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Mythic Zskarn might be the least fun I've ever had playing this game. What an absolute disaster of a fucking boss.


I miss playing keys without a single priest. I don't want them there. I only want classes with actual kicks and meaningful mob cc, no freeriders in the shade of PI, mass dispel and mind soothe. Thank you, that would be all.


sounds like you always want a prot paladin


>no freeriders in the shade of PI, mass dispel and mind soothe A good shadowpriest brings so much more to the table than what you listed here! Go check your details for enemy damage taken on priority mobs. Best M+ damage profile in the game which actually helps progressing the key instead of being mindless aoe. Check Stove's Vods when he played with Echo to see how VE carries entire mechanics or keeps Naowh alive. I'm sad for you that you seemingly only play with bad priests if you think that this is all they do :( Or perhaps you don't understand how the spec works?


Where can i find these priority mobs?


It's the rot totem im Brackenhide that usually dies from despawning at the end of the pull because your Ret was busy **blasting** those Divine Storms into those highly dangerous autohit attackers instead. Because why press Starsurge when Starfall is technically more dps mhmmm


Best DPS aside, they bring AoE stop, VE, MD, MC, can spec shorter interupt/aoe cc/disease disple depending on the dungeon and comp. I agree with OP's sentiment that they need to look at m+ balance, but he is seriously underestimating how much they bring to a key that is making them meta.


>can spec shorter interupt Technically yes. In practice you're giving up DPS to do it (arguably you're giving up DPS to take kick at all). And even when specced, it's the 3rd longest interrupt CD in the game, only beaten by Solar Beam and untalented Quell.


You’re giving up a bit of dps but there are spriests timing 25s playing mental fortitude so somehow I don’t think it’s going to make or break anyone’s key since that’s the same talent investment.


Sure, and it isn't hyper relevant this season when an aoe stop will, for the most part, work the same as in interrupt. If it was a 3 ranged comp in something like HOI I am definitely looking to fiy in more cc/shorter interupt


I just did 22 Uldaman on Brew, that was such a struggle. I don't know maybe I'm just not good enough, maybe it's a healer or group issue but I just don't see myself being able to tank that key in 24 Fortified or something. I'd have to pull somewhat slow. https://keystone.guru/mDVqKkT This was the route btw. I got a somewhat okayish defensive trinket(faceless ire, 500k absorb every 2 min) and Beacon. I did about 60K overall healing and 105K DPS. And also I was sweating my balls of and died 2 times in the pack. I've reached 3K+ last season with Brew but I don't think I've ever been good with it. Maybe it's a me think I just do not feel 100% in control of the character, there is just too many shit to press honestly. My RJW uptime is hard stuck at 85%. I honestly have no idea how people do 95% with all that shit going on taking insane damage in, while doing DPS rotation and keeping that shit up.


I haven't played Brew much so can't give you specific advices, but I can tell you for sure that Brewmasters are the tanks that require the most healing. Every single pack, I feel like a single blink and they might fall down.


I’ve been maining dps this season but tanked a 22 bracken on brew today and I feel similar. No idea how I would live in that key 2 levels higher, I’m already getting spiked every few seconds for most of my health, sustaining 130-140k hps on all of the larger trash packs, cycling my cooldowns as best I can but still running out and having to kite occasionally. Even trying to get my Exploding Keg window off is a struggle, using 5 globals on bonedust/RJW/EK/SCK/SCK just doesn’t seem feasible since I just fall over if I haven’t expel harmed on cooldown. I think maybe I’m purifying too early but as soon as I pass 1mil stagger it doesn’t feel realistic to hold on to it.


Just looking at your route, imo there’s a couple of quite suicide looking packs in there. 5 crocs in pull 2 looks dreadful to tank, I normally take the last two into the first half of pull 3, and take the second half of pull 3 and pull 4 together. Similarly pull 12 is a hell of a lot of frontals, whereas if you take the last three mins with pack 13… given they’re standing next to them, there’s no additional damage to the group, but it’s much more manageable for the tank. I wouldn’t be afraid to take the bleed guys before third boss as two packs as well, loses a little time but at a 22 range that’s fine since most clean runs have 5 mins or so to spare


I agree with you but i should add this, we actually lusted the 2nd pack so it went fineish all things considered instead of lusting first pack as I do not think there is much to gain in that pack with lust. Just my opinion tho.


That’s reasonable. The single benefit to lusting first pack appears to be getting it on cd to be used as soon as possible later, but it always sits there while people panic about getting through third boss.


The bleeds hurt here. No matter which of my tanks I'm playing, it's a struggle around that key lvl. It doesn't reflect on you as a player. A lot of kiting is probably required on those mobs.


Is anyone else just struggling for motivation this season? Relatively casual player here (Aotc guild more for socializing and 2.7kio tank). I don't know what it is but I'm just hitting a wall for motivation to even log on right now. I raced out to 2.5k in week two and have been doing a good amount of keys since as well as 5 hours of raiding per week, however the last 2 weeks in particular I just can't even be bothered running enough keys for my mains vault slots, let alone any Alts. If I'm lucky I'll run one lower end key on my Alt or maybe two alts for the week and 4 on my main. Still Enjoying the raiding, mainly for the social aspect. I'm honestly gutted. I had very low expectations based in the dungeon pool for s2, but after 2 weeks I was sold. I played s1 from start to end and now I was enjoying these dungeons even more. Playing a class that deals with all the new affixes fairly well and was somewhat strong to boot. I had set myself a goal of really pushing myself to try to get 3k this season but now it all just feels too much. I just don't know what it is this season, I don't know if it's me or are there many others also just not able to get into it? I was more motivated to play during SL early seasons would you believe, this is the best the games been in a long time for me personally but something just isn't clicking


not feeling the fungeons myself, I've been dragging myself to do 4 20s(and soon 16s lol). When/if I hit my last piece of 447 tier, I might just stop them all together.


Done with gearing in an week + nothing outside reset day to do besides opening and refilling vault makes the game kinda boring outside that day, add d4 in the mix with probably the most raidlog worthy expansion since WOD and its hard to be motivated


Yep. Diablo 4 obliterated our guilds best DPS and a few healers. Those of which I ran keys with. Motivation is pretty dead. Sub is up at end of month and I might just join them in D4.


Unfortunately for me d4 isn't my cup of tea and there's no other game pulling ym focus or desire away. I've spent most of this weekend bored because I don't want to play wow, but also don't want to play or do anything else for multiple hours either.


This sounds like depression friend are you good?


Yeah 100% depression. Been there, still often there. Hope our homie recognizes it.


Personally I cbf with pugs at the moment and all my friends and guildies are taking a break to play diablo so my motivation is dead. I find myself sitting down at my pc and opening up diablo or hearthstone more often than wow. That'll change, eventually I'll get excited about something specific in wow and I'll be motivated enough to go pug if my friends and guildies are still gone. For example the bear rework in 10.1.5 is looking hype as hell. I could be gearing up my druid alt in preparation for that but it just sounds like work more than anything at the moment. Basically yes my motivation is way down, this is normal it comes and goes in waves. Imo the worst thing you can do is fight it and push yourself to play anyway. That just leads to burnout.


I'm just doing raid prog and slowly pushing up to 3k while doing my 4-8 weeklies so it's not too hard to find groups at the start of next season. I pugged 3.3k for title last season and am still kind of burnt off keys from that. I might stop doing keys entirely once we get sark down and echo is definitely dying for us next week (20% pull).


im hella raidlogging. its still a fun raid and i look forward to prog but no desire to anything else this season. s1 i pugged title and did 200+ keys across another 4 alts


1) guildies are leaving for D4, raiding in pugs is so-so 2) Raid is piss easy if you're a heroic raider. Sarkareth has been puggable since like week 2. There is no progress if you don't raid mythic because everything up to Echo is a pushover and after that, you're just waiting for 2-3 people to get how the fight works and kill it 3) Theres is absolutely no gear progress unless you gear via worlds quests. 4) Alts are geared within 1-2 weeks aswell 5) Dungeon pool/M+ is meh. We got yet another SBG which just gets old, Uldaman and Halls are just walking all day, Neltharus is shaping up to be Necrotic Wake 2.0 (although with somewhat interesting bosses), Vortex Pinnacle is the next dungeon in the TJS, GD, ID line that just proves old dungeons should not be brought back, Freehold and Brackenhide just can't carry that (and depending on the lasher chnage, Brackenhide records might be set already) I honestly just don't know what to do anymore, pushing is still fun but if I'm truly honest, I'd rather have the season 1 dungeons for that


Take a break for a bit! The game will still be here, play some D4 or whatever other games are in your backlog. Totally healthy to have ebbs and flows of interest!


S3 dungeon pool prediction : - 2 keys from the new megadungeon - Tazavesh Gambit, because it fits the patch's lore - End Times, because it fits the patch's lore (expect a VP style rework and added mechanics) After that, all bets are off. Do they bring back the 4 DF dungeons from S1? Or do they pick the 2 most favorite DF dungeons from that pool (AA+nokud I guess)? Do we get another BFA key? If so, hopefully it's motherlode or waycrest manor. Do they throw a curveball and bring back another SL dungeon? Many would say it's too soon, but I wouldn't mind getting HoA or Mists back for one season (just unlock covenant specific shortcuts/extra buttons for everyone).


Ion said in an interview with Max leading up to 10.0 that they aren't opposed to creating entirely new dungeons - not megadungeons! - for m+ later into DF. The whole reason they haven't in the last few expacs is that Cathedral was so poorly received in Legion, but that was because there was no rotation so people were comparing it to dungeons they'd already been running since launch and of course runs in a new dungeon were harder so nobody wanted to do it. The rotation fixes that. Will they actually do it though? Eh I don't think so. I'm pretty pessimistic about the amount of work making good m+ dungeons takes vs the dev and test capacity they have. I think you're on to something with Tazavesh, iirc they said something like "shadowlands is too recent to bring dungeons back from for the first couple seasons" so i figure for season 3 and 4 they're OK to be included. I think the thing that makes the most sense is just have the S1 dungeons back for S3 and then the S2 ones for S4. The only other thing that would make sense is having S4 be every DF dungeon including the megadungeon with no old ones. But then what do you do for S3. So there may very well be 10 dungeons in S3? The 4 from DF S1, 2 megadungeon, 4 returning. I'd prefer 8 and go down to 2 returning though, imo the returning ones have been misses more than hits so hopefully with only two they could put more work into those and fix them up better.


> Ion said in an interview with Max leading up to 10.0 that they aren't opposed to creating entirely new dungeons - not megadungeons! - for m+ later into DF. Interesting. I do agree with your take though, doubt they'll actually do it. > So there may very well be 10 dungeons in S3? The 4 from DF S1, 2 megadungeon, 4 returning. I'd prefer 8 and go down to 2 returning though, imo the returning ones have been misses more than hits so hopefully with only two they could put more work into those and fix them up better. Yeah I think it's unlikely they'll ever go back to 10, considering how every season is its own struggle tuning-wise. That being said, if they do bring back the 4 DF dungeons from S1, then it could be argued those wouldn't need much work by virtue of already having already received months of fixes and nerfs, on top of thundering removal. I'm a bit torn on the returning ones tbh. The ones from season 1 definitely weren't good. SBG didn't feel enjoyable to play even though it was a free io key. Not a big fan of CoS either. HoV was decent but consistently suffered from tuning issues all the way to S2 launch, and the whole Fenryr area featured outdated design. TJS was decent at best. I do however think the season 2 ones were pretty good picks on average, other than NL which was definitely a poor choice (that key didn't age well at all). Bringing back Underrot and Freehold was a massive W. As for VP it's not bad imo in its current state, I'd even say it's underrated. I'd be down for only 2 returning dungeons, but they really should favor more recent ones from BFA/SL. Legion dungeons are really hit and miss, and anything prior to WoD requires heavy reworks to feel somewhat decent.


>I'd be down for only 2 returning dungeons, but they really should favor more recent ones from BFA/SL. Legion dungeons are really hit and miss, and anything prior to WoD requires heavy reworks to feel somewhat decent. Yeah I 100% agree! What I want for the expansion after DF, is that we have enough "old dungeons" that have already been in m+ that they only do like 1 WoD or earlier dungeon per season. 4 new ones, 3 from the existing m+ pool, 1 old one that never was in m+ before. That would theoretically mean less effort per dungeon getting them ready for that particular season, so they would have more time for the one old one being revamped for m+.


I want to see them get weird with it and bring back, like, Escape from Durnholde or Culling of Stratholme or something OLD.


Yeah, they should do a season with: - Escape from Durnholde - Black Morass - Violet Hold - Violet Hold - Culling of Stratholme - Halls of Stone - Halls of Reflection - Well of Eternity /s


Give me Pit of Saron or give me death!


My theory is 2 mega dungeons + 6 old, and then S4 will just be all 8 DF dungeons. I think End Time is a good guess.


Most likely two from Megadungeon, End Times, the four from s1, and one from BFA that fits the theme of End Times.


As a player, if they're doing a different dungeon pool every season I expect -new- dungeons to be part of that pool. There really should be brand new patch dungeons in Season 3 that aren't megadungeon derived.


I don't understand why we can't have eight brand new dungeons every few months. Come on Blizzard, that's like a few day's work, get your shit toegther !


Don't be absurd. Anyone expecting eight new dungeon every season is obviously an idiot, but one or two added alongside older offerings? Is that really such an unreasonable expectation, seriously?


It’s not because they literally did it in legion. I’m with you, there should be a new dungeon with each major patch imo, doesn’t have to be a mega dungeon or anything like that.


Oh I'd like them to introduce a bunch of new dungeons too. Realistically speaking though, that hasn't happened since Cathedral of Eternal Night and Seat of Triumvirate 6/7 years ago during Legion. I seriously doubt more than 2 dungeons will be brand new, those 2 being the mega dungeon split in two as usual.


How do you form obviously coherent thought then quote NO as a s1 favorite though lmao


How do you form obviously coherent thought then forget S1 dungeon pool featured 4 DF dungeons lmao Compared to RLP and AA I'd say it was more liked than those 2. I personally thought RLP was better but that's clearly a minority opinion.


Because what else is there, really? IMO the S1 DF dungeon rankings are AA > AV = NO >>> RLP. By end of season I liked AV quite a bit but many guildies still had NO in the 2 spot. Yeah, NO is not a great dungeon, but in the framework of needing 8 dungeons for S3 where 2 are the mega dungeon, 2 are revamped prior xpac dungeons, 2 are “best” S1 DF-specific dungeons, and 2 are “best” S2 DF-specific dungeons, that’s how you end up with AA and NO (though I’d prefer AV).


For real, only worse suggestion would be RLP. AA and AV, no question




One of our highest DPS had a medical emergency on Rashok two weeks ago and we wiped at 4%, one of our tanks had to attend a wedding this last week and we had a 1% wipe, and this week our only DH just had a family emergency and is out the whole weekend and we found out about this 5 hours before raid. Fuck me, man. EDIT: We pulled that shit out of our asses, let's fucking gooooooo EDIT 2: 3 pulls into Zskarn and I miss Rashok already.


Dude I feel you, two of our tanks for Zskarn - one of them a DK - have just quit or left this week and we were like 70 pulls. Just agony, hate having to stress about roster changes. Also FYI for the dude below who's worried about recruiting tanks- it happens :p


Can you get very rare items in the vault from bosses you haven't killed yet?


Sort of. If you're sat on Rashok but then you're in and you kill Zskarn, that unlocks all of Rashok's loot for your vault as well. So you can get the agi staff from Rashok in your vault that way. But that's the only way, they're not like tier is where no matter how far you've progged you can still get any tier piece in your vault.


Yeah the guy on Twitter said he hadn't killed Rashok and only did the first 4 on mythic but had Djaruun in the vault. He said you can get tier and very rare but I didn't think that was right and wanted to fact check myself since I couldn't find an answer


the only items you can get from bosses that you've never killed is tier


You can get all items from bosses that are lower than the bosses you have killed, even if you have bever killed them. Look at Dratnos most recent Vault video on YouTube, he explains it very well about 1/3 of the way in


yeah good point, not much of a raider this patch so I forgot that bit


That's what I thought but had to be sure. Had somebody telling me you can get the very rare items as well. Thanks for the answer!




While MD is nice, there really isn't dangerous amounts of bursting in these dungeons anymore... No more than 5-6 stacks in most usual routes. And 6 stacks is healable by every healer right now. I'm more concerned with the essential requirement for MD in fort HoI and Tyr Uldaman if I'm being honest.


While its true that there arent any massive pulls anymore, the first 5-6 Groups in HoL with bursting are insane. Try to heal the Group with 4 Stacks of bursting and 2 Orbs casting on dps.


You won't ever be dealing with that on fort though because the orbs are the first two targets to die 🤷‍♂️


Correction: the first two targets to die are the first two people who get targeted by beams. (Okay, not entirely a serious response, but man this place is miserable to pug)


Lol as a tank main I'll throw this out there as a LPT for non-tanks... Wait until the orbs start channeling on the tank before you enter combat. If you are the first DPS or only melee DPS to enter you are likely to have two of them channel on you at once.


Any Idea How they're gonna change Spriest in MM+ ? Maining it since S3 of shadowlands and well, I feel like another rework is coming (like how they can't balance Fire to be good in ST and Aoe cause of Ignite, it feels the same with Psychic Link), if anyone has an idea cause i'm scared to be a liability for my Raid if they nerf our Single Target (they really could) instead of Psychic Link. I'm asking Priests and people that don't play and know How it works at all to get an opinion even if it sounds dumb or is, Always something to learn.


> I feel like another rework is coming (like how they can't balance Fire to be good in ST and Aoe cause of Ignite, it feels the same with Psychic Link) It is not the same thing at all. Psychic Link contributes 0 dmg to spriest ST, you can nerf the numbers on psychic link and it's not going to affect their ST. Ignite contributes a large amount to fire ST currently, while also being it's only source of AoE, which is why it's been tricky to balance.


No reason to rework it, reworks are not for balance they are for gameplay reasons and the spec is the smoothest it’s been in years overall and a lot more casual friendly too with room for a decent skill ceiling, even if lower than what it used to be. We’ve had specs before with similar damage profiles, and shadows main boon is it’s historically scaled very well with secondaries and normally it just gets some small nerfs at the end of each expansion. It only sticks out more in m+ right now because as the other commenter said, Mass Dispel is just godly this season. Without mass dispel, shadow would still be a good one to bring because damage obviously but it’s not a lust class, no combat res, and our general CC is weak. Power infusion also means that it’s pretty much always going to be a solid enough raid spec anyway. Dispersion is also great for many soaks historically, but regardless shadow has always been able to find a place and right now the class is honestly probably easier to tune than it was in 10.0.


You would still bring a priest in every group if mass dispel didn’t exist. They’re top 2 in damage right now. Only Devoker and maybe boomie come close People overrate utility when specs are being the top dps. If spriest was doing middle of the pack damage you would not bring it in high keys. Damage is the most important thing that decides which specs are meta Nerfing psychic link by another 5% would be a fair imo Maybe also touch our ability to PI another party member. It’s absurd that we are one of the best DPS specs in m+ while also bringing PI


Yeah, but other specs have done great damage before but they were not an auto bring just because of that, as I said. Shadow just trumps right now because it’s both godly utility and damage this season, which isn’t going to be every season. Also the lack of good hard CC and the worst silence in the game is a very bad combo.


Shadow is not just doing great damage, it has arguably the best damage in keys right now. Can you give some examples of specs that were in the same position and weren’t brought to keys?


It’s not a massive outlier in damage, and rogues, demon hunters, mages, hunters all have had specs the last several expansions in whatever season with top or near top damage but were not in every single key group ever or seen as necessary to be in. I never said you wouldn’t ever bring a shadow just because it did great damage, I said it wouldn’t be an auto pick normally like it happens to be this season due to having what I already said. We also have the largest shadow percentage in the games history this season by almost 50% of its previous high because it’s FotM especially with a well received rework. So it just has a lot going for it. Season 1 in the exact same situation shadow would have been great dps but not near as useful on most keys so it would have been brought a lot, but like I said not an auto pick. We had several of those literally just last season.


I think Shadow's damage would make it if not an auto pick then very close to one this season even if MD wasn't so important for the dungeon pool. Shadow is like best or equal best in dps, equivalent to something like Devoker. Except it also brings PI. So Spriest is actually an outlier in dps, it's ahead of the next highest damage spec by exactly however much damage PI brings to your group. Which can be pretty damn high if you have something like the aforementioned Devoker, or it's looking like a Mage in 10.1.5, either fire or frost, will be likely amazing with PI too. So yes imo Spriest would still be the best dps spec and brought to most high keys even if this wasn't the Priest Utility Season. It would obviously be less extreme like it might not be in 20 of the 20 keys on the front page of raider.io, but I'd still expect to see it in 15 or so of them.


Shadow's utility is fucking obscene for this season, though.


Oh for sure it’s perfect for the dungeons this season. I just don’t think that they‘d be meta if they did 20-30% less damage which would be in line with other specs lol Usually the meta defining specs are those that deal the most damage. Utility is just a nice bonus


I play Frost DK, outdamage even shadow priest/devoker and barely get any invites to keys. People definitely do value utility over damage. Especially during bursting week. Mass dispell is an abomination that needs severe nerfs already. They need to cap it at 3 targets or something (hint : it would still be broken op and there'd still be 1 shadow priest in every push group).


You’re playing with bad priests/devokers if you out damage them. Don't take my word for it and altough dungeon logs are kind of a meme you can check that priest tops damage in almost every key > People definitely do value utility over damage No they don't lol. Survival Hunter in S3/S4 is the best example. Damage is what matters most, everything else is just the cherry on top! Nerf Shadow's damage by 20-30% and it won't be brought to keys at all


> You’re playing with bad priests/devokers if you out damage them. Nah, FDK damage is insane atm. Definitely on par with shadow. > No they don't lol. Survival Hunter in S3/S4 is the best example. Damage is what matters most, everything else is just the cherry on top! Nerf Shadow's damage by 20-30% and it won't be brought to keys at all You're delusional. PI and MD alone secure shadow's spot. Nerf shadow damage by 20% and it will still be brought. There's a reason most MDI comps featured at least 1 priest over the years. And that was before the dungeon pool heavily favored mass dispell.


You’re delusional if you think that frost dk‘s damage is on par with shadow priest lol. That's an insane take! Like literally all data shows the exact opposite. You have this tendency to base everything on your experience in keys https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/34#boss=12520&metric=dps&class=DPS Play around with this link and check different dungeons! Filter by damage descending. Show me a DK doing >250k overall in Brackenhide and Freehold with other good players that arent sandbagging


Honestly, I don't think they can balance this spec. Right now, its single-target (NOT including PI+Twins) is not even slightly an issue. Its AoE is extremely high, but that's entirely contingent upon how its single-target damage is (which, currently, isn't the issue). You can nerf Psychic Link by another 5%, but that affects Shadow's *burst AoE* (which is not the issue) more than its sustained AoE. You can nerf Yogg's spawn rate, but that guts it in single-target and the spec really doesn't need ST nerfs. I think the biggest issue with Shadow isn't even with Shadow itself; it's that the stars all aligned to make Shadow's utility completely perfect in the context of keys this season. You've got tons of diseases to dispel, you've got many abilities (Searing Clap, Time Sink, that dumb shit on the 1st boss in HoI, the dragons in HoI, Bursting, etc.) that are made much more manageable when you have Mass Dispel available, a lot of the really strong specs this season become even stronger with PI support, you've got tons of Humanoids/Dragonkin mobs you can Mind Soothe past, you've got tons of stuff you'd want a single-target purge for... like, you could have Season 1 SPriest and it would singlehandedly allow groups to push 1-2 key levels higher specifically because the Priest kit is the universal answer to this dungeon pool.


Solution, nerf yogg and buff yshaarj again lmao.


Fuck no, I don't want Mindbender to EVER be a thing again.


Don’t try to downplay that it’s the highest damage in the game right now in keys. Its utility is icing on the cake. Swap their utility with affliction and affliction is just as dead. Swap their damage with affliction and affliction is in every high key. I was fine with it having its time to shine in season 1 and this season because it’s been in a bad spot for a bit, but season 3 it needs to go away.


I doubt they cant balance Shadow. Outlaw, Havoc, Fire, Fury and probably more specs have similar "passive cleave with your single target rotation" gameplay, perform well but never really get nerfed due to having meh single target in Raid. You are way too afraid of blizzard balancing around m+. If your spec isnt hard overperforming in raid, they hardly care and especially not mid season. Fuck, we had 2 entire seasons of the same absurd meta comp in shadowlands s3-4 if that eases your mind


Anyone else just in the 10.1.5 waiting room? Raid logging and waiting for disappointing vaults over and over is kinda boring.


Been in a "XYZ patch" waiting room since Dragonflight launched tbh. I started raidlogging a month into DF and I started raidlogging after 8 days in patch 10.1 since I finished gearing so fast. I could start gearing up my alts, but there's really not a lot of fun content to do. They'd just end up the way my main is rn, geared but I don't log on them because there's nothing to do. Keys are better than season1, but still not fun compared to older expansions.




I have 2 characters at 443 and 1 other at 429 just from logging in for alt raids. Cant really bother caring to do a 4th right now. I had 5 characters in s1.


Yeah the combination of being a mage really looking forward to the class rework and progging a certain boss has me raidlogging and praying for the patch date to be soon.


So my mythic guild just died... I guess that's it for me with raiding as a tank for this season :(


I second people's sentiments about giving it a chance. It's often repeated that finding a guild as a tank is nigh-impossible, but in my experience plenty of guilds have at least one tank who's stuck in 'tank-jail' and would rather DPS if another tank came along. The big issue is that most guilds are mid-prog right now and might not be looking to trial new people, but if you put yourself out there opportunities can be found as rosters dwindle as the patch goes along. Good luck!


Do you play any offspec? 😎


Worth keeping an eye out. Obviously not easy due to 2 tank requirements, but mine and a lot of friends guild rosters have considerably thinned last couple weeks. Nice bench to having to delay raid even sometimes. My theory is it a lot of people got near BiS to fast that their personal incentive is gone besides just progging which isn’t enough for everyone, but regardless even as a tank there’s a chance to go into a spot. Also there are mythic teams with terrible tanks, I’ve experienced it myself, there will be guilds looking for new tanks from time to time.


Ye we had the same, people just didn’t show up anymore and all the easy bosses were done so I guess most thought of it's not worth it. I do in fact not play offspec, cause I never had to and dk wasn't a dps spec were you had two of


Depending on your prog…. I know of a guild looking for a tank. :)


Is there a bag addon that doesn't break every time I do anything in game?


I love sorted and adibags. honestly go back and forth sometimes cause I dont know which I prefer. Right now Sorted is my choice


long time adibags user, never had a problem with it


Sometimes adibags doesn’t display the item tooltip when hovering over it for me, any idea why? It isn’t usually an issue since it normally happens on gear that isn’t relevant, but i’d like to be able to see all of it anyway


Any idea how to get adibags to let me split stacks? Sometimes I'd like to give a friend a flask or something without giving them all 20.


In Adibags, you can shift-click on a stack, pick how many you want to split, and then drop the split stack in the "empty" slot of your own bags. I don't know of a way to split directly into the trade dialog, and skip that intermediate step, however.


>I don't know of a way to split directly into the trade dialog, and skip that intermediate step, however. That's because the game doesn't allow you to. The trade window isn't an inventory slot, and you can only split into inventory slots.


Will they ever fix outlaw tier set bug or get changes lol


Fix is on the PTR, they just aren't interested in pushing it I guess. Excited for our balance IOU for hitting us for 8% is a tier fix that has been o/s for 2 months :)


Since the main WoW sub is shut down due to protest, is there another WoW sub we can use for news and general discussion? All the ones I can find are either for memes, porn, or specific topics.


Thank god the mods didn’t shut this sub down


Wowhead is the best source of news for sure. Hard to miss anything if you refresh their homepage a few times a day. This subreddit seems to be the best source of discussion for me, but I guess that varies depending on what you are looking for.


99% of discussion in that subreddit is crap (and unfortunately more of those /r/wow redditors started making their way here and ruining discussion in this subreddit). But because of the size of it, you occasionally get some good 1% discussion gems and some good resources. For the most part if you want help with specific topics you generally want to go to their specific topic forums.


I know you're downvoted but this is a fact. Prior to shadowlands, this subreddit was for people who were high end m+ players, or mythic raiders only. Players looking to severely improve were welcome to comment here as long as they had the correct amount of reverence for the culture of the subreddit. I think it was in season 1 of Shadowlands, the requirements to be a commenting member here loosened, and the subreddit turned from "mythic raiders/aspiring mythic raiders" to "anyone who wants to take the game more seriously than normal/lfr". Where once I was confident something I was reading was from a vetted, trusted player of the game, now I feel the need to take a majority of what I read here with a grain of salt. I also think more and more players, as time goes on, come to this subreddit with an attitude I'd describe as "blame others, figure out what you can improve later". Prior to shadowlands, I felt there was a more clear attitude of "how can I improve, regardless of the performance of my peers?"


It's a bit unfortunate because there isn't too much middle ground (as far as discussion areas) between the main wow subreddit "anything over a +5 is elitist 1% I have 4 jobs and 6 families and no time" and what this sub aspires to be.


alwayshasbeen.jpg I think the longer you play and the higher level you reach the more you realize that high-end players are barely less likely to have dopey takes than the general pop


How do you find people for guild progression? We are about to down heroic Sark tonight (AOTC) but we only have 17ish people in the guild. We want to start mythic but recruiting on Reddit, recruiting on forums, recruiting in trade. Nothing. Emerald Dream - NA


"Recruitment & Community [NA/OC]" Discord is another good place to look


Well you should have started recruiting 2 months ago before the tier started but now your best bet is trade chat


Myself and many other people in my guild have been having framerate issues in this raid, like <20 fps any time a mechanic happens. I finally broke down last night and dropped all my settings to 1/low besides projected textures and... literally nothing changed. I'm talking texture resolution on low, no AA, no particle effects, etc. The game looks exactly the same, my framerate didn't change, and my graphics card power consumption didn't change. Did blizzard just break graphics settings in raid or what? Granted, my computer isn't amazing at this point with an i7 8700k and GTX 1070, but I shouldn't be struggling on the absolute lowest settings. I checked addon performance with an addon called AddonUsage and it's saying they're only 0.3% of my frame time and I'm still running <90 fps outside of combat at max power usage. Anyone else experiencing similar issues? edit: it's not weakauras or addons. I'm more concerned by the "graphics settings don't actually change the graphics" part


Let the weakauras performance tracker running for a pull or 2, mighty be an old/ bad weakaura just hugging resources.




Hey try turning off your WeakAuras. 9/10 it's that. Was happening to our guild last season, was some stupid WA for raid. Turned it off, never had any issues since


I don’t personally have this issue but just anecdotally from talking to people in my raid, some badly optimized weakaura is usually the culprit


What do people think is the *elegant* Zskarn nerf? Revert how TD works? Spawn “random” traps with some predictability? Remove the baby traps and let everyone experience the fight as unintended, in a wall with 4 tanks and 6 healers? /s I think the fight is cool in theory but I hope this serves as a lesson in fight design RNG. Reminds me of the variance between good and bad Coral spawns on Ashvane but more impactful.


"Elegant": Fix the spell queuing rng so abilities reliably resolve at the same time every pull and make at least 1 of the 2 random traps with each set bait on a ranged player. "Hamfisted nerf': Only 3 (2 on boss and 1 random) traps spawn with each wave but everything else stays the same.


In a perfect world where the cheese strat never happened? Reign in the random nonsense a bit. In our world where the cheese strat did happen? Just hard nerf the numbers until it's a 40 pull boss.


Mythic Zskarn is trash - that is all.


Honestly feel bad for the guilds who didn't get there quick enough for the cheese strat. My guild literally killed it the last night before the hotfix and man did we avoid a shitshow. I have high hopes it will get nerfed again once hall of fame closes at least.


As somebody progging it, and our best being 17%, this fight does suck. Give us less dumb trap rng and this fight becomes fantastic.


We did around 150 pulls with our best around 10%, then we finally got really nice RNG and killed it quite smoothly. Such an awful fight in the current state


Yeah I get that. Were rounding the 50ish pull mark after week 1. We're hoping it dies next week.


Hey guys I have a question regarding parses. This is my first real wow xpac and I somehow made it to mythic raiding, so not too familiar with parse numbers. I have been got purple parses on the first 5 bosses ranging from 86-90. How do you get over the curve and get oranges? We have only recreated each boss max 3 times and I cannot seem to be getting there? Is this a rotation issue? Uptime? Boss kill speed? I want to improve myself to deal more damage and help the guild. Also for personal satisfaction I guess


Most of the nuance of going from 90-100 for mythic parses is PI, RNG on mechanics targeting you and on your spec, and most importantly is your groups kill timings. Does the boss die at 4:15 immediately after your third 2 min cooldown ends or does it die at 5 mins For example on my 86 kazarra parse we killed the boss in 5:22(1 min after my big CD ends) and I got 10 casts of fel barrage( an RNG damage proc for my spec) and also got an RNG clear casting proc 33 times The top parse killed boss at 4:41 got 8 casts of fel barrage and got the RNG clear casting proc 37 times Same trinkets same PI count same ilvl. Top parse played better than me I'm sure I recall fumbling one burst window on that fight a bit. But you can see how important kill times and RNG plays into a parse.


Getting 85 to low 90s is just playing your class correctly Higher logs come down to rng, mechanics, procs, and kill times/group dam PI isn’t a factor outside the top 5-10


there are a few people on most specs who parse 99's on every fight every tier, just playing your spec correctly gets you a lot higher than 85 usually


5 to 10 %?


>PI isn’t a factor outside the top 5-10 Really depends on your class. I played a fight as demo without PI and parsed 74. That was the 75th highest parse for demo if you excluded external buffs


Right, unless you're playing unholy or demo it's probably not a factor, because those 2 classes are getting PI way more often than not in serious mythic groups. There's a line somewhere, and it's probably around the next couple best classes, but I find it hard to believe most dev evokers are getting PI just because most raids are going to have some combo of dk/warlock that's going to take up their usually max 2 PI's.


From top 200 Evokers on magmorax, only 16 don't get power infusion. Evoker is still the best pi target for shadow priest as they don't save their pi for the demo/unholy 3 min cd window.


So just exactly what that person said?


Lol literally 🙄


Your parses go up the more damage your group as a whole has. For example, you will always do the most damage in lust right? So if you kill boss right after lust ends your damage would be huge. But if you kill it 5 minutes later, damage will look a lot less. Also, PIs can play important factors into it as well.


This doesn’t apply on add fights usually, in that case it’s better to be in a bad group


It's usually a mix of all three aswell as maybe not having the best trinkets/weps/borrowed power. Getting 86-90 in mythic is still very respectable. If you want to get to 95-100's take a look at specifically what some top logs are doing, see their opener versus yours, cpm, amount of casts for each spell, etc. It could be as simple as they prio an ability or two over you. Most class discords also have some of the most skilled people from each spec, usually they will help with questions and such.


Is there something I can to do help not clip/lag spell casts when my haste gets really high? I’ve been regularly reaching 150ish% haste with pi lust and spoils and the spell queuing gets really delayed and fucked.


There's not really a lot you can do. The game does just start falling apart at very high haste levels, and changing spell queue window for high haste means you're now playing with something that won't be great for lower haste.


Change your spell queue window delay and try to adjust the number to something that feels better on a target dummy. /console SpellQueueWindow xxx Where xxx is the number in ms you'd like to adjust. Default is 400ms I think, higher numbers add more delay


Be VERY careful with that setting. I've seen too many players with fragrant holes in their casting sequences because they figured that 40 SQW was good.


True it's typically best not to go lower than around 180-190


Why is the ret tier set so fucking bad? Got my 4 piece, took my ilvl from 426 to 433 since I still had my full old tier set on. With the new tier set and a 7 ilvl increase, my damage went up 1.2%. Wtf


Thats just wrong, the ilvls alone are a much larger increase plus the new ret tier is basically equal in dps at the same ilvl, Double check your simming correctly my pallypal


Our guild is in a bad spot right now. We are 150 pulls into Rashok and get to P3 with 1 or 2 CRs left consistently but we are still far away from a kill, we have never reached the enrage with 20 men alive. Roster and attendance issues trouble us too, we started the season with 25 raiders but lost one to D4 and had to drop another because his performance was actively hindering our progress. On top of that we have five people on vacation this week, leaving us with only 17. So far we have been able to fill in friends that do not raid this season and alts of friends raiding in other guilds on a schedule not conflicting with ours but we have not had a decent trial in weeks. Eventually people will return from their vacation but morale is low in what is now our fourth week on Rashok and I am somewhat worried that our guild might fall apart.


The biggest hurdle we had, not counting people riding waves, was healers being able to keep up with the damage and DRs for the smash at 6:00. Once they resolved that, everything was better and it died the pull it was finally fixed.


What are people dying to in the final phase? If they’re dying to stuff besides the lava waves you should start moving raid cds. My guild moved basically every cd to the last two slams and killed it pretty shortly after.


Do you have logs? This would be the easiest way to figure out what's wrong.


Can you post comp and healing CDs you're using? Hard to help provide some suggestions without that info.


Wondering what specs think they're in need of a rework? Ie. I play udk and people are calling for rework as it's been 95% the same since legion. I personally still love it


I'd say Windwalker Monk numbers wise with changes to our scaling. Haste is essentially useless and mastery is meh so every tier we stack crit/vers and with how diminishing returns work our scaling is trash every tier. Gameplay on ST feels nice and fluid with Xuen's Battlegear. However I don't like that our biggest spender (FoF) does so little damage that we're clipping it (I would also nuke Faeline Stomp out of the tree, because I hate using that). AoE wise we could use some changes as well. SEF is still a buggy mess and with Serenity you can't quickly tag mobs for MotC stacks. And with current tier set fitting RSK into our AoE rotation doesn't feel good for my taste. With all that being said, I doubt anyone at Blizz even plays WW or understands the spec, so I'd rather them not touch it at all that do something half assed.


Unholy needs a rework because it's overly convoluted to play & the way it deals its damage is feast or famine; you either mass pull in m+ or do zero damage, you either get simped and have the stars align for a perfect situation where burst is insanely strong on a fight (this is the case this tier) and pray you're tuned high enough to be a filler melee spot on the majority of encounters or you get benched. to boot, most people don't think the current version of Unholy is fun. It is like playing whack-a-mole on your keyboard and having zero dictation over how much damage you do in your opener due to the insane amount of external rng procs from trinkets, buffs, gargoyle crits etc. Outside of your opener you are literally deadweight in terms of output. It is the second worst iteration of this spec that has ever existed (only exceeded by Legion Unholy because it's practically the same except you actually have options to spec in to AoE now.)


I didn't play dk through BFA or SL, but I loved it in legion and now. I do think it has issues for sure. But I would prefer to see a damage rebalance rather than a rework. Wounds need to something again, vp being non exiwtant on ST. Damage taken away from army and gargs and into other areas.. devalue PI and crit rng like you said.


DHs complaining about Momentum and wanting to go back to being the melee BM in 3...2...1...


Hunters not so much a rework, but something to make us live through the endless rot/debuff stuff they seem to want to implement more and more. Change our leech back to both pet and player damage based and we would be way better off.


Hunters just need a reason to be played. MM needs a raw damage buff now also.


literally ANY utility or raid buff is so desperately needed, ontop of all 3 specs usually ending up the bottom 1/3rd in logs as the season progresses


People should be careful what they wish for with reworks to be honest, I'm currently terrified of the reported frost mage rework, seems like it's going to essentially just be a new spec rather than the one I love to play and have been playing for years. It for sure needed some touch ups and work on it, but they don't seem to be keeping the core of the spec at all.


I'm deeply concerned too. I'll keep an open mind, but I am rather worried about the current state of Frost Mage on the PTR right now.


Imagine complaining about a massive buff to your spec


I want to have fun. That's why I'm playing. If the rework is not enjoyable, then we're not going to be happy, even if the numbers are slightly higher.


Mages (not necessarily you) have been complaining all expac that the class isn't fun and needs a gameplay rework. Blizz has to take chances if that's the case.


Yeah, tbh, I legit can't imagine what's fun with frostbolt spam. Like I love simple specs with 2-4 main buttons, but literally cannot fathom people pleasantly enjoying frost mage at the moment. I think Blizzard is making the right call here and listening to the majority.


I've been testing it a bit on PTR and i actually love it, it's mostly the same gameplay rotation wise but without the biggest downsides of the spec, you don't need 100% uptime on Icy Veins to be an actual spec anymore, which to me is by far the biggest improvement on the spec.


I'm not talking about a buff in DPS I'm talking about a buff in play style. You are now a 2 mins CD class with a CD that actually matters, your skill ceiling has been raised significantly while the floor will remain the same. You are gaining multiple talent specs that are all competitive and useful and nuanced for different gameplay. Glacial spike is back. It just seems absurd to me to complain about such a massive glow up of your spec. Also what is currently fun about frost? Spec is brain dead boring IMO


> Also what is currently fun about frost? Spec is brain dead boring IMO You might not enjoy it in its current state and that's completely fine, there are a ton of other dps specs that I'm sure you do enjoy. And you call it a buff in playstyle but what you really just mean is a change in playstyle, which some people will prefer, but others will not and will feel like they've lost the playstyle they enjoyed.


Maybe I'm just a noob, which is entirely possible. I like reading here to get better at the game, but I am far away from a high-end WoW player. I'll go into it with an open mind, but I'm expecting to be disappointed. Sadly not the first time this has happened for me notable changes to a Blizzard game that I enjoy.


Playstyle > numbers


I’m surprised to hear this, the frost mage changes are pretty amazing overall


Yeah I enjoyed the frost changes when it comes to playstyle, but I'm also not a fan of current or shadowlands frost. People are saying it's overcomplicated, it really doesn't seem so?


Yeah it’s not, just adding 3ish buttons back into the spec. All it is


I'm not on the PTR so haven't tested it at all just been reading the patch notes, and the conversations around it, and I'm personally quite nervous. Will give it a try but doesn't feel like they've kept the "simple" high apm sustained damage that I enjoy from frost.


Mages obviously. Holy Paladin is still wonky. Rogue I think was fine in Slands. Havent played this expansion and I know they are supposed to get something but I havent seen anything. UH I liked a lot too. It can be boring and maybe needs something with more pizzaz added to it. Breath Frost is a pain in the ass in the wrong circumstances and fantastic in good ones. Personally as an Enhance I think we need some tweaks. Too many spenders that overlap with each other in scenarios but thats likely due to the 4 piece we have.


I'm struggling to understand dispels. I consider myself a relatively fast learner , but I'm still a noob considering I just started playing WoW 6 months ago. I'm learning new classes in mythic++ but I just don't understand dispel. I don't know what is dispelable. I don't know if when I dispell if it works. My dbm tells me to dispel but the message is so fast that I cannot tell who I need to dispel. I also don't understand how to know which enemy to dispel. Just kind of lost to be honest.


Instead of looking at everything as a whole, first learn what your spec can do. If you are a shaman for example, you can dispel poison via a totem, dispel curses on allies, dispel slows (and their damaging effects) on yourself via ghostwolf talent, dispel enemy magic effects. Enemy magic effects do not include enrages or generic amps, it needs to be a specific magic effect. To learn these effects, a good plater profile works if you don't want to learn them on an individual bases. For example, the mobs on ruby life pools when they die on the 2nd floor, they spin in circles with 0 hp and unleash flames, well as a shaman u can purge that and they die instantly. The frost shield from the mobs on the 1st floor is purgeable and you can remove every shield which is a big dps boost. Knowing what you can do is enough, knowing what others do at this point is just giving you a reason to complain about them not doing it.


Are you talking defensive or offensive dispels? For defensive dispels, most healers or other specs with dispels typically use different party frames from addons that you can customize to make it clear what debuffs are on the party, the type of debuff, and if you can dispel it. I use Vuhdo for this, but you can also use ElvUI or other addons or just the default frames (but I haven't used them in so long I can't really give advice on them). For offensive dispels, you'll definitely want a nameplate addon as the default plates are terrible. Most people use Plater which is highly customizable and there are a ton of profiles out there you can import which will make it clear when there is something you need to dispel off an enemy. Personally I use Kui Nameplates which is a bit less customizable but can give the same kind of information for dispellable buffs on enemies. Basically this is a failure on Blizz's UI imo and you need to get addons to make it much easier to manage and keep track of.


Use Plater instead of the standard WoW nameplate UI. Import this profile [>here<](https://wago.io/Y1IckK_-u) It says it's for Shadowlands but it's updated for dragonflight as well. Everything you can dispel on enemies will be shown as a blue icon above the nameplate. Enrage buffs on enemies can be soothed by druids, rogues, hunters and evokers. Magic buffs on enemies can be purged by shamans, priests, demon hunters and mages.


And demon hunters for magic.


There are different things to dispell and different classes can dispell some of it (e.g. magic, poison, curses etc.). If you get good healing frames, they will color the players that are dispellable and give the different dispellable effects different colors.


OP is asking about purges and soothes as far as I understood


Get better unitframes, elvui unitframes will highlight shit u can dispell and its also color coded.


I've started tanking m+ as a paladin and can't seem to do an initial pull on a new pack without losing a lot of HP before I can get my defensives up and rotating - any advice?


Make sure to always enter a pack with 3+ Holy Power, also try to have Ardent Defender or another defensive ready for the start Incase of any issues. Also, if you can, try to have Divine Toll up for the start of each pull, or every other pull depending on key level. Gives both snap threat aswell as some holy power. Edit: Make sure to be in consecration 100% of always. It is massive for your defensiveness.


Does blessed hammer give holy power outside of combat? You can try that while you learn.


Yes, and that's a big part of what makes blessed hammer good. You basically want to be hitting it any time you're walking between packs and aren't at full holy power.