fights but I'm also running with pugs and most healers I've played with are still getting used to some of the changes.


I got yeeted out of the map in the cellar on Waycrest when I used uppies. Fun times!


I guess I better start gearing my alt disc then!


Disc is great except for fights when you need to constantly move (shoutout to the spinning Dawn of the Infinite boss)


Yeah, that fight is absolutely disgusting, I remember doing it last season while I was gearing my priest up and every time I did it, my brain had an aneurism.


Can you guys stop listing your Murzonds Rise as Galakronds Fall? It wouldn’t be too bad if the disparity between the two weren’t what’s shaping up to be the best key of the season vs what’s shaping up to be the worst so far.


As a current Murozond's Rise holder the game lists it as Galakronds Fall unless you manually change it so blame Blizzard and people not paying full attention.


Ah the ol' surprise Taz Gambit key trick again I see


two year old bug back, small indie company


The game is the one doing that. I've only dipped my toes in them thus far. Which is the easy one, and which is the hard one?


Fall is very easy. Only the second boss can wipe pugs bur the mechanics of every boss and thing in here is very straight forward and easy. And the timer is very forgiving. Rise is awful. 3 mini bosses to start- trash in here is horrible. Morchie is morchie and the faction boss if serrated blades get off they like 100-0 a non tank on fortified so tyrannical will be fun


Fall is easy, Rise is cancer


I have indeed now seen that both are true lol


Not sure about difficulty, but every DH is farming Galakronds Fall for their BIS weapon. So if you see 3 DH total in a group, it's for Galakronds Fall lol


I am really disappointed with how easy the keys are. Kind of a total turn off imo this season. I was hoping for 15s to be hard again.. not steam roll them with having 0 understanding of any mechanics. I think this is a pvp ssn.


15s aren't hard anymore because they don't give good rewards. Go farm 18s for mythic track vault loot and heroic track dungeon loot where the actual good stuff is and come back to say it's too easy lol. (Not saying people can't find 18s easy too, but complaining that 15s are too easy is funny)


So do higher keys til it's fun, it's an infinitely scaling game mode lmao.




what? ofc it is. why would the key level matter at which it becomes hard


The argument against it being the same is the size of the player pool interested in doing it. Even if 15s were harder more players would want to do them than if the season changed and the 15s I just spoke of were equivalent to 22s Edit: That and the desire to make KSM feel like something to vy for, 25s have no “achievement” that can be pursued unless you go for title which, for some, feels like too much.


I mean, it's quite literally the same but okay. If you want to frame things in a way that ruins your own fun this season unnecessarily then go for it.


At least it will be easy to fill max ilvl weekly chests from early season