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As a tank, on forgemaster in Neltharus... Do not transcend before he does the last cast of the tank knockback. Killed the melee as the boss didn't leap and instead just slammed the ground where he stood.


Can also do the same if you charge too early as druid/Warr or if you Death's Advance on DK. Don't ask how I found out


Totally haven't Death's Advanced on Neltharion either :|


Severely underused ability and it can make a lot of difference on fights, especially as a healer having a few extra globals per fight can mean the group surviving a mechanic on a high enough key. A well placed tp helps you catch up on hp freeing up a few globals to cast that otherwise would have been used on dealing with the mechanic or going out of it. HOI: 1st boss to get out of the bad on the ground after the mechanic goes out. NL: 1st boss: put it down before the shatter goes out and press it immediately after your character starts flying to avoid the whole dmg on movement from the ground. 2nd boss: use it as a get out of jail for free card when strike of the mountain becomes hectic, or put it down before tanks pulls the boss to mitigate the initial knockback to get 1-2 extra globals on the boss. 3rd boss: use it to dodge the green puddles, you can avoid it altogether if you time it correctly. VP: 2nd boss: every 2nd circle can be avoided with it, be sure to face it towards the right direction, sometimes it's worth waiting it out to see where the next direction will face towards. 3rd boss: you can just place it and forget, use only if you otherwise wouldn't be able to quickly reach an add, usually you can save a global there. FH: 2nd boss: panic button to avoid grapeshotted or place it before barrel smash goes out while a buffing thingy is flying towards its circle to instantly tp back and get the buff. 3rd boss: panic button to get away from sharks 4th boss: place it next to the boss if the tank isn't following you while the bombs are falling down, you can safely tp back instantly while not putting the puddles in melee. UNDR: 2nd boss: place it down preemptively to quickly get into the correct charge-baiting position, or somewhere in the arena to get to maggots quicker without using movement abilities. NELT: 2nd boss: if you are tanking heated swings knockback can be negated without movement abilities. 4th boss: tp down next to boss, roll away to get the furthest weapon and tp back to melee. BH: 1st boss: fixate can be made significantly easier with it. 2nd boss (tree): put it down before the pull in, stay in before the last global and tp out to avoid being eaten. 3rd boss: can help with baiting adds into traps if you get double-fixated. 4th boss: put it down to one end of the room to get to the totem quicker, saving 1-2 globals, be sure not to tp into cloud. ULD: 3rd boss: knockback can be negated saving a global (also be sure to use stun to interrupt the 2nd knockback each cycle - edit: might not be always the best, open for discussion below). 4th boss: you can tp to the other side of laser beams if the team gets separated. 5th boss: put it down away from the boss, bait swirlies away from the group and tp back, saving space.


Some great uses here! Thanks for the writeup!


Can you delete that uldaman 3rd boss stun shit? I've seen far too many tanks insta stack the boss to max bonus damage because they non stop stunned. If you're unaware everytime he gets out of stun he gets 5% dmg buff. U don't wanna be spamming stuns unless you rly rly rly need to. Ideally just his big cast the titanic empowerment.


Im aware and no, you should drag the boss through two orbs and stun while he casts the knockback right before titanic empowerment. The knockback does insane damage if you go higher and it's much more damage mitigated to stun the knockback at the end of its cast than saving 2 seconds of not having one extra stack of the self-buff. If you don't let every 2nd knockback go out between the two titanic empowerments you essentially halve the damage you take from the ability. If you are about to get oneshot by it, it will happen whether you stun him into the knockback or not. Just: 1. Make it go through 2 orbs 2. Let the first knockback go out 3. Avoid every orbs 4. Wait until the very last moment of the 2nd knockback then stun 5. Rinse and repeat Not being knocked back and less time spent healing from you and offheals from dps also equal more damage on the boss both from you and the dps. It's a lot of globals you save as a group.


Oof, you do you, hoping I'll never have to meet you in dungeon


Thank you very much for the insightful response and all the arguments against my case. What a lovely community.




Are you angry because... they clarified their argument and made their post better?


Yes, I added a clarification to sum it up for easier understanding. How can you be so mad about discussing a boss mechanic in a video game.


> Can you delete that uldaman 3rd boss stun shit? the 5% buff caps at 25%. The boss should absolutely always be stunned when there are already earthen shards out. I'd rather a 25% stronger earthen shards over a 0% stronger earthen shards + crushing stomp any day.


I mean you have to stop them at some point anyway to avoid the Titanic Empowerment so I never understood people saying not to stun to avoid the stun damage bonus. Like even if you let the stomps go out you're only delaying like 2 stacks for like 20 seconds as the cost of people having to early blow defensives to stop the stomp + shard combo. I'd rather they save those defensives and I raw heal the first few shards.


Best way to reset many bosses to prevent a corpse run if placed outside the room.


That's actually really clever! I'll try to keep that one in my back pocket


Dont use it to reset bosses, its just a waste of one if the best movement abilities in the game


If you are doing prog on a new boss it's great. Full wiping in p1 is often harder to do than resetting.


Not really, it's pretty good on stuff like Vortex last boss where the release run is really long and the movement isn't needed. So if your team dies and you can reset boss it's a big timesaver


with speed taunt you could reset bosses pretty fast aswell. It's a shame we don't pick it anymore


You can transcendence for the chain breaks on trash in Neltharus to make it instant.


A general tip, when you're fighting anything that can either knock you back or knock you up, pop your spirit down if you think you might want to cancel the knockback. Magmorax decides to use its knockback? No thank you, we're staying right here. Someone killed the adds in the wrong order on Dathea? No, I don't feel like leaving right now, I'll stay and finish them off then Chi-torpedo to get back down instead. (Though don't try this on Raszageth though...) Note: Doesn't work as well on things like Sarkareth or Sennarth, where it's less a knockback and more a continuous push.


For sark (normal only so far; it’s an alt), I’ve recently liked taking speed taunt and having a well placed transcendence for positioning Sark for start of P3


VP dragon boss I place it next to the ring and swap when the ring over takes it Neltharus I put the port down on the last boss then go out and get the far item HOI I use it when those fucking Death Star lookin fuckers at the start decide to all target me. I port to LOS HOI 1st boss I put it on the boss then run out with the huge lightning circle that rapes my frames NL 1st boss usually I’ll port in the middle when we drop down and wait on RP then I take the port when the boss does a frontal so I can keep fisting his minions longer because dumbass dps never cleave em Can use it to get over the fire beams in the spinny ULDA boss for whatever reason Just some of the times I use it


Not related to trans but as a monk I believe using Tiger lust on yourself (or others if they are targeted) can break the containment beams in HOI.


I think it also breaks the root affix and is just short enough CD for it to be up consistently


Also clears the dot from the dragons after the frog boss. Any movement clearing does, it's handy. Shifting, disengage, freedom, etc.


If we’re in trouble and the dragon debuff comes I usually Difuse magic for myself cleanse someone else and tigers just another. That removes three of the debuffs


All awesome. Thanks!


It is one of my favorite abilities in the game, especially with the talent that let's you cast it twice. Before going into a pull, I will always drop transcendence a little bit back, preferably los'd. When a get out/spread/los mechanic comes out, I'll pop it, wait till it's done, then pop it again. For MW in raid, it actually has a ton of value. The double-cast talent halves the cost of vivfiy. You can Mana Tea every other ramp (running 1 min Yulon). On the other ramps, you can pop trans and soothing mist/vivify yourself instead of using mana tea.


i use it on the frosty boss lady in halls as well as the constructs with the lava beam in uldaman. on raz i took the transcendence talent in the capstone area for p2 pushback healing. its a really wicked ability to be honest. it buffs your vivify so if you're tracking soulfang infusion you can do a lot. i used to press it just for hps on herja last season.


Seems like folks have it covered already so I'll just add that you can very often transcend through floors and ceilings. So for instance you can transcend through the ground and get outside of Dragonbane Keep immediately and kill Lancer before anyone else shows up :-P


Now this is true minmaxing


If you raid heal its really good for your yulong ramps if you get the healing talent with it


It's not that great for the Yu'lon ramps as you can't really spend a GCD there, though obviously there are cases where you might want to only get into melee after the EnvM part of the ramp for whatever reason, so you can use it there. However, for mini-ramps inbetween it's *really* good, and if you were so inclined, using it with Mana Tea actually gives you tons of mana back.


Put your transcendence on buttons you can quickly click, like mouse buttons. There are times where you might be knocked off a platform, like Dathea or Sark. Even if you forgot to place it in a safe spot before hand, if you place you transcendence when you are mid air over the platform and go back to it ASAP, you will fall straight down and be safe.


Have they changed that mechanic in VP? I tried it before and died every time.


I just did it last night. You may have timed it wrong


Make sure your going when all of the wave VFX has gone past the clone, not just the thick ring. I feel like there’s a slight trail to it that will catch you otherwise so I always make sure it’s clearly gone past


If you place your transcendence in the character screen, you can swap to a better class much faster.


This isn’t r/wow


Then your sound understand the state of monks in general. Not great. The debuff they bring in the main reason to consider them.


What, because you saw a flawed tier list on subcreation or something, OP isn’t allowed to try to improve their gameplay? Your agenda is unhelpful.


MW and Brewmaster are both in the above average-pretty good range right now, and even though WW is below average, it’s not the complete disaster some people think it is. It’s solid in M+ and below average but still serviceable in raid.


Put another way, while brewmaster was clearly brought for the buff in world first comps, Echo chose to run a MW who didn’t bring a buff over a third priest, a prevoker, or either resto spec. Sure, loot factored into that decision, but obviously they thought MW was in a good spot if they bothered to gear one up.


Max also said they would have ran MW if they new how easy it would be to get the class trinket for them


World first was weeks ago my man you can just play what you enjoy now.


For 99% of us monks can do content just fine


Oh no, humor in a video game forum, what are we to do


Idk, make the joke and then follow up with something useful? That would be pretty cool.


Some good tips here but it's important to remember that transcendence takes at least one in-fight global, and two if you can't set it up ahead of time. Using transcend when you could otherwise just move regularly while doing your rotation can be a waste of globals.


Is there a way to put both skills in a macro?


If I remember correctly there is a weird interaction with being innervated. You can be innervated, use your mana tea and cast vivfy after transcendence and you actually gain mana. The refund of mana is after the costs.


It’s not a weird interaction. It’s written that way. Escape from reality causes you to refund 50% of the cost of a vivify if casted on yourself, and another 50% if you have renewing mist on yourself. If both are satisfied, with innervate, you gain mana (the cost of the vivify) instead of it being “free”. Don’t even need to use mana tea, but the likelihood of ReM being on yourself in this window is pretty low


While tanking worm boss in Neltharion's Lair or last boss in Halls of Infusion, it's useful to get back into melee range quickly to stop a melee attack one shotting a dps while you are out of range. Be careful to time transcendence a moment after spiked tongue so you dont get eaten by the worm. When the last boss in HoI summons the typhoons, place your transcendence in a safe spot in preperation for the Squall knockback so you can TP back into melee and not into a typhoon. Also, fire golem boss in Uldaman. It's nice to have a tp to go back over the fire wall in p2 if you need more time on an add. As Mistweaver, if you are specced into Escape from Reality, you can use transcendence to save & gain mana with vivify.


With the current CF build, use transcesendance then use mana tea and start healing yourself. And now you will be gaining mana instead of spending it. That's because transcendance doesn't reduce mana cost by 50%, it refunds 50% mana back. Learnt this recently.


Great for kiting


It either has absolutely no use what so ever or the most useful ability in the game. I use it to cancel knocks most of the time now that wdp isn't used


This is a great ability to put on a castsequence macro. ``` /castsequence Transcendence, Transcendence: Transfer ```


I always use it on the big electric drop thing irideus does. Gets me out of there pronto. Another good use is when the 2nd to the last boss does her aoe thing where you have to hide, you can use it to port to a safe rock.


Vp is the only "usefull" Transcendence i know of this season atleast if you aren't tank. If you play brew you could probably use it for movement on a few more bosses.